diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index bdc391673107563c1dc299e00378d2ec8ceb2fc6..2417a7db6821be817c6699a351bbb6e23f34c8a2 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -4,11 +4,9 @@ English Dolibarr ChangeLog
 ***** ChangeLog for 6.0.0 compared to 5.0.* *****
+NEW: Add experimental BlockeLog module (to log business events in a non reversible log file).
 NEW: Add a payment module for Stripe. 
-NEW: Add "Non Reversible Logs" module as experimental (to log business events in a non reversible log file).
-NEW: Add module "Product variant" as experimental (like red, blue for the product shoes)
-NEW: Add module "Website" as experimental
-NEW: Add module "Module Builder" as experimental
+NEW: Add module "Product variant" (like red, blue for the product shoes)
 NEW: Accountancy - Activate multi-journal & Add journal_label to database (FEC)
 NEW: Add a tracking id into mass emailing.
 NEW: Tax system more compatible with the new tax roollout in India (IGST / CGST / SGST).
@@ -117,7 +115,7 @@ NEW: Add hook "formatNotificationMessage"
 NEW: Add index and constraints keys on supplier proposal detail table
 NEW: Add phpunit to check the engine is defined into sql create files.
 NEW: Add project and Hook to Loan
-NEW: Add more REST API (API to push a file, to manage supplier orders, to validate invoices)
+NEW: Add REST API to push a file.
 NEW: Allow extrafields list select to be dependands on other standard list and not only other extrafields list
 NEW: Architecture to manage search criteria persistance (using save_lastsearch_values=1 on exit links and restore_lastsearch_values=1 in entry links)
 NEW: data files are now also parsed by phpunit for sql syntax
diff --git a/htdocs/websites/index.php b/htdocs/websites/index.php
index 1881ffd95a2f0a4fe5b263f621e641a8a76f4ac2..9fbd6e6a4e0117925cf746d0027090809dff3e35 100644
--- a/htdocs/websites/index.php
+++ b/htdocs/websites/index.php
@@ -568,7 +568,7 @@ if ($action == 'updatecontent' || GETPOST('refreshsite') || GETPOST('refreshpage
                 $tplcontent ='';
                 $tplcontent.= "<?php // BEGIN PHP\n";
                 $tplcontent.= '$websitekey=basename(dirname(__FILE__));'."\n";
-                $tplcontent.= "if (! defined('USEDOLIBARRSERVER')) { require dirname(__FILE__).'/master.inc.php'; } // Not already loaded"."\n";
+                $tplcontent.= "if (! defined('USEDOLIBARRSERVER')) { require './master.inc.php'; } // Not already loaded"."\n";
                 $tplcontent.= "require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/website.lib.php';\n";
                 $tplcontent.= "require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/website.inc.php';\n";
                 $tplcontent.= "ob_start();\n";