diff --git a/htdocs/install/mysql/migration/3.8.0-3.9.0.sql b/htdocs/install/mysql/migration/3.8.0-3.9.0.sql
index 75d9e03cda9d17cc03dabe2f2bb0b5c4dbb5d840..74a6d89ab23f96f8aea07e9752e6a846b0763f38 100755
--- a/htdocs/install/mysql/migration/3.8.0-3.9.0.sql
+++ b/htdocs/install/mysql/migration/3.8.0-3.9.0.sql
@@ -55,6 +55,11 @@ ALTER TABLE llx_societe_commerciaux ADD COLUMN import_key varchar(14) AFTER fk_u
 ALTER TABLE llx_categorie ADD COLUMN color varchar(8);
+ALTER TABLE llx_cronjob ADD COLUMN maxrun     integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
+ALTER TABLE llx_cronjob ADD COLUMN autodelete integer DEFAULT 0;
+ALTER TABLE llx_cronjob ADD COLUMN fk_mailing integer DEFAULT NULL;
 create table llx_overwrite_trans
   rowid           integer AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,
@@ -439,4 +444,4 @@ INSERT INTO llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, nc
 INSERT INTO llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) VALUES ('109', 5209, '', 0, '', 'Madre de Dios', 1);
 INSERT INTO llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) VALUES ('110', 5209, '', 0, '', 'Manuripi', 1);
 INSERT INTO llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) VALUES ('111', 5209, '', 0, '', 'Nicolás Suárez', 1);
-INSERT INTO llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) VALUES ('112', 5209, '', 0, '', 'General Federico Román', 1);
\ No newline at end of file
+INSERT INTO llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) VALUES ('112', 5209, '', 0, '', 'General Federico Román', 1);
diff --git a/htdocs/install/mysql/tables/llx_cronjob.sql b/htdocs/install/mysql/tables/llx_cronjob.sql
index 5580b5ab83099bac71d5ab6587223f41fdfc1d44..96784189b053e80e8a6d318585d6ac84adf5851c 100644
--- a/htdocs/install/mysql/tables/llx_cronjob.sql
+++ b/htdocs/install/mysql/tables/llx_cronjob.sql
@@ -26,27 +26,32 @@ CREATE TABLE llx_cronjob
 	jobtype			varchar(10) NOT NULL,
   	label 			text NOT NULL,
 	command			varchar(255),
-  	classesname 		varchar(255),
+  	classesname 	varchar(255),
   	objectname		varchar(255),
   	methodename		varchar(255),
   	params 			text,
 	md5params 		varchar(32),
-  	module_name 		varchar(255),
+  	module_name 	varchar(255),
   	priority 		integer DEFAULT 0,
-  	datelastrun 		datetime,					-- date last run and when should be next
-  	datenextrun 		datetime,					-- job will be run if current date higher that this date
+  	datelastrun 	datetime,					-- date last run and when should be next
+  	datenextrun 	datetime,					-- job will be run if current date higher that this date
   	datestart		datetime,						-- before this date no jobs will be run
   	dateend			datetime,						-- after this date, no more jobs will be run
-  	datelastresult      	datetime,				
-  	lastresult      	text,
-  	lastoutput      	text,
-  	unitfrequency	 	integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
+  	datelastresult  datetime,				
+  	lastresult      text,
+  	lastoutput      text,
+  	unitfrequency	integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
   	frequency 		integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
-	nbrun			integer,
+    maxrun          integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,		-- set this to 1 for a job queued for on run only
+	nbrun			integer,						-- nb of run complete (failed or not)
+    autodelete      integer DEFAULT 0,				-- Job can be delete once finished
   	status 			integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
-  	fk_user_author 		integer DEFAULT NULL,
-  	fk_user_mod 		integer DEFAULT NULL,
-	note text,
+  	fk_user_author 	integer DEFAULT NULL,
+  	fk_user_mod 	integer DEFAULT NULL,
+    fk_mailing      integer DEFAULT NULL,		-- id of emailing if job was queued to send mass emailing
+	note 			text,
 	libname			varchar(255),
 	entity			integer DEFAULT 0