From 6bdac3fe9edb1227df0ca319bc1e6c17f4eaa103 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Laurent Destailleur <>
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2008 08:10:59 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Fix: Trad

 htdocs/langs/en_US/admin.lang | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/htdocs/langs/en_US/admin.lang b/htdocs/langs/en_US/admin.lang
index 9d121920d97..7667d439766 100644
--- a/htdocs/langs/en_US/admin.lang
+++ b/htdocs/langs/en_US/admin.lang
@@ -189,8 +189,8 @@ CallUpdatePage=Go on page that update database structure and datas %s.
 LastStableVersion=Last stable version
 GenericMaskCodes=You may enter all mask of numbering.  In this mask, the following tags could be used:<br><b>{000000}</b> correspond to a number which will be incremented on each %s. Enter as many zeros as the desired length of the counter. The counter will be completed by zeros at the left in order to have as many zeros as the mask. <br><b>{000000+000}</b> same as previous but a corresponding offset to the number to the right of + is applied beginning by first %s. <br><b>{000000@x}</b> same as previous but counter is reset to zero when month x is reached (x between 1 and 12). If this option is used, tag {yy} is required and also {mm} if x is 2 or higher. <br><b>{dd}</b> day (01 � 31).<br><b>{mm}</b> month (01 � 12).<br><b>{yy}</b>, <b>{yyyy}</b> or <b>{y}</b> year over 2, 4 or 1 numbers.<br>All other characters in the mask will remain intact.<br>Spaces are not allowed.<br><br><u>Example on the 99th %s of the third party TheCompany done 31/01/2007:</u><br><b>ABC{yy}{mm}-{000000}</b> will give <b>ABC0701-000099</b><br><b>{0000+100}-ZZZ/{dd}/XXX</b> will give <b>0199-ZZZ/31/XXX</b><br>
 GenericNumRefModelDesc=Return a customizable number according to a defined mask. 
-ServerAvailableOnIPOrPort=Server not available at address <b>%s</b> on port <b>%s</b>
-ServerNotAvailableOnIPOrPort=Server is available at address <b>%s</b> on port <b>%s</b>
+ServerAvailableOnIPOrPort=Server is available at address <b>%s</b> on port <b>%s</b>
+ServerNotAvailableOnIPOrPort=Server is not available at address <b>%s</b> on port <b>%s</b>
 DoTestServerAvailability=Test server connectivity
 DoTestSend=Test sending