diff --git a/htdocs/comm/action/class/actioncomm.class.php b/htdocs/comm/action/class/actioncomm.class.php
index 9f051b902ccdf51b88f43deb86b1ee351b49e2a2..68eb6994e5a40f1b840c3a2195a7198e2a1a20ac 100644
--- a/htdocs/comm/action/class/actioncomm.class.php
+++ b/htdocs/comm/action/class/actioncomm.class.php
@@ -157,7 +157,17 @@ class ActionComm extends CommonObject
     var $actions=array();
+    // Fields for emails
+    var $email_msgid;
+    var $email_from;
+    var $email_sender;
+    var $email_to;
+    var $email_tocc;
+    var $email_tobcc;
+    var $email_subject;
+    var $errors_to;
      *      Constructor
diff --git a/htdocs/core/triggers/interface_50_modAgenda_ActionsAuto.class.php b/htdocs/core/triggers/interface_50_modAgenda_ActionsAuto.class.php
index 0912e7aee10df9eb99617d95bf4da0f01268b5ce..40a06f11648bd62354c7af4633f41f46e81ae0bd 100644
--- a/htdocs/core/triggers/interface_50_modAgenda_ActionsAuto.class.php
+++ b/htdocs/core/triggers/interface_50_modAgenda_ActionsAuto.class.php
@@ -698,9 +698,9 @@ class InterfaceActionsAuto extends DolibarrTriggers
 		require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/comm/action/class/actioncomm.class.php';
 		$actioncomm = new ActionComm($this->db);
 		$actioncomm->type_code   = $object->actiontypecode;		// code of parent table llx_c_actioncomm (will be deprecated)
-		$actioncomm->code='AC_'.$action;
+		$actioncomm->code        = 'AC_'.$action;
 		$actioncomm->label       = $object->actionmsg2;
-		$actioncomm->note        = $object->actionmsg;
+		$actioncomm->note        = $object->actionmsg;          // TODO Replace with $actioncomm->email_msgid ? $object->email_content : $object->actionmsg
 		$actioncomm->datep       = $now;
 		$actioncomm->datef       = $now;
 		$actioncomm->durationp   = 0;
@@ -712,15 +712,22 @@ class InterfaceActionsAuto extends DolibarrTriggers
 		$actioncomm->contactid   = $contactforaction->id;
 		$actioncomm->authorid    = $user->id;   // User saving action
 		$actioncomm->userownerid = $user->id;	// Owner of action
-		//$actioncomm->userdone    = $user;	    // User doing action (not used anymore)
-		//$actioncomm->userdoneid  = $user->id;	// User doing action (not used anymore)
+        // Fields when action is en email (coentent should be into note)
+		$actioncomm->email_msgid = $object->email_msgid;
+		$actioncomm->email_from  = $object->email_from;
+		$actioncomm->email_sender= $object->email_sender;
+		$actioncomm->email_to    = $object->email_to;
+		$actioncomm->email_tocc  = $object->email_tocc;
+		$actioncomm->email_tobcc = $object->email_tobcc;
+		$actioncomm->email_subject = $object->email_subject;
+		$actioncomm->errors_to   = $object->errors_to;
 		$actioncomm->fk_element  = $object->id;
 		$actioncomm->elementtype = $object->element;
-		$ret=$actioncomm->add($user);       // User qui saisit l'action
+		$ret=$actioncomm->add($user);       // User creating action
-		unset($object->actionmsg); unset($object->actionmsg2); unset($object->actiontypecode);	// When several action are called on same object, we must be sure to not reuse vallue of first action.
+		unset($object->actionmsg); unset($object->actionmsg2); unset($object->actiontypecode);	// When several action are called on same object, we must be sure to not reuse value of first action.
 		if ($ret > 0)
diff --git a/htdocs/fourn/facture/card.php b/htdocs/fourn/facture/card.php
index edda6ea421e7e45aa70757d7008f110e66b54725..a72a6f61aa31c7118f06166be0485fdc3b5d8a55 100644
--- a/htdocs/fourn/facture/card.php
+++ b/htdocs/fourn/facture/card.php
@@ -1007,22 +1007,29 @@ if (empty($reshook))
-                        // Initialisation donnees
+                        // Init data for trigger
                         $object->sendtoid		= $sendtoid;
                         $object->actiontypecode	= $actiontypecode;
                         $object->actionmsg		= $actionmsg;
                         $object->actionmsg2		= $actionmsg2;
                         $object->fk_element		= $object->id;
                         $object->elementtype	= $object->element;
-                        // Appel des triggers
+                        $object->email_subject  = $subject;
+                        $object->email_to       = $sendto;
+                        $object->email_tocc     = $sendtocc;
+                        $object->email_tobcc    = $sendtobcc;
+                        $object->email_from     = $from;
+                        $object->email_content  = $_POST['message'];
+                        // Call triggers
                         include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/class/interfaces.class.php';
                         $interface=new Interfaces($db);
                         if ($result < 0) {
                             $error++; $object->errors=$interface->errors;
-                        // Fin appel triggers
+                        // End call triggers
                         if ($error)
diff --git a/htdocs/install/mysql/migration/3.8.0-3.9.0.sql b/htdocs/install/mysql/migration/3.8.0-3.9.0.sql
index e6e92a65fc7a9e2f5c100aead72477bcd1af721a..7c372a5c39450533023c0ba80a0d54c144da2d2c 100755
--- a/htdocs/install/mysql/migration/3.8.0-3.9.0.sql
+++ b/htdocs/install/mysql/migration/3.8.0-3.9.0.sql
@@ -29,6 +29,11 @@ ALTER TABLE llx_don ADD COLUMN fk_country integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 after count
 UPDATE llx_user set api_key = null where api_key = '';
+ALTER TABLE llx_actioncomm ADD COLUMN email_subject varchar(256) after email_msgid;
+ALTER TABLE llx_actioncomm ADD COLUMN email_tocc varchar(256) after email_to;
+ALTER TABLE llx_actioncomm ADD COLUMN email_tobcc varchar(256) after email_tocc;
 UPDATE llx_commande_fourn set billed=1 where statut = 8;
 UPDATE llx_commande_fourn set statut=5 where statut = 8 and billed=1;
diff --git a/htdocs/install/mysql/tables/llx_actioncomm.sql b/htdocs/install/mysql/tables/llx_actioncomm.sql
index 62eaae22e6f133778c8af8b489705b16fb3e5583..b2f0ecc6920b094bb98e15f6efb5d1d634629ff1 100644
--- a/htdocs/install/mysql/tables/llx_actioncomm.sql
+++ b/htdocs/install/mysql/tables/llx_actioncomm.sql
@@ -55,10 +55,13 @@ create table llx_actioncomm
   label				varchar(256) NOT NULL,			-- label/title of event or topic of email
   note				text,							-- note of event or content of email
+  email_subject		varchar(256),					-- when event was an email, we store here the subject. content is stored into note.
   email_msgid		varchar(256),					-- when event was an email, we store here the msgid
   email_from		varchar(256),					-- when event was an email, we store here the from
   email_sender		varchar(256),					-- when event was an email, we store here the sender
   email_to			varchar(256),					-- when event was an email, we store here the email_to
+  email_tocc		varchar(256),					-- when event was an email, we store here the email_tocc
+  email_tobcc		varchar(256),					-- when event was an email, we store here the email_tobcc
   errors_to			varchar(256),					-- when event was an email, we store here the erros_to
   recurid           varchar(128),                  -- used to store event id to link all recurring event records each other