From d224128c468dac8fb7391500505aa23233afefc8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Laurent Destailleur <>
Date: Mon, 5 May 2014 14:30:08 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] New: Merge free product and predefined product area to enter
 new product.

 htdocs/comm/propal.php                    |  82 +--
 htdocs/commande/fiche.php                 |  62 +-
 htdocs/compta/facture.php                 |  71 +--
 htdocs/contrat/fiche.php                  |  65 +-
 htdocs/core/class/commonobject.class.php  |  55 +-
 htdocs/core/tpl/objectline_add.tpl.php    | 694 ----------------------
 htdocs/core/tpl/objectline_create.tpl.php | 455 ++++++++++++++
 htdocs/langs/en_US/main.lang              |   3 +-
 8 files changed, 547 insertions(+), 940 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 htdocs/core/tpl/objectline_add.tpl.php
 create mode 100644 htdocs/core/tpl/objectline_create.tpl.php

diff --git a/htdocs/comm/propal.php b/htdocs/comm/propal.php
index 343a559b7a9..c49e6fb36cd 100644
--- a/htdocs/comm/propal.php
+++ b/htdocs/comm/propal.php
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 /* Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Rodolphe Quiedeville  <>
- * Copyright (C) 2004-2013 Laurent Destailleur   <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2004-2014 Laurent Destailleur   <>
  * Copyright (C) 2004      Eric Seigne           <>
  * Copyright (C) 2005      Marc Barilley / Ocebo <>
  * Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Regis Houssin         <>
@@ -539,34 +539,24 @@ else if ($action == "setabsolutediscount" && $user->rights->propal->creer) {
 // Add line
-else if (($action == 'addline' || $action == 'addline_predef') && $user->rights->propal->creer) {
+else if ($action == 'addline' && $user->rights->propal->creer) {
 	// Set if we used free entry or predefined product
-	if (GETPOST('addline_libre')
-			|| (GETPOST('dp_desc') && ! GETPOST('addline_libre') && ! GETPOST('idprod', 'int')>0)	// we push enter onto qty field
-			)
+	$predef='';
+	$product_desc=(GETPOST('dp_desc')?GETPOST('dp_desc'):'');
+	if (GETPOST('prod_entry_mode') == 'free')
-		$predef='';
-		$product_desc=(GETPOST('dp_desc')?GETPOST('dp_desc'):'');
 		$price_ht = GETPOST('price_ht');
 		$tva_tx = (GETPOST('tva_tx') ? GETPOST('tva_tx') : 0);
-	if (GETPOST('addline_predefined')
-			|| (! GETPOST('dp_desc') && ! GETPOST('addline_predefined') && GETPOST('idprod', 'int')>0)	// we push enter onto qty field
-			)
+	else
-		$predef=(($conf->global->MAIN_FEATURES_LEVEL < 2) ? '_predef' : '');
 		$idprod=GETPOST('idprod', 'int');
-		$product_desc = (GETPOST('product_desc')?GETPOST('product_desc'):(GETPOST('np_desc')?GETPOST('np_desc'):''));
 		$price_ht = '';
 		$tva_tx = '';
-	if (GETPOST('usenewaddlineform')) {
-		$idprod = GETPOST('idprod', 'int');
-		$product_desc = (GETPOST('product_desc') ? GETPOST('product_desc') : (GETPOST('np_desc') ? GETPOST('np_desc') : (GETPOST('dp_desc') ? GETPOST('dp_desc') : '')));
-		$price_ht = GETPOST('price_ht');
-		$tva_tx = (GETPOST('tva_tx') ? GETPOST('tva_tx') : 0);
-	}
 	$qty = GETPOST('qty' . $predef);
 	$remise_percent = GETPOST('remise_percent' . $predef);
@@ -587,7 +577,7 @@ else if (($action == 'addline' || $action == 'addline_predef') && $user->rights-
 		$error ++;
-	if ((empty($idprod) || GETPOST('usenewaddlineform')) && $price_ht == '') 	// Unit price can be 0 but not ''. Also price can be negative for
+	if (empty($idprod) && $price_ht == '') 	// Unit price can be 0 but not ''. Also price can be negative for
 	                                                                         // proposal.
 		setEventMessage($langs->trans("ErrorFieldRequired", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("UnitPriceHT")), 'errors');
@@ -616,13 +606,6 @@ else if (($action == 'addline' || $action == 'addline_predef') && $user->rights-
 			$label = ((GETPOST('product_label') && GETPOST('product_label') != $prod->label) ? GETPOST('product_label') : '');
 			// If prices fields are update
-			if (GETPOST('usenewaddlineform')) {
-				$pu_ht = price2num($price_ht, 'MU');
-				$pu_ttc = price2num(GETPOST('price_ttc'), 'MU');
-				$tva_npr = (preg_match('/\*/', $tva_tx) ? 1 : 0);
-				$tva_tx = str_replace('*', '', $tva_tx);
-				$desc = $product_desc;
-			} else {
 				$tva_tx = get_default_tva($mysoc, $object->client, $prod->id);
 				$tva_npr = get_default_npr($mysoc, $object->client, $prod->id);
@@ -706,7 +689,6 @@ else if (($action == 'addline' || $action == 'addline_predef') && $user->rights-
 					$tmptxt .= ')';
 					$desc = dol_concatdesc($desc, $tmptxt);
-			}
 			$type = $prod->type;
 		} else {
@@ -756,6 +738,8 @@ else if (($action == 'addline' || $action == 'addline_predef') && $user->rights-
 					propale_pdf_create($db, $object, $object->modelpdf, $outputlangs, $hidedetails, $hidedesc, $hideref);
+				unset($_POST ['prod_entry_mode']);
 				unset($_POST ['qty']);
 				unset($_POST ['type']);
 				unset($_POST ['remise_percent']);
@@ -1798,32 +1782,18 @@ if ($action == 'create') {
 	if (! empty($object->lines))
 		$ret = $object->printObjectLines($action, $mysoc, $soc, $lineid, 1);
-		// Form to add new line
-	if ($object->statut == 0 && $user->rights->propal->creer) {
-		if ($action != 'editline') {
+	// Form to add new line
+	if ($object->statut == 0 && $user->rights->propal->creer)
+	{
+		if ($action != 'editline')
+		{
 			$var = true;
-			if ($conf->global->MAIN_FEATURES_LEVEL > 1)
-			{
-				// Add free or predefined products/services
-				$object->formAddObjectLine(1, $mysoc, $soc);
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				// Add free products/services
-				$object->formAddFreeProduct(1, $mysoc, $soc);
-				// Add predefined products/services
-				if (! empty($conf->product->enabled) || ! empty($conf->service->enabled)) {
-					$var = ! $var;
-					$object->formAddPredefinedProduct(1, $mysoc, $soc);
-				}
-			}
+			// Add free products/services
+			$object->formAddObjectLine(1, $mysoc, $soc);
 			$parameters = array();
-			$reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('formAddObjectLine', $parameters, $object, $action); // Note that $action and $object may have been
-				                                                                                           // modified
-				                                                                                           // by hook
+			$reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('formAddObjectLine', $parameters, $object, $action); // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by hook
@@ -1833,9 +1803,10 @@ if ($action == 'create') {
-	if ($action == 'statut') {
+	if ($action == 'statut')
+	{
-		 * Formulaire cloture (signe ou non)
+		 * Form to close proposal (signed or not)
 		$form_close = '<form action="' . $_SERVER ["PHP_SELF"] . '?id=' . $object->id . '" method="post">';
 		$form_close .= '<input type="hidden" name="token" value="' . $_SESSION ['newtoken'] . '">';
@@ -1956,7 +1927,8 @@ if ($action == 'create') {
 	print "<br>\n";
-	if ($action != 'presend') {
+	if ($action != 'presend')
+	{
 		print '<div class="fichecenter"><div class="fichehalfleft">';
 		// print '<table width="100%"><tr><td width="50%" valign="top">';
 		// print '<a name="builddoc"></a>'; // ancre
@@ -1993,9 +1965,9 @@ if ($action == 'create') {
 	 * Action presend
-	*
-	*/
-	if ($action == 'presend') {
+ 	 */
+	if ($action == 'presend')
+	{
 		$ref = dol_sanitizeFileName($object->ref);
 		include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/lib/files.lib.php';
 		$fileparams = dol_most_recent_file($conf->propal->dir_output . '/' . $ref, preg_quote($ref, '/'));
diff --git a/htdocs/commande/fiche.php b/htdocs/commande/fiche.php
index 52e8053a1e6..f9aa58ddd1c 100644
--- a/htdocs/commande/fiche.php
+++ b/htdocs/commande/fiche.php
@@ -479,32 +479,21 @@ else if ($action == 'addline' && $user->rights->commande->creer) {
 	$error = false;
 	// Set if we used free entry or predefined product
-	if (GETPOST('addline_libre')
-			|| (GETPOST('dp_desc') && ! GETPOST('addline_libre') && ! GETPOST('idprod', 'int')>0)	// we push enter onto qty field
-			)
+	$predef='';
+	$product_desc=(GETPOST('dp_desc')?GETPOST('dp_desc'):'');
+	if (GETPOST('prod_entry_mode') == 'free')
-		$predef='';
-		$product_desc=(GETPOST('dp_desc')?GETPOST('dp_desc'):'');
 		$price_ht = GETPOST('price_ht');
 		$tva_tx = (GETPOST('tva_tx') ? GETPOST('tva_tx') : 0);
-	if (GETPOST('addline_predefined')
-			|| (! GETPOST('dp_desc') && ! GETPOST('addline_predefined') && GETPOST('idprod', 'int')>0)	// we push enter onto qty field
-			)
+	else
-		$predef=(($conf->global->MAIN_FEATURES_LEVEL < 2) ? '_predef' : '');
 		$idprod=GETPOST('idprod', 'int');
-		$product_desc = (GETPOST('product_desc')?GETPOST('product_desc'):(GETPOST('np_desc')?GETPOST('np_desc'):''));
 		$price_ht = '';
 		$tva_tx = '';
-	if (GETPOST('usenewaddlineform')) {
-		$idprod = GETPOST('idprod', 'int');
-		$product_desc = (GETPOST('product_desc') ? GETPOST('product_desc') : (GETPOST('np_desc') ? GETPOST('np_desc') : (GETPOST('dp_desc') ? GETPOST('dp_desc') : '')));
-		$price_ht = GETPOST('price_ht');
-		$tva_tx = (GETPOST('tva_tx') ? GETPOST('tva_tx') : 0);
-	}
 	$qty = GETPOST('qty' . $predef);
 	$remise_percent = GETPOST('remise_percent' . $predef);
@@ -520,7 +509,7 @@ else if ($action == 'addline' && $user->rights->commande->creer) {
-	if ((empty($idprod) || GETPOST('usenewaddlineform')) && ($price_ht < 0) && ($qty < 0)) {
+	if (empty($idprod) && ($price_ht < 0) && ($qty < 0)) {
 		setEventMessage($langs->trans('ErrorBothFieldCantBeNegative', $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('UnitPriceHT'), $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('Qty')), 'errors');
 		$error ++;
@@ -528,7 +517,7 @@ else if ($action == 'addline' && $user->rights->commande->creer) {
 		setEventMessage($langs->trans('ErrorFieldRequired', $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('Type')), 'errors');
 		$error ++;
-	if ((empty($idprod) || GETPOST('usenewaddlineform')) && (! ($price_ht >= 0) || $price_ht == '')) 	// Unit price can be 0 but not ''
+	if (empty($idprod) && (! ($price_ht >= 0) || $price_ht == '')) 	// Unit price can be 0 but not ''
 		setEventMessage($langs->trans("ErrorFieldRequired", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("UnitPriceHT")), 'errors');
 		$error ++;
@@ -559,13 +548,6 @@ else if ($action == 'addline' && $user->rights->commande->creer) {
 			$label = ((GETPOST('product_label') && GETPOST('product_label') != $prod->label) ? GETPOST('product_label') : '');
 			// Update if prices fields are defined
-			if (GETPOST('usenewaddlineform')) {
-				$pu_ht = price2num($price_ht, 'MU');
-				$pu_ttc = price2num(GETPOST('price_ttc'), 'MU');
-				$tva_npr = (preg_match('/\*/', $tva_tx) ? 1 : 0);
-				$tva_tx = str_replace('*', '', $tva_tx);
-				$desc = $product_desc;
-			} else {
 				$tva_tx = get_default_tva($mysoc, $object->client, $prod->id);
 				$tva_npr = get_default_npr($mysoc, $object->client, $prod->id);
@@ -649,7 +631,6 @@ else if ($action == 'addline' && $user->rights->commande->creer) {
 					$tmptxt .= ')';
 					$desc = dol_concatdesc($desc, $tmptxt);
-			}
 			$type = $prod->type;
 		} else {
@@ -700,6 +681,8 @@ else if ($action == 'addline' && $user->rights->commande->creer) {
 					commande_pdf_create($db, $object, $object->modelpdf, $outputlangs, $hidedetails, $hidedesc, $hideref);
+				unset($_POST ['prod_entry_mode']);
 				unset($_POST ['qty']);
 				unset($_POST ['type']);
 				unset($_POST ['remise_percent']);
@@ -2098,30 +2081,17 @@ if ($action == 'create' && $user->rights->commande->creer) {
 		 * Form to add new line
-		if ($object->statut == 0 && $user->rights->commande->creer) {
-			if ($action != 'editline') {
+		if ($object->statut == 0 && $user->rights->commande->creer)
+		{
+			if ($action != 'editline')
+			{
 				$var = true;
-				if ($conf->global->MAIN_FEATURES_LEVEL > 1)
-				{
-					// Add free or predefined products/services
-					$object->formAddObjectLine(1, $mysoc, $soc);
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					// Add free products/services
-					$object->formAddFreeProduct(1, $mysoc, $soc);
-					// Add predefined products/services
-					if (! empty($conf->product->enabled) || ! empty($conf->service->enabled)) {
-						$var = ! $var;
-						$object->formAddPredefinedProduct(1, $mysoc, $soc);
-					}
-				}
+				// Add free products/services
+				$object->formAddObjectLine(1, $mysoc, $soc);
 				$parameters = array();
-				$reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('formAddObjectLine', $parameters, $object, $action); // Note that $action and $object may have been
-				                                                                                      // modified by hook
+				$reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('formAddObjectLine', $parameters, $object, $action); // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by hook
 		print '</table>';
diff --git a/htdocs/compta/facture.php b/htdocs/compta/facture.php
index ef276d6a96a..2c70be7c4c9 100644
--- a/htdocs/compta/facture.php
+++ b/htdocs/compta/facture.php
@@ -1037,39 +1037,27 @@ else if ($action == 'add' && $user->rights->facture->creer)
 // Add a new line
-else if (($action == 'addline' || $action == 'addline_predef') && $user->rights->facture->creer)
+else if ($action == 'addline' && $user->rights->facture->creer)
 	$error = 0;
 	// Set if we used free entry or predefined product
-	if (GETPOST('addline_libre')
-			|| (GETPOST('dp_desc') && ! GETPOST('addline_libre') && ! GETPOST('idprod', 'int')>0)	// we push enter onto qty field
-	)
+	$predef='';
+	$product_desc=(GETPOST('dp_desc')?GETPOST('dp_desc'):'');
+	if (GETPOST('prod_entry_mode') == 'free')
-		$predef = '';
-		$idprod = 0;
-		$product_desc = (GETPOST('dp_desc') ? GETPOST('dp_desc') : '');
+		$idprod=0;
 		$price_ht = GETPOST('price_ht');
 		$tva_tx = (GETPOST('tva_tx') ? GETPOST('tva_tx') : 0);
-	if (GETPOST('addline_predefined')
-			|| (! GETPOST('dp_desc') && ! GETPOST('addline_predefined') && GETPOST('idprod', 'int')>0)	// we push enter onto qty field
-	)
+	else
-		$predef = (($conf->global->MAIN_FEATURES_LEVEL < 2) ? '_predef' : '');
-		$idprod = GETPOST('idprod', 'int');
-		$product_desc = (GETPOST('product_desc') ? GETPOST('product_desc') : (GETPOST('np_desc') ? GETPOST('np_desc') : ''));
+		$idprod=GETPOST('idprod', 'int');
 		$price_ht = '';
 		$tva_tx = '';
-	if (GETPOST('usenewaddlineform')) // TODO Remove this
-	{
-		$idprod = GETPOST('idprod', 'int');
-		$product_desc = (GETPOST('product_desc') ? GETPOST('product_desc') : (GETPOST('np_desc') ? GETPOST('np_desc') : (GETPOST('dp_desc') ? GETPOST('dp_desc') : '')));
-		$price_ht = GETPOST('price_ht');
-		$tva_tx = (GETPOST('tva_tx') ? GETPOST('tva_tx') : 0);
-	}
 	$qty = GETPOST('qty' . $predef);
 	$remise_percent = GETPOST('remise_percent' . $predef);
@@ -1085,7 +1073,7 @@ else if (($action == 'addline' || $action == 'addline_predef') && $user->rights-
-	if ((empty($idprod) || GETPOST('usenewaddlineform')) && ($price_ht < 0) && ($qty < 0)) {
+	if (empty($idprod) && ($price_ht < 0) && ($qty < 0)) {
 		setEventMessage($langs->trans('ErrorBothFieldCantBeNegative', $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('UnitPriceHT'), $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('Qty')), 'errors');
 		$error ++;
@@ -1093,7 +1081,7 @@ else if (($action == 'addline' || $action == 'addline_predef') && $user->rights-
 		setEventMessage($langs->trans('ErrorFieldRequired', $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('Type')), 'errors');
 		$error ++;
-	if ((empty($idprod) || GETPOST('usenewaddlineform')) && (! ($price_ht >= 0) || $price_ht == '')) 	// Unit price can be 0 but not ''
+	if (empty($idprod) && (! ($price_ht >= 0) || $price_ht == '')) 	// Unit price can be 0 but not ''
 		setEventMessage($langs->trans("ErrorFieldRequired", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("UnitPriceHT")), 'errors');
 		$error ++;
@@ -1135,13 +1123,6 @@ else if (($action == 'addline' || $action == 'addline_predef') && $user->rights-
 			$label = ((GETPOST('product_label') && GETPOST('product_label') != $prod->label) ? GETPOST('product_label') : '');
 			// Update if prices fields are defined
-			if (GETPOST('usenewaddlineform')) {
-				$pu_ht = price2num($price_ht, 'MU');
-				$pu_ttc = price2num(GETPOST('price_ttc'), 'MU');
-				$tva_npr = (preg_match('/\*/', $tva_tx) ? 1 : 0);
-				$tva_tx = str_replace('*', '', $tva_tx);
-				$desc = $product_desc;
-			} else {
 				$tva_tx = get_default_tva($mysoc, $object->client, $prod->id);
 				$tva_npr = get_default_npr($mysoc, $object->client, $prod->id);
@@ -1225,7 +1206,6 @@ else if (($action == 'addline' || $action == 'addline_predef') && $user->rights-
 					$tmptxt .= ')';
 					$desc = dol_concatdesc($desc, $tmptxt);
-			}
 			$type = $prod->type;
 		} else {
@@ -1273,6 +1253,8 @@ else if (($action == 'addline' || $action == 'addline_predef') && $user->rights-
 					facture_pdf_create($db, $object, $object->modelpdf, $outputlangs, $hidedetails, $hidedesc, $hideref);
+				unset($_POST ['prod_entry_mode']);
@@ -3303,30 +3285,19 @@ if ($action == 'create')
 	if (! empty($object->lines))
 		$ret = $object->printObjectLines($action, $mysoc, $soc, $lineid, 1);
-		// Form to add new line
-	if ($object->statut == 0 && $user->rights->facture->creer && $action != 'valid' && $action != 'editline') {
-		$var = true;
-		if ($conf->global->MAIN_FEATURES_LEVEL > 1)
-		{
-			// Add free or predefined products/services
-			$object->formAddObjectLine(1, $mysoc, $soc);
-		}
-		else
+	// Form to add new line
+	if ($object->statut == 0 && $user->rights->facture->creer && $action != 'valid' && $action != 'editline')
+	{
+		if ($action != 'editline')
+			$var = true;
 			// Add free products/services
-			$object->formAddFreeProduct(1, $mysoc, $soc);
+			$object->formAddObjectLine(1, $mysoc, $soc);
-			// Add predefined products/services
-			if (! empty($conf->product->enabled) || ! empty($conf->service->enabled)) {
-				$var = ! $var;
-				$object->formAddPredefinedProduct(1, $mysoc, $soc);
-			}
+			$parameters = array();
+			$reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('formAddObjectLine', $parameters, $object, $action); // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by hook
-		$parameters = array();
-		$reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('formAddObjectLine', $parameters, $object, $action); // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by
-		                                                                                      // hook
 	print "</table>\n";
diff --git a/htdocs/contrat/fiche.php b/htdocs/contrat/fiche.php
index 5b67add45f6..361940f27e3 100644
--- a/htdocs/contrat/fiche.php
+++ b/htdocs/contrat/fiche.php
@@ -355,28 +355,21 @@ else if ($action == 'classin' && $user->rights->contrat->creer)
 else if ($action == 'addline' && $user->rights->contrat->creer)
 	// Set if we used free entry or predefined product
-	if (GETPOST('addline_libre'))
+	$predef='';
+	$product_desc=(GETPOST('dp_desc')?GETPOST('dp_desc'):'');
+	if (GETPOST('prod_entry_mode') == 'free')
-		$predef='';
-		$product_desc=(GETPOST('dp_desc')?GETPOST('dp_desc'):'');
 		$price_ht = GETPOST('price_ht');
-		$tva_tx=(GETPOST('tva_tx')?GETPOST('tva_tx'):0);
+		$tva_tx = (GETPOST('tva_tx') ? GETPOST('tva_tx') : 0);
-	if (GETPOST('addline_predefined'))
+	else
-		$predef=(($conf->global->MAIN_FEATURES_LEVEL < 2) ? '_predef' : '');
 		$idprod=GETPOST('idprod', 'int');
-		$product_desc = (GETPOST('product_desc')?GETPOST('product_desc'):(GETPOST('np_desc')?GETPOST('np_desc'):''));
 		$price_ht = '';
 		$tva_tx = '';
-    if (GETPOST('usenewaddlineform')) {
-        $idprod=GETPOST('idprod', 'int');
-        $product_desc = (GETPOST('product_desc')?GETPOST('product_desc'):(GETPOST('np_desc')?GETPOST('np_desc'):(GETPOST('dp_desc')?GETPOST('dp_desc'):'')));
-        $price_ht = GETPOST('price_ht');
-        $tva_tx=(GETPOST('tva_tx')?GETPOST('tva_tx'):0);
-    }
 	$qty = GETPOST('qty'.$predef);
@@ -520,6 +513,8 @@ else if ($action == 'addline' && $user->rights->contrat->creer)
+			unset($_POST ['prod_entry_mode']);
@@ -1161,7 +1156,12 @@ else
                         print $productstatic->getNomUrl(1,'',20);
-                        print $objp->label?' - '.dol_trunc($objp->label,16):'';
+                        if ($objp->label)
+                        {
+                        	print ' - ';
+                        	$productstatic->ref=$objp->label;
+                        	print $productstatic->getNomUrl(0,'',16);
+                        }
                         if ($objp->description) print '<br>'.dol_nl2br($objp->description);
                         print '</td>';
@@ -1561,34 +1561,19 @@ else
             // Trick to not show product entries
-            $conf->product->enabled = 0;
+            if (empty($conf->global->CONTRACT_SUPPORT_PRODUCTS)) $conf->product->enabled = 0;
         	// Form to add new line
-        	if ($action != 'editline')
-        	{
-        		$var=true;
-        		if ($conf->global->MAIN_FEATURES_LEVEL > 1)
-        		{
-        			// Add free or predefined products/services
-        			$object->formAddObjectLine($dateSelector,$mysoc,$object->thirdparty);
-        		}
-        		else
-        		{
-        			// Add free products/services
-        			$object->formAddFreeProduct($dateSelector,$mysoc,$object->thirdparty);
-        			// Add predefined products/services
-        			if (! empty($conf->product->enabled) || ! empty($conf->service->enabled))
-        			{
-        				$var=!$var;
-        				$object->formAddPredefinedProduct($dateSelector,$mysoc,$object->thirdparty);
-        			}
-        		}
-        		$parameters=array();
-        		$reshook=$hookmanager->executeHooks('formAddObjectLine',$parameters,$object,$action);    // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by hook
-        	}
+       		if ($action != 'editline')
+			{
+				$var = true;
+				// Add free products/services
+				$object->formAddObjectLine(1, $mysoc, $soc);
+				$parameters = array();
+				$reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('formAddObjectLine', $parameters, $object, $action); // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by hook
+			}
         	// Restore correct setup
         	$conf->product->enabled = $savproductenabled;
diff --git a/htdocs/core/class/commonobject.class.php b/htdocs/core/class/commonobject.class.php
index 7fbcc9d8b74..c2fb6d6d08d 100644
--- a/htdocs/core/class/commonobject.class.php
+++ b/htdocs/core/class/commonobject.class.php
@@ -2668,61 +2668,8 @@ abstract class CommonObject
     /* This is to show add lines */
-    /**
-     *	Show add predefined products/services form
-     *  TODO Edit templates to use global variables and include them directly in controller call
-     *  But for the moment we don't know if it's possible as we keep a method available on overloaded objects.
-     *
-     *  @param  int	    		$dateSelector       1=Show also date range input fields
-     *  @param	Societe			$seller				Object thirdparty who sell
-     *  @param	Societe			$buyer				Object thirdparty who buy
-     *	@return	void
-     *	@deprecated
-     */
-    function formAddPredefinedProduct($dateSelector,$seller,$buyer)
-    {
-    	global $conf,$langs,$object,$hookmanager;
-    	global $form,$bcnd,$var;
-    	global $user;
-    	//Line extrafield
-    	require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/extrafields.class.php';
-    	$extrafieldsline = new ExtraFields($this->db);
-    	$extralabelslines=$extrafieldsline->fetch_name_optionals_label($this->table_element_line);
-    	// Use global variables + $dateSelector + $seller and $buyer
-    	include(DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/tpl/predefinedproductline_create.tpl.php');
-    }
-    /**
-     *	Show add free products/services form
-     *  TODO Edit templates to use global variables and include them directly in controller call
-     *  But for the moment we don't know if it's possible as we keep a method available on overloaded objects.
-     *
-     *  @param	int		        $dateSelector       1=Show also date range input fields (start and end date)
-     *  @param	Societe			$seller				Object thirdparty who sell
-     *  @param	Societe			$buyer				Object thirdparty who buy
-     *	@return	void
-     */
-    function formAddFreeProduct($dateSelector,$seller,$buyer)
-    {
-    	global $conf,$langs,$object,$hookmanager;
-    	global $form,$bcnd,$var;
-    	global $user;
-    	//Line extrafield
-    	require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/extrafields.class.php';
-    	$extrafieldsline = new ExtraFields($this->db);
-    	$extralabelslines=$extrafieldsline->fetch_name_optionals_label($this->table_element_line);
-    	// Use global variables + $dateSelector + $seller and $buyer
-    	include(DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/tpl/freeproductline_create.tpl.php');
-    }
      *	Show add free and predefined products/services form
-     *  TODO Edit templates to use global variables and include them directly in controller call
-     *  But for the moment we don't know if it's possible as we keep a method available on overloaded objects.
      *  @param	int		        $dateSelector       1=Show also date range input fields
      *  @param	Societe			$seller				Object thirdparty who sell
@@ -2744,7 +2691,7 @@ abstract class CommonObject
 		foreach($dirtpls as $reldir)
-			$tpl = dol_buildpath($reldir.'/objectline_add.tpl.php');
+			$tpl = dol_buildpath($reldir.'/objectline_create.tpl.php');
 			if (empty($conf->file->strict_mode)) {
 				$res=@include $tpl;
 			} else {
diff --git a/htdocs/core/tpl/objectline_add.tpl.php b/htdocs/core/tpl/objectline_add.tpl.php
deleted file mode 100644
index e26b684d405..00000000000
--- a/htdocs/core/tpl/objectline_add.tpl.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,694 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 2010-2012	Regis Houssin		<>
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2011	Laurent Destailleur	<>
- * Copyright (C) 2012		Christophe Battarel	<>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- *
- *
- * Need to have following variables defined:
- * $conf
- * $langs
- * $dateSelector
- * $this (invoice, order, ...)
- * $line defined
- */
-<!-- BEGIN PHP TEMPLATE objectline_add.tpl.php -->
-<tr class="liste_titre nodrag nodrop">
-	<td<?php echo (! empty($conf->global->MAIN_VIEW_LINE_NUMBER) ? ' colspan="2"' : ''); ?>><div id="add"></div><?php echo $langs->trans('AddNewLine'); ?></td>
-	<td align="right" width="50"><?php echo $langs->trans('VAT'); ?></td>
-	<td align="right" width="80"><?php echo $langs->trans('PriceUHT'); ?></td>
-	<td align="right" width="80"><?php echo $langs->trans('PriceUTTC'); ?></td>
-	<td align="right" width="50"><?php echo $langs->trans('Qty'); ?></td>
-	<td align="right" width="50"><?php echo $langs->trans('ReductionShort'); ?></td>
-$colspan = 4;
-$colspan2 = 12;
-if (! empty($conf->margin->enabled)) {
-	<td align="right"><?php echo $langs->trans('BuyingPrice'); ?></td>
-	if ($user->rights->margins->creer)
-	{
-		if(! empty($conf->global->DISPLAY_MARGIN_RATES))
-		{
-			echo '<td align="right">'.$langs->trans('MarginRate').'</td>';
-		}
-		if(! empty($conf->global->DISPLAY_MARK_RATES))
-		{
-			echo '<td align="right">'.$langs->trans('MarkRate').'</td>';
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		if (! empty($conf->global->DISPLAY_MARGIN_RATES)) {
-			$colspan++;
-   			$colspan2++;
-		}
-		if (! empty($conf->global->DISPLAY_MARK_RATES)) {
-			$colspan++;
-   			$colspan2++;
-		}
-	}
-	if (! empty($conf->global->MAIN_VIEW_LINE_NUMBER)) {
-		$colspan2++;
-  	}
-	<td colspan="<?php echo $colspan; ?>">&nbsp;</td>
-<form name="addproduct" id="addproduct" action="<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?id='.$this->id; ?>#add" method="POST">
-<input type="hidden" name="token" value="<?php echo $_SESSION['newtoken']; ?>" />
-<input type="hidden" name="action" value="addline" />
-<input type="hidden" name="usenewaddlineform" value="1" />
-<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $this->id; ?>" />
-<?php if (! empty($conf->product->enabled) || ! empty($conf->service->enabled)) { ?>
-<tr class="liste_titre nodrag nodrop">
-	<td colspan="<?php echo $colspan2; ?>">
-		<?php
-		if (! empty($conf->product->enabled) || ! empty($conf->service->enabled))
-		{
-			// show/hide, update elements after select
-			$ajaxoptions=array(
-					'update' => array(
-							'select_type' => 'type',
-							'product_ref' => 'value',
-							'product_label' => 'label2',
-							'price_base_type' => 'pricebasetype',
-							'price_ht' => 'price_ht',
-							'origin_price_ht_cache' => 'price_ht',
-							'origin_tva_tx_cache' => 'tva_tx',
-							'origin_price_ttc_cache' => 'price_ttc',
-							'qty' => 'qty',
-							'remise_percent' => 'discount'
-					),
-					'update_textarea' => array(
-							'product_desc' => 'desc'
-					),
-					//'show' => array(
-							//'price_base_type_area'
-					//),
-					'disabled' => array(
-							'select_type'
-					)
-			);
-			$form->select_produits('', 'idprod', '', $conf->product->limit_size, $buyer->price_level, 1, 2, '', 3, $ajaxoptions,$buyer->id);
-		}
-		?>
-		<span id="add_product_area" class="hideobject"> | <input type="checkbox" id="add_product_checkbox" name="add_product" value="1" />
-			<span id="add_product_text" class="hideobject">
-				<?php echo $form->textwithtooltip($langs->trans('AddThisProductCard'), $langs->trans('HelpAddThisProductCard'),1,0,'','',3); ?>
-			</span>
-			<span id="add_service_text" class="hideobject">
-				<?php echo $form->textwithtooltip($langs->trans('AddThisServiceCard'), $langs->trans('HelpAddThisServiceCard'),1,0,'','',3); ?>
-			</span>
-		</span>
-	</td>
-<?php } ?>
-<tr <?php echo $bcnd[$var]; ?>>
-	<td colspan="<?php echo $colspan2; ?>">
-	<?php echo $form->select_type_of_lines((GETPOST('type')?GETPOST('type'):-1), 'type', 1); ?>
-	<span id="product_ref_area" class="hideobject">
-		&nbsp;<label for="product_ref"><?php echo $langs->trans("Ref"); ?></label>
-		<input id="product_ref" name="product_ref" size="20" value="<?php echo GETPOST('product_ref'); ?>">
-	</span>
-	<span id="product_label_area">
-		&nbsp;<label for="product_label"><?php echo $langs->trans("Label"); ?></label>
-		<input id="product_label" name="product_label" size="40" value="<?php echo GETPOST('product_label'); ?>">
-	</span>
-	<span id="price_base_type_area" class="hideobject">
-		<input type="hidden" id="price_base_type" name="price_base_type" value="" /> | <?php echo $langs->trans('PriceBase'); ?>:
-		<span id="view_price_base_type"></span>
-	</span>
-	if (is_object($hookmanager))
-	{
-		$parameters=array('fk_parent_line'=>GETPOST('fk_parent_line'));
-		$reshook=$hookmanager->executeHooks('formCreateProductOptions',$parameters,$object,$action);
-	}
-<tr <?php echo $bcnd[$var]; ?>>
-	<td<?php echo (! empty($conf->global->MAIN_VIEW_LINE_NUMBER) ? ' colspan="2"' : ''); ?>>
-	// Editor wysiwyg
-	require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/doleditor.class.php';
-	$nbrows=ROWS_2;
-	if (! empty($conf->global->MAIN_INPUT_DESC_HEIGHT)) $nbrows=$conf->global->MAIN_INPUT_DESC_HEIGHT;
-	$enable=(isset($conf->global->FCKEDITOR_ENABLE_DETAILS)?$conf->global->FCKEDITOR_ENABLE_DETAILS:0);
-	$doleditor=new DolEditor('product_desc', GETPOST('product_desc'), '', 150, 'dolibarr_details', '', false, true, $enable, $nbrows, 70);
-	$doleditor->Create();
-	?>
-	</td>
-	<td align="right">
-		<?php echo $form->load_tva('tva_tx', (GETPOST('tva_tx')?GETPOST('tva_tx'):-1), $seller, $buyer); ?>
-		<input type="hidden" id="origin_tva_tx_cache" name="origin_tva_tx_cache" value="" />
-	</td>
-	<td align="right">
-		<input type="text" size="8" id="price_ht" name="price_ht" value="<?php echo (GETPOST('price_ht')?GETPOST('price_ht'):''); ?>">
-		<input type="hidden" id="origin_price_ht_cache" name="origin_price_ht_cache" value="" />
-	</td>
-	<td align="right">
-		<input type="text" size="8" id="price_ttc" name="price_ttc" value="<?php echo (GETPOST('price_ttc')?GETPOST('price_ttc'):''); ?>">
-		<input type="hidden" id="origin_price_ttc_cache" name="origin_price_ttc_cache" value="" />
-	</td>
-	<td align="right"><input type="text" size="3" id="qty" name="qty" value="<?php echo (GETPOST('qty')?GETPOST('qty'):1); ?>"></td>
-	<td align="right" class="nowrap">
-		<input type="text" size="1" value="<?php echo $buyer->remise_percent; ?>" id="remise_percent" name="remise_percent">%
-		<input type="hidden" id="origin_remise_percent" name="origin_remise_percent" value="<?php echo $buyer->remise_percent; ?>" />
-	</td>
-	<?php
-	$colspan = 4;
-	if (! empty($conf->margin->enabled)) {
-	?>
-		<td align="right">
-			<select id="fournprice" name="fournprice" style="display: none;"></select>
-			<input type="text" size="5" id="buying_price" name="buying_price" value="<?php echo (GETPOST('buying_price')?GETPOST('buying_price'):''); ?>">
-		</td>
-			<?php
-			if ($user->rights->margins->creer)
-			{
-				if (! empty($conf->global->DISPLAY_MARGIN_RATES)) {
-					echo '<td align="right" class="nowrap"><input type="text" size="2" name="np_marginRate" value="'.(isset($_POST["np_marginRate"])?$_POST["np_marginRate"]:'').'">%</td>';
-				}
-				elseif (! empty($conf->global->DISPLAY_MARK_RATES)) {
-					echo '<td align="right" class="nowrap"><input type="text" size="2" name="np_markRate" value="'.(isset($_POST["np_markRate"])?$_POST["np_markRate"]:'').'">%</td>';
-				}
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				if (! empty($conf->global->DISPLAY_MARGIN_RATES)) {
-					$colspan++;
-				}
-				if (! empty($conf->global->DISPLAY_MARK_RATES)) {
-					$colspan++;
-				}
-			}
-	}
-	?>
-	<td align="center" valign="middle" colspan="<?php echo $colspan; ?>"><input type="submit" class="button"  id="addlinebutton" name="addline" value="<?php echo $langs->trans('Add'); ?>"></td>
-	if (!empty($extrafieldsline)) {
-	if ($this->table_element_line=='commandedet') {
-		$newline = new OrderLine($this->db);
-	}
-	elseif ($this->table_element_line=='propaldet') {
-		$newline = new PropaleLigne($this->db);
-	}
-	elseif ($this->table_element_line=='facturedet') {
-		$newline = new FactureLigne($this->db);
-	}
-	if (is_object($newline)) {
-		print $newline->showOptionals($extrafieldsline,'edit',array('style'=>$bcnd[$var],'colspan'=>$coldisplay+8));
-	}
-<?php if (! empty($conf->service->enabled) && ! empty($dateSelector)) {
-if (! empty($conf->global->MAIN_VIEW_LINE_NUMBER))
-	$colspan = 12;
-	$colspan = 11;
-<tr id="service_duration_area" <?php echo $bcnd[$var]; ?>>
-	<td colspan="<?php echo $colspan; ?>">
-	<?php
-	$hourmin=(isset($conf->global->MAIN_USE_HOURMIN_IN_DATE_RANGE)?$conf->global->MAIN_USE_HOURMIN_IN_DATE_RANGE:'');
-	echo $langs->trans('ServiceLimitedDuration').' '.$langs->trans('From').' ';
-	echo $form->select_date('','date_start',$hourmin,$hourmin,1,"addproduct");
-	echo ' '.$langs->trans('to').' ';
-	echo $form->select_date('','date_end',$hourmin,$hourmin,1,"addproduct");
-	?>
-	</td>
-<?php } ?>
-<script type="text/javascript">
-$(document).ready(function() {
-	// Add line button disabled by default
-	$('#addlinebutton').attr('disabled','disabled');
-	// Service duration hide by default
-	$('#service_duration_area').hide();
-	$('#idprod').change(function() {
-		if ($(this).val() > 0) {
-			// Update vat rate combobox
-			getVATRates('getSellerVATRates', 'tva_tx', $(this).val());
-			// For compatibility with combobox
-			<?php if (empty($conf->global->PRODUIT_USE_SEARCH_TO_SELECT)) { ?>
-			$.post('<?php echo DOL_URL_ROOT; ?>/product/ajax/products.php', {
-				'action': 'fetch',
-				'id': $(this).val(),
-				'price_level': <?php echo empty($buyer->price_level)?1:$buyer->price_level; ?>,
-				'pbq': $("option:selected", this).attr('pbq')
-				<?php if (! empty ( $conf->global->PRODUIT_CUSTOMER_PRICES )) {?>
-				,'socid': <?php echo $buyer->id; ?>
-				<?php }?>
-				},
-			function(data) {
-				if (typeof data != 'undefined') {
-					$('#product_ref').val(data.ref);
-					$('#product_label').val(data.label);
-					$('#origin_tva_tx_cache').val(data.tva_tx);
-					$('#price_base_type').val(data.pricebasetype).trigger('change');
-					$('#price_ht').val(data.price_ht).trigger('change');
-					$('#origin_price_ht_cache').val(data.price_ht);
-					//$('#origin_price_ttc_cache').val(data.price_ttc);
-					$('#select_type').val(data.type).attr('disabled','disabled').trigger('change');
-					//$('#price_base_type_area').show();
-					$('#qty').val(data.qty);
-					if($('#remise_percent').val() < $('#remise_percent').val(;
-					if (typeof CKEDITOR == "object" && typeof CKEDITOR.instances != "undefined" && CKEDITOR.instances['product_desc'] != "undefined") {
-						CKEDITOR.instances['product_desc'].setData(data.desc).focus();
-					} else {
-						$("#product_desc").html(data.desc).focus();
-					}
-				}
-			}, 'json');
-			<?php } ?>
-		} else {
-			$('#price_ttc').val('');
-			// For compatibility with combobox
-			<?php if (empty($conf->global->PRODUIT_USE_SEARCH_TO_SELECT)) { ?>
-			$('#select_type').val('').removeAttr('disabled').trigger('change');
-			$('#product_ref').val('');
-			$('#product_label').val('');
-			$('#price_ht').val('').trigger('change');
-			$('#origin_price_ht_cache').val('');
-			//$('#origin_price_ttc_cache').val('');
-			$('#origin_tva_tx_cache').val('');
-			$('#price_base_type').val('');
-			$('#price_base_type_area').hide();
-			if (typeof CKEDITOR == "object" && typeof CKEDITOR.instances != "undefined" && CKEDITOR.instances['product_desc'] != "undefined") {
-				CKEDITOR.instances['product_desc'].setData('');
-			} else {
-				$("#product_desc").html('');
-			}
-			<?php } ?>
-	    }
-	});
-	$('#select_type').change(function() {
-		var type = $(this).val();
-		if (type >= 0) {
-			if (type == 0) {
-				$('#add_product_text').show();
-				$('#add_service_text').hide();
-				$('#service_duration_area').hide();
-				$('#date_start').val('').trigger('change');
-				$('#date_end').val('').trigger('change');
-			} else if (type == 1) {
-				$('#add_product_text').hide();
-				$('#add_service_text').show();
-				$('#service_duration_area').show();
-			}
-			//$('#add_product_area').show(); // TODO for add product card
-			var addline=false;
-			if ($('#price_ht').val().length > 0) {
-				if ($('#idprod').val() == 0) {
-					if (typeof CKEDITOR == 'object' && typeof CKEDITOR.instances != 'undefined' && CKEDITOR.instances['product_desc'] != 'undefined') {
-						var content = CKEDITOR.instances['product_desc'].getData();
-					} else {
-						var content = $('#product_desc').val();
-					}
-					if (content.length > 0) {
-						addline=true;
-					}
-				} else {
-					addline=true;
-				}
-			}
-			if (addline) {
-				$('#addlinebutton').removeAttr('disabled');
-			} else {
-				$('#addlinebutton').attr('disabled','disabled');
-			}
-		} else {
-			//$('#add_product_area').hide(); // TODO for add product card
-			$('#add_product_checkbox').removeAttr('checked').trigger('change');
-			$('#addlinebutton').attr('disabled','disabled');
-			$('#service_duration_area').hide();
-			$('#date_start').val('').trigger('change');
-			$('#date_end').val('').trigger('change');
-		}
-	});
-	// TODO for add product card
-	$('#add_product_checkbox').change(function() {
-		if ($(this).attr('checked')) {
-			$('#product_ref_area').show();
-			$('#product_ref').focus();
-			$('#product_label').removeAttr('disabled');
-			$('#search_idprod').attr('disabled','disabled');
-			$('#update_label_area').hide();
-			$('#update_label_checkbox').removeAttr('checked');
-		} else {
-			if ($("#idprod").val() > 0) {
-				$('#update_label_area').show();
-				$('#product_label').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
-			}
-			$('#product_ref_area').hide();
-			$('#search_idprod').removeAttr('disabled');
-		}
-	});
-	$('#price_ht').focusin(function() {
-		$('#price_base_type').val('HT').trigger('change');
-	});
-	$('#price_ttc').focusin(function() {
-		$('#price_base_type').val('TTC').trigger('change');
-	});
-	$('#price_base_type').change(function() {
-		$('#view_price_base_type').html($(this).val());
-	});
-	$('#price_ht').bind('change keyup input', function() {
-		if (($('#idprod').val() == 0 && $('#price_base_type').val() == 'HT') || $('#idprod').val() > 0) {
-			update_price('price_ht', 'price_ttc');
-		}
-	});
-	$('#price_ttc').bind('change keyup input', function() {
-		if ($('#price_base_type').val() == 'TTC') {
-			update_price('price_ttc', 'price_ht');
-		}
-	});
-	if ($('#idprod').val() == 0 && $('#tva_tx').val() == 0) {
-		$('#price_ttc').attr('disabled','disabled');
-	}
-	$('#remise_percent').bind('change', function() {
-		if ($(this).val() < $('#origin_remise_percent').val())
-			$('#remise_percent').val($('#origin_remise_percent').val());
-	});
-	$('#tva_tx').change(function() {
-		if ($(this).val() == 0) {
-			if ($('#idprod').val() == 0) {
-				$('#price_ttc').attr('disabled','disabled');
-			}
-			$('#price_ttc').val('');
-		} else {
-			// Enable excl.VAT field
-			$('#price_ttc').removeAttr('disabled');
-			// Update prices fields
-			if ($('#price_base_type').val() == 'HT') {
-				update_price('price_ht', 'price_ttc');
-			} else if ($('#price_base_type').val() == 'TTC') {
-				update_price('price_ttc', 'price_ht');
-			}
-		}
-	});
-	function update_price(input, output) {
-		$.ajax({
-			type: 'POST',
-			url: '<?php echo DOL_URL_ROOT; ?>/core/ajax/price.php',
-			data: {
-				'amount': $('#' + input).val(),
-				'output': output,
-				'tva_tx': $('#tva_tx').val()
-			},
-			success: function(data) {
-				var addline=false;
-				if (typeof data[output] != 'undefined') {
-					// Hide price_ttc if no vat
-					//if ($('#tva_tx').val() > 0 || ($('#tva_tx').val() == 0 && output == 'price_ht')) {
-						$('#' + output).val(data[output]);
-					//}
-					if ($('#idprod').val() == 0 && $('#select_type').val() >= 0) {
-						if (typeof CKEDITOR == 'object' && typeof CKEDITOR.instances != 'undefined' && CKEDITOR.instances['product_desc'] != 'undefined') {
-							var content = CKEDITOR.instances['product_desc'].getData();
-						} else {
-							var content = $('#product_desc').val();
-						}
-						if (content.length > 0) {
-							addline=true;
-						}
-					} else {
-						addline=true;
-					}
-				} else {
-					$('#' + input).val('');
-					$('#' + output).val('');
-				}
-				if (addline) {
-					$('#addlinebutton').removeAttr('disabled');
-				} else {
-					$('#addlinebutton').attr('disabled','disabled');
-				}
-			},
-			dataType: 'json',
-			async: false});
-	}
-	function getVATRates(action, htmlname, idprod) {
-		var productid = (idprod?idprod:0);
-		$.ajax({
-			type: "POST",
-			url: '<?php echo DOL_URL_ROOT;?>/core/ajax/vatrates.php',
-			data: {
-				'action': action,
-				'id': <?php echo $buyer->id; ?>,
-				'productid': productid,
-				'htmlname': htmlname
-			},
-			success: function(data){
-				if (typeof data != 'undefined' && data.error == null) {
-					$("#" + htmlname).html(data.value).trigger('change');
-				}
-			},
-			dataType: "json",
-			async: false
-		});
-	}
-	// Check if decription is not empty for free line
-	<?php if (! empty($conf->fckeditor->enabled) && ! empty($conf->global->FCKEDITOR_ENABLE_DETAILS)) { ?>
-	CKEDITOR.on('instanceReady', function() {
-		CKEDITOR.instances['product_desc'].on('key', function() {
-			var addline=false;
-			if ($('#idprod').val() == 0 && $('#select_type').val() >= 0 && $('#price_ht').val().length > 0) {
-				var content = CKEDITOR.instances['product_desc'].getData();
-				if (content.length > 0) {
-					addline=true;
-				}
-			} else if ($('#idprod').val() > 0 && $('#price_ht').val().length > 0) {
-				addline=true;
-			}
-			if (addline) {
-				$('#addlinebutton').removeAttr('disabled');
-			} else {
-				$('#addlinebutton').attr('disabled','disabled');
-			}
-		});
-	});
-	<?php } else { ?>
-	$('#product_desc').keyup(function() {
-			var addline=false;
-			if ($('#idprod').val() == 0 && $('#select_type').val() >= 0 && $('#price_ht').val().length > 0) {
-				var content = $('#product_desc').val();
-				if (content.length > 0) {
-					addline=true;
-				}
-			} else if ($('#idprod').val() > 0 && $('#price_ht').val().length > 0) {
-				addline=true;
-			}
-			if (addline) {
-				$('#addlinebutton').removeAttr('disabled');
-			} else {
-				$('#addlinebutton').attr('disabled','disabled');
-			}
-	});
-	<?php } ?>
-<?php if (! empty($conf->margin->enabled)) { ?>
-$("#idprod").change(function() {
-	$("#fournprice").empty();
-	$("#buying_price").show();
-	if ($(this).val() > 0)
-	{
-		$.post('<?php echo DOL_URL_ROOT; ?>/fourn/ajax/getSupplierPrices.php', {'idprod': $(this).val()}, function(data) {
-			if (data && data.length > 0) {
-				var options = '';
-				var i = 0;
-				$(data).each(function() {
-					i++;
-					options += '<option value="''" title="'+this.title+'" price="'+this.price+'"';
-					if (i == 1) {
-						options += ' selected';
-						$("#buying_price").val(this.price);
-					}
-					options += '>'+this.label+'</option>';
-				});
-				options += '<option value=null><?php echo $langs->trans("InputPrice"); ?></option>';
-				$("#fournprice").html(options);
-				$("#buying_price").hide();
-				$("#fournprice").show();
-				$("#fournprice").change(function() {
-					var selval = $(this).find('option:selected').attr("price");
-					if (selval)
-						$("#buying_price").val(selval).hide();
-					else
-						$('#buying_price').show();
-				});
-			} else {
-				$("#fournprice").hide();
-				$('#buying_price').val('');
-			}
-		},
-		'json');
-	} else {
-		$("#fournprice").hide();
-		$('#buying_price').val('');
-    }
-	var npRate = null;
-			if (! empty($conf->global->DISPLAY_MARGIN_RATES)) { ?>
-				npRate = "np_marginRate";
-			<?php }
-			elseif (! empty($conf->global->DISPLAY_MARK_RATES)) { ?>
-				npRate = "np_markRate";
-			<?php }
-$("form#addproduct").submit(function(e) {
-	if (npRate) return checkFreeLine(e, npRate);
-	else return true;
-if (npRate == 'np_marginRate') {
-	$("input[name='np_marginRate']:first").blur(function(e) {
-		return checkFreeLine(e, npRate);
-	});
-else {
-	if (npRate == 'np_markRate') {
-		$("input[name='np_markRate']:first").blur(function(e) {
-			return checkFreeLine(e, npRate);
-		});
-	}
-function checkFreeLine(e, npRate)
-	var buying_price = $("input[name='buying_price']:first");
-	var remise = $("input[name='remise_percent']:first");
-	var rate = $("input[name='"+npRate+"']:first");
-	if (rate.val() == '')
-		return true;
-	if (! $.isNumeric(rate.val().replace(',','.')))
-	{
-		alert('<?php echo $langs->trans("rateMustBeNumeric"); ?>');
-		e.stopPropagation();
-		setTimeout(function () { rate.focus() }, 50);
-		return false;
-	}
-	if (npRate == "np_markRate" && rate.val() >= 100)
-	{
-		alert('<?php echo $langs->trans("markRateShouldBeLesserThan100"); ?>');
-		e.stopPropagation();
-		setTimeout(function () { rate.focus() }, 50);
-		return false;
-	}
-	var price = 0;
-	remisejs=price2numjs(remise.val());
-	if (remisejs != 100)
-	{
-		bpjs=price2numjs(buying_price.val());
-		ratejs=price2numjs(rate.val());
-		if (npRate == "np_marginRate")
-			price = ((bpjs * (1 + ratejs / 100)) / (1 - remisejs / 100));
-		else if (npRate == "np_markRate")
-			price = ((bpjs / (1 - ratejs / 100)) / (1 - remisejs / 100));
-	}
-	$("input[name='price_ht']:first").val(price);	// TODO Must use a function like php price to have here a formated value
-	update_price('price_ht', 'price_ttc');
-	return true;
-/* Function similar to price2num in PHP */
-function price2numjs(num)
-	<?php
-	$dec=','; $thousand=' ';
-	if ($langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("SeparatorDecimal") != "SeparatorDecimal")  $dec=$langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("SeparatorDecimal");
-	if ($langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("SeparatorThousand")!= "SeparatorThousand") $thousand=$langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("SeparatorThousand");
-	if ($thousand == 'None') $thousand='';
-	print "var dec='".$dec."'; var thousand='".$thousand."';\n";
-	?>
-	var main_max_dec_shown = <?php echo $conf->global->MAIN_MAX_DECIMALS_SHOWN; ?>;
-	var main_rounding_unit = <?php echo $conf->global->MAIN_MAX_DECIMALS_UNIT; ?>;
-	var main_rounding_tot = <?php echo $conf->global->MAIN_MAX_DECIMALS_TOT; ?>;
-	var amount = num.toString();
-	// rounding for unit price
-	var rounding = main_rounding_unit;
-	var pos = amount.indexOf(dec);
-	var decpart = '';
-	if (pos >= 0) decpart = amount.substr(pos+1).replace('/0+$/i','');	// Supprime les 0 de fin de partie decimale
-	var nbdec = decpart.length;
-	if (nbdec > rounding) rounding = nbdec;
-    // If rounding higher than max shown
-    if (rounding > main_max_dec_shown) rounding = main_max_dec_shown;
-	if (thousand != ',' && thousand != '.') amount=amount.replace(',','.');
-	amount=amount.replace(' ','');			// To avoid spaces
-	amount=amount.replace(thousand,'');		// Replace of thousand before replace of dec to avoid pb if thousand is .
-	amount=amount.replace(dec,'.');
-	return parseFloat(amount).toFixed(rounding);
-<?php } ?>
-<!-- END PHP TEMPLATE objectline_add.tpl.php -->
diff --git a/htdocs/core/tpl/objectline_create.tpl.php b/htdocs/core/tpl/objectline_create.tpl.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..50a4d698149
--- /dev/null
+++ b/htdocs/core/tpl/objectline_create.tpl.php
@@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2010-2012	Regis Houssin		<>
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2013	Laurent Destailleur	<>
+ * Copyright (C) 2012-2013	Christophe Battarel	<>
+ * Copyright (C) 2013		Florian Henry		<>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * Need to have following variables defined:
+ * $conf
+ * $langs
+ * $dateSelector
+ * $this (invoice, order, ...)
+ * $line defined
+ */
+if (! empty($conf->margin->enabled) && ! empty($object->element) && in_array($object->element,array('facture','propal','commande'))) $usemargins=1;
+<!-- BEGIN PHP TEMPLATE objectline_create.tpl.php -->
+<tr class="liste_titre nodrag nodrop">
+	<td<?php echo (! empty($conf->global->MAIN_VIEW_LINE_NUMBER) ? ' colspan="2"' : ''); ?>>
+	<div id="add"></div><span class="hideonsmartphone"><?php echo $langs->trans('AddNewLine'); ?></span><?php // echo $langs->trans("FreeZone"); ?>
+	</td>
+	<td align="right"><span id="title_vat"><?php echo $langs->trans('VAT'); ?></span></td>
+	<td align="right"><span id="title_up_ht"><?php echo $langs->trans('PriceUHT'); ?></span></td>
+	<td align="right"><?php echo $langs->trans('Qty'); ?></td>
+	<td align="right"><?php echo $langs->trans('ReductionShort'); ?></td>
+	<?php
+	$colspan = 4;
+	if (! empty($usemargins))
+	{
+		?>
+		<td align="right">
+		<?php
+		if ($conf->global->MARGIN_TYPE == "1")
+			echo $langs->trans('BuyingPrice');
+		else
+			echo $langs->trans('CostPrice');
+		?>
+		</td>
+		<?php
+		if ($user->rights->margins->creer)
+		{
+			if(! empty($conf->global->DISPLAY_MARGIN_RATES))
+			{
+				echo '<td align="right">'.$langs->trans('MarginRate').'</td>';
+			}
+			if(! empty($conf->global->DISPLAY_MARK_RATES))
+			{
+				echo '<td align="right">'.$langs->trans('MarkRate').'</td>';
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			if (! empty($conf->global->DISPLAY_MARGIN_RATES)) $colspan++;
+			if (! empty($conf->global->DISPLAY_MARK_RATES))   $colspan++;
+		}
+	}
+	?>
+	<td colspan="<?php echo $colspan; ?>">&nbsp;</td>
+<tr <?php echo $bcnd[$var]; ?>>
+if (! empty($conf->global->MAIN_VIEW_LINE_NUMBER)) {
+	$coldisplay=2; }
+else {
+	$coldisplay=0; }
+	<td<?php echo (! empty($conf->global->MAIN_VIEW_LINE_NUMBER) ? ' colspan="2"' : ''); ?>>
+	<script type="text/javascript">
+	jQuery(document).ready(function() {
+		jQuery('#idprod').change(function() {
+			  if (jQuery('#idprod').val() > 0) jQuery('#np_desc').focus();
+		});
+	});
+	</script>
+	<?php
+	echo '<span>';
+	if (! empty($conf->product->enabled) || ! empty($conf->service->enabled))
+	{
+		echo '<input type="radio" name="prod_entry_mode" id="prod_entry_mode_free" value="free"'.(GETPOST('prod_entry_mode')=='free'?' checked="true"':'').'> ';
+	}
+	if (! empty($conf->product->enabled) && ! empty($conf->service->enabled)) echo $langs->trans("FreeLineOfType").' ';
+	else if (empty($conf->product->enabled) && ! empty($conf->service->enabled)) echo $langs->trans("FreeLineOfType").' '.$langs->trans("Service");
+	else if (! empty($conf->product->enabled) && empty($conf->service->enabled)) echo $langs->trans("FreeLineOfType").' '.$langs->trans("Product");
+	echo $form->select_type_of_lines(isset($_POST["type"])?$_POST["type"]:-1,'type',1,1);
+	echo '</span>';
+	if (! empty($conf->product->enabled) || ! empty($conf->service->enabled))
+	{
+		echo '<br><span>';
+		echo '<input type="radio" name="prod_entry_mode" id="prod_entry_mode_predef" value="predef"'.(GETPOST('prod_entry_mode')=='predef'?' checked="true"':'').'> ';
+		if (! empty($conf->product->enabled) && empty($conf->service->enabled)) echo $langs->trans('RecordedProducts');
+		else if (empty($conf->product->enabled) && ! empty($conf->service->enabled)) echo $langs->trans('RecordedServices');
+		else echo $langs->trans('RecordedProductsAndServices');
+		echo ' ';
+		$filtertype='';
+		if (! empty($object->element) && $object->element == 'contrat' && empty($conf->global->CONTRACT_SUPPORT_PRODUCTS)) $filtertype='1';
+		$form->select_produits('','idprod',$filtertype,$conf->product->limit_size,$buyer->price_level, 1, 2, '', 3, array(),$buyer->id);
+		echo '</span>';
+	}
+	if (is_object($hookmanager))
+	{
+        $parameters=array('fk_parent_line'=>GETPOST('fk_parent_line','int'));
+		$reshook=$hookmanager->executeHooks('formCreateProductOptions',$parameters,$object,$action);
+	}
+	//if ((! empty($conf->product->enabled) && ! empty($conf->service->enabled)) || (empty($conf->product->enabled) && empty($conf->service->enabled))) echo '<br>';
+	echo '<br>';
+	// Editor wysiwyg
+	require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/doleditor.class.php';
+	$nbrows=ROWS_2;
+	$enabled=(! empty($conf->global->FCKEDITOR_ENABLE_DETAILS)?$conf->global->FCKEDITOR_ENABLE_DETAILS:0);
+	if (! empty($conf->global->MAIN_INPUT_DESC_HEIGHT)) $nbrows=$conf->global->MAIN_INPUT_DESC_HEIGHT;
+	$doleditor=new DolEditor('dp_desc',GETPOST('dp_desc'),'',100,'dolibarr_details','',false,true,$enabled,$nbrows,'98%');
+	$doleditor->Create();
+	?>
+	</td>
+	<td align="right"><?php
+	if ($seller->tva_assuj == "0") echo '<input type="hidden" name="tva_tx" value="0">0';
+	else echo $form->load_tva('tva_tx', (isset($_POST["tva_tx"])?$_POST["tva_tx"]:-1), $seller, $buyer);
+	?>
+	</td>
+	<td align="right">
+	<input type="text" size="5" name="price_ht" id="price_ht" class="flat" value="<?php echo (isset($_POST["price_ht"])?$_POST["price_ht"]:''); ?>">
+	<input type="hidden" name="price_ht_predef" id="price_ht_predef">
+	</td>
+	<td align="right"><input type="text" size="2" name="qty" class="flat" value="<?php echo (isset($_POST["qty"])?$_POST["qty"]:1); ?>">
+	</td>
+	<td align="right" class="nowrap"><input type="text" size="1" class="flat" value="<?php echo (isset($_POST["remise_percent"])?$_POST["remise_percent"]:$buyer->remise_client); ?>" name="remise_percent"><span class="hideonsmartphone">%</span></td>
+	<?php
+	$colspan = 4;
+	if (! empty($usemargins))
+	{
+		?>
+		<td align="right">
+			<!-- For predef product -->
+			<?php if (! empty($conf->product->enabled) || ! empty($conf->service->enabled)) { ?>
+			<select id="fournprice_predef" name="fournprice_predef" class="flat" style="display: none;"></select>
+			<?php } ?>
+			<!-- For free product -->
+			<input type="text" size="5" id="buying_price" name="buying_price" class="flat" value="<?php echo (isset($_POST["buying_price"])?$_POST["buying_price"]:''); ?>">
+		</td>
+		<?php
+		$colspan++;
+		$coldisplay++;
+		if ($user->rights->margins->creer)
+		{
+			if (! empty($conf->global->DISPLAY_MARGIN_RATES)) {
+				echo '<td align="right" class="nowrap"><input type="text" size="2" name="np_marginRate" value="'.(isset($_POST["np_marginRate"])?$_POST["np_marginRate"]:'').'"><span class="hideonsmartphone">%</span></td>';
+				$colspan++;
+				$coldisplay++;
+			}
+			if (! empty($conf->global->DISPLAY_MARK_RATES)) {
+				echo '<td align="right" class="nowrap"><input type="text" size="2" name="np_markRate" value="'.(isset($_POST["np_markRate"])?$_POST["np_markRate"]:'').'"><span class="hideonsmartphone">%</span></td>';
+				$colspan++;
+				$coldisplay++;
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			if (! empty($conf->global->DISPLAY_MARGIN_RATES)) {
+				$colspan++;
+				$coldisplay++;
+			}
+			if (! empty($conf->global->DISPLAY_MARK_RATES)) {
+				$colspan++;
+				$coldisplay++;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	?>
+	<td align="center" valign="middle" colspan="<?php echo $colspan; ?>">
+		<input type="submit" class="button" value="<?php echo $langs->trans('Add'); ?>" name="addline" id="addline">
+	</td>
+	<?php
+	//Line extrafield
+	if (!empty($extrafieldsline)) {
+		if ($this->table_element_line=='commandedet') {
+			$newline = new OrderLine($this->db);
+		}
+		elseif ($this->table_element_line=='propaldet') {
+			$newline = new PropaleLigne($this->db);
+		}
+		elseif ($this->table_element_line=='facturedet') {
+			$newline = new FactureLigne($this->db);
+		}
+		if (is_object($newline)) {
+			print $newline->showOptionals($extrafieldsline, 'edit', array('style'=>$bcnd[$var], 'colspan'=>$coldisplay+8));
+		}
+	}
+		?>
+if (! empty($conf->service->enabled) && $dateSelector)
+	if(! empty($conf->global->MAIN_VIEW_LINE_NUMBER)) $colspan = 10;
+	else $colspan = 9;
+	if (! empty($usemargins))
+	{
+		$colspan++; // For the buying price
+		if (! empty($conf->global->DISPLAY_MARGIN_RATES)) $colspan++;
+		if (! empty($conf->global->DISPLAY_MARK_RATES))   $colspan++;
+	}
+<tr <?php echo $bcnd[$var]; ?>>
+	<td colspan="<?php echo $colspan; ?>">
+	<?php
+	if (! empty($object->element) && $object->element == 'contrat')
+	{
+		print $langs->trans("DateStartPlanned").' ';
+		$form->select_date('',"date_start",$usehm,$usehm,1,"addproduct");
+		print ' &nbsp; '.$langs->trans("DateEndPlanned").' ';
+		$form->select_date('',"date_end",$usehm,$usehm,1,"addproduct");
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		echo $langs->trans('ServiceLimitedDuration').' '.$langs->trans('From').' ';
+		echo $form->select_date('','date_start',empty($conf->global->MAIN_USE_HOURMIN_IN_DATE_RANGE)?0:1,empty($conf->global->MAIN_USE_HOURMIN_IN_DATE_RANGE)?0:1,1,"addproduct");
+		echo ' '.$langs->trans('to').' ';
+		echo $form->select_date('','date_end',empty($conf->global->MAIN_USE_HOURMIN_IN_DATE_RANGE)?0:1,empty($conf->global->MAIN_USE_HOURMIN_IN_DATE_RANGE)?0:1,1,"addproduct");
+	}
+	?>
+	</td>
+<script type="text/javascript">
+if (! empty($usemargins) && $user->rights->margins->creer)
+	/* Some js test when we click on button "Add" */
+	jQuery(document).ready(function() {
+		<?php
+		if (! empty($conf->global->DISPLAY_MARGIN_RATES)) { ?>
+			$('#addline').click(function (e) {
+				return checkFreeLine(e, "np_marginRate");
+			});
+			$("input[name='np_marginRate']:first").blur(function(e) {
+				return checkFreeLine(e, "np_marginRate");
+			});
+		<?php
+		}
+		if (! empty($conf->global->DISPLAY_MARK_RATES)) { ?>
+			$('#addline').click(function (e) {
+				return checkFreeLine(e, "np_markRate");
+			});
+			$("input[name='np_markRate']:first").blur(function(e) {
+				return checkFreeLine(e, "np_markRate");
+			});
+		<?php
+		}
+		?>
+	});
+	/* TODO This does not work for number with thousand separator that is , */
+	function checkFreeLine(e, npRate)
+	{
+		var buying_price = $("input[name='buying_price']:first");
+		var remise = $("input[name='remise_percent']:first");
+		var rate = $("input[name='"+npRate+"']:first");
+		if (rate.val() == '')
+			return true;
+		if (! $.isNumeric(rate.val().replace(',','.')))
+		{
+			alert('<?php echo dol_escape_js($langs->trans("rateMustBeNumeric")); ?>');
+			e.stopPropagation();
+			setTimeout(function () { rate.focus() }, 50);
+			return false;
+		}
+		if (npRate == "np_markRate" && rate.val() >= 100)
+		{
+			alert('<?php echo dol_escape_js($langs->trans("markRateShouldBeLesserThan100")); ?>');
+			e.stopPropagation();
+			setTimeout(function () { rate.focus() }, 50);
+			return false;
+		}
+		var price = 0;
+		remisejs=price2numjs(remise.val());
+		if (remisejs != 100)
+		{
+			bpjs=price2numjs(buying_price.val());
+			ratejs=price2numjs(rate.val());
+			if (npRate == "marginRate")
+				price = ((bpjs * (1 + ratejs / 100)) / (1 - remisejs / 100));
+			else if (npRate == "markRate")
+				price = ((bpjs / (1 - ratejs / 100)) / (1 - remisejs / 100));
+		}
+		$("input[name='price_ht']:first").val(price);	// TODO Must use a function like php price to have here a formated value
+		return true;
+	}
+	/* Function similar to price2num in PHP */
+	function price2numjs(num)
+	{
+		<?php
+		$dec=','; $thousand=' ';
+		if ($langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("SeparatorDecimal") != "SeparatorDecimal")  $dec=$langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("SeparatorDecimal");
+		if ($langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("SeparatorThousand")!= "SeparatorThousand") $thousand=$langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("SeparatorThousand");
+		if ($thousand == 'None') $thousand='';
+		print "var dec='".$dec."'; var thousand='".$thousand."';\n";
+		?>
+		var main_max_dec_shown = <?php echo $conf->global->MAIN_MAX_DECIMALS_SHOWN; ?>;
+		var main_rounding_unit = <?php echo $conf->global->MAIN_MAX_DECIMALS_UNIT; ?>;
+		var main_rounding_tot = <?php echo $conf->global->MAIN_MAX_DECIMALS_TOT; ?>;
+		var amount = num.toString();
+		// rounding for unit price
+		var rounding = main_rounding_unit;
+		var pos = amount.indexOf(dec);
+		var decpart = '';
+		if (pos >= 0) decpart = amount.substr(pos+1).replace('/0+$/i','');	// Supprime les 0 de fin de partie decimale
+		var nbdec = decpart.length;
+		if (nbdec > rounding) rounding = nbdec;
+	    // If rounding higher than max shown
+	    if (rounding > main_max_dec_shown) rounding = main_max_dec_shown;
+		if (thousand != ',' && thousand != '.') amount=amount.replace(',','.');
+		amount=amount.replace(' ','');			// To avoid spaces
+		amount=amount.replace(thousand,'');		// Replace of thousand before replace of dec to avoid pb if thousand is .
+		amount=amount.replace(dec,'.');
+		return parseFloat(amount).toFixed(rounding);
+	}
+/* JQuery for product free or predefined select */
+jQuery(document).ready(function() {
+	$("#prod_entry_mode_free").on( "click", function() {
+		setforfree();
+	});
+	$("#select_type").change(function()
+	{
+		setforfree();
+		if (jQuery('#select_type').val() >= 0) jQuery('#dp_desc').focus();
+	});
+	$("#prod_entry_mode_predef").on( "click", function() {
+		setforpredef();
+	});
+	$("#idprod").change(function()
+	{
+		setforpredef();
+		<?php if (! empty($usemargins) && $user->rights->margins->creer) { ?>
+		/* Code for margin */
+  		$("#fournprice_predef options").remove();
+		$("#fournprice_predef").hide();
+		$("#buying_price").val("").show();
+  		$.post('<?php echo DOL_URL_ROOT; ?>/fourn/ajax/getSupplierPrices.php', { 'idprod': $(this).val() }, function(data) {
+	    	if (data && data.length > 0)
+	    	{
+    	  		var options = '';
+	      		var i = 0;
+	      		$(data).each(function() {
+	        		i++;
+	        		options += '<option value="''" price="'+this.price+'"';
+	        		if (i == 1) {
+	          			options += ' selected';
+	          			$("#buying_price").val(this.price);
+	        		}
+	        		options += '>'+this.label+'</option>';
+	      		});
+	      		options += '<option value=""><?php echo $langs->trans("InputPrice"); ?></option>';
+	      		$("#buying_price").hide();
+	      		$("#fournprice_predef").html(options).show();
+	      		$("#fournprice_predef").change(function() {
+	        		var selval = $(this).find('option:selected').attr("price");
+	        		if (selval)
+	          			$("#buying_price").val(selval).hide();
+	        		else
+	          			$('#buying_price').show();
+	      		});
+	    	}
+	  	},
+	  	'json');
+		if (jQuery('#idprod').val() > 0) jQuery('#dp_desc').focus();
+  		<?php } ?>
+	});
+/* Function to set fields from choice */
+function setforfree() {
+	jQuery("#search_idprod").val('');
+	jQuery("#idprod").val('');
+	jQuery("#prod_entry_mode_free").attr('checked',true);
+	jQuery("#prod_entry_mode_predef").attr('checked',false);
+	jQuery("#price_ht").show();
+	jQuery("#tva_tx").show();
+	jQuery("#buying_price").val('').show();
+	jQuery("#fournprice_predef").hide();
+	jQuery("#title_vat").show();
+	jQuery("#title_up_ht").show();
+function setforpredef() {
+	jQuery("#select_type").val(-1);
+	jQuery("#prod_entry_mode_free").attr('checked',false);
+	jQuery("#prod_entry_mode_predef").attr('checked',true);
+	jQuery("#price_ht").hide();
+	jQuery("#tva_tx").hide();
+	jQuery("#buying_price").show();
+	jQuery("#title_vat").hide();
+	jQuery("#title_up_ht").hide();
+<!-- END PHP TEMPLATE objectline_create.tpl.php -->
diff --git a/htdocs/langs/en_US/main.lang b/htdocs/langs/en_US/main.lang
index fe6f582135a..b5ef6639fcc 100644
--- a/htdocs/langs/en_US/main.lang
+++ b/htdocs/langs/en_US/main.lang
@@ -605,7 +605,8 @@ Notes=Notes
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