diff --git a/htdocs/install/mysql/tables/llx_actioncomm.sql b/htdocs/install/mysql/tables/llx_actioncomm.sql
index e022b46a8591de2a3062cc52124678004e1599cf..46017d1e739a1c5414535ab69b5a0ffcfce05999 100644
--- a/htdocs/install/mysql/tables/llx_actioncomm.sql
+++ b/htdocs/install/mysql/tables/llx_actioncomm.sql
@@ -40,14 +40,14 @@ create table llx_actioncomm
   fk_soc			integer,
   fk_contact		integer,
   fk_parent			integer NOT NULL default 0,
-  fk_user_action	integer,						-- user id of owner of action (note that assigned users to event are store into another table)
+  fk_user_action	integer,						-- user id of owner of action (note that users assigned to event are stored into another table)
   fk_user_done		integer,						-- user id of user that has made action (deprecated)
-  transparency      integer,						-- transparency (ical standard). used to say if user assigned to event are busy or not by event. This field may be deprecated if we want to store transparency for each assigned user, so into table llx_actioncomm_resources.
+  transparency      integer,						-- transparency (ical standard). used to say if user assigned to event are busy or not by event. This field may be deprecated if we want to store transparency for each assigned user, moved into table llx_actioncomm_resources.
   priority			smallint,						-- priority (ical standard)
-  fulldayevent		smallint NOT NULL default 0, -- priority (ical standard)
-  punctual			smallint NOT NULL default 1, -- deprecated. milestone is event with date start (datep) = date end (datep2)
+  fulldayevent		smallint NOT NULL default 0,    -- priority (ical standard)
+  punctual			smallint NOT NULL default 1,    -- deprecated. milestone is event with date start (datep) = date end (datep2)
   percent			smallint NOT NULL default 0,
   location			varchar(128),
   durationp			real,							-- planed duration
@@ -64,9 +64,9 @@ create table llx_actioncomm
   email_tobcc		varchar(256),					-- when event was an email, we store here the email_tobcc
   errors_to			varchar(256),					-- when event was an email, we store here the erros_to
-  recurid           varchar(128),                  -- used to store event id to link all recurring event records each other  
+  recurid           varchar(128),                   -- used to store event id to link each other all the repeating event records  
   recurrule         varchar(128),					-- contains string with ical format recurring rule like "FREQ=MONTHLY;INTERVAL=2;BYMONTHDAY=19" or "FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=MO"
-  recurdateend      datetime,
+  recurdateend      datetime,						-- no more recurring event after this date
   fk_element		integer DEFAULT NULL,			-- For link to an element (proposal, invoice, order, ...)
   elementtype		varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL		-- For link to an element (proposal, invoice, order, ...)