diff --git a/htdocs/install/mysql/migration/repair.sql b/htdocs/install/mysql/migration/repair.sql
index 224a76cdf73af19ea4a9aab29efdb00df5c360f7..70fae404149dff7ebf27d18828d0b93b1d8b5478 100644
--- a/htdocs/install/mysql/migration/repair.sql
+++ b/htdocs/install/mysql/migration/repair.sql
@@ -108,14 +108,7 @@ UPDATE llx_product p SET p.stock= (SELECT SUM(ps.reel) FROM llx_product_stock ps
 -- VMYSQL DELETE from llx_menu where module = 'margins' and url = '/margin/index.php' and not exists (select * from llx_const where name = 'MAIN_MODULE_MARGIN' or name = 'MAIN_MODULE_MARGINS');
--- Requests to clean old tables or fields
--- DROP TABLE llx_c_methode_commande_fournisseur;
--- DROP TABLE llx_c_source;
--- DROP TABLE llx_cond_reglement;
--- DROP TABLE llx_expedition_methode;
--- DROP TABLE llx_product_fournisseur;
--- ALTER TABLE llx_product_fournisseur_price DROP COLUMN fk_product_fournisseur;
+ALTER TABLE llx_product_fournisseur_price DROP COLUMN fk_product_fournisseur;
 ALTER TABLE llx_product_fournisseur_price DROP FOREIGN KEY fk_product_fournisseur;
@@ -155,3 +148,22 @@ UPDATE llx_projet_task SET fk_task_parent = 0 WHERE fk_task_parent = rowid
 UPDATE llx_actioncomm set fk_user_action = fk_user_done where fk_user_done > 0 and (fk_user_action is null or fk_user_action = 0);
 UPDATE llx_actioncomm set fk_user_action = fk_user_author where fk_user_author > 0 and (fk_user_action is null or fk_user_action = 0);
+-- Requests to clean old tables or fields
+-- DROP TABLE llx_c_methode_commande_fournisseur;
+-- DROP TABLE llx_c_source;
+-- DROP TABLE llx_cond_reglement;
+-- DROP TABLE llx_expedition_methode;
+-- DROP TABLE llx_product_fournisseur;
+-- To replace amount on all invoice and lines when forgetting to apply a 20% vat
+-- update llx_facturedet set tva_tx = 20 where tva_tx = 0;
+-- update llx_facturedet set total_ht = round(total_ttc / 1.2, 5) where total_ht = total_ttc;
+-- update llx_facturedet set total_tva = total_ttc - total_ht where total_vat = 0;
+-- update llx_facture set total = round(total_ttc / 1.2, 5) where total_ht = total_ttc;
+-- update llx_facture set tva = total_ttc - total where tva = 0;