diff --git a/views/calendar.erb b/views/calendar.erb
index b574847097d9f788326d2c6a3432cdc3e999c8ec..75cb722709005b07b8f3e77aaac31fd166b018c0 100644
--- a/views/calendar.erb
+++ b/views/calendar.erb
@@ -9,163 +9,253 @@ end %>
-<div style="margin-bottom: 16px;">
+<!-- <div style="margin-bottom: 16px;">
 <h4 style="text-align: center; margin: 0;">
 <%= month = sunday.strftime('%B %Y') %><%= (month2 = (sunday+6.days).strftime('%B %Y')) == month ? '' : " - #{month2}" %>
 <a href="/<%= @space.url_name %>/calendar/?date=<%= (date-7.days).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') %>" class="wdn-button wdn-button-triad" id="prev-week">&lt; PREV</a>
 <a href="/<%= @space.url_name %>/calendar/?date=<%= (date+7.days).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') %>" class="wdn-button wdn-button-triad" style="float: right;" id="next-week">NEXT &gt;</a>
+</div> -->
-<div class="calendar-container">
-	<div class="time-labels">
-		<div class="time-chart">
-			<% (12..47).each do |j| %>
-				<div class="calendar-half-hour">
-					<label><%= "#{(j / 2) % 12 + (j==24?12:0)} #{j>=24?'PM':'AM'}" if j % 2 == 0 %></label>
-				</div>
-			<% end %>
-		</div>
+<div class="calendar">
+	<div class="calendar-header">
+		<a href="/<%= @space.url_name %>/calendar/?date=<%= (date-7.days).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') %><%= defined?(kiosk_mode) && kiosk_mode == 'true' ? '&kiosk_mode=true' : ''%>" id="prev-week" class="schedulericon-angle-circled-left"><span class="wdn-text-hidden">Previous Week</span></a>
+		<a href="/<%= @space.url_name %>/calendar/?date=<%= (date+7.days).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') %><%= defined?(kiosk_mode) && kiosk_mode == 'true' ? '&kiosk_mode=true' : ''%>" id="next-week" class="schedulericon-angle-circled-right"><span class="wdn-text-hidden">next week</span></a>
+		<h4 class="wdn-sans-serif">
+		<%= month = sunday.strftime('%B %Y') %><%= (month2 = (sunday+6.days).strftime('%B %Y')) == month ? '' : " - #{month2}" %>
+		</h4>
-	<% (0..6).each do |i| %>
-	<% day = (sunday + i.days + 1.hour).midnight %>
-	<% slots = [0] * 36 %>
-	<div class="calendar-day" data-day="<%= day.strftime("%Y/%m/%d") %>">
-		<label class="day-header"><%= day.strftime("%^a %-m/%d") %></label>
-		<div class="day-chart" title="Open">
-			<% if week_hours.has_key?(i) %>
-				<% # figure out where the closed divs need to be
-					# we can assume that all records in this space_hour are non-intertwined
-					closed_start = 0
-					closed_end = 0
-					starts = week_hours[i].hours.map{|record| record[:start]}
-					ends = week_hours[i].hours.map{|record| record[:end]}
-					%> <%
-					closeds = []
-					(360..1439).each do |j|
-						if starts.include?(j)
-							closed_end = j
-							closeds << [closed_start, closed_end]
-							closed_start = 0
-							closed_end = 0
-						end
-						if ends.include?(j)
-							closed_start = j
-						end
-					end 
-					closed_end = 1440
-					closeds << [closed_start, closed_end]
-					closeds.each do |closed|
-						start_time = closed[0] %>
-	            		<% end_time = closed[1] %>
-	            		<% 
-	            		if [((end_time - 360) / 30).floor, 35].min  < 0
-							next
-						end
-						top = ((start_time - 360) / 30) * 20
-						height = (end_time - start_time) * 20 / 30
-						if top < 0
-							height += top
-							top = 0
-						end 
-						if top + height > 720
-							height = 720 - top
-						end
-						%>
-						<div class="status closed" title="Closed" style="top: <%= top %>px; height: <%= height %>px;">
-							&nbsp;
-						</div>
-						<%
-					end
-				%>
-				<% week_hours[i].hours.each do |record| %>
-					<% if record[:status] != 'open' && record[:status] != 'closed' %>
-						<% start_time = record[:start] %>
-	            		<% end_time = record[:end] %>
-	            		<% if [((end_time - 360) / 30).floor, 35].min  < 0
-							next
-						end
-						top = ((start_time - 360) / 30) * 20
-						height = (end_time - start_time) * 20 / 30
-						if top < 0
-							height += top
-							top = 0
+	<div class="day-label-container">
+		<% (1..5).each do |i| %>
+			<% day = (sunday + i.days + 1.hour).midnight %>
+			<label class="day-header"><%= day.strftime("%^a %-m/%d") %></label>
+		<% end %>
+	</div>
+	<div class="calendar-container">
+		<div class="time-labels">
+			<div class="time-chart">
+				<% (12..39).each do |j| %>
+					<div class="calendar-half-hour">
+						<label><%= "#{(j / 2) % 12 + (j==24?12:0)} #{j>=24?'PM':'AM'}" if j % 2 == 0 %></label>
+					</div>
+				<% end %>
+			</div>
+		</div>
+		<% (1..5).each do |i| %>
+		<% day = (sunday + i.days + 1.hour).midnight %>
+		<% slots = [0] * 36 %>
+		<div class="calendar-day" data-day="<%= day.strftime("%Y/%m/%d") %>">
+			<!-- <label class="day-header"><%= day.strftime("%^a %-m/%d") %></label> -->
+			<div class="day-chart" title="Open">
+				<% if week_hours.has_key?(i) %>
+					<% # figure out where the closed divs need to be
+						# we can assume that all records in this space_hour are non-intertwined
+						closed_start = 0
+						closed_end = 0
+						starts = week_hours[i].hours.map{|record| record[:start]}
+						ends = week_hours[i].hours.map{|record| record[:end]}
+						%> <%
+						closeds = []
+						(360..1199).each do |j|
+							if starts.include?(j)
+								closed_end = j
+								closeds << [closed_start, closed_end]
+								closed_start = 0
+								closed_end = 0
+							end
+							if ends.include?(j)
+								closed_start = j
+							end
-						if top + height > 720
-							height = 720 - top
+						closed_end = 1200
+						closeds << [closed_start, closed_end]
+						closeds.each do |closed|
+							start_time = closed[0] %>
+		            		<% end_time = closed[1] %>
+		            		<% 
+		            		if [((end_time - 360) / 30).floor, 35].min  < 0
+								next
+							end
+							top = ((start_time - 360) / 30) * 20
+							height = (end_time - start_time) * 20 / 30
+							if top < 0
+								height += top
+								top = 0
+							end 
+							if top + height > 720
+								height = 720 - top
+							end
+							%>
+							<div class="status closed" title="Closed" style="top: <%= top %>px; height: <%= height %>px;">
+								&nbsp;
+							</div>
+							<%
-						%>
-						<div title="<%= record[:status].split('_').join(' ').capitalize_all %>" class="status <%= record[:status].downcase.split('_').join('-') %>" style="top: <%= top %>px; height: <%= height %>px;">
-							&nbsp;
-						</div>
+					%>
+					<% week_hours[i].hours.each do |record| %>
+						<% if record[:status] != 'open' && record[:status] != 'closed' %>
+							<% start_time = record[:start] %>
+		            		<% end_time = record[:end] %>
+		            		<% if [((end_time - 360) / 30).floor, 35].min  < 0
+								next
+							end
+							top = ((start_time - 360) / 30) * 20
+							height = (end_time - start_time) * 20 / 30
+							if top < 0
+								height += top
+								top = 0
+							end 
+							if top + height > 720
+								height = 720 - top
+							end
+							%>
+							<div title="<%= record[:status].split('_').join(' ').capitalize_all %>" class="status <%= record[:status].downcase.split('_').join('-') %>" style="top: <%= top %>px; height: <%= height %>px;">
+								&nbsp;
+							</div>
+						<% end %>
 					<% end %>
 				<% end %>
-			<% end %>
-			<% day_events = events_groups[day.strftime("%Y/%m/%d")] %>
-			<% unless day_events.nil? %>
-			<% day_events.sort{|a, b| a.start_time <=> b.start_time}.each do |event| %>
-				<% start_slot = [(((event.start_time.in_time_zone - day.midnight) / 60 - 360) / 30).floor, 0].max 
-				end_slot = [(((event.end_time.in_time_zone - day.midnight) / 60 - 360) / 30).floor, 35].min 
-				if end_slot < 0
-					next
-				end
-				over = 0 
-				(start_slot..end_slot).each do |k|
-					over = slots[k] if slots[k] > over
-				end
-				over = [over,3].min
-				top = (((event.start_time.in_time_zone - day.midnight) / 60 - 360) / 30) * 20
-				height = event.length * 20 / 30
-				top_overflow = false
-				bottom_overflow = false
-				if top < 0
-					height += top
-					top = 0
-					top_overflow = true
-				end 
-				if top + height > 720
-					height = 720 - top
-					bottom_overflow = true
-					events_groups[(day + 1.day).strftime("%Y/%m/%d")] ||= []
-					events_groups[(day + 1.day).strftime("%Y/%m/%d")] << event
-				end
-				%>
-				<div class="event <%= event.type.description.downcase.split(' ').join('-') %> <%= 'top-overflow' if top_overflow %> <%= 'bottom-overflow' if bottom_overflow %>" 
-					style="top: <%= top %>px; height: <%= height %>px; left: <%=over*8%>px">
-					<% if event.info_link %>
-					<a href="<%= event.info_link %>"><%= event.title %></a>
-					<% else %>
-					<%= event.title %>
+				<% day_events = events_groups[day.strftime("%Y/%m/%d")] %>
+				<% unless day_events.nil? %>
+				<% day_events.sort{|a, b| a.start_time <=> b.start_time}.each do |res| %>
+					<% start_slot = [(((res.start_time.in_time_zone - day.midnight) / 60 - 360) / 30).floor, 0].max 
+					end_slot = [(((res.end_time.in_time_zone - day.midnight) / 60 - 360) / 30).floor, 35].min 
+					if end_slot < 0
+						next
+					end
+					over = 0 
+					(start_slot..end_slot).each do |k|
+						over = slots[k] if slots[k] > over
+					end
+					over = [over,3].min
+					top = (((res.start_time.in_time_zone - day.midnight) / 60 - 360) / 30) * 28
+					height = res.length * 28 / 30
+					top_overflow = false
+					bottom_overflow = false
+					if top < 0
+						height += top
+						top = 0
+						top_overflow = true
+					end 
+					if top + height > 720
+						height = 720 - top
+						bottom_overflow = true
+						events_groups[(day + 1.day).strftime("%Y/%m/%d")] ||= []
+						events_groups[(day + 1.day).strftime("%Y/%m/%d")] << res
+					end
+					%>
+					<div class="event-container" style="top: <%= top %>px;">
+						<div id="event<%=res.id %>" data-start="<%= res.start_time.in_time_zone %>" data-end="<%= res.start_time.in_time_zone + (res.length * 60) %>" class="event <%= 'top-overflow' if top_overflow %> <%= 'bottom-overflow' if bottom_overflow %>" style="height: <%= height %>px;">
+							<p><strong><%= res.title ? (res.title.empty? ? 'Reserved' : res.title) : 'Reserved' %></strong></p>		
+							<% if height >= 42 %>
+								<p class="eventicon-clock"><%= res.start_time.in_time_zone.strftime('%I:%M  %p') %> - <%= res.end_time.in_time_zone.strftime('%I:%M  %p') %></p>
+							<% end %>
+						</div>
+						<div class="tooltip <%= top >= 50 ? "hang-above" : "hang-below" %> <%= day.strftime("%^a") == "FRI" ? "hang-left" : "hang-right" %>">
+			                <div>
+			                    <h6 style="margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: .25em;"><%= res.title ? (res.title.empty? ? 'Reserved' : res.title) : 'Reserved' %></h6>
+			                    <p class="eventicon-clock"><%= res.start_time.in_time_zone.strftime('%I:%M  %p') %> - <%= res.end_time.in_time_zone.strftime('%I:%M  %p') %></p>
+			                   	<p>Reserved by: <span class="italic"><%= res.user.full_name rescue nil %></span></p>
+			                   	<div class="close"><a href="#">&times;</a></div>
+			                </div>
+			            </div>
+					</div>
+					<% (start_slot..end_slot).each do |k| %>
+						<% slots[k] = slots[k] + 1 %>
 					<% end %>
-				</div>
-				<% (start_slot..end_slot).each do |k| %>
-					<% slots[k] = slots[k] + 1 %>
 				<% end %>
-			<% end %>
-			<% end %>
-			<div>
-			<% (12..47).each do |j| %>
-				<div class="calendar-half-hour">
-					&nbsp;
+				<% end %>
+				<div>
+				<% (12..39).each do |j| %>
+					<div class="calendar-half-hour">
+						&nbsp;
+					</div>
+				<% end %>
-			<% end %>
+		<% end %>
-	<% end %>
 <script type="text/javascript">
-require(['jquery'], function ($) {
-	var max_z = 5;
+require(['jquery', '/js/functions.js', '/js/jquery.mousewheel.min.js', '/js/jquery.mCustomScrollbar.js'], function ($, functions) {
+	var openZ = 5;
+	var closedZ = 3;
 	$(document).ready(function () {
-		$('.event').click(function (click) {
-			$(this).css('z-index', max_z);
-			max_z += 1;
+		$('.event').click(function (e) {
+			e.stopPropagation();
+			var $eventContainer = $(this).parent();
+			$eventContainer.css('z-index', openZ);
+			var $tooltip = $(this).next(".tooltip");
+			$tooltip.show();
+			if($tooltip.hasClass("hang-below")){
+				$tooltip.css("margin-bottom", ($tooltip.find("div").height()+35)*-1);
+			}
+			$(document).one("click",function(){
+				$tooltip.show().hide();
+				$eventContainer.css('z-index', closedZ);
+			})
+		});
+		$('.tooltip div.close a').click(function (click) {
+			click.preventDefault();
+			$(this).closest('.tooltip').hide();
+		$(window).on("load",function(){
+            $(".calendar-container").mCustomScrollbar(
+            	{
+            		mouseWheel:{ enable: true },
+            		theme:"rounded-dots-dark",
+            		callbacks:{
+					},
+					setTop: "95px"
+            	}
+            	);
+        });
+		function tick(){
+			var dateTime = functions.getDateTime();
+			$(".calendar-day").each(function(){
+				if(dateTime.date == $(this).data("day")){
+					var top = (dateTime.hour-6) * 2 * 28;
+					top += dateTime.minute / 60 * 2 * 28;
+					if($(this).children(".day-chart").children("#nowArrow").length){
+						$(this).children(".day-chart").children("#nowArrow").css({top:top})
+						$(this).children(".day-chart").children("#nowLine").css({top:top})
+					}else{
+						$("#nowArrow").remove();
+						$("#nowLine").remove();
+						$(this).children(".day-chart").append($("<div id='nowArrow'>"));
+						$(this).children(".day-chart").children("#nowArrow").css({top:top})
+						$(this).children(".day-chart").append($("<div id='nowLine'>"));
+						$(this).children(".day-chart").children("#nowLine").css({top:top})
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			$(".event").each(function(){
+				var eventEnd = new Date($(this).data("end").replace(" -0500", "")).getTime();
+				var now = new Date();
+				now = now.getTime();
+				if (eventEnd < now) {
+					$(this).addClass("past");
+				}
+			});
+		};
+		tick();
+    	setInterval(tick, 60000);
\ No newline at end of file