diff --git a/htdocs/admin/prelevement.php b/htdocs/admin/prelevement.php
index 119bfbb0cd21cdeefaa36c71679ec12f428cbb33..db907e34ec03a45dfa2995bd75b18f99b5bc36e9 100644
--- a/htdocs/admin/prelevement.php
+++ b/htdocs/admin/prelevement.php
@@ -168,9 +168,12 @@ if ($conf->global->MAIN_MODULE_NOTIFICATION)
-	$sql = "SELECT rowid, code, titre";
-    $sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."action_def";
-    $sql.= " WHERE objet_type = 'withdraw'";
+	$sql = "SELECT rowid, code, label";
+    $sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."c_action_trigger";
+    $sql.= " WHERE elementtype = 'withdraw'";
+    $sql.= " AND entity = ".$conf->entity;
+    $sql.= " AND active = 1";
     $resql = $db->query($sql);
     if ($resql)
@@ -180,7 +183,7 @@ if ($conf->global->MAIN_MODULE_NOTIFICATION)
         while ($i < $num)
             $obj = $db->fetch_object($resql);
-            $label=($langs->trans("Notify_".$obj->code)!="Notify_".$obj->code?$langs->trans("Notify_".$obj->code):$obj->titre);
+            $label=($langs->trans("Notify_".$obj->code)!="Notify_".$obj->code?$langs->trans("Notify_".$obj->code):$obj->label);
@@ -209,13 +212,14 @@ if ($conf->global->MAIN_MODULE_NOTIFICATION)
 // List of current notifications for objet_type='withdraw'
 $sql = "SELECT u.name, u.firstname";
-$sql.= ", nd.rowid, ad.code, ad.titre";
+$sql.= ", nd.rowid, ad.code, ad.label";
 $sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."user as u";
 $sql.= ", ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."notify_def as nd";
-$sql.= ", ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."action_def as ad";
-$sql.= " WHERE u.rowid = nd.fk_user AND nd.fk_action = ad.rowid";
-$sql.= " AND ad.objet_type = 'withdraw'";
+$sql.= ", ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."c_action_trigger as ad";
+$sql.= " WHERE u.rowid = nd.fk_user";
+$sql.= " AND nd.fk_action = ad.rowid";
 $sql.= " AND u.entity IN (0,".$conf->entity.")";
 $resql = $db->query($sql);
 if ($resql)
@@ -229,7 +233,7 @@ if ($resql)
 		print "<tr $bc[$var]>";
 		print '<td>'.$obj->firstname." ".$obj->name.'</td>';
-		$label=($langs->trans("Notify_".$obj->code)!="Notify_".$obj->code?$langs->trans("Notify_".$obj->code):$obj->titre);
+		$label=($langs->trans("Notify_".$obj->code)!="Notify_".$obj->code?$langs->trans("Notify_".$obj->code):$obj->label);
 		print '<td>'.$label.'</td>';
 		print '<td align="right"><a href="'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?action=deletenotif&amp;notif='.$obj->rowid.'">'.img_delete().'</a></td>';
 		print '</tr>';
diff --git a/htdocs/core/class/notify.class.php b/htdocs/core/class/notify.class.php
index 05fc5274567de07cf1a91a4f2b54c74fe0e6c2eb..ab300f7892c5d4e5ab59ed8ee6c8ff210caecb67 100644
--- a/htdocs/core/class/notify.class.php
+++ b/htdocs/core/class/notify.class.php
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ class Notify
      *    	\brief      Renvoie le message signalant les notifications qui auront lieu sur
      *					un evenement pour affichage dans texte de confirmation evenement.
-     * 		\param		action		Id of action in llx_action_def
+     * 		\param		action		Id of action in llx_c_action_trigger
      * 		\param		socid		Id of third party
      *		\return		string		Message
@@ -79,20 +79,27 @@ class Notify
      *    	\brief      Return number of notifications activated for action code and third party
-     * 		\param		action		Code of action in llx_action_def (new usage) or Id of action in llx_action_def (old usage)
+     * 		\param		action		Code of action in llx_c_action_trigger (new usage) or Id of action in llx_c_action_trigger (old usage)
      * 		\param		socid		Id of third party
      * 		\return		int			<0 si ko, sinon nombre de notifications definies
 	function countDefinedNotifications($action,$socid)
+		global $conf;
-        $sql = "SELECT n.rowid, c.email, c.rowid, c.name, c.firstname, a.code, a.titre, s.nom";
-        $sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."socpeople as c, ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."action_def as a, ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."notify_def as n, ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."societe as s";
-        $sql.= " WHERE n.fk_contact = c.rowid AND a.rowid = n.fk_action";
+        $sql = "SELECT n.rowid";
+        $sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."notify_def as n,";
+        $sql.= " ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."socpeople as c,";
+        $sql.= " ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."c_action_trigger as a,";
+        $sql.= " ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."societe as s";
+        $sql.= " WHERE n.fk_contact = c.rowid";
+        $sql.= " AND a.rowid = n.fk_action";
         $sql.= " AND n.fk_soc = s.rowid";
         if (is_numeric($action)) $sql.= " AND n.fk_action = ".$action;	// Old usage
         else $sql.= " AND a.code = '".$action."'";	// New usage
+        $sql.= " AND a.entity = ".$conf->entity;
         $sql.= " AND s.rowid = ".$socid;
 		dol_syslog("Notify.class::countDefinedNotifications $action, $socid");
@@ -114,7 +121,7 @@ class Notify
      *    	\brief      Check if notification are active for couple action/company.
      * 					If yes, send mail and save trace into llx_notify.
-     * 		\param		action		Code of action in llx_action_def (new usage) or Id of action in llx_action_def (old usage)
+     * 		\param		action		Code of action in llx_c_action_trigger (new usage) or Id of action in llx_c_action_trigger (old usage)
      * 		\param		socid		Id of third party
      * 		\param		texte		Message to send
      * 		\param		objet_type	Type of object the notification deals on (facture, order, propal, order_supplier...). Just for log in llx_notify.
@@ -131,8 +138,11 @@ class Notify
 		dol_syslog("Notify::send action=$action, socid=$socid, texte=$texte, objet_type=$objet_type, objet_id=$objet_id, file=$file");
 		$sql = "SELECT s.nom, c.email, c.rowid as cid, c.name, c.firstname,";
-		$sql.= " a.rowid as adid, a.titre, a.code, n.rowid";
-        $sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."socpeople as c, ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."action_def as a, ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."notify_def as n, ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."societe as s";
+		$sql.= " a.rowid as adid, a.label, a.code, n.rowid";
+        $sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."socpeople as c,";
+        $sql.= " ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."c_action_trigger as a,";
+        $sql.= " ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."notify_def as n,";
+        $sql.= " ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."societe as s";
         $sql.= " WHERE n.fk_contact = c.rowid AND a.rowid = n.fk_action";
         $sql.= " AND n.fk_soc = s.rowid";
         if (is_numeric($action)) $sql.= " AND n.fk_action = ".$action;	// Old usage
diff --git a/htdocs/install/mysql/data/llx_action_def.sql b/htdocs/install/mysql/data/llx_action_def.sql
deleted file mode 100644
index 403c69f9ac21309ed29a60b9b866cbba405bfbee..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/htdocs/install/mysql/data/llx_action_def.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
--- Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Rodolphe Quiedeville <rodolphe@quiedeville.org>
--- Copyright (C) 2003      Jean-Louis Bergamo   <jlb@j1b.org>
--- Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Laurent Destailleur  <eldy@users.sourceforge.net>
--- Copyright (C) 2004      Benoit Mortier       <benoit.mortier@opensides.be>
--- Copyright (C) 2004      Guillaume Delecourt  <guillaume.delecourt@opensides.be>
--- Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Regis Houssin        <regis@dolibarr.fr>
--- Copyright (C) 2007 	   Patrick Raguin       <patrick.raguin@gmail.com>
--- Copyright (C) 2010 	   Juanjo Menent        <jmenent@2byte.es>
--- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
--- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
--- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
--- (at your option) any later version.
--- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
--- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
--- GNU General Public License for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
--- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
--- $Id$
--- Ne pas placer de commentaire en fin de ligne, ce fichier est parsé lors
--- de l'install et tous les sigles '--' sont supprimés.
--- Définition des actions de workflow notifications
-delete from llx_action_def;
-insert into llx_action_def (rowid,code,titre,description,objet_type) values (1,'NOTIFY_VAL_FICHINTER','Validation fiche intervention','Executed when a intervention is validated','ficheinter');
-insert into llx_action_def (rowid,code,titre,description,objet_type) values (2,'NOTIFY_VAL_FAC','Validation facture client','Executed when a customer invoice is approved','facture');
-insert into llx_action_def (rowid,code,titre,description,objet_type) values (3,'NOTIFY_APP_ORDER_SUPPLIER','Approbation commande fournisseur','Executed when a supplier order is approved','order_supplier');
-insert into llx_action_def (rowid,code,titre,description,objet_type) values (4,'NOTIFY_REF_ORDER_SUPPLIER','Refus commande fournisseur','Executed when a supplier order is refused','order_supplier');
-insert into llx_action_def (rowid,code,titre,description,objet_type) values (5,'NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER','Validation commande client','Executed when a customer order is validated','order');
-insert into llx_action_def (rowid,code,titre,description,objet_type) values (6,'NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL','Validation proposition client','Executed when a commercial proposal is validated','propal');
-insert into llx_action_def (rowid,code,titre,description,objet_type) values (7,'NOTIFY_TRN_WITHDRAW','Transmission prélèvement','Executed when a withdrawal is transmited','withdraw');
-insert into llx_action_def (rowid,code,titre,description,objet_type) values (8,'NOTIFY_CRD_WITHDRAW','Créditer prélèvement','Executed when a withdrawal is credited','withdraw');
-insert into llx_action_def (rowid,code,titre,description,objet_type) values (9,'NOTIFY_EMT_WITHDRAW','Emission prélèvement','Executed when a withdrawal is emited','withdraw');
diff --git a/htdocs/install/mysql/data/llx_c_action_trigger.sql b/htdocs/install/mysql/data/llx_c_action_trigger.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2ca456cdf92731ea41ae1319d8274f55efd27231
--- /dev/null
+++ b/htdocs/install/mysql/data/llx_c_action_trigger.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+-- Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Rodolphe Quiedeville <rodolphe@quiedeville.org>
+-- Copyright (C) 2003      Jean-Louis Bergamo   <jlb@j1b.org>
+-- Copyright (C) 2004-2011 Laurent Destailleur  <eldy@users.sourceforge.net>
+-- Copyright (C) 2004      Benoit Mortier       <benoit.mortier@opensides.be>
+-- Copyright (C) 2004      Guillaume Delecourt  <guillaume.delecourt@opensides.be>
+-- Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Regis Houssin        <regis@dolibarr.fr>
+-- Copyright (C) 2007 	   Patrick Raguin       <patrick.raguin@gmail.com>
+-- Copyright (C) 2010 	   Juanjo Menent        <jmenent@2byte.es>
+-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+-- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+-- (at your option) any later version.
+-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+-- GNU General Public License for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+-- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+-- $Id$
+-- Ne pas placer de commentaire en fin de ligne, ce fichier est parsé lors
+-- de l'install et tous les sigles '--' sont supprimés.
+-- Définition des actions de workflow
+delete from llx_c_action_trigger;
+insert into llx_c_action_trigger (rowid,code,label,description,elementtype) values (1,'FICHEINTER_VALIDATE','Validation fiche intervention','Executed when a intervention is validated','ficheinter');
+insert into llx_c_action_trigger (rowid,code,label,description,elementtype) values (2,'BILL_VALIDATE','Validation facture client','Executed when a customer invoice is approved','facture');
+insert into llx_c_action_trigger (rowid,code,label,description,elementtype) values (3,'ORDER_SUPPLIER_APPROVE','Approbation commande fournisseur','Executed when a supplier order is approved','order_supplier');
+insert into llx_c_action_trigger (rowid,code,label,description,elementtype) values (4,'ORDER_SUPPLIER_REFUSE','Refus commande fournisseur','Executed when a supplier order is refused','order_supplier');
+insert into llx_c_action_trigger (rowid,code,label,description,elementtype) values (5,'ORDER_VALIDATE','Validation commande client','Executed when a customer order is validated','order');
+insert into llx_c_action_trigger (rowid,code,label,description,elementtype) values (6,'PROPAL_VALIDATE','Validation proposition client','Executed when a commercial proposal is validated','propal');
+insert into llx_c_action_trigger (rowid,code,label,description,elementtype) values (7,'WITHDRAW_TRANSMIT','Transmission prélèvement','Executed when a withdrawal is transmited','withdraw');
+insert into llx_c_action_trigger (rowid,code,label,description,elementtype) values (8,'WITHDRAW_CREDIT','Créditer prélèvement','Executed when a withdrawal is credited','withdraw');
+insert into llx_c_action_trigger (rowid,code,label,description,elementtype) values (9,'WITHDRAW_EMIT','Emission prélèvement','Executed when a withdrawal is emited','withdraw');
diff --git a/htdocs/install/mysql/migration/3.0.0-3.1.0.sql b/htdocs/install/mysql/migration/3.0.0-3.1.0.sql
index b426f291ed31c24e617407d04d63544ea023803f..a76f1e1dd67280252168e2b512c1767f1eaafd56 100755
--- a/htdocs/install/mysql/migration/3.0.0-3.1.0.sql
+++ b/htdocs/install/mysql/migration/3.0.0-3.1.0.sql
@@ -140,6 +140,31 @@ ALTER TABLE llx_actioncomm ADD COLUMN entity integer DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL AFTER id
 ALTER TABLE llx_actioncomm ADD COLUMN fk_element integer DEFAULT NULL AFTER note;
 ALTER TABLE llx_actioncomm ADD COLUMN elementtype varchar(16) DEFAULT NULL AFTER fk_element;
+create table llx_c_action_trigger
+  rowid			integer AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,
+  entity		integer		DEFAULT 1	NOT NULL,
+  code			varchar(32)				NOT NULL,
+  label			varchar(128)			NOT NULL,
+  description	varchar(255),
+  elementtype	varchar(16) 			NOT NULL,
+  active		tinyint		DEFAULT 1 	NOT NULL,
+  rang			integer		DEFAULT 0
+INSERT INTO llx_c_action_trigger (rowid,code,label,description,elementtype) VALUES (1,'FICHEINTER_VALIDATE','Validation fiche intervention','Executed when a intervention is validated','ficheinter');
+INSERT INTO llx_c_action_trigger (rowid,code,label,description,elementtype) VALUES (2,'BILL_VALIDATE','Validation facture client','Executed when a customer invoice is approved','facture');
+INSERT INTO llx_c_action_trigger (rowid,code,label,description,elementtype) VALUES (3,'ORDER_SUPPLIER_APPROVE','Approbation commande fournisseur','Executed when a supplier order is approved','order_supplier');
+INSERT INTO llx_c_action_trigger (rowid,code,label,description,elementtype) VALUES (4,'ORDER_SUPPLIER_REFUSE','Refus commande fournisseur','Executed when a supplier order is refused','order_supplier');
+INSERT INTO llx_c_action_trigger (rowid,code,label,description,elementtype) VALUES (5,'ORDER_VALIDATE','Validation commande client','Executed when a customer order is validated','order');
+INSERT INTO llx_c_action_trigger (rowid,code,label,description,elementtype) VALUES (6,'PROPAL_VALIDATE','Validation proposition client','Executed when a commercial proposal is validated','propal');
+INSERT INTO llx_c_action_trigger (rowid,code,label,description,elementtype) VALUES (7,'WITHDRAW_TRANSMIT','Transmission prélèvement','Executed when a withdrawal is transmited','withdraw');
+INSERT INTO llx_c_action_trigger (rowid,code,label,description,elementtype) VALUES (8,'WITHDRAW_CREDIT','Créditer prélèvement','Executed when a withdrawal is credited','withdraw');
+INSERT INTO llx_c_action_trigger (rowid,code,label,description,elementtype) VALUES (9,'WITHDRAW_EMIT','Emission prélèvement','Executed when a withdrawal is emited','withdraw');
+DROP table llx_action_def;
 --Add Chile data (id pays=67)
 -- Regions Chile
 INSERT INTO llx_c_regions (rowid, code_region, fk_pays, cheflieu, tncc, nom, active) VALUES (6701, 6701, 67, NULL, NULL, 'Tarapacá', 1);
diff --git a/htdocs/install/mysql/tables/llx_c_action_trigger.key.sql b/htdocs/install/mysql/tables/llx_c_action_trigger.key.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d6b39ea5831ef2228b8e298c7906ed21f967ee2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/htdocs/install/mysql/tables/llx_c_action_trigger.key.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+-- ============================================================================
+-- Copyright (C) 2011 Regis Houssin	<regis@dolibarr.fr>
+-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+-- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+-- (at your option) any later version.
+-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+-- GNU General Public License for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+-- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+-- $Id$
+-- ============================================================================
+ALTER TABLE llx_c_action_trigger ADD UNIQUE INDEX uk_action_trigger_code (entity, code);
diff --git a/htdocs/install/mysql/tables/llx_action_def.sql b/htdocs/install/mysql/tables/llx_c_action_trigger.sql
similarity index 65%
rename from htdocs/install/mysql/tables/llx_action_def.sql
rename to htdocs/install/mysql/tables/llx_c_action_trigger.sql
index 530051af7d99e2b8f0a9d7df833975f7d7cead50..24b44f5081cc64147b902935d5a913809f150ea2 100644
--- a/htdocs/install/mysql/tables/llx_action_def.sql
+++ b/htdocs/install/mysql/tables/llx_c_action_trigger.sql
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
 -- ===================================================================
--- Copyright (C) 2003 Rodolphe Quiedeville <rodolphe@quiedeville.org>
--- Copyright (C) 2004 Benoit Mortier       <benoit.mortier@opensides.be>
--- Copyright (C) 2004 Guillaume Delecourt  <guillaume.delecourt@opensides.be>
+-- Copyright (C) 2011 Regis Houssin	<regis@dolibarr.fr>
 -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -20,12 +18,15 @@
 -- $Id$
 -- ===================================================================
-create table llx_action_def
+create table llx_c_action_trigger
-  rowid           integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
-  code            varchar(32) UNIQUE NOT NULL,
-  tms             timestamp,
-  titre           varchar(255) NOT NULL,
-  description     text,
-  objet_type      varchar(16) NOT NULL
+  rowid			integer AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,
+  entity		integer		DEFAULT 1	NOT NULL,
+  code			varchar(32)				NOT NULL,
+  label			varchar(128)			NOT NULL,
+  description	varchar(255),
+  elementtype	varchar(16) 			NOT NULL,
+  active		tinyint		DEFAULT 1 	NOT NULL,
+  rang			integer		DEFAULT 0
diff --git a/htdocs/langs/ar_SA/other.lang b/htdocs/langs/ar_SA/other.lang
index d55514ac24b19101f376268ca1a6c979a3b5dd17..b2ff1cbc49313e88f1f730e015ee63c69c199664 100755
--- a/htdocs/langs/ar_SA/other.lang
+++ b/htdocs/langs/ar_SA/other.lang
@@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ BirthdayDate=عيد ميلاد
 DateToBirth=تاريخ الميلاد
 BirthdayAlertOn=عيد ميلاد النشطة في حالة تأهب
 BirthdayAlertOff=عيد الميلاد فى حالة تأهب الخاملة
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FICHINTER=تدخل المصادق
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FAC=فاتورة مصادق
-Notify_NOTIFY_APP_ORDER_SUPPLIER=من أجل الموافقة على المورد
-Notify_NOTIFY_REF_ORDER_SUPPLIER=من أجل رفض الموردين
+Notify_FICHINTER_VALIDATE=تدخل المصادق
+Notify_BILL_VALIDATE=فاتورة مصادق
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_APPROVE=من أجل الموافقة على المورد
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_REFUSE=من أجل رفض الموردين
 NbOfAttachedFiles=عدد الملفات المرفقة / وثائق
 TotalSizeOfAttachedFiles=اجمالى حجم الملفات المرفقة / وثائق
 MaxSize=الحجم الأقصى
@@ -187,8 +187,8 @@ NumberOfUnitsProposals=عدد من الوحدات على مقترحات بشأن
 // START - Lines generated via autotranslator.php tool (2010-07-17 11:16:46).
 // Reference language: en_US
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=التحقق من صحة النظام العميل
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=التحقق من صحة اقتراح العملاء
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=التحقق من صحة النظام العميل
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=التحقق من صحة اقتراح العملاء
 PredefinedMailTest=هذا هو الاختبار الإلكتروني. تكون مفصولة \ nThe سطرين من قبل حرف إرجاع.
 PredefinedMailTestHtml=هذا هو البريد <b>الاختبار</b> (الاختبار يجب أن تكون في كلمة جريئة). <br> وتفصل بين الخطين من قبل حرف إرجاع.
 CalculatedWeight=يحسب الوزن
diff --git a/htdocs/langs/ca_ES/other.lang b/htdocs/langs/ca_ES/other.lang
index 4754626b92956c2c6695bec738a2cc395b2dbf92..e578a7f2bfb2352e22eda7c9d21423e9fbc652df 100644
--- a/htdocs/langs/ca_ES/other.lang
+++ b/htdocs/langs/ca_ES/other.lang
@@ -26,15 +26,15 @@ BirthdayDate=Data aniversari
 DateToBirth=Data de naiximent
 BirthdayAlertOn=alerta aniversari activada
 BirthdayAlertOff=alerta aniversari desactivada
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FICHINTER=Validació fitxa intervenció
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FAC=Validació factura
-Notify_NOTIFY_APP_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Aprovació comanda a proveïdor
-Notify_NOTIFY_REF_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Rebuig comanda a proveïdor
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=Validació comanda client
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=Validació pressupost client
-Notify_NOTIFY_TRN_WITHDRAW=Transmissió domiciliació
-Notify_NOTIFY_CRD_WITHDRAW=Abonament domiciliació
-Notify_NOTIFY_EMT_WITHDRAW=Emissió domiciliació
+Notify_FICHINTER_VALIDATE=Validació fitxa intervenció
+Notify_BILL_VALIDATE=Validació factura
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_APPROVE=Aprovació comanda a proveïdor
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_REFUSE=Rebuig comanda a proveïdor
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=Validació comanda client
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=Validació pressupost client
+Notify_WITHDRAW_TRANSMIT=Transmissió domiciliació
+Notify_WITHDRAW_CREDIT=Abonament domiciliació
+Notify_WITHDRAW_EMIT=Emissió domiciliació
 NbOfAttachedFiles=Número arxius/documents adjunts
 TotalSizeOfAttachedFiles=Mida total dels arxius/documents adjunts
 MaxSize=Tamany màxim
diff --git a/htdocs/langs/da_DK/other.lang b/htdocs/langs/da_DK/other.lang
index 5a4c90348574ed7bf9a0cd4c3e4b29e053ec26fb..6f4acf9483c865ecab5d3bdf58df20d32f88e245 100755
--- a/htdocs/langs/da_DK/other.lang
+++ b/htdocs/langs/da_DK/other.lang
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ Tools=Værktøj
 DateToBirth=Dato for fødsel
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FICHINTER=Valider intervention
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FAC=Valider regningen
+Notify_FICHINTER_VALIDATE=Valider intervention
+Notify_BILL_VALIDATE=Valider regningen
 NbOfAttachedFiles=Antal vedhæftede filer / dokumenter
 TotalSizeOfAttachedFiles=Samlede størrelse på vedhæftede filer / dokumenter
@@ -162,8 +162,8 @@ NewExport=Nye eksportmarkeder
 // Reference language: en_US
 BirthdayAlertOn=fødselsdag alarm aktive
 BirthdayAlertOff=fødselsdag alarm inaktive
-Notify_NOTIFY_APP_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Leverandør for godkendt
-Notify_NOTIFY_REF_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Leverandør For nægtes
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_APPROVE=Leverandør for godkendt
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_REFUSE=Leverandør For nægtes
 DemoDesc=Dolibarr er et kompakt ERP / CRM sammensat af flere funktionelle moduler. En demo, som omfatter alle moduler ikke betyder noget, da dette aldrig sker. Så flere demo profiler der er tilgængelige.
 DemoCompanyServiceOnly=Administrer en freelance virksomhed sælger service kun
 SendNewPasswordDesc=Denne form giver dig mulighed for at anmode om en ny adgangskode. Det vil blive sendt til din email-adresse. <br> Ændring vil kun være effektiv, når de har klikket på bekræftelse linket i denne e-mail. <br> Tjek din e-mail reader software.
@@ -183,8 +183,8 @@ DemoFundation2=Administrer medlemmer og bankkonto i en fond
 // START - Lines generated via autotranslator.php tool (2010-07-17 11:19:38).
 // Reference language: en_US
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=Kundeordre valideret
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=Kunde forslag valideret
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=Kundeordre valideret
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=Kunde forslag valideret
 PredefinedMailTest=Dette er en test mail. \ NDen to linjer er adskilt af et linjeskift.
 PredefinedMailTestHtml=Dette er en <b>test</b> mail (ordet test skal være i fed). <br> De to linjer er adskilt af et linjeskift.
 CalculatedWeight=Beregnet vægt
diff --git a/htdocs/langs/de_AT/other.lang b/htdocs/langs/de_AT/other.lang
index 5ead350d60e13dc8ff0cb422bc8b8263d10eaf2d..f2120206b9432772a382b174d522014403b043c0 100755
--- a/htdocs/langs/de_AT/other.lang
+++ b/htdocs/langs/de_AT/other.lang
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ Tools=Werkzeuge
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FICHINTER=Eingriff freigegeben
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FAC=Rechnung freigegeben
+Notify_FICHINTER_VALIDATE=Eingriff freigegeben
+Notify_BILL_VALIDATE=Rechnung freigegeben
 NbOfAttachedFiles=Anzahl der angehängten Dateien/okumente
 TotalSizeOfAttachedFiles=Gesamtgröße der angehängten Dateien/Dokumente
@@ -154,8 +154,8 @@ NewExport=Neuer Export
 BirthdayAlertOn=Geburtstagserinnerung EIN
 BirthdayAlertOff=Geburtstagserinnerung AUS
-Notify_NOTIFY_APP_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Lieferantenbestellung freigegeben
-Notify_NOTIFY_REF_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Lieferantenbestellung abgelehnt
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_APPROVE=Lieferantenbestellung freigegeben
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_REFUSE=Lieferantenbestellung abgelehnt
 DemoDesc=Bei Dolibarr handelt es sich um ein kompaktes ERP/CRM-System, bestehend aus einzelnen Modulen. Da eine Demo aller Module kaum eine praxisnahe Anwendung darstellt, stehen Ihnen unterschiedliche Demo-Profile zur Verfügung.
 SendNewPasswordDesc=Über dieses Formular können Sie sich ein neues Passwort zusenden lassen.<br>Die Änderungen an Ihrem Passwort werden erst wirksam, wenn Sie auf den im Mail enthaltenen Bestätigungslink klicken. <br> Überprüfen Sie den Posteingang Ihrer E-Mail-Anwendung.
 EMailTextInterventionValidated=Eingriff %s freigegeben
@@ -163,8 +163,8 @@ EMailTextInvoiceValidated=Rechnung %s freigegeben
 ImportedWithSet=Import Datensatz
 DolibarrNotification=Automatische Benachrichtigung
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=Kundenbestellung freigegeben
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=Angebot freigegeben
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=Kundenbestellung freigegeben
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=Angebot freigegeben
 PredefinedMailTest=Dies ist ein Test-Mail.\n Die beiden Zeilen sind durch eine Zeilenschaltung getrennt.
 PredefinedMailTestHtml=Dies ist ein (HTML)-<b>Test</b> Mail (das Wort Test muss in Fettschrift erscheinen). <br> Die beiden Zeilen sollteb durch eine Zeilenschaltung getrennt sein.
 CalculatedWeight=Errechnetes Gewicht
diff --git a/htdocs/langs/de_DE/other.lang b/htdocs/langs/de_DE/other.lang
index 5ead350d60e13dc8ff0cb422bc8b8263d10eaf2d..f2120206b9432772a382b174d522014403b043c0 100644
--- a/htdocs/langs/de_DE/other.lang
+++ b/htdocs/langs/de_DE/other.lang
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ Tools=Werkzeuge
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FICHINTER=Eingriff freigegeben
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FAC=Rechnung freigegeben
+Notify_FICHINTER_VALIDATE=Eingriff freigegeben
+Notify_BILL_VALIDATE=Rechnung freigegeben
 NbOfAttachedFiles=Anzahl der angehängten Dateien/okumente
 TotalSizeOfAttachedFiles=Gesamtgröße der angehängten Dateien/Dokumente
@@ -154,8 +154,8 @@ NewExport=Neuer Export
 BirthdayAlertOn=Geburtstagserinnerung EIN
 BirthdayAlertOff=Geburtstagserinnerung AUS
-Notify_NOTIFY_APP_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Lieferantenbestellung freigegeben
-Notify_NOTIFY_REF_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Lieferantenbestellung abgelehnt
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_APPROVE=Lieferantenbestellung freigegeben
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_REFUSE=Lieferantenbestellung abgelehnt
 DemoDesc=Bei Dolibarr handelt es sich um ein kompaktes ERP/CRM-System, bestehend aus einzelnen Modulen. Da eine Demo aller Module kaum eine praxisnahe Anwendung darstellt, stehen Ihnen unterschiedliche Demo-Profile zur Verfügung.
 SendNewPasswordDesc=Über dieses Formular können Sie sich ein neues Passwort zusenden lassen.<br>Die Änderungen an Ihrem Passwort werden erst wirksam, wenn Sie auf den im Mail enthaltenen Bestätigungslink klicken. <br> Überprüfen Sie den Posteingang Ihrer E-Mail-Anwendung.
 EMailTextInterventionValidated=Eingriff %s freigegeben
@@ -163,8 +163,8 @@ EMailTextInvoiceValidated=Rechnung %s freigegeben
 ImportedWithSet=Import Datensatz
 DolibarrNotification=Automatische Benachrichtigung
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=Kundenbestellung freigegeben
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=Angebot freigegeben
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=Kundenbestellung freigegeben
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=Angebot freigegeben
 PredefinedMailTest=Dies ist ein Test-Mail.\n Die beiden Zeilen sind durch eine Zeilenschaltung getrennt.
 PredefinedMailTestHtml=Dies ist ein (HTML)-<b>Test</b> Mail (das Wort Test muss in Fettschrift erscheinen). <br> Die beiden Zeilen sollteb durch eine Zeilenschaltung getrennt sein.
 CalculatedWeight=Errechnetes Gewicht
diff --git a/htdocs/langs/el_GR/other.lang b/htdocs/langs/el_GR/other.lang
index 3918032a84a479b8a0a701fda0888120b3630504..c88eaf91f09f78bf949bbda94458a57fcdbb2868 100755
--- a/htdocs/langs/el_GR/other.lang
+++ b/htdocs/langs/el_GR/other.lang
@@ -25,15 +25,15 @@ BirthdayDate=Γενέθλια
 DateToBirth=Ημερομ. γέννησης
 BirthdayAlertOn=Ειδοποίηση γενεθλίων ενεργή
 BirthdayAlertOff=Ειδοποίηση γενεθλίων ανενεργή
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FICHINTER=Intervention validated
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FAC=Το τιμολόγιο πελάτη επικυρώθηκε
-Notify_NOTIFY_APP_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Η παραγγελία προμηθευτή εγγρίθηκε
-Notify_NOTIFY_REF_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Η παραγγελία προμηθευτή απορρίφθηκε
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=Η παραγγελία πελάτη επικυρώθηκε
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=Η εμπ. πρόταση πελάτη επικυρώθηκε
-Notify_NOTIFY_TRN_WITHDRAW=Transmission withdrawal
-Notify_NOTIFY_CRD_WITHDRAW=Credit withdrawal
-Notify_NOTIFY_EMT_WITHDRAW=Isue withdrawal
+Notify_FICHINTER_VALIDATE=Intervention validated
+Notify_BILL_VALIDATE=Το τιμολόγιο πελάτη επικυρώθηκε
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_APPROVE=Η παραγγελία προμηθευτή εγγρίθηκε
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_REFUSE=Η παραγγελία προμηθευτή απορρίφθηκε
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=Η παραγγελία πελάτη επικυρώθηκε
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=Η εμπ. πρόταση πελάτη επικυρώθηκε
+Notify_WITHDRAW_TRANSMIT=Transmission withdrawal
+Notify_WITHDRAW_CREDIT=Credit withdrawal
+Notify_WITHDRAW_EMIT=Isue withdrawal
 NbOfAttachedFiles=Πλήθος επισυναπτώμενων αρχείων/εγγράφων
 TotalSizeOfAttachedFiles=Συνολικό μέγεθος επισυναπτώμενων αρχείων/εγγράφων
 MaxSize=Μέγιστο μέγεθος
diff --git a/htdocs/langs/en_US/other.lang b/htdocs/langs/en_US/other.lang
index 6ef05e71d3c1c1363d93b6d6e5cd2afd8c2d4580..fe4425d2ea319534ad72c7a2a19d6b696227a01e 100644
--- a/htdocs/langs/en_US/other.lang
+++ b/htdocs/langs/en_US/other.lang
@@ -26,15 +26,15 @@ BirthdayDate=Birthday
 DateToBirth=Date to birth
 BirthdayAlertOn= birthday alert active
 BirthdayAlertOff= birthday alert inactive
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FICHINTER=Intervention validated
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FAC=Customer invoice validated
-Notify_NOTIFY_APP_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Supplier order approved
-Notify_NOTIFY_REF_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Supplier order refused
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=Customer order validated
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=Customer proposal validated
-Notify_NOTIFY_TRN_WITHDRAW=Transmission withdrawal
-Notify_NOTIFY_CRD_WITHDRAW=Credit withdrawal
-Notify_NOTIFY_EMT_WITHDRAW=Isue withdrawal
+Notify_FICHINTER_VALIDATE=Intervention validated
+Notify_BILL_VALIDATE=Customer invoice validated
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_APPROVE=Supplier order approved
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_REFUSE=Supplier order refused
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=Customer order validated
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=Customer proposal validated
+Notify_WITHDRAW_TRANSMIT=Transmission withdrawal
+Notify_WITHDRAW_CREDIT=Credit withdrawal
+Notify_WITHDRAW_EMIT=Isue withdrawal
 NbOfAttachedFiles=Number of attached files/documents
 TotalSizeOfAttachedFiles=Total size of attached files/documents
 MaxSize=Maximum size
diff --git a/htdocs/langs/es_ES/other.lang b/htdocs/langs/es_ES/other.lang
index 780c0d8ffd098321f8643ea70bf6b92f24f4b5c2..de98996d7f657e2ac6ed811410fcbacc78873364 100644
--- a/htdocs/langs/es_ES/other.lang
+++ b/htdocs/langs/es_ES/other.lang
@@ -26,15 +26,15 @@ BirthdayDate=Fecha aniversario
 DateToBirth=Fecha de nacimiento
 BirthdayAlertOn=alerta aniversario activada
 BirthdayAlertOff=alerta aniversario desactivada
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FICHINTER=Validación ficha intervención
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FAC=Validación factura
-Notify_NOTIFY_APP_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Aprobación pedido a proveedor
-Notify_NOTIFY_REF_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Rechazo pedido a proveedor
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=Validación pedido cliente
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=Validación presupuesto cliente
-Notify_NOTIFY_TRN_WITHDRAW=Transmisión domiciliación
-Notify_NOTIFY_CRD_WITHDRAW=Abono domiciliación
-Notify_NOTIFY_EMT_WITHDRAW=Emisión domiciliación
+Notify_FICHINTER_VALIDATE=Validación ficha intervención
+Notify_BILL_VALIDATE=Validación factura
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_APPROVE=Aprobación pedido a proveedor
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_REFUSE=Rechazo pedido a proveedor
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=Validación pedido cliente
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=Validación presupuesto cliente
+Notify_WITHDRAW_TRANSMIT=Transmisión domiciliación
+Notify_WITHDRAW_CREDIT=Abono domiciliación
+Notify_WITHDRAW_EMIT=Emisión domiciliación
 NbOfAttachedFiles=Número archivos/documentos adjuntos
 TotalSizeOfAttachedFiles=Tamaño total de los archivos/documentos adjuntos
 MaxSize=Tamaño máximo
diff --git a/htdocs/langs/fa_IR/other.lang b/htdocs/langs/fa_IR/other.lang
index d55514ac24b19101f376268ca1a6c979a3b5dd17..b2ff1cbc49313e88f1f730e015ee63c69c199664 100755
--- a/htdocs/langs/fa_IR/other.lang
+++ b/htdocs/langs/fa_IR/other.lang
@@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ BirthdayDate=عيد ميلاد
 DateToBirth=تاريخ الميلاد
 BirthdayAlertOn=عيد ميلاد النشطة في حالة تأهب
 BirthdayAlertOff=عيد الميلاد فى حالة تأهب الخاملة
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FICHINTER=تدخل المصادق
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FAC=فاتورة مصادق
-Notify_NOTIFY_APP_ORDER_SUPPLIER=من أجل الموافقة على المورد
-Notify_NOTIFY_REF_ORDER_SUPPLIER=من أجل رفض الموردين
+Notify_FICHINTER_VALIDATE=تدخل المصادق
+Notify_BILL_VALIDATE=فاتورة مصادق
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_APPROVE=من أجل الموافقة على المورد
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_REFUSE=من أجل رفض الموردين
 NbOfAttachedFiles=عدد الملفات المرفقة / وثائق
 TotalSizeOfAttachedFiles=اجمالى حجم الملفات المرفقة / وثائق
 MaxSize=الحجم الأقصى
@@ -187,8 +187,8 @@ NumberOfUnitsProposals=عدد من الوحدات على مقترحات بشأن
 // START - Lines generated via autotranslator.php tool (2010-07-17 11:16:46).
 // Reference language: en_US
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=التحقق من صحة النظام العميل
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=التحقق من صحة اقتراح العملاء
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=التحقق من صحة النظام العميل
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=التحقق من صحة اقتراح العملاء
 PredefinedMailTest=هذا هو الاختبار الإلكتروني. تكون مفصولة \ nThe سطرين من قبل حرف إرجاع.
 PredefinedMailTestHtml=هذا هو البريد <b>الاختبار</b> (الاختبار يجب أن تكون في كلمة جريئة). <br> وتفصل بين الخطين من قبل حرف إرجاع.
 CalculatedWeight=يحسب الوزن
diff --git a/htdocs/langs/fi_FI/other.lang b/htdocs/langs/fi_FI/other.lang
index 47720a13d175413578a4a3ddd416c7f9fc41edb2..0de95dd58efc2b49cbec6527b6b46c1d79d2ea56 100644
--- a/htdocs/langs/fi_FI/other.lang
+++ b/htdocs/langs/fi_FI/other.lang
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ Tools=Työkalut
 DateToBirth=Päiväys syntyvyyden
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FICHINTER=Validate interventioelimen
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FAC=Validate bill
+Notify_FICHINTER_VALIDATE=Validate interventioelimen
+Notify_BILL_VALIDATE=Validate bill
 NbOfAttachedFiles=Numero liitettyjen tiedostojen / asiakirjat
 TotalSizeOfAttachedFiles=Kokonaiskoosta liitettyjen tiedostojen / asiakirjat
@@ -162,8 +162,8 @@ NewExport=Uusia vientimahdollisuuksia
 // Reference language: en_US
 BirthdayAlertOn=syntymäpäivä hälytys aktiivinen
 BirthdayAlertOff=syntymäpäivä varoituskynnysten inaktiivinen
-Notify_NOTIFY_APP_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Toimittaja jotta hyväksytty
-Notify_NOTIFY_REF_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Toimittaja jotta evätty
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_APPROVE=Toimittaja jotta hyväksytty
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_REFUSE=Toimittaja jotta evätty
 DemoDesc=Dolibarr on kompakti ERP / CRM säveltänyt useita toiminnallisia moduuleja. A demo, joka sisältää kaikki moduulit eivät merkitse mitään, koska tämä ei koskaan tapahdu. Joten useita demo profiilit ovat saatavilla.
 DemoCompanyServiceOnly=Hallinnoi freelance toimintaa myymällä palvelua vain
 EMailTextInterventionValidated=Väliintulo %s validoitava
@@ -182,8 +182,8 @@ DemoFundation2=Jäsenten hallinta ja pankkitilille säätiön
 // START - Lines generated via autotranslator.php tool (2010-07-17 11:26:22).
 // Reference language: en_US
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=Asiakas tilaa validoitu
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=Asiakas ehdotus validoidaan
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=Asiakas tilaa validoitu
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=Asiakas ehdotus validoidaan
 PredefinedMailTest=Tämä on testi postitse. \ NOsoitteen kaksi riviä välissä rivinvaihto.
 PredefinedMailTestHtml=Tämä on <b>testi</b> postitse (sana testi on lihavoitu). <br> Kaksi riviä välissä rivinvaihto.
 CalculatedWeight=Laskettu paino
diff --git a/htdocs/langs/fr_FR/other.lang b/htdocs/langs/fr_FR/other.lang
index 6944b52ed927009d2e5f15ee80e5a41bae3bd539..f56b8ea5df4d7d40b45fdc7a28e43d6ef38528cb 100644
--- a/htdocs/langs/fr_FR/other.lang
+++ b/htdocs/langs/fr_FR/other.lang
@@ -26,15 +26,15 @@ BirthdayDate=Date anniversaire
 DateToBirth=Date de naissance
 BirthdayAlertOn= alerte anniversaire active
 BirthdayAlertOff= alerte anniversaire inactive
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FICHINTER=Validation fiche intervention
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FAC=Validation facture client
-Notify_NOTIFY_APP_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Approbation commande fournisseur
-Notify_NOTIFY_REF_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Refus commande fournisseur
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=Validation commande client
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=Validation proposition commerciale client
-Notify_NOTIFY_TRN_WITHDRAW=Transmission prélèvement
-Notify_NOTIFY_CRD_WITHDRAW=Créditer prélèvement
-Notify_NOTIFY_EMT_WITHDRAW=Emission prélèvement
+Notify_FICHINTER_VALIDATE=Validation fiche intervention
+Notify_BILL_VALIDATE=Validation facture client
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_APPROVE=Approbation commande fournisseur
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_REFUSE=Refus commande fournisseur
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=Validation commande client
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=Validation proposition commerciale client
+Notify_WITHDRAW_TRANSMIT=Transmission prélèvement
+Notify_WITHDRAW_CREDIT=Créditer prélèvement
+Notify_WITHDRAW_EMIT=Emission prélèvement
 NbOfAttachedFiles=Nombre de fichiers/documents liés
 TotalSizeOfAttachedFiles=Taille total fichiers/documents liés
 MaxSize=Taille maximum
diff --git a/htdocs/langs/is_IS/other.lang b/htdocs/langs/is_IS/other.lang
index f1ad0400650a9f0aebc1a97c336e7f0e6d228f30..94569fb7bbe371b50fb490b00a59f45dce7dd327 100644
--- a/htdocs/langs/is_IS/other.lang
+++ b/htdocs/langs/is_IS/other.lang
@@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ BirthdayDate=Afmæli
 DateToBirth=Dags til fæðingu
 BirthdayAlertOn=afmæli viðvörun virk
 BirthdayAlertOff=afmæli viðvörun óvirk
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FICHINTER=Intervention staðfestar
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FAC=Viðskiptavinur Reikningar staðfestar
-Notify_NOTIFY_APP_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Birgir röð samþykkt
-Notify_NOTIFY_REF_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Birgir þess neitaði
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=Viðskiptavinur til setja í gildi
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=Viðskiptavinur tillögu staðfestar
+Notify_FICHINTER_VALIDATE=Intervention staðfestar
+Notify_BILL_VALIDATE=Viðskiptavinur Reikningar staðfestar
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_APPROVE=Birgir röð samþykkt
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_REFUSE=Birgir þess neitaði
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=Viðskiptavinur til setja í gildi
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=Viðskiptavinur tillögu staðfestar
 NbOfAttachedFiles=Fjöldi meðfylgjandi skrá / gögn
 TotalSizeOfAttachedFiles=Heildarstærð meðfylgjandi skrá / gögn
 MaxSize=Hámarks stærð
diff --git a/htdocs/langs/it_IT/other.lang b/htdocs/langs/it_IT/other.lang
index e0c6ce6e200f6918f0301afe0f29211dc7abfbe5..7570bc53c7442fe9b0fa99ae751df0d18954d8f0 100644
--- a/htdocs/langs/it_IT/other.lang
+++ b/htdocs/langs/it_IT/other.lang
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ AddTrip						     =Aggiungi viaggio
 Tools						     =Strumenti 
 Birthday					     =Compleanno 
 BirthdayDate					     =Data compleanno 
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FICHINTER			     =Convalida scheda intervento 
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FAC				     =Convalida fattura cliente 
+Notify_FICHINTER_VALIDATE			     =Convalida scheda intervento 
+Notify_BILL_VALIDATE				     =Convalida fattura cliente 
 NbOfAttachedFiles				     =Numero di file allegati / documenti 
 TotalSizeOfAttachedFiles			     =Dimensione totale dei file allegati / documenti 
 MaxSize						     =La dimensione massima è 
@@ -162,8 +162,8 @@ MemberSubscriptionAddedInDolibarr=Abbonamento membro %s aggiunto in Dolibarr
 // Reference language: en_US
 BirthdayAlertOn=Attiva avviso compleanno
 BirthdayAlertOff=Avviso compleanno inattivo
-Notify_NOTIFY_APP_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Fornitore fine approvato
-Notify_NOTIFY_REF_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Fornitore rifiutato per
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_APPROVE=Fornitore fine approvato
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_REFUSE=Fornitore rifiutato per
 DemoDesc=Dolibarr è una applicazione ERP / CRM, composta da diversi moduli funzionali. Un demo che comprende tutti i moduli non è significativo riguardo al funzionamento. Così, diversi profili demo sono disponibili. 
 DemoCompanyServiceOnly=Gestire un servizio di free-lance di attività di solo vendita
 SendNewPasswordDesc=Questo modulo consente di richiedere una nuova password. Sarà inviata al tuo indirizzo email. <br> Il cambiamento sarà effettivo solo dopo aver fatto clic sul link di conferma all'interno dell'email. <br> Controlla la tua casella e-mail.
@@ -176,8 +176,8 @@ DolibarrNotification=Notifica automatica
 // START - Lines generated via autotranslator.php tool (2010-07-17 11:32:28).
 // Reference language: en_US
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=ordine del cliente convalidato
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=proposta del cliente convalidato
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=ordine del cliente convalidato
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=proposta del cliente convalidato
 PredefinedMailTest=Questa è una mail di prova. \ NIl due linee sono separate da un ritorno a capo.
 PredefinedMailTestHtml=Questa è una mail <b>di test</b> (il test di parola deve essere in grassetto). <br> Le due linee sono separate da un ritorno a capo.
 CalculatedWeight=Calcolo del peso
diff --git a/htdocs/langs/nb_NO/other.lang b/htdocs/langs/nb_NO/other.lang
index 7a3f3cdd0405c8f3608579815efaa96f868376cf..53c3b4f40c887b4b13cdce61396244308d4f0f7a 100644
--- a/htdocs/langs/nb_NO/other.lang
+++ b/htdocs/langs/nb_NO/other.lang
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ Tools=Verktøy
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FICHINTER=Godkjenn intervention
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FAC=Godkjenn faktura
+Notify_FICHINTER_VALIDATE=Godkjenn intervention
+Notify_BILL_VALIDATE=Godkjenn faktura
 NbOfAttachedFiles=Antall vedlagte filer/dokumenter
 TotalSizeOfAttachedFiles=Total størrelse på vedlagte filer/dokumenter
 MaxSize=Maksimal størrelse
@@ -148,10 +148,10 @@ NewExport=Ny eksport
 // Reference language: en_US
 BirthdayAlertOn=bursdag varsling aktive
 BirthdayAlertOff=bursdag varsling inaktive
-Notify_NOTIFY_APP_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Leverandør bestill godkjent
-Notify_NOTIFY_REF_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Leverandør bestill nektet
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=Kundeordre validert
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=Kunden forslaget validert
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_APPROVE=Leverandør bestill godkjent
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_REFUSE=Leverandør bestill nektet
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=Kundeordre validert
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=Kunden forslaget validert
 PredefinedMailTest=Dette er en test post. \ NDe to linjer er atskilt med en vognretur.
 PredefinedMailTestHtml=Dette er en <b>test</b> mail (ordet testen må være i fet skrift). <br> De to linjene er skilt med en vognretur.
 FeatureNotYetAvailableShort=Tilgjengelig i en neste versjon
diff --git a/htdocs/langs/nl_BE/other.lang b/htdocs/langs/nl_BE/other.lang
index 1af13376b56c4002032862657a3aceab5710ce03..aca96c56b85836c749e2f8a01ec0036c3377d677 100644
--- a/htdocs/langs/nl_BE/other.lang
+++ b/htdocs/langs/nl_BE/other.lang
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ Tools=Gereedschap
 BirthdayDate=Datum verjaardag
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FICHINTER=Valideer interventie
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FAC=Valideer factuur
+Notify_FICHINTER_VALIDATE=Valideer interventie
+Notify_BILL_VALIDATE=Valideer factuur
 NbOfAttachedFiles=Aantal bijgevoegde bestanden / documenten
 TotalSizeOfAttachedFiles=Totale omvang van de bijgevoegde bestanden / documenten
 MaxSize=Maximale grootte
diff --git a/htdocs/langs/nl_NL/other.lang b/htdocs/langs/nl_NL/other.lang
index f59e3dc1cb0457c23af613ad5d201c4f17a9c714..40137af50e35f37c0ce3eaaabfcbd80d617f7b96 100644
--- a/htdocs/langs/nl_NL/other.lang
+++ b/htdocs/langs/nl_NL/other.lang
@@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ BirthdayDate=Verjaardagsdatum
 BirthdayAlertOn=Verjaardags waarschuwing actief
 BirthdayAlertOff=verjaardags waarschuwing inactief
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FICHINTER=Valideer interventie
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FAC=Valideer factuur
-Notify_NOTIFY_APP_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Leverancier bestelling goedgekeurd
-Notify_NOTIFY_REF_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Leverancier bestelling geweigerd
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=Verkoop order validatie
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=Validatie klant offerte
+Notify_FICHINTER_VALIDATE=Valideer interventie
+Notify_BILL_VALIDATE=Valideer factuur
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_APPROVE=Leverancier bestelling goedgekeurd
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_REFUSE=Leverancier bestelling geweigerd
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=Verkoop order validatie
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=Validatie klant offerte
 NbOfAttachedFiles=Aantal bijgevoegde bestanden/documenten
 TotalSizeOfAttachedFiles=Totale omvang van de bijgevoegde bestanden/documenten
 MaxSize=Maximale grootte
@@ -191,10 +191,10 @@ ExternalSites=Externe sites
 // Reference language: en_US
 BirthdayAlertOn=bursdag varsling aktive
 BirthdayAlertOff=bursdag varsling inaktive
-Notify_NOTIFY_APP_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Leverandør bestill godkjent
-Notify_NOTIFY_REF_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Leverandør bestill nektet
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=Kundeordre validert
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=Kunden forslaget validert
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_APPROVE=Leverandør bestill godkjent
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_REFUSE=Leverandør bestill nektet
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=Kundeordre validert
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=Kunden forslaget validert
 PredefinedMailTest=Dette er en test post. \ NDe to linjer er atskilt med en vognretur.
 PredefinedMailTestHtml=Dette er en <b>test</b> mail (ordet testen må være i fet skrift). <br> De to linjene er skilt med en vognretur.
 FeatureNotYetAvailableShort=Tilgjengelig i en neste versjon
@@ -239,8 +239,8 @@ CurrentInformationOnImage=Informasjon om gjeldende bilde
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification=Du mottar denne meldingen fordi din e-post har blitt lagt til listen over mål for å bli informert om spesielle hendelser i %s programvare av %s.
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification2=Denne hendelsen er følgende:
 ExternalSites=Eksterne nettsteder
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=Bestelling van de klant gevalideerd
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=Klant voorstel gevalideerd
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=Bestelling van de klant gevalideerd
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=Klant voorstel gevalideerd
 PredefinedMailTest=Dit is een test e-mail. \ NDe twee lijnen worden gescheiden door een harde return.
 PredefinedMailTestHtml=Dit is een <b>test</b> e-mail (het woord test moet worden in het vet). <br> De twee lijnen worden gescheiden door een harde return.
 CalculatedWeight=Berekend gewicht
diff --git a/htdocs/langs/pl_PL/other.lang b/htdocs/langs/pl_PL/other.lang
index 43ab256b57c425218be74018f6b0505796e2ad66..e65744a50a5d558dcd3376b12cb2a8fbca9917d4 100644
--- a/htdocs/langs/pl_PL/other.lang
+++ b/htdocs/langs/pl_PL/other.lang
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ Tools=Narzędzia
 DateToBirth=Data urodzenia
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FICHINTER=Validate interwencji
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FAC=Sprawdź rachunki
+Notify_FICHINTER_VALIDATE=Validate interwencji
+Notify_BILL_VALIDATE=Sprawdź rachunki
 NbOfAttachedFiles=Liczba załączonych plików / dokumentów
 TotalSizeOfAttachedFiles=Całkowita wielkość załączonych plików / dokumentów
 MaxSize=Maksymalny rozmiar
@@ -164,8 +164,8 @@ NewExport=Nowy eksport
 // Reference language: en_US
 BirthdayAlertOn=urodziny wpisu aktywnych
 BirthdayAlertOff=urodziny wpisu nieaktywne
-Notify_NOTIFY_APP_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Dostawca celu zatwierdzone
-Notify_NOTIFY_REF_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Dostawca odmówił celu
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_APPROVE=Dostawca celu zatwierdzone
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_REFUSE=Dostawca odmówił celu
 DemoDesc=Dolibarr jest kompaktowym ERP / CRM złożona z kilku modułów funkcjonalnych. A demo, które zawiera wszystkie moduły nie oznacza nic, ponieważ nie występuje. Tak więc, kilka profili są dostępne demo.
 DemoCompanyServiceOnly=Zarządzanie wolny działalności sprzedaży usług tylko
 SendNewPasswordDesc=Ta forma pozwala na złożenie wniosku o nowe hasło. Będzie wyślij swój adres e-mail. <br> Zmiana będzie skuteczne dopiero po kliknięciu na link potwierdzający wewnątrz tej wiadomości. <br> Sprawdź pocztę czytnik oprogramowania.
@@ -180,10 +180,10 @@ DolibarrNotification=Automatyczne powiadomienia
 // Reference language: en_US
 BirthdayAlertOn=bursdag varsling aktive
 BirthdayAlertOff=bursdag varsling inaktive
-Notify_NOTIFY_APP_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Leverandør bestill godkjent
-Notify_NOTIFY_REF_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Leverandør bestill nektet
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=Kundeordre validert
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=Kunden forslaget validert
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_APPROVE=Leverandør bestill godkjent
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_REFUSE=Leverandør bestill nektet
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=Kundeordre validert
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=Kunden forslaget validert
 PredefinedMailTest=Dette er en test post. \ NDe to linjer er atskilt med en vognretur.
 PredefinedMailTestHtml=Dette er en <b>test</b> mail (ordet testen må være i fet skrift). <br> De to linjene er skilt med en vognretur.
 FeatureNotYetAvailableShort=Tilgjengelig i en neste versjon
@@ -228,8 +228,8 @@ CurrentInformationOnImage=Informasjon om gjeldende bilde
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification=Du mottar denne meldingen fordi din e-post har blitt lagt til listen over mål for å bli informert om spesielle hendelser i %s programvare av %s.
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification2=Denne hendelsen er følgende:
 ExternalSites=Eksterne nettsteder
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=Bestelling van de klant gevalideerd
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=Klant voorstel gevalideerd
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=Bestelling van de klant gevalideerd
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=Klant voorstel gevalideerd
 PredefinedMailTest=Dit is een test e-mail. \ NDe twee lijnen worden gescheiden door een harde return.
 PredefinedMailTestHtml=Dit is een <b>test</b> e-mail (het woord test moet worden in het vet). <br> De twee lijnen worden gescheiden door een harde return.
 CalculatedWeight=Berekend gewicht
@@ -259,8 +259,8 @@ CalculatedWeight=Berekend gewicht
 CalculatedVolume=Berekende volume
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification=U ontvangt dit bericht omdat uw e-mail is toegevoegd aan de lijst van doelstellingen te worden geïnformeerd over bepaalde gebeurtenissen in de software van sssss sssss.
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification2=Dit evenement is de volgende:
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=Aby Klient zatwierdzone
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=wniosek Klienta zatwierdzone
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=Aby Klient zatwierdzone
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=wniosek Klienta zatwierdzone
 PredefinedMailTest=To jest test mail. Czeka na zatwierdzenie nowego dwie linie oddzielone są znakiem powrotu karetki.
 PredefinedMailTestHtml=To jest mail <b>do badań</b> (test słowa muszą być pogrubione). <br> Dwie linie oddzielone są znakiem powrotu karetki.
 CalculatedWeight=Oblicza masy
diff --git a/htdocs/langs/pt_BR/other.lang b/htdocs/langs/pt_BR/other.lang
index 6ef736be06f81dc8fb2276836247f369ae238d03..e3e4579298bb23a8133d9fbe85cb1fcbd34bbec4 100644
--- a/htdocs/langs/pt_BR/other.lang
+++ b/htdocs/langs/pt_BR/other.lang
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ BirthdayDate=Data Aniversário
 DateToBirth=Data de Nascimento
 BirthdayAlertOn=Alerta de aniversário ativo
 BirthdayAlertOff=Alerta de aniversário desativado
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FICHINTER=Validação Ficha Intervenção
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FAC=Validação Fatura
+Notify_FICHINTER_VALIDATE=Validação Ficha Intervenção
+Notify_BILL_VALIDATE=Validação Fatura
 NbOfAttachedFiles=Número Arquivos/Documentos Anexos
 TotalSizeOfAttachedFiles=Tamanho Total dos Arquivos/Documentos Anexos
 MaxSize=Tamanho Máximo
diff --git a/htdocs/langs/pt_PT/other.lang b/htdocs/langs/pt_PT/other.lang
index bfbc0bb33549d6d676d1b3821729e9ec97dcdf9d..42e54ad942f748d78c51e9036f42cdabb17376f4 100644
--- a/htdocs/langs/pt_PT/other.lang
+++ b/htdocs/langs/pt_PT/other.lang
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ Tools=Utilidades
 BirthdayDate=Data Aniversario
 DateToBirth=Data de Nascimento
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FICHINTER=Validação Ficha Intervenção
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FAC=Validação factura
+Notify_FICHINTER_VALIDATE=Validação Ficha Intervenção
+Notify_BILL_VALIDATE=Validação factura
 NbOfAttachedFiles=Número Ficheiros/Documentos anexos
 TotalSizeOfAttachedFiles=Tamanho Total dos Ficheiros/Documentos anexos
 MaxSize=Tamanho Máximo
@@ -159,8 +159,8 @@ NewExport=Nova Exportação
 // Reference language: en_US
 BirthdayAlertOn=Alerta de aniversário activas
 BirthdayAlertOff=aniversário alerta inativo
-Notify_NOTIFY_APP_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Fornecedor fim aprovado
-Notify_NOTIFY_REF_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Fornecedor fim recusada
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_APPROVE=Fornecedor fim aprovado
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_REFUSE=Fornecedor fim recusada
 EMailTextInterventionValidated=Intervenção %s validados
 EMailTextInvoiceValidated=Factura %s validados
 ImportedWithSet=Importação conjunto de dados
@@ -172,10 +172,10 @@ DolibarrNotification=Notificação automática
 // Reference language: en_US
 BirthdayAlertOn=bursdag varsling aktive
 BirthdayAlertOff=bursdag varsling inaktive
-Notify_NOTIFY_APP_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Leverandør bestill godkjent
-Notify_NOTIFY_REF_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Leverandør bestill nektet
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=Kundeordre validert
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=Kunden forslaget validert
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_APPROVE=Leverandør bestill godkjent
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_REFUSE=Leverandør bestill nektet
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=Kundeordre validert
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=Kunden forslaget validert
 PredefinedMailTest=Dette er en test post. \ NDe to linjer er atskilt med en vognretur.
 PredefinedMailTestHtml=Dette er en <b>test</b> mail (ordet testen må være i fet skrift). <br> De to linjene er skilt med en vognretur.
 FeatureNotYetAvailableShort=Tilgjengelig i en neste versjon
@@ -220,8 +220,8 @@ CurrentInformationOnImage=Informasjon om gjeldende bilde
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification=Du mottar denne meldingen fordi din e-post har blitt lagt til listen over mål for å bli informert om spesielle hendelser i %s programvare av %s.
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification2=Denne hendelsen er følgende:
 ExternalSites=Eksterne nettsteder
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=Bestelling van de klant gevalideerd
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=Klant voorstel gevalideerd
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=Bestelling van de klant gevalideerd
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=Klant voorstel gevalideerd
 PredefinedMailTest=Dit is een test e-mail. \ NDe twee lijnen worden gescheiden door een harde return.
 PredefinedMailTestHtml=Dit is een <b>test</b> e-mail (het woord test moet worden in het vet). <br> De twee lijnen worden gescheiden door een harde return.
 CalculatedWeight=Berekend gewicht
@@ -251,8 +251,8 @@ CalculatedWeight=Berekend gewicht
 CalculatedVolume=Berekende volume
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification=U ontvangt dit bericht omdat uw e-mail is toegevoegd aan de lijst van doelstellingen te worden geïnformeerd over bepaalde gebeurtenissen in de software van sssss sssss.
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification2=Dit evenement is de volgende:
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=Aby Klient zatwierdzone
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=wniosek Klienta zatwierdzone
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=Aby Klient zatwierdzone
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=wniosek Klienta zatwierdzone
 PredefinedMailTest=To jest test mail. Czeka na zatwierdzenie nowego dwie linie oddzielone są znakiem powrotu karetki.
 PredefinedMailTestHtml=To jest mail <b>do badań</b> (test słowa muszą być pogrubione). <br> Dwie linie oddzielone są znakiem powrotu karetki.
 CalculatedWeight=Oblicza masy
@@ -279,8 +279,8 @@ CurrentInformationOnImage=Informacje na temat bieżącego obrazu
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification=Pojawieniu się tego komunikatu, ponieważ e-mail został dodany do listy celów do informacji o wydarzeniach w szczególności z sssss sssss oprogramowania.
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification2=To wydarzenie jest następujące:
 ExternalSites=tereny zewnętrzne
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=ordem do cliente validado
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=proposta do cliente validado
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=ordem do cliente validado
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=proposta do cliente validado
 PredefinedMailTest=Este é um mail de teste. \ NO duas linhas são separadas por um retorno de carro.
 PredefinedMailTestHtml=Este é um mail <b>de teste</b> (o teste da Palavra deve ser em negrito). <br> As duas linhas são separadas por um retorno de carro.
 CalculatedWeight=peso calculado
diff --git a/htdocs/langs/ro_RO/other.lang b/htdocs/langs/ro_RO/other.lang
index c5855bc98320b6b5a147a82159d6be7b19e9044e..e5afbd078ee3e24cd4b3c223c5f628548954e429 100644
--- a/htdocs/langs/ro_RO/other.lang
+++ b/htdocs/langs/ro_RO/other.lang
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ Tools=Instrumente
 Birthday=Zi de naştere
 BirthdayDate=Zi de naştere
 DateToBirth=Data de naştere
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FICHINTER=Validate intervenţie
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FAC=Validate factura
+Notify_FICHINTER_VALIDATE=Validate intervenţie
+Notify_BILL_VALIDATE=Validate factura
 NbOfAttachedFiles=Numărul de ataşat fişiere / documente
 TotalSizeOfAttachedFiles=Total marimea ataşat fişiere / documente
 MaxSize=Mărimea maximă a
@@ -162,8 +162,8 @@ NewExport=New export
 // Reference language: en_US
 BirthdayAlertOn=ziua de nastere de alertă activă
 BirthdayAlertOff=ziua de nastere de alertă inactiv
-Notify_NOTIFY_APP_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Furnizor pentru a aprobat
-Notify_NOTIFY_REF_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Furnizor pentru a refuzat
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_APPROVE=Furnizor pentru a aprobat
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_REFUSE=Furnizor pentru a refuzat
 DemoDesc=Dolibarr este un compact ERP / CRM compus din mai multe module funcţionale. Un demo care include toate modulele nu înseamnă nimic, deoarece aceasta nu se produce. Deci, mai multe demo-profile sunt disponibile.
 DemoCompanyServiceOnly=Gestionaţi o independenţi activitate vânzarea de servicii numai
 SendNewPasswordDesc=Acest formular vă permite să solicitaţi o parolă nouă. Se va trimite la adresa de e-mail. <br> Modificarea va fi în vigoare doar după ce fac clic pe link-ul de confirmare în interiorul acestui email. <br> Verificaţi-vă de e-mail reader software.
@@ -176,8 +176,8 @@ DolibarrNotification=Automat de notificare
 // START - Lines generated via autotranslator.php tool (2010-07-17 11:36:47).
 // Reference language: en_US
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=Pentru clienţilor validate
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=Propunerea clienţilor validate
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=Pentru clienţilor validate
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=Propunerea clienţilor validate
 PredefinedMailTest=Acesta este un e-mail de test. \ NMesajul două linii sunt separate printr-un retur de car.
 PredefinedMailTestHtml=Acesta este un e-mail <b>de testare</b> (test de cuvânt trebuie să fie în aldine). <br> Cele două linii sunt separate printr-un retur de car.
 CalculatedWeight=Calculat în greutate
@@ -211,10 +211,10 @@ ExternalSites=Site-uri externe
 // Reference language: en_US
 BirthdayAlertOn=bursdag varsling aktive
 BirthdayAlertOff=bursdag varsling inaktive
-Notify_NOTIFY_APP_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Leverandør bestill godkjent
-Notify_NOTIFY_REF_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Leverandør bestill nektet
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=Kundeordre validert
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=Kunden forslaget validert
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_APPROVE=Leverandør bestill godkjent
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_REFUSE=Leverandør bestill nektet
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=Kundeordre validert
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=Kunden forslaget validert
 PredefinedMailTest=Dette er en test post. \ NDe to linjer er atskilt med en vognretur.
 PredefinedMailTestHtml=Dette er en <b>test</b> mail (ordet testen må være i fet skrift). <br> De to linjene er skilt med en vognretur.
 FeatureNotYetAvailableShort=Tilgjengelig i en neste versjon
@@ -259,8 +259,8 @@ CurrentInformationOnImage=Informasjon om gjeldende bilde
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification=Du mottar denne meldingen fordi din e-post har blitt lagt til listen over mål for å bli informert om spesielle hendelser i %s programvare av %s.
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification2=Denne hendelsen er følgende:
 ExternalSites=Eksterne nettsteder
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=Bestelling van de klant gevalideerd
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=Klant voorstel gevalideerd
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=Bestelling van de klant gevalideerd
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=Klant voorstel gevalideerd
 PredefinedMailTest=Dit is een test e-mail. \ NDe twee lijnen worden gescheiden door een harde return.
 PredefinedMailTestHtml=Dit is een <b>test</b> e-mail (het woord test moet worden in het vet). <br> De twee lijnen worden gescheiden door een harde return.
 CalculatedWeight=Berekend gewicht
@@ -290,8 +290,8 @@ CalculatedWeight=Berekend gewicht
 CalculatedVolume=Berekende volume
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification=U ontvangt dit bericht omdat uw e-mail is toegevoegd aan de lijst van doelstellingen te worden geïnformeerd over bepaalde gebeurtenissen in de software van sssss sssss.
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification2=Dit evenement is de volgende:
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=Aby Klient zatwierdzone
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=wniosek Klienta zatwierdzone
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=Aby Klient zatwierdzone
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=wniosek Klienta zatwierdzone
 PredefinedMailTest=To jest test mail. Czeka na zatwierdzenie nowego dwie linie oddzielone są znakiem powrotu karetki.
 PredefinedMailTestHtml=To jest mail <b>do badań</b> (test słowa muszą być pogrubione). <br> Dwie linie oddzielone są znakiem powrotu karetki.
 CalculatedWeight=Oblicza masy
@@ -318,8 +318,8 @@ CurrentInformationOnImage=Informacje na temat bieżącego obrazu
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification=Pojawieniu się tego komunikatu, ponieważ e-mail został dodany do listy celów do informacji o wydarzeniach w szczególności z sssss sssss oprogramowania.
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification2=To wydarzenie jest następujące:
 ExternalSites=tereny zewnętrzne
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=ordem do cliente validado
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=proposta do cliente validado
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=ordem do cliente validado
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=proposta do cliente validado
 PredefinedMailTest=Este é um mail de teste. \ NO duas linhas são separadas por um retorno de carro.
 PredefinedMailTestHtml=Este é um mail <b>de teste</b> (o teste da Palavra deve ser em negrito). <br> As duas linhas são separadas por um retorno de carro.
 CalculatedWeight=peso calculado
diff --git a/htdocs/langs/ru_RU/other.lang b/htdocs/langs/ru_RU/other.lang
index 7e4476205667cc78aae9e1c93cdb2776c3fe3611..e9c5ab212228222a82f9d37a5b72da5df796a9d2 100644
--- a/htdocs/langs/ru_RU/other.lang
+++ b/htdocs/langs/ru_RU/other.lang
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ Tools=Инструменты
 Birthday=День рождения
 BirthdayDate=День рождения
 DateToBirth=Дата рождения
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FICHINTER=Проверка вмешательства
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FAC=Проверка векселя
+Notify_FICHINTER_VALIDATE=Проверка вмешательства
+Notify_BILL_VALIDATE=Проверка векселя
 NbOfAttachedFiles=Количество прикрепленных файлов / документов
 TotalSizeOfAttachedFiles=Общий размер присоединенных файлов / документы
 MaxSize=Максимальный размер
@@ -162,8 +162,8 @@ NewExport=Новый экспорт
 // Reference language: en_US
 BirthdayAlertOn=рождения активного оповещения
 BirthdayAlertOff=рождения оповещения неактивные
-Notify_NOTIFY_APP_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Поставщик утвердил порядок
-Notify_NOTIFY_REF_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Поставщик порядке отказалась
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_APPROVE=Поставщик утвердил порядок
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_REFUSE=Поставщик порядке отказалась
 DemoDesc=Dolibarr является компактным ERP / CRM составе нескольких функциональных модулей. В демо, что включает в себя все модули, не означает ничего, как этого никогда не происходит. Так, несколько демо-профилей доступны.
 DemoCompanyServiceOnly=Управление внештатным деятельности службы только в продаже
 SendNewPasswordDesc=Эта форма позволяет запросить новый пароль. Он будет отправить на ваш адрес электронной почты. <br> Изменения вступят в силу только после нажатия на ссылку в подтверждение этого сообщения. <br> Проверьте ваш электронный читатель программного обеспечения.
@@ -178,10 +178,10 @@ DolibarrNotification=Автоматические уведомления
 // Reference language: en_US
 BirthdayAlertOn=bursdag varsling aktive
 BirthdayAlertOff=bursdag varsling inaktive
-Notify_NOTIFY_APP_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Leverandør bestill godkjent
-Notify_NOTIFY_REF_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Leverandør bestill nektet
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=Kundeordre validert
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=Kunden forslaget validert
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_APPROVE=Leverandør bestill godkjent
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_REFUSE=Leverandør bestill nektet
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=Kundeordre validert
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=Kunden forslaget validert
 PredefinedMailTest=Dette er en test post. \ NDe to linjer er atskilt med en vognretur.
 PredefinedMailTestHtml=Dette er en <b>test</b> mail (ordet testen må være i fet skrift). <br> De to linjene er skilt med en vognretur.
 FeatureNotYetAvailableShort=Tilgjengelig i en neste versjon
@@ -226,8 +226,8 @@ CurrentInformationOnImage=Informasjon om gjeldende bilde
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification=Du mottar denne meldingen fordi din e-post har blitt lagt til listen over mål for å bli informert om spesielle hendelser i %s programvare av %s.
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification2=Denne hendelsen er følgende:
 ExternalSites=Eksterne nettsteder
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=Bestelling van de klant gevalideerd
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=Klant voorstel gevalideerd
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=Bestelling van de klant gevalideerd
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=Klant voorstel gevalideerd
 PredefinedMailTest=Dit is een test e-mail. \ NDe twee lijnen worden gescheiden door een harde return.
 PredefinedMailTestHtml=Dit is een <b>test</b> e-mail (het woord test moet worden in het vet). <br> De twee lijnen worden gescheiden door een harde return.
 CalculatedWeight=Berekend gewicht
@@ -257,8 +257,8 @@ CalculatedWeight=Berekend gewicht
 CalculatedVolume=Berekende volume
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification=U ontvangt dit bericht omdat uw e-mail is toegevoegd aan de lijst van doelstellingen te worden geïnformeerd over bepaalde gebeurtenissen in de software van sssss sssss.
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification2=Dit evenement is de volgende:
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=Aby Klient zatwierdzone
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=wniosek Klienta zatwierdzone
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=Aby Klient zatwierdzone
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=wniosek Klienta zatwierdzone
 PredefinedMailTest=To jest test mail. Czeka na zatwierdzenie nowego dwie linie oddzielone są znakiem powrotu karetki.
 PredefinedMailTestHtml=To jest mail <b>do badań</b> (test słowa muszą być pogrubione). <br> Dwie linie oddzielone są znakiem powrotu karetki.
 CalculatedWeight=Oblicza masy
@@ -285,8 +285,8 @@ CurrentInformationOnImage=Informacje na temat bieżącego obrazu
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification=Pojawieniu się tego komunikatu, ponieważ e-mail został dodany do listy celów do informacji o wydarzeniach w szczególności z sssss sssss oprogramowania.
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification2=To wydarzenie jest następujące:
 ExternalSites=tereny zewnętrzne
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=ordem do cliente validado
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=proposta do cliente validado
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=ordem do cliente validado
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=proposta do cliente validado
 PredefinedMailTest=Este é um mail de teste. \ NO duas linhas são separadas por um retorno de carro.
 PredefinedMailTestHtml=Este é um mail <b>de teste</b> (o teste da Palavra deve ser em negrito). <br> As duas linhas são separadas por um retorno de carro.
 CalculatedWeight=peso calculado
@@ -312,8 +312,8 @@ CurrentInformationOnImage=Informações sobre a imagem atual
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification=Você receberá esta mensagem porque seu e-mail foi adicionado à lista de alvos a ser informado dos acontecimentos em particular do software %s %s.
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification2=Este evento é o seguinte:
 ExternalSites=Sites externos
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=Клиент для проверки
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=Клиент предложение проверки
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=Клиент для проверки
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=Клиент предложение проверки
 PredefinedMailTest=Это тест почты. \ NЭтот две строки, разделенные символом возврата каретки.
 PredefinedMailTestHtml=Это <b>тест</b> почты (слово "испытание должно быть жирным шрифтом). <br> 2 линии разделяются символом возврата каретки.
 CalculatedWeight=Расчетный вес
diff --git a/htdocs/langs/sl_SI/other.lang b/htdocs/langs/sl_SI/other.lang
index 8e2b0c22833539f70c67be0f5b1bf77a30bf8492..8862bd93a060a0ab492dba945e279836e3d0ab0a 100755
--- a/htdocs/langs/sl_SI/other.lang
+++ b/htdocs/langs/sl_SI/other.lang
@@ -26,15 +26,15 @@ BirthdayDate=Rojstni dan
 DateToBirth=Datum rojstva
 BirthdayAlertOn = Vklopljeno opozorilo na rojstni dan
 BirthdayAlertOff = Izklopljeno opozorilo na rojstni dan
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FICHINTER=Potrjena intervencija
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FAC=Potrjen račun
-Notify_NOTIFY_APP_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Odobreno naročilo pri dobavitelju
-Notify_NOTIFY_REF_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Zavrnjeno naročilo pri dobavitelju 
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=Potrjeno naročilo kupca
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=Potrjena ponudba kupcu
-Notify_NOTIFY_TRN_WITHDRAW=Nakazilo prenosa
-Notify_NOTIFY_CRD_WITHDRAW=Nakazilo kredita
-Notify_NOTIFY_EMT_WITHDRAW=Isue withdrawal
+Notify_FICHINTER_VALIDATE=Potrjena intervencija
+Notify_BILL_VALIDATE=Potrjen račun
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_APPROVE=Odobreno naročilo pri dobavitelju
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_REFUSE=Zavrnjeno naročilo pri dobavitelju 
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=Potrjeno naročilo kupca
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=Potrjena ponudba kupcu
+Notify_WITHDRAW_TRANSMIT=Nakazilo prenosa
+Notify_WITHDRAW_CREDIT=Nakazilo kredita
+Notify_WITHDRAW_EMIT=Isue withdrawal
 NbOfAttachedFiles=Število pripetih datotek/dokumentov
 TotalSizeOfAttachedFiles=Skupna velikost pripetih datotek/dokumentov 
 MaxSize=Največja velikost
diff --git a/htdocs/langs/sv_SE/other.lang b/htdocs/langs/sv_SE/other.lang
index 1e08051c97d1042826b3fc3d801d6e3c8ac1d735..b13768796f6cd9ad7912bfc266004b5157586a88 100755
--- a/htdocs/langs/sv_SE/other.lang
+++ b/htdocs/langs/sv_SE/other.lang
@@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ BirthdayDate=Födelsedag
 DateToBirth=Datum för födelse
 BirthdayAlertOn=födelsedag alert aktiva
 BirthdayAlertOff=födelsedag alert inaktiv
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FICHINTER=Intervention validerade
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FAC=Kundfaktura validerade
-Notify_NOTIFY_APP_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Leverantör för godkänd
-Notify_NOTIFY_REF_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Leverantör för vägrat
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=Kundorder validerade
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=Kunden förslag validerade
+Notify_FICHINTER_VALIDATE=Intervention validerade
+Notify_BILL_VALIDATE=Kundfaktura validerade
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_APPROVE=Leverantör för godkänd
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_REFUSE=Leverantör för vägrat
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=Kundorder validerade
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=Kunden förslag validerade
 NbOfAttachedFiles=Antal bifogade filer / dokument
 TotalSizeOfAttachedFiles=Total storlek på bifogade filer / dokument
 MaxSize=Maximal storlek
diff --git a/htdocs/langs/tr_TR/other.lang b/htdocs/langs/tr_TR/other.lang
index 40da7ee5ba5543aac39af6015a0286447bc1e0b4..17dd0cc792275d03313836c2e8f6144953b2f434 100644
--- a/htdocs/langs/tr_TR/other.lang
+++ b/htdocs/langs/tr_TR/other.lang
@@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ BirthdayDate=Doğum günü
 DateToBirth=Doğum için Tarih
 BirthdayAlertOn=doğum bildirim etkin
 BirthdayAlertOff=doğum bildirim etkin
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FICHINTER=Müdahale validated
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_FAC=Fatura validated
-Notify_NOTIFY_APP_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Tedarikçi sipariş onaylanmış
-Notify_NOTIFY_REF_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Tedarikçi sipariş reddetti
+Notify_FICHINTER_VALIDATE=Müdahale validated
+Notify_BILL_VALIDATE=Fatura validated
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_APPROVE=Tedarikçi sipariş onaylanmış
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_REFUSE=Tedarikçi sipariş reddetti
 NbOfAttachedFiles=Numarası ekli dosyaları / belgeleri
 TotalSizeOfAttachedFiles=Ekli dosyaların toplam boyutu / belgeleri
 MaxSize=Maksimum boyut
@@ -174,10 +174,10 @@ NewExport=Ihracat
 // Reference language: en_US
 BirthdayAlertOn=bursdag varsling aktive
 BirthdayAlertOff=bursdag varsling inaktive
-Notify_NOTIFY_APP_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Leverandør bestill godkjent
-Notify_NOTIFY_REF_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Leverandør bestill nektet
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=Kundeordre validert
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=Kunden forslaget validert
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_APPROVE=Leverandør bestill godkjent
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_REFUSE=Leverandør bestill nektet
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=Kundeordre validert
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=Kunden forslaget validert
 PredefinedMailTest=Dette er en test post. \ NDe to linjer er atskilt med en vognretur.
 PredefinedMailTestHtml=Dette er en <b>test</b> mail (ordet testen må være i fet skrift). <br> De to linjene er skilt med en vognretur.
 FeatureNotYetAvailableShort=Tilgjengelig i en neste versjon
@@ -222,8 +222,8 @@ CurrentInformationOnImage=Informasjon om gjeldende bilde
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification=Du mottar denne meldingen fordi din e-post har blitt lagt til listen over mål for å bli informert om spesielle hendelser i %s programvare av %s.
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification2=Denne hendelsen er følgende:
 ExternalSites=Eksterne nettsteder
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=Bestelling van de klant gevalideerd
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=Klant voorstel gevalideerd
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=Bestelling van de klant gevalideerd
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=Klant voorstel gevalideerd
 PredefinedMailTest=Dit is een test e-mail. \ NDe twee lijnen worden gescheiden door een harde return.
 PredefinedMailTestHtml=Dit is een <b>test</b> e-mail (het woord test moet worden in het vet). <br> De twee lijnen worden gescheiden door een harde return.
 CalculatedWeight=Berekend gewicht
@@ -253,8 +253,8 @@ CalculatedWeight=Berekend gewicht
 CalculatedVolume=Berekende volume
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification=U ontvangt dit bericht omdat uw e-mail is toegevoegd aan de lijst van doelstellingen te worden geïnformeerd over bepaalde gebeurtenissen in de software van sssss sssss.
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification2=Dit evenement is de volgende:
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=Aby Klient zatwierdzone
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=wniosek Klienta zatwierdzone
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=Aby Klient zatwierdzone
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=wniosek Klienta zatwierdzone
 PredefinedMailTest=To jest test mail. Czeka na zatwierdzenie nowego dwie linie oddzielone są znakiem powrotu karetki.
 PredefinedMailTestHtml=To jest mail <b>do badań</b> (test słowa muszą być pogrubione). <br> Dwie linie oddzielone są znakiem powrotu karetki.
 CalculatedWeight=Oblicza masy
@@ -281,8 +281,8 @@ CurrentInformationOnImage=Informacje na temat bieżącego obrazu
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification=Pojawieniu się tego komunikatu, ponieważ e-mail został dodany do listy celów do informacji o wydarzeniach w szczególności z sssss sssss oprogramowania.
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification2=To wydarzenie jest następujące:
 ExternalSites=tereny zewnętrzne
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=ordem do cliente validado
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=proposta do cliente validado
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=ordem do cliente validado
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=proposta do cliente validado
 PredefinedMailTest=Este é um mail de teste. \ NO duas linhas são separadas por um retorno de carro.
 PredefinedMailTestHtml=Este é um mail <b>de teste</b> (o teste da Palavra deve ser em negrito). <br> As duas linhas são separadas por um retorno de carro.
 CalculatedWeight=peso calculado
@@ -308,8 +308,8 @@ CurrentInformationOnImage=Informações sobre a imagem atual
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification=Você receberá esta mensagem porque seu e-mail foi adicionado à lista de alvos a ser informado dos acontecimentos em particular do software %s %s.
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification2=Este evento é o seguinte:
 ExternalSites=Sites externos
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=Клиент для проверки
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=Клиент предложение проверки
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=Клиент для проверки
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=Клиент предложение проверки
 PredefinedMailTest=Это тест почты. \ NЭтот две строки, разделенные символом возврата каретки.
 PredefinedMailTestHtml=Это <b>тест</b> почты (слово "испытание должно быть жирным шрифтом). <br> 2 линии разделяются символом возврата каретки.
 CalculatedWeight=Расчетный вес
@@ -336,8 +336,8 @@ CurrentInformationOnImage=Информация о текущем изображ
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification=Это сообщение появляется, потому что ваше сообщение было добавлено в список целей, которые должны быть проинформированы о конкретных мероприятий в %s программного обеспечения %s.
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification2=Это событие имеет следующий вид:
 ExternalSites=На внешних сайтах
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=Stranka da potrdijo
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=Customer predlogu potrjene
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=Stranka da potrdijo
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=Customer predlogu potrjene
 CalculatedWeight=Izračuna masa
 CalculatedVolume=Izračuna prostornine
@@ -361,8 +361,8 @@ CurrentInformationOnImage=Informacije o trenutni sliki
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification=Prikaže se to sporočilo, ker je bil vaš e-poštni doda na seznam ciljev do obveščenosti določene prireditve v programsko opremo za %s %s.
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification2=Ta dogodek je naslednji:
 ExternalSites=Zunanjih spletnih mest
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=Müşteri sipariş onaylandı
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=Müşteri öneri onaylandı
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=Müşteri sipariş onaylandı
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=Müşteri öneri onaylandı
 CalculatedWeight=Hesaplanan ağırlık
 CalculatedVolume=Hesaplanan hacim
diff --git a/htdocs/langs/zh_CN/other.lang b/htdocs/langs/zh_CN/other.lang
index ea5ce55d16d7f6e16a128c0ad8d0561220d2d4ad..ab5f156dd20e793883e404e00c0d3a9497da6a0d 100644
--- a/htdocs/langs/zh_CN/other.lang
+++ b/htdocs/langs/zh_CN/other.lang
@@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ BirthdayDate=生日
@@ -196,10 +196,10 @@ ExternalSites=外部网站
 // Reference language: en_US
 BirthdayAlertOn=bursdag varsling aktive
 BirthdayAlertOff=bursdag varsling inaktive
-Notify_NOTIFY_APP_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Leverandør bestill godkjent
-Notify_NOTIFY_REF_ORDER_SUPPLIER=Leverandør bestill nektet
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=Kundeordre validert
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=Kunden forslaget validert
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_APPROVE=Leverandør bestill godkjent
+Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_REFUSE=Leverandør bestill nektet
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=Kundeordre validert
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=Kunden forslaget validert
 PredefinedMailTest=Dette er en test post. \ NDe to linjer er atskilt med en vognretur.
 PredefinedMailTestHtml=Dette er en <b>test</b> mail (ordet testen må være i fet skrift). <br> De to linjene er skilt med en vognretur.
 FeatureNotYetAvailableShort=Tilgjengelig i en neste versjon
@@ -244,8 +244,8 @@ CurrentInformationOnImage=Informasjon om gjeldende bilde
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification=Du mottar denne meldingen fordi din e-post har blitt lagt til listen over mål for å bli informert om spesielle hendelser i %s programvare av %s.
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification2=Denne hendelsen er følgende:
 ExternalSites=Eksterne nettsteder
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=Bestelling van de klant gevalideerd
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=Klant voorstel gevalideerd
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=Bestelling van de klant gevalideerd
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=Klant voorstel gevalideerd
 PredefinedMailTest=Dit is een test e-mail. \ NDe twee lijnen worden gescheiden door een harde return.
 PredefinedMailTestHtml=Dit is een <b>test</b> e-mail (het woord test moet worden in het vet). <br> De twee lijnen worden gescheiden door een harde return.
 CalculatedWeight=Berekend gewicht
@@ -275,8 +275,8 @@ CalculatedWeight=Berekend gewicht
 CalculatedVolume=Berekende volume
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification=U ontvangt dit bericht omdat uw e-mail is toegevoegd aan de lijst van doelstellingen te worden geïnformeerd over bepaalde gebeurtenissen in de software van sssss sssss.
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification2=Dit evenement is de volgende:
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=Aby Klient zatwierdzone
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=wniosek Klienta zatwierdzone
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=Aby Klient zatwierdzone
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=wniosek Klienta zatwierdzone
 PredefinedMailTest=To jest test mail. Czeka na zatwierdzenie nowego dwie linie oddzielone są znakiem powrotu karetki.
 PredefinedMailTestHtml=To jest mail <b>do badań</b> (test słowa muszą być pogrubione). <br> Dwie linie oddzielone są znakiem powrotu karetki.
 CalculatedWeight=Oblicza masy
@@ -303,8 +303,8 @@ CurrentInformationOnImage=Informacje na temat bieżącego obrazu
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification=Pojawieniu się tego komunikatu, ponieważ e-mail został dodany do listy celów do informacji o wydarzeniach w szczególności z sssss sssss oprogramowania.
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification2=To wydarzenie jest następujące:
 ExternalSites=tereny zewnętrzne
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=ordem do cliente validado
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=proposta do cliente validado
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=ordem do cliente validado
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=proposta do cliente validado
 PredefinedMailTest=Este é um mail de teste. \ NO duas linhas são separadas por um retorno de carro.
 PredefinedMailTestHtml=Este é um mail <b>de teste</b> (o teste da Palavra deve ser em negrito). <br> As duas linhas são separadas por um retorno de carro.
 CalculatedWeight=peso calculado
@@ -330,8 +330,8 @@ CurrentInformationOnImage=Informações sobre a imagem atual
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification=Você receberá esta mensagem porque seu e-mail foi adicionado à lista de alvos a ser informado dos acontecimentos em particular do software %s %s.
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification2=Este evento é o seguinte:
 ExternalSites=Sites externos
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=Клиент для проверки
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=Клиент предложение проверки
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=Клиент для проверки
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=Клиент предложение проверки
 PredefinedMailTest=Это тест почты. \ NЭтот две строки, разделенные символом возврата каретки.
 PredefinedMailTestHtml=Это <b>тест</b> почты (слово "испытание должно быть жирным шрифтом). <br> 2 линии разделяются символом возврата каретки.
 CalculatedWeight=Расчетный вес
@@ -358,8 +358,8 @@ CurrentInformationOnImage=Информация о текущем изображ
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification=Это сообщение появляется, потому что ваше сообщение было добавлено в список целей, которые должны быть проинформированы о конкретных мероприятий в %s программного обеспечения %s.
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification2=Это событие имеет следующий вид:
 ExternalSites=На внешних сайтах
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=Stranka da potrdijo
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=Customer predlogu potrjene
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=Stranka da potrdijo
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=Customer predlogu potrjene
 CalculatedWeight=Izračuna masa
 CalculatedVolume=Izračuna prostornine
@@ -383,8 +383,8 @@ CurrentInformationOnImage=Informacije o trenutni sliki
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification=Prikaže se to sporočilo, ker je bil vaš e-poštni doda na seznam ciljev do obveščenosti določene prireditve v programsko opremo za %s %s.
 YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification2=Ta dogodek je naslednji:
 ExternalSites=Zunanjih spletnih mest
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_ORDER=Müşteri sipariş onaylandı
-Notify_NOTIFY_VAL_PROPAL=Müşteri öneri onaylandı
+Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=Müşteri sipariş onaylandı
+Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=Müşteri öneri onaylandı
 CalculatedWeight=Hesaplanan ağırlık
 CalculatedVolume=Hesaplanan hacim
diff --git a/htdocs/societe/notify/fiche.php b/htdocs/societe/notify/fiche.php
index dc5dcf98b8e0acda44f37ff792b95a7bcd9c18d0..cebbeaa532998af03e5160e23b0a279f0fb71007 100644
--- a/htdocs/societe/notify/fiche.php
+++ b/htdocs/societe/notify/fiche.php
@@ -170,8 +170,10 @@ if ( $soc->fetch($soc->id) )
 	if (count($soc->thirdparty_and_contact_email_array()) > 0)
 		// Load array of notifications type available
-		$sql = "SELECT a.rowid, a.code, a.titre";
-		$sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."action_def as a";
+		$sql = "SELECT a.rowid, a.code, a.label";
+		$sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."c_action_trigger as a";
+		$sql.= " WHERE a.entity = ".$conf->entity;
+		$sql.= " AND a.active = 1";
 		if ($resql)
@@ -181,8 +183,8 @@ if ( $soc->fetch($soc->id) )
 			while ($i < $num)
 				$obj = $db->fetch_object($resql);
-				$libelle=($langs->trans("Notify_".$obj->code)!="Notify_".$obj->code?$langs->trans("Notify_".$obj->code):$obj->titre);
-				$actions[$obj->rowid] = $libelle;
+				$label=($langs->trans("Notify_".$obj->code)!="Notify_".$obj->code?$langs->trans("Notify_".$obj->code):$obj->label);
+				$actions[$obj->rowid] = $label;
@@ -235,11 +237,14 @@ if ( $soc->fetch($soc->id) )
 	// List of notifications for contacts
 	$sql = "SELECT n.rowid, n.type,";
-	$sql.= " a.code, a.titre,";
-    $sql.= " c.rowid as id, c.name, c.firstname, c.email";
-	$sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."action_def as a, ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."notify_def as n,";
+	$sql.= " a.code, a.label,";
+    $sql.= " c.rowid as contactid, c.name, c.firstname, c.email";
+	$sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."c_action_trigger as a,";
+	$sql.= " ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."notify_def as n,";
 	$sql.= " ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."socpeople c";
-	$sql.= " WHERE a.rowid = n.fk_action AND c.rowid = n.fk_contact AND c.fk_soc = ".$soc->id;
+	$sql.= " WHERE a.rowid = n.fk_action";
+	$sql.= " AND c.rowid = n.fk_contact";
+	$sql.= " AND c.fk_soc = ".$soc->id;
 	if ($resql)
@@ -255,7 +260,7 @@ if ( $soc->fetch($soc->id) )
 			$obj = $db->fetch_object($resql);
-			$contactstatic->id=$obj->id;
+			$contactstatic->id=$obj->contactid;
 			print '<tr '.$bc[$var].'><td>'.$contactstatic->getNomUrl(1);
@@ -273,8 +278,8 @@ if ( $soc->fetch($soc->id) )
 			print '</td>';
 			print '<td>';
-			$libelle=($langs->trans("Notify_".$obj->code)!="Notify_".$obj->code?$langs->trans("Notify_".$obj->code):$obj->titre);
-			print $libelle;
+			$label=($langs->trans("Notify_".$obj->code)!="Notify_".$obj->code?$langs->trans("Notify_".$obj->code):$obj->label);
+			print $label;
 			print '</td>';
             print '<td>';
             if ($obj->type == 'email') print $langs->trans("Email");
@@ -307,13 +312,16 @@ if ( $soc->fetch($soc->id) )
 	print '</tr>';
-	// Liste
+	// List
 	$sql = "SELECT n.rowid, n.daten, n.email, n.objet_type, n.objet_id,";
 	$sql.= " c.rowid as id, c.name, c.firstname, c.email,";
-	$sql.= " a.code, a.titre";
-	$sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."action_def as a, ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."notify as n, ";
+	$sql.= " a.code, a.label";
+	$sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."c_action_trigger as a,";
+	$sql.= " ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."notify as n, ";
     $sql.= " ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."socpeople as c";
-    $sql.= " WHERE a.rowid = n.fk_action AND c.rowid = n.fk_contact AND c.fk_soc = ".$soc->id;
+    $sql.= " WHERE a.rowid = n.fk_action";
+    $sql.= " AND c.rowid = n.fk_contact";
+    $sql.= " AND c.fk_soc = ".$soc->id;
 	if ($resql)
@@ -336,8 +344,8 @@ if ( $soc->fetch($soc->id) )
 			print $obj->email?' &lt;'.$obj->email.'&gt;':$langs->trans("NoMail");
 			print '</td>';
 			print '<td>';
-			$libelle=($langs->trans("Notify_".$obj->code)!="Notify_".$obj->code?$langs->trans("Notify_".$obj->code):$obj->titre);
-			print $libelle;
+			$label=($langs->trans("Notify_".$obj->code)!="Notify_".$obj->code?$langs->trans("Notify_".$obj->code):$obj->label);
+			print $label;
 			print '</td>';
 			// TODO Add link to object here
 			// print
diff --git a/htdocs/societe/notify/index.php b/htdocs/societe/notify/index.php
index 802f7759cd0f997804f789f16643bab560654d45..6b9836a0ac1895a5e55470e98065929de6ec7a6f 100644
--- a/htdocs/societe/notify/index.php
+++ b/htdocs/societe/notify/index.php
@@ -59,15 +59,19 @@ $pagenext = $page + 1;
-$sql = "SELECT s.nom, s.rowid as socid, c.name, c.firstname, a.titre,n.rowid FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."socpeople as c, ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."action_def as a, ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."notify_def as n, ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."societe as s";
-$sql .= " WHERE n.fk_contact = c.rowid AND a.rowid = n.fk_action";
-$sql .= " AND n.fk_soc = s.rowid";
-if ($socid > 0)
-	$sql .= " AND s.rowid = " . $user->societe_id;
-$sql .= $db->order($sortfield,$sortorder);
-$sql .= $db->plimit($conf->liste_limit, $offset);
+$sql = "SELECT s.nom, s.rowid as socid, c.name, c.firstname, a.label, n.rowid";
+$sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."socpeople as c,";
+$sql.= " ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."c_action_trigger as a,";
+$sql.= " ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."notify_def as n,";
+$sql.= " ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."societe as s";
+$sql.= " WHERE n.fk_contact = c.rowid";
+$sql.= " AND a.rowid = n.fk_action";
+$sql.= " AND n.fk_soc = s.rowid";
+$sql.= " AND s.entity = ".$conf->entity;
+if ($socid > 0)	$sql.= " AND s.rowid = " . $user->societe_id;
+$sql.= $db->order($sortfield,$sortorder);
+$sql.= $db->plimit($conf->liste_limit, $offset);
 $result = $db->query($sql);
 if ($result)