From d3283a798acdf622ca6322355b201d739bbd7031 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Laurent Destailleur <>
Date: Tue, 9 Dec 2008 21:02:58 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Qual: Replace ereg_replace(",","." by price2num

 htdocs/admin/produit.php                      |   23 +-
 .../prelevement/rejet-prelevement.class.php   |    2 +-
 htdocs/                           |    3 -
 htdocs/product.class.php                      |    7 +-
 htdocs/product/canvas/product.livre.class.php | 1094 +++++++++--------
 htdocs/product/stock/mouvementstock.class.php |    6 +-
 scripts/prelevement/prelevement.php           |    2 +-
 7 files changed, 565 insertions(+), 572 deletions(-)

diff --git a/htdocs/admin/produit.php b/htdocs/admin/produit.php
index 72efdcbcc15..909a676e318 100644
--- a/htdocs/admin/produit.php
+++ b/htdocs/admin/produit.php
@@ -110,11 +110,11 @@ else if ($_POST["action"] == 'confirmDeleteProdLineInForm')
 else if ($_POST["action"] == 'ProductCanvasAbility')
-	dolibarr_set_const($db, "PRODUCT_CANVAS_ABILITY", $_POST["ProductCanvasAbility"]);
-	dolibarr_set_const($db, "MAIN_NEED_SMARTY", $_POST["ProductCanvasAbility"]);
 	// Create temp directory for smarty
 	if (! empty($dolibarr_smarty_compile)) create_exdir($dolibarr_smarty_compile);
 	if (! empty($dolibarr_smarty_cache))   create_exdir($dolibarr_smarty_cache);
+	dolibarr_set_const($db, "MAIN_NEED_SMARTY", $_POST["ProductCanvasAbility"]);
 else if ($_POST["action"] == 'usesearchtoselectproduct')
@@ -122,6 +122,10 @@ else if ($_POST["action"] == 'usesearchtoselectproduct')
 else if ($_GET["action"] == 'set')
+	// Create temp directory for smarty
+	if (! empty($dolibarr_smarty_compile)) create_exdir($dolibarr_smarty_compile);
+	if (! empty($dolibarr_smarty_cache))   create_exdir($dolibarr_smarty_cache);
 	$const = "PRODUIT_SPECIAL_".strtoupper($_GET["spe"]);
 	if ($_GET["value"]) dolibarr_set_const($db, $const, $_GET["value"]);
 	else dolibarr_del_const($db, $const);
@@ -277,8 +281,8 @@ print '</tr>';
 print '</form>';
-// Only rodolphe and auguria menu manage canvas menu (auguria not correctly yet)
-if (eregi('^rodolphe',$conf->left_menu) || eregi('^auguria',$conf->left_menu))
+// Old canvas feature
+if ($conf->global->PRODUCT_CANVAS_ABILITY)
 	// Propose utilisation de canvas.
 	// Ces derniers ne sont geres que par le menu default
@@ -289,17 +293,6 @@ if (eregi('^rodolphe',$conf->left_menu) || eregi('^auguria',$conf->left_menu))
 	print "  <td align=\"right\" width=\"60\">".$langs->trans("Value")."</td>\n";
 	print "  <td width=\"80\">&nbsp;</td></tr>\n";
-	print '<form method="post" action="produit.php">';
-	print '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="ProductCanvasAbility">';
-	print "<tr ".$bc[$var].">";
-	print '<td>'.$langs->trans("ProductCanvasAbility").'</td>';
-	print '<td width="60" align="right">';
-	print $html->selectyesno("ProductCanvasAbility",$conf->global->PRODUCT_CANVAS_ABILITY,1);
-	print '</td><td align="right">';
-	print '<input type="submit" class="button" value="'.$langs->trans("Modify").'">';
-	print "</td>";
-	print '</tr></form>';
 	require_once(DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . "/product.class.php");
 	$dir = DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . "/product/canvas/";
diff --git a/htdocs/compta/prelevement/rejet-prelevement.class.php b/htdocs/compta/prelevement/rejet-prelevement.class.php
index a0c816508cb..b6f727c6caa 100644
--- a/htdocs/compta/prelevement/rejet-prelevement.class.php
+++ b/htdocs/compta/prelevement/rejet-prelevement.class.php
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ class RejetPrelevement
 	// certaines install de PHP renvoie uniquement la partie
 	// entiere negative
-	$pai->amounts[$facs[$i]] = ereg_replace(",",".",($fac->total_ttc * -1));
+	$pai->amounts[$facs[$i]] = price2num($fac->total_ttc * -1);
 	$pai->datepaye = $this->db->idate($date_rejet);
 	$pai->paiementid = 3; // pr�l�vement
 	$pai->num_paiement = "Rejet";
diff --git a/htdocs/ b/htdocs/
index a29474d27b2..fe7b09d6837 100644
--- a/htdocs/
+++ b/htdocs/
@@ -504,9 +504,6 @@ else                        // Si utilisateur externe
-// Only rodolphe and auguria menu manage canvas menu (auguria not correctly yet)
-if (! eregi('^rodolphe',$conf->left_menu) && ! eregi('^auguria',$conf->left_menu)) $conf->global->PRODUCT_CANVAS_ABILITY=0;
 // For modules using Smarty
 if ($conf->global->MAIN_NEED_SMARTY)
diff --git a/htdocs/product.class.php b/htdocs/product.class.php
index dff9f3fa1ee..de126a917de 100644
--- a/htdocs/product.class.php
+++ b/htdocs/product.class.php
@@ -370,8 +370,9 @@ class Product extends CommonObject
 		$this->weight_units = trim($this->weight_units);
 		$this->volume = price2num($this->volume);
 		$this->volume_units = trim($this->volume_units);
-		if (empty($this->tva_tx))    $this->tva_tx = 0;
-		if (empty($this->finished))  $this->finished = 0;
+		if (empty($this->tva_tx))    			$this->tva_tx = 0;
+		if (empty($this->finished))  			$this->finished = 0;
+		if (empty($this->seuil_stock_alerte))  	$this->seuil_stock_alerte = 0;
 		$sql = "UPDATE ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."product ";
 		$sql .= " SET label = '" . addslashes($this->libelle) ."'";
@@ -383,7 +384,7 @@ class Product extends CommonObject
 		$sql .= ",weight_units = " . ($this->weight_units!='' ? "'".$this->weight_units."'": 'null');
 		$sql .= ",volume = " . ($this->volume!='' ? "'".$this->volume."'" : 'null');
 		$sql .= ",volume_units = " . ($this->volume_units!='' ? "'".$this->volume_units."'" : 'null');
-		$sql .= ",seuil_stock_alerte = '" . $this->seuil_stock_alerte."'";
+		$sql .= ",seuil_stock_alerte = " . ($this->seuil_stock_alerte!='' ? $this->seuil_stock_alerte : "null");
 		$sql .= ",description = '" . addslashes($this->description) ."'";
 		$sql .= ",stock_loc   = '" . addslashes($this->stock_loc) ."'";
 		$sql .= ",note = '" .        addslashes($this->note) ."'";
diff --git a/htdocs/product/canvas/product.livre.class.php b/htdocs/product/canvas/product.livre.class.php
index 803ab66d51d..715a2c46d61 100644
--- a/htdocs/product/canvas/product.livre.class.php
+++ b/htdocs/product/canvas/product.livre.class.php
@@ -15,586 +15,588 @@
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- *
- * $Id$
- * $Source$
- \file       htdocs/product/canvas/product.livre.class.php
-  \ingroup    produit
-   \brief      Fichier de la classe des produits specifiques de type livre
-    \version    $Revision$
+ *	\file       htdocs/product/canvas/product.livre.class.php
+ *	\ingroup    produit
+ *	\brief      Fichier de la classe des produits specifiques de type livre
+ *	\version    $Id$
+ */
-   \class      ProductLivre
-   \brief      Classe permettant la gestion des livres, cette classe surcharge la classe produit
+ *	\class      ProductLivre
+ *	\brief      Classe permettant la gestion des livres, cette classe surcharge la classe produit
+ */
 class ProductLivre extends Product
-  //! Numero d'erreur Plage 1280-1535
-  var $errno = 0;
-  /**
-   *    \brief      Constructeur de la classe
-   *    \param      DB          Handler acc�s base de donn�es
-   *    \param      id          Id produit (0 par defaut)
-   */
-  function ProductLivre($DB=0, $id=0, $user=0)
-  {
-    $this->db = $DB;
-    $this->id = $id ;
-    $this->user = $user;
-    $this->canvas = "livre";
-    $this->name = "livre";
-    $this->description = "Gestion des livres";
-    $this->active = PRODUIT_SPECIAL_LIVRE;
-    $this->menu_new = 'NewBook';
-    $this->menu_add = 1;
-    $this->menu_clear = 1;
-    $this->no_button_copy = 1;
-    $this->menus[0][0] = DOL_URL_ROOT."/product/fiche.php?action=create&amp;type=0&amp;canvas=livre";
-    $this->menus[0][1] = 'NewBook';
-    $this->menus[1][0] = DOL_URL_ROOT."/product/liste.php?canvas=livre";
-    $this->menus[1][1] = 'ListBook';
-    /*
-    $this->menus[2][0] = DOL_URL_ROOT."/product/liste.php?canvas=livrecontrat";
-    $this->menus[2][1] = 'ListContract';
-    $this->menus[3][0] = DOL_URL_ROOT."/product/liste.php?canvas=livrecouverture";
-    $this->menus[3][1] = 'ListCover';
-    */
-    $this->next_prev_filter = "canvas='livre'";
-    $this->onglets[0][0] = 'URL';
-    $this->onglets[0][1] = 'Editeur';
-    $this->onglets[1][0] = 'URL';
-    $this->onglets[1][1] = 'Editeur1';
-  }
-  function GetListeTitre()
-  {
-    return 'Livres';
-  }
-  /**
-   *   \brief  Personnalise les menus
-   *   \param  menu       Objet Menu
-   *   \todo   Rodo - faire plus propre c'est trop goret
-   */  
-  function PersonnalizeMenu(&$menu)
-  {
-    $menu->remove_last();
-    $menu->remove_last();
-  }
-  /**
-   *    \brief      Creation
-   *    \param      id          Id livre
-   */
-  function Create($user,$datas)
-  {
-    $this->db->begin();
-    $id = parent::Create($user);
-    $this->pages         = abs(trim($datas["pages"]));
-    $this->px_feuillet   = str_replace(',','.',trim($datas["px_feuillet"]));
-    $this->px_reliure    = str_replace(',','.',trim($datas["px_reliure"]));
-    $this->px_couverture = str_replace(',','.',trim($datas["px_couverture"]));
-    $this->stock_loc     = trim($datas["stock_loc"]);
-    if ($id > 0)
-      {
-	$this->errno = 0;
-      }
-    if ( $this->errno === 0 )
-      {
-	$sql = " INSERT INTO ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."product_cnv_livre (rowid)";
-	$sql.= " VALUES ('".$id."');";
-	$result = $this->db->query($sql) ;
-	if ($result)
+	//! Numero d'erreur Plage 1280-1535
+	var $errno = 0;
+	/**
+	 *    \brief      Constructeur de la classe
+	 *    \param      DB          Handler acc�s base de donn�es
+	 *    \param      id          Id produit (0 par defaut)
+	 */
+	function ProductLivre($DB=0, $id=0, $user=0)
+	{
+		$this->db = $DB;
+		$this->id = $id ;
+		$this->user = $user;
+		$this->canvas = "livre";
+		$this->name = "livre";
+		$this->description = "Gestion des livres";
+		$this->active = PRODUIT_SPECIAL_LIVRE;
+		$this->menu_new = 'NewBook';
+		$this->menu_add = 1;
+		$this->menu_clear = 1;
+		$this->no_button_copy = 1;
+		$this->menus[0][0] = DOL_URL_ROOT."/product/fiche.php?action=create&amp;type=0&amp;canvas=livre";
+		$this->menus[0][1] = 'NewBook';
+		$this->menus[1][0] = DOL_URL_ROOT."/product/liste.php?canvas=livre";
+		$this->menus[1][1] = 'ListBook';
+		/*
+		 $this->menus[2][0] = DOL_URL_ROOT."/product/liste.php?canvas=livrecontrat";
+		 $this->menus[2][1] = 'ListContract';
+		 $this->menus[3][0] = DOL_URL_ROOT."/product/liste.php?canvas=livrecouverture";
+		 $this->menus[3][1] = 'ListCover';
+		 */
+		$this->next_prev_filter = "canvas='livre'";
+		$this->onglets[0][0] = 'URL';
+		$this->onglets[0][1] = 'Editeur';
+		$this->onglets[1][0] = 'URL';
+		$this->onglets[1][1] = 'Editeur1';
+	}
+	function GetListeTitre()
+	{
+		return 'Livres';
+	}
+	/**
+	 *   \brief  Personnalise les menus
+	 *   \param  menu       Objet Menu
+	 *   \todo   Rodo - faire plus propre c'est trop goret
+	 */
+	function PersonnalizeMenu(&$menu)
+	{
+		$menu->remove_last();
+		$menu->remove_last();
+	}
+	/**
+	 *    \brief      Creation
+	 *    \param      id          Id livre
+	 */
+	function Create($user,$datas)
+	{
+		$this->db->begin();
+		$id = parent::Create($user);
+		$this->pages         = abs(trim($datas["pages"]));
+		$this->px_feuillet   = price2num($datas["px_feuillet"]);
+		$this->px_reliure    = price2num($datas["px_reliure"]);
+		$this->px_couverture = price2num($datas["px_couverture"]);
+		$this->stock_loc     = trim($datas["stock_loc"]);
+		if ($id > 0)
+		{
+			$this->errno = 0;
+		}
+		if ( $this->errno === 0 )
+		{
+			$sql = " INSERT INTO ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."product_cnv_livre (rowid)";
+			$sql.= " VALUES ('".$id."');";
+			$result = $this->db->query($sql) ;
+			if ($result)
-	    $this->errno = 0;
+	  	$this->errno = 0;
-	else
+	  else
-	    $this->_setErrNo("Create",1282);
+	  	$this->_setErrNo("Create",1282);
-      }
-    // Creation du contrat associe
-    if ( $this->errno === 0 )
-      {
-	$this->contrat = new ProductLivreContrat($this->db);
-	$this->contrat->ref                = $this->ref.'-CL';
-	$this->contrat->libelle            = 'Contrat';
-	$this->contrat->price              = 0;
-	$this->contrat->tva_tx             = 0;
-	$this->contrat->type               = 0;
-	$this->contrat->status             = 0;
-	$this->contrat->description        = 'Droits du livre';
-	$this->contrat->seuil_stock_alerte = $_POST["seuil_stock_alerte"];
-	$this->contrat->canvas             = 'livrecontrat';
-	$contrat_id = $this->contrat->Create($user, $this->id, $datas);
-	if ($contrat_id > 0)
+		}
+		// Creation du contrat associe
+		if ( $this->errno === 0 )
+		{
+			$this->contrat = new ProductLivreContrat($this->db);
+			$this->contrat->ref                = $this->ref.'-CL';
+			$this->contrat->libelle            = 'Contrat';
+			$this->contrat->price              = 0;
+			$this->contrat->tva_tx             = 0;
+			$this->contrat->type               = 0;
+			$this->contrat->status             = 0;
+			$this->contrat->description        = 'Droits du livre';
+			$this->contrat->seuil_stock_alerte = $_POST["seuil_stock_alerte"];
+			$this->contrat->canvas             = 'livrecontrat';
+			$contrat_id = $this->contrat->Create($user, $this->id, $datas);
+			if ($contrat_id > 0)
-	    $this->add_subproduct($this->contrat->id);
+	  	$this->add_subproduct($this->contrat->id);
-      }
-    // Creation du produit couverture
-    if ( $this->errno === 0 )
-      {
-	$this->couverture = new Product($this->db);
-	$this->couverture->ref                = $this->ref.'-CO';
-	$this->couverture->libelle            = 'Couverture';
-	$this->couverture->price              = 0;
-	$this->couverture->tva_tx             = 0;
-	$this->couverture->type               = 0;
-	$this->couverture->status             = 0;
-	$this->couverture->description        = 'Couverture du livre';
-	$this->couverture->seuil_stock_alerte = $_POST["seuil_stock_alerte"];
-	$this->couverture->canvas             = 'livrecouverture';
-	$this->couverture_id = $this->couverture->create($user);
-	if ($this->couverture_id > 0)
+		}
+		// Creation du produit couverture
+		if ( $this->errno === 0 )
+		{
+			$this->couverture = new Product($this->db);
+			$this->couverture->ref                = $this->ref.'-CO';
+			$this->couverture->libelle            = 'Couverture';
+			$this->couverture->price              = 0;
+			$this->couverture->tva_tx             = 0;
+			$this->couverture->type               = 0;
+			$this->couverture->status             = 0;
+			$this->couverture->description        = 'Couverture du livre';
+			$this->couverture->seuil_stock_alerte = $_POST["seuil_stock_alerte"];
+			$this->couverture->canvas             = 'livrecouverture';
+			$this->couverture_id = $this->couverture->create($user);
+			if ($this->couverture_id > 0)
-	    $this->add_subproduct($this->couverture_id);
+	  	$this->add_subproduct($this->couverture_id);
-      }
-    if ( $this->errno === 0 )
-      {
-	$this->UpdateCanvas($datas);
-      }
-    if ( $this->errno === 0 )
-      {
-	$this->db->commit();
-	return $this->id;
-      }
-    else
-      {
-	$this->db->rollback();
-	dolibarr_syslog("ProductLivre::Create ROLLBACK ERRNO (".$this->errno.")");
-	return -1;
-      }
-  }
-  /**
-   *    \brief      Supression
-   *    \param      id          Id livre
-   */
-  function DeleteCanvas($id)
-  {
-    $sql = "DELETE FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."product_cnv_livre ";
-    $sql.= " WHERE rowid = '".$id."';";
-    $result = $this->db->query($sql) ;
-    return 0;
-  }
-  /**
-   *    \brief      Lecture des donnees dans la base
-   *    \param      id          Id livre ('' par defaut)
-   *    \param      ref         Reference du livre ('' par defaut)
-   */
-  function FetchCanvas($id='', $ref='', $action='')
-  {
-    $result = $this->fetch($id,$ref);
-    if ($result >= 0)
-      {
-	$sql = "SELECT l.rowid,l.isbn,l.ean,l.pages,l.fk_couverture,l.format,l.fk_contrat";
-	$sql.= ",l.px_feuillet,l.px_revient,l.px_couverture,l.px_reliure, s.nom, s.rowid as socid";
-	$sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."product_cnv_livre as l LEFT JOIN ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."societe as s ON s.rowid = l.fk_auteur";
-	if ($id) $sql.= " WHERE l.rowid = '".$id."'";
-	if ($ref) $sql.= " WHERE l.ref = '".addslashes($ref)."'";
-	$result = $this->db->query($sql) ;
-	if ( $result )
+		}
+		if ( $this->errno === 0 )
+		{
+			$this->UpdateCanvas($datas);
+		}
+		if ( $this->errno === 0 )
+		{
+			$this->db->commit();
+			return $this->id;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			$this->db->rollback();
+			dolibarr_syslog("ProductLivre::Create ROLLBACK ERRNO (".$this->errno.")");
+			return -1;
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 *    \brief      Supression
+	 *    \param      id          Id livre
+	 */
+	function DeleteCanvas($id)
+	{
+		$sql = "DELETE FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."product_cnv_livre ";
+		$sql.= " WHERE rowid = '".$id."';";
+		$result = $this->db->query($sql) ;
+		return 0;
+	}
+	/**
+	 *    \brief      Lecture des donnees dans la base
+	 *    \param      id          Id livre ('' par defaut)
+	 *    \param      ref         Reference du livre ('' par defaut)
+	 */
+	function FetchCanvas($id='', $ref='', $action='')
+	{
+		$result = $this->fetch($id,$ref);
+		if ($result >= 0)
+		{
+			$sql = "SELECT l.rowid,l.isbn,l.ean,l.pages,l.fk_couverture,l.format,l.fk_contrat";
+			$sql.= ",l.px_feuillet,l.px_revient,l.px_couverture,l.px_reliure, s.nom, s.rowid as socid";
+			$sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."product_cnv_livre as l LEFT JOIN ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."societe as s ON s.rowid = l.fk_auteur";
+			if ($id) $sql.= " WHERE l.rowid = '".$id."'";
+			if ($ref) $sql.= " WHERE l.ref = '".addslashes($ref)."'";
+			$result = $this->db->query($sql) ;
+			if ( $result )
-	    $result = $this->db->fetch_array();
-	    $this->isbn               = $result["isbn"];
-	    $this->ean                = $result["ean"];
-	    $this->pages              = $result["pages"];
-	    $this->format             = $result["format"];
-	    $this->px_feuillet        = $result["px_feuillet"];
-	    $this->px_reliure         = $result["px_reliure"];
-	    $this->px_revient         = $result["px_revient"];
-	    $this->px_couverture      = $result["px_couverture"];
-	    $this->couverture_id      = $result["fk_couverture"];
-	    $this->auteur             = stripslashes($result["nom"]);
-	    $this->auteur_id          = $result["socid"];
-	    $this->db->free();
+	  	$result = $this->db->fetch_array();
+	  	$this->isbn               = $result["isbn"];
+	  	$this->ean                = $result["ean"];
+	  	$this->pages              = $result["pages"];
+	  	$this->format             = $result["format"];
+	  	$this->px_feuillet        = $result["px_feuillet"];
+	  	$this->px_reliure         = $result["px_reliure"];
+	  	$this->px_revient         = $result["px_revient"];
+	  	$this->px_couverture      = $result["px_couverture"];
+	  	$this->couverture_id      = $result["fk_couverture"];
+	  	$this->auteur             = stripslashes($result["nom"]);
+	  	$this->auteur_id          = $result["socid"];
+	  	$this->db->free();
-	$this->contrat = new ProductLivreContrat($this->db);
-	$this->contrat->FetchCanvas($result["fk_contrat"]);
-      }
-    if ($action =='edit' or $action == 'create')
-      $this->GetAvailableAuteurs();
-    return $result;
-  }
-  /**
-   *    \brief      Mise a jour des donnees dans la base
-   *    \param      datas        Tableau de donnees
-   */
-  function UpdateCanvas($datas)
-  {
-    dolibarr_syslog("ProductLivre::UpdateCanvas ID : ".$this->id, LOG_DEBUG);
-    $isbna = trim($datas["isbna"]);
-    $isbnb = trim($datas["isbnb"]);
-    $sp = 9 - (strlen($isbna) + strlen($isbnb) );
-    $isbnc = substr( str_repeat('0',10) . $datas["isbnc"], -$sp , $sp); // on complete a 10
-    $key = $this->calculate_isbn_key($isbna.$isbnb.$isbnc);
-    $isbn = $isbna.'-'.$isbnb.'-'.$isbnc.'-'.$key;
-    $ean = '978'.$isbna.$isbnb.$isbnc;
-    $ean = $ean . $this->calculate_ean_key($ean);
-    $this->pages         = abs(trim($datas["pages"]));
-    $this->px_feuillet   = str_replace(',','.',trim($datas["px_feuillet"]));
-    $this->px_reliure    = str_replace(',','.',trim($datas["px_reliure"]));
-    $this->px_couverture = str_replace(',','.',trim($datas["px_couverture"]));
-    $price_ht = $this->price / (1 + ($this->tva_tx / 100));
-    $contrat_taux = str_replace(',','.',trim($datas["contrat_taux"]));
-    $this->px_revient = $this->_calculate_prix_revient($this->pages, $this->px_couverture, $this->px_feuillet, $price_ht, $this->px_reliure, $contrat_taux);
-    $this->stock_loc     = trim($datas["stock_loc"]);
-    $format        = trim($datas["format"]);
-    $sql = "UPDATE ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."product_cnv_livre ";
-    $sql.= " SET isbn = '$isbn'";
-    $sql.= " , ean = '$ean'";
-    $sql.= " , pages         = '".$this->pages."'";
-    $sql.= " , px_feuillet   = '".$this->px_feuillet."'";
-    $sql.= " , px_revient    = '".ereg_replace(",",".",$this->px_revient)."'";
-    $sql.= " , px_reliure = '".ereg_replace(",",".",$this->px_reliure)."'";
-    $sql.= " , px_couverture = '".ereg_replace(",",".",$this->px_couverture)."'";
-    $sql.= " , fk_couverture = '".$this->couverture->id."'";
-    $sql.= " , fk_contrat    = '".$this->contrat->id."'";
-    $sql.= " , fk_auteur     = '".$datas["auteur"]."'";
-    $sql.= " , format        = '$format'";
-    $sql.= " WHERE rowid = " . $this->id;
-    if ( $this->db->query($sql) )
-      {
-	$this->errno = 0;
-	$this->contrat->UpdateCanvas($datas);
-	return 0;
-      }
-    else
-      {
-	$this->_setErrNo("UpdateCanvas",1281);
-	return -1;
-      }
-  }
-  /**
-     \brief      Calcule le prix de revient d'un livre
-     \param      pages     Nombre de pages
-     \param      couv      Prix de la couverture
-     \param      feuil     Prix d'un feuillet
-     \param      price_ht  Prix public HT
-     \param      taux      Taux du contrat
-   */
-  function _calculate_prix_revient($pages, $couv, $feuil, $price_ht, $reliure, $taux)
-  {
-    dolibarr_syslog("ProductLivre::UpdateCanvas $pages, $couv, $feuil, $price_ht, $taux", LOG_DEBUG);
-    $cost = ($pages / 2 * $feuil) + $couv + $reliure + ($price_ht * $taux / 100);
-    return $cost;
-  }
-  /**
-   *    \brief      Calcule la clef d'un numero ISBN
-   *    \param      isbn        Clef International Standard Book Number
-   *    \note       source
-   */
-  function calculate_isbn_key($isbn)
-  {
-    $sum = 0;
-    for ($i = 0 ; $i < 9 ; $i++)
-      {
-	$sum += $isbn{$i} * (10 - $i);
-      }
-    $key = 11 - ($sum % 11);
-    if ($key == 0)
-      $key = 1;
-    if ($key == 11)
-      $key = 'X';
-    return $key;
-  }
-  /**
-   *    \brief      Calcule la clef d'un numero EAN 13
-   *    \param      ean        Clef EAN
-   *    \note       source
-   */
-  function calculate_ean_key($ean)
-  {
-    $sum = 0;
-    for ($i = 0 ; $i < 12 ; $i = $i+2)
-      {
-	$sum += $ean{$i};
-      }
-    for ($i = 1 ; $i < 12 ; $i = $i+2)
-      {
-	$sum += 3 * $ean{$i};
-      }
-    $key = (10 - ($sum % 10));
-    return $key;
-  }
-   /**
-   *    \brief      Assigne les valeurs pour les templates Smarty
-   *    \param      smarty     Instance de smarty
-   */
-  function assign_smarty_values(&$smarty, $action='')
-  {
-    if ($action =='edit' or $action == 'create')
-      {
-	$this->GetAvailableFormat();
-	$this->GetAvailableAuteurs();
-      }
-    if ($this->errno == 257)
-      {
-	$smarty->assign('class_normal_ref', 'error');
-	$smarty->assign('class_focus_ref',  'focuserr');
-      }
-    else
-      {
-	$smarty->assign('class_normal_ref', 'normal');
-	$smarty->assign('class_focus_ref',  'focus');
-      }
-    $smarty->assign('user',             $this->user->prenom.' '.$this->user->nom);
-    $smarty->assign('prod_id',          $this->id);
-    $smarty->assign('prod_ref',         $this->ref);
-    $smarty->assign('prod_label',       $this->libelle);
-    $smarty->assign('prod_note',        $this->note);
-    $smarty->assign('prod_description', $this->description);
-    $smarty->assign('prod_canvas',      $this->canvas);
-    $smarty->assign('prod_isbn',     $this->isbn);
-    $isbn_parts = explode('-',$this->isbn);
-    $smarty->assign('prod_isbna',    $isbn_parts[0]);
-    $smarty->assign('prod_isbnb',    $isbn_parts[1]);
-    $smarty->assign('prod_isbnc',    $isbn_parts[2]);
-    $smarty->assign('prod_ean',      $this->ean);
-    $smarty->assign('prod_isbn13',           '978-'.substr($this->isbn,0,12).substr($this->ean,-1,1));
-    $smarty->assign('prod_tva_tx',            $this->tva_tx);
-    $smarty->assign('prod_pages',             $this->pages);
-    $smarty->assign('prod_format',            $this->format);
-    $smarty->assign('prod_pxfeuil',           $this->px_feuillet);
-    $smarty->assign('prod_pxcouv',            $this->px_couverture);
-    $smarty->assign('livre_couverture_id',    $this->couverture_id);
-    $smarty->assign('prod_weight',            $this->weight);
-    $smarty->assign('prod_weight_units',      $this->weight_units);
-    $smarty->assign('prod_pxreliure',         $this->px_reliure);
-    $smarty->assign('prod_pxrevient',         price($this->px_revient));
-    $smarty->assign('prod_pxvente',           price($this->price_ttc));
-    $smarty->assign('livre_contrat_locked',   $this->contrat->locked);
-    $smarty->assign('livre_contrat_taux',     $this->contrat->taux);
-    $smarty->assign('livre_contrat_duree',    $this->contrat->duree);
-    $smarty->assign('livre_contrat_quant',    $this->contrat->quantite);
-    $smarty->assign('livre_contrat_date_app', $this->contrat->date_app);
-    $smarty->assign('livre_contrat_user_fullname', $this->contrat->user_fullname);
-    $smarty->assign('livre_auteur',           $this->auteur);
-    $smarty->assign('livre_auteur_id',        $this->auteur_id);
-    $smarty->assign('prod_stock_loc',         $this->stock_loc);
-    $smarty->assign('prod_stock_reel',        $this->stock_reel);
-    $smarty->assign('prod_stock_dispo',       ($this->stock_reel - $this->stock_in_command));
-    $smarty->assign('prod_stock_in_command',  $this->stock_in_command);
-    $smarty->assign('prod_stock_alert',       $this->seuil_stock_alerte);
-    $smarty->assign('prod_statut_id',         $this->status);
-    $smarty->assign('prod_statuts_id', array(1,0) );
-    $smarty->assign('prod_statuts_value', array('En vente', 'Hors vente') );
-    $smarty->assign('livre_available_formats', $this->available_formats);
-    $smarty->assign('livre_available_auteurs', $this->available_auteurs);
-    if ($this->status==1)
-      {
-	$smarty->assign('prod_statut', 'En vente');
-      }
-    else
-      {
-	$smarty->assign('prod_statut', 'Hors vente');
-      }
-    if ($this->seuil_stock_alerte > ($this->stock_reel - $this->stock_in_command) && $this->status == 1)
-      {
-	$smarty->assign('smarty_stock_dispo_class', 'class="warning"');
-      }
-  }
-  /* 
-   * Fetch Datas Liste
-   *
-   *
-   */
-  function LoadListDatas($limit, $offset, $sortfield, $sortorder)
-  {
-    $sql = 'SELECT p.rowid, p.ref, p.label, pl.px_feuillet as price, ';
-    $sql.= ' p.duration, p.envente as statut, p.stock_loc';
-    $sql.= ',pl.pages';
-    $sql.= ',SUM(fd.qty) as ventes';
-    $sql.= ",sc.reel as casier, se.reel as entrepot";
-    $sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."product as p";
-    $sql.= ' LEFT JOIN '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'facturedet as fd ON fd.fk_product = p.rowid';
-    $sql.= ','.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'product_cnv_livre as pl';
-    $sql.= ' LEFT JOIN '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'product_stock as sc ON sc.fk_product = pl.rowid AND sc.fk_entrepot = 1';
-    $sql.= ' LEFT JOIN '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'product_stock as se ON se.fk_product = pl.rowid AND se.fk_entrepot = 2';
-    $sql .= " WHERE p.rowid=pl.rowid ";
-    if ($sall)
-      {
-	$sql .= " AND (p.ref like '%".$sall."%' OR p.label like '%".$sall."%' OR p.description like '%".$sall."%' OR p.note like '%".$sall."%')";
-      }
-    if ($sref)
-      {
-	$sql .= " AND p.ref like '%".$sref."%'";
-      }
-    if ($snom)
-      {
-	$sql .= " AND p.label like '%".$snom."%'";
-      }
-    if (isset($_GET["envente"]) && strlen($_GET["envente"]) > 0)
-      {
-	$sql .= " AND p.envente = ".$_GET["envente"];
-      }
-    $sql.= " GROUP BY p.rowid";
-    $sql.= " ORDER BY $sortfield $sortorder ";
-    $sql.= $this->db->plimit($limit + 1 ,$offset);
-    $this->list_datas = array();    
-    $resql = $this->db->query($sql) ;
-    if ($resql)
-      {
-	$num = $this->db->num_rows($resql);
-	$i = 0;
-	while ($i < min($num,$limit))
+	  $this->contrat = new ProductLivreContrat($this->db);
+	  $this->contrat->FetchCanvas($result["fk_contrat"]);
+		}
+		if ($action =='edit' or $action == 'create')
+		$this->GetAvailableAuteurs();
+		return $result;
+	}
+	/**
+	 *    \brief      Mise a jour des donnees dans la base
+	 *    \param      datas        Tableau de donnees
+	 */
+	function UpdateCanvas($datas)
+	{
+		dolibarr_syslog("ProductLivre::UpdateCanvas ID : ".$this->id, LOG_DEBUG);
+		$isbna = trim($datas["isbna"]);
+		$isbnb = trim($datas["isbnb"]);
+		$sp = 9 - (strlen($isbna) + strlen($isbnb) );
+		$isbnc = substr( str_repeat('0',10) . $datas["isbnc"], -$sp , $sp); // on complete a 10
+		$key = $this->calculate_isbn_key($isbna.$isbnb.$isbnc);
+		$isbn = $isbna.'-'.$isbnb.'-'.$isbnc.'-'.$key;
+		$ean = '978'.$isbna.$isbnb.$isbnc;
+		$ean = $ean . $this->calculate_ean_key($ean);
+		$this->pages         = abs(trim($datas["pages"]));
+		$this->px_feuillet   = price2num($datas["px_feuillet"]);
+		$this->px_reliure    = price2num($datas["px_reliure"]);
+		$this->px_couverture = price2num($datas["px_couverture"]);
+		$price_ht = $this->price / (1 + ($this->tva_tx / 100));
+		$contrat_taux = price2num($datas["contrat_taux"]);
+		$this->px_revient = $this->_calculate_prix_revient($this->pages, $this->px_couverture, $this->px_feuillet, $price_ht, $this->px_reliure, $contrat_taux);
+		$this->stock_loc     = trim($datas["stock_loc"]);
+		$format        = trim($datas["format"]);
+		$sql = "UPDATE ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."product_cnv_livre ";
+		$sql.= " SET isbn = '$isbn'";
+		$sql.= " , ean = '$ean'";
+		$sql.= " , pages         = '".$this->pages."'";
+		$sql.= " , px_feuillet   = ".($this->px_feuillet?price2num($this->px_feuillet):'null');
+		$sql.= " , px_revient    = ".($this->px_revient?price2num($this->px_revient):'null');
+		$sql.= " , px_reliure    = ".($this->px_reliure?price2num($this->px_reliure):'null');
+		$sql.= " , px_couverture = ".($this->px_couverture?price2num($this->px_couverture):'null');
+		$sql.= " , fk_couverture = '".$this->couverture->id."'";
+		$sql.= " , fk_contrat    = '".$this->contrat->id."'";
+		$sql.= " , fk_auteur     = '".$datas["auteur"]."'";
+		$sql.= " , format        = '$format'";
+		$sql.= " WHERE rowid = " . $this->id;
+		dolibarr_syslog("ProductLivre::UpdateCanvas sql=".$sql, LOG_DEBUG);
+		if ( $this->db->query($sql) )
+		{
+			$this->errno = 0;
+			$this->contrat->UpdateCanvas($datas);
+			return 0;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			$this->error=$this->db->lasterror();
+			$this->_setErrNo("UpdateCanvas",1281);
+			return -1;
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 \brief      Calcule le prix de revient d'un livre
+	 \param      pages     Nombre de pages
+	 \param      couv      Prix de la couverture
+	 \param      feuil     Prix d'un feuillet
+	 \param      price_ht  Prix public HT
+	 \param      taux      Taux du contrat
+	 */
+	function _calculate_prix_revient($pages, $couv, $feuil, $price_ht, $reliure, $taux)
+	{
+		dolibarr_syslog("ProductLivre::UpdateCanvas $pages, $couv, $feuil, $price_ht, $taux", LOG_DEBUG);
+		$cost = ($pages / 2 * $feuil) + $couv + $reliure + ($price_ht * $taux / 100);
+		return $cost;
+	}
+	/**
+	 *    \brief      Calcule la clef d'un numero ISBN
+	 *    \param      isbn        Clef International Standard Book Number
+	 *    \note       source
+	 */
+	function calculate_isbn_key($isbn)
+	{
+		$sum = 0;
+		for ($i = 0 ; $i < 9 ; $i++)
+		{
+			$sum += $isbn{$i} * (10 - $i);
+		}
+		$key = 11 - ($sum % 11);
+		if ($key == 0)
+		$key = 1;
+		if ($key == 11)
+		$key = 'X';
+		return $key;
+	}
+	/**
+	 *    \brief      Calcule la clef d'un numero EAN 13
+	 *    \param      ean        Clef EAN
+	 *    \note       source
+	 */
+	function calculate_ean_key($ean)
+	{
+		$sum = 0;
+		for ($i = 0 ; $i < 12 ; $i = $i+2)
+		{
+			$sum += $ean{$i};
+		}
+		for ($i = 1 ; $i < 12 ; $i = $i+2)
+		{
+			$sum += 3 * $ean{$i};
+		}
+		$key = (10 - ($sum % 10));
+		return $key;
+	}
+	/**
+	 *    \brief      Assigne les valeurs pour les templates Smarty
+	 *    \param      smarty     Instance de smarty
+	 */
+	function assign_smarty_values(&$smarty, $action='')
+	{
+		if ($action =='edit' or $action == 'create')
+		{
+			$this->GetAvailableFormat();
+			$this->GetAvailableAuteurs();
+		}
+		if ($this->errno == 257)
+		{
+			$smarty->assign('class_normal_ref', 'error');
+			$smarty->assign('class_focus_ref',  'focuserr');
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			$smarty->assign('class_normal_ref', 'normal');
+			$smarty->assign('class_focus_ref',  'focus');
+		}
+		$smarty->assign('user',             $this->user->prenom.' '.$this->user->nom);
+		$smarty->assign('prod_id',          $this->id);
+		$smarty->assign('prod_ref',         $this->ref);
+		$smarty->assign('prod_label',       $this->libelle);
+		$smarty->assign('prod_note',        $this->note);
+		$smarty->assign('prod_description', $this->description);
+		$smarty->assign('prod_canvas',      $this->canvas);
+		$smarty->assign('prod_isbn',     $this->isbn);
+		$isbn_parts = explode('-',$this->isbn);
+		$smarty->assign('prod_isbna',    $isbn_parts[0]);
+		$smarty->assign('prod_isbnb',    $isbn_parts[1]);
+		$smarty->assign('prod_isbnc',    $isbn_parts[2]);
+		$smarty->assign('prod_ean',      $this->ean);
+		$smarty->assign('prod_isbn13',           '978-'.substr($this->isbn,0,12).substr($this->ean,-1,1));
+		$smarty->assign('prod_tva_tx',            $this->tva_tx);
+		$smarty->assign('prod_pages',             $this->pages);
+		$smarty->assign('prod_format',            $this->format);
+		$smarty->assign('prod_pxfeuil',           $this->px_feuillet);
+		$smarty->assign('prod_pxcouv',            $this->px_couverture);
+		$smarty->assign('livre_couverture_id',    $this->couverture_id);
+		$smarty->assign('prod_weight',            $this->weight);
+		$smarty->assign('prod_weight_units',      $this->weight_units);
+		$smarty->assign('prod_pxreliure',         $this->px_reliure);
+		$smarty->assign('prod_pxrevient',         price($this->px_revient));
+		$smarty->assign('prod_pxvente',           price($this->price_ttc));
+		$smarty->assign('livre_contrat_locked',   $this->contrat->locked);
+		$smarty->assign('livre_contrat_taux',     $this->contrat->taux);
+		$smarty->assign('livre_contrat_duree',    $this->contrat->duree);
+		$smarty->assign('livre_contrat_quant',    $this->contrat->quantite);
+		$smarty->assign('livre_contrat_date_app', $this->contrat->date_app);
+		$smarty->assign('livre_contrat_user_fullname', $this->contrat->user_fullname);
+		$smarty->assign('livre_auteur',           $this->auteur);
+		$smarty->assign('livre_auteur_id',        $this->auteur_id);
+		$smarty->assign('prod_stock_loc',         $this->stock_loc);
+		$smarty->assign('prod_stock_reel',        $this->stock_reel);
+		$smarty->assign('prod_stock_dispo',       ($this->stock_reel - $this->stock_in_command));
+		$smarty->assign('prod_stock_in_command',  $this->stock_in_command);
+		$smarty->assign('prod_stock_alert',       $this->seuil_stock_alerte);
+		$smarty->assign('prod_statut_id',         $this->status);
+		$smarty->assign('prod_statuts_id', array(1,0) );
+		$smarty->assign('prod_statuts_value', array('En vente', 'Hors vente') );
+		$smarty->assign('livre_available_formats', $this->available_formats);
+		$smarty->assign('livre_available_auteurs', $this->available_auteurs);
+		if ($this->status==1)
+		{
+			$smarty->assign('prod_statut', 'En vente');
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			$smarty->assign('prod_statut', 'Hors vente');
+		}
+		if ($this->seuil_stock_alerte > ($this->stock_reel - $this->stock_in_command) && $this->status == 1)
+		{
+			$smarty->assign('smarty_stock_dispo_class', 'class="warning"');
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Fetch Datas Liste
+	 *
+	 *
+	 */
+	function LoadListDatas($limit, $offset, $sortfield, $sortorder)
+	{
+		$sql = 'SELECT p.rowid, p.ref, p.label, pl.px_feuillet as price, ';
+		$sql.= ' p.duration, p.envente as statut, p.stock_loc';
+		$sql.= ',pl.pages';
+		$sql.= ',SUM(fd.qty) as ventes';
+		$sql.= ",sc.reel as casier, se.reel as entrepot";
+		$sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."product as p";
+		$sql.= ' LEFT JOIN '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'facturedet as fd ON fd.fk_product = p.rowid';
+		$sql.= ','.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'product_cnv_livre as pl';
+		$sql.= ' LEFT JOIN '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'product_stock as sc ON sc.fk_product = pl.rowid AND sc.fk_entrepot = 1';
+		$sql.= ' LEFT JOIN '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'product_stock as se ON se.fk_product = pl.rowid AND se.fk_entrepot = 2';
+		$sql .= " WHERE p.rowid=pl.rowid ";
+		if ($sall)
+		{
+			$sql .= " AND (p.ref like '%".$sall."%' OR p.label like '%".$sall."%' OR p.description like '%".$sall."%' OR p.note like '%".$sall."%')";
+		}
+		if ($sref)
+		{
+			$sql .= " AND p.ref like '%".$sref."%'";
+		}
+		if ($snom)
+		{
+			$sql .= " AND p.label like '%".$snom."%'";
+		}
+		if (isset($_GET["envente"]) && strlen($_GET["envente"]) > 0)
+		{
+			$sql .= " AND p.envente = ".$_GET["envente"];
+		}
+		$sql.= " GROUP BY p.rowid";
+		$sql.= " ORDER BY $sortfield $sortorder ";
+		$sql.= $this->db->plimit($limit + 1 ,$offset);
+		$this->list_datas = array();
+		$resql = $this->db->query($sql) ;
+		if ($resql)
+		{
+			$num = $this->db->num_rows($resql);
+			$i = 0;
+			while ($i < min($num,$limit))
-	    $datas = array();
-	    $obj = $this->db->fetch_object($resql);
-	    $datas["id"]        = $obj->rowid;
-	    $datas["ref"]       = $obj->ref;
-	    $datas["titre"]     = $obj->label;
-	    $datas["casier"]    = $obj->casier;
-	    $datas["entrepot"]  = $obj->entrepot;
-	    $datas["ventes"]    = $obj->ventes;
-	    $datas["stock"]     = 0;
-	    $datas["stock_loc"] = stripslashes($obj->stock_loc);
-	    $datas["pages"]     = $obj->pages;
-	    $datas["prix"]      = price($obj->price);
-	    $datas["valo"]      = 0;
-	    array_push($this->list_datas,$datas);
-	    $i++;
+	  	$datas = array();
+	  	$obj = $this->db->fetch_object($resql);
+	  	$datas["id"]        = $obj->rowid;
+	  	$datas["ref"]       = $obj->ref;
+	  	$datas["titre"]     = $obj->label;
+	  	$datas["casier"]    = $obj->casier;
+	  	$datas["entrepot"]  = $obj->entrepot;
+	  	$datas["ventes"]    = $obj->ventes;
+	  	$datas["stock"]     = 0;
+	  	$datas["stock_loc"] = stripslashes($obj->stock_loc);
+	  	$datas["pages"]     = $obj->pages;
+	  	$datas["prix"]      = price($obj->price);
+	  	$datas["valo"]      = 0;
+	  	array_push($this->list_datas,$datas);
+	  	$i++;
-	$this->db->free($resql);
-      }
-    else
-      {
-	print $sql;
-      }
-  }
+	  $this->db->free($resql);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			print $sql;
+		}
+	}
-  function GetAvailableFormat()
-  {
-    $this->available_formats = array();
+	function GetAvailableFormat()
+	{
+		$this->available_formats = array();
-    $sql = "SELECT rowid,value FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."const ";
-    $sql.=" WHERE name LIKE 'EDITEUR_LIVRE_FORMAT_%';";
+		$sql = "SELECT rowid,value FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."const ";
+		$sql.=" WHERE name LIKE 'EDITEUR_LIVRE_FORMAT_%';";
-    $resql = $this->db->query($sql);
+		$resql = $this->db->query($sql);
-    while ($obj = $this->db->fetch_object($resql) )
-      {
-	$this->available_formats[$obj->rowid] = stripslashes($obj->value);
-      }
+		while ($obj = $this->db->fetch_object($resql) )
+		{
+			$this->available_formats[$obj->rowid] = stripslashes($obj->value);
+		}
-    $this->db->free($resql);
+		$this->db->free($resql);
-    return 0;
-  }
+		return 0;
+	}
-  function GetAvailableAuteurs()
-  {
-    $this->available_auteurs = array();
+	function GetAvailableAuteurs()
+	{
+		$this->available_auteurs = array();
-    $sql = "SELECT rowid, nom FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."societe ";
+		$sql = "SELECT rowid, nom FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."societe ";
-    $resql = $this->db->query($sql);
+		$resql = $this->db->query($sql);
-    while ($obj = $this->db->fetch_object($resql) )
-      {
-	$this->available_auteurs[$obj->rowid] = stripslashes($obj->nom);
-      }
+		while ($obj = $this->db->fetch_object($resql) )
+		{
+			$this->available_auteurs[$obj->rowid] = stripslashes($obj->nom);
+		}
-    $this->db->free($resql);
+		$this->db->free($resql);
-    return 0;
-  }
+		return 0;
+	}
diff --git a/htdocs/product/stock/mouvementstock.class.php b/htdocs/product/stock/mouvementstock.class.php
index 7b9bbb5c18f..72e1aae3d8f 100644
--- a/htdocs/product/stock/mouvementstock.class.php
+++ b/htdocs/product/stock/mouvementstock.class.php
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ class MouvementStock
 	  	if ( strftime('%Y%m%d',$entrepot_value_date) == strftime('%Y%m%d',$now) )
 	  		$sql = "UPDATE ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."entrepot_valorisation";
-	  		$sql.= " SET valo_pmp='".ereg_replace(",",".",$new_value)."'";
+	  		$sql.= " SET valo_pmp='".price2num($new_value)."'";
 	  		$sql.= " WHERE fk_entrepot = $entrepot_id ";
 	  		$sql.= " AND ".$this->db->pdate("date_calcul")."='".$entrepot_value_date."';";
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ class MouvementStock
 	  		$sql = "INSERT INTO ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."entrepot_valorisation";
 	  		$sql.= " (date_calcul, fk_entrepot, valo_pmp)";
 	  		$sql.= " VALUES (".$this->db->idate(mktime()).", ".$entrepot_id;
-	  		$sql.= ",'".ereg_replace(",",".",$new_value)."');";
+	  		$sql.= ",'".price2num($new_value)."')";
 	  	if ($this->db->query($sql))
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ class MouvementStock
 	  if ($error === 0)
 	  	$sql = "UPDATE ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."entrepot";
-	  	$sql.= " SET valo_pmp='".ereg_replace(",",".",$new_value)."'";
+	  	$sql.= " SET valo_pmp='".price2num($new_value)."'";
 	  	$sql.= " WHERE rowid = $entrepot_id ";
 	  	if ($this->db->query($sql))
diff --git a/scripts/prelevement/prelevement.php b/scripts/prelevement/prelevement.php
index 5e11714cd08..d5afd7494aa 100644
--- a/scripts/prelevement/prelevement.php
+++ b/scripts/prelevement/prelevement.php
@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ if (sizeof($factures_prev) > 0)
   $sql = "UPDATE ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."prelevement_bons";
-  $sql .= " SET amount = ".ereg_replace(",",".",$bonprev->total);
+  $sql .= " SET amount = ".price2num($bonprev->total);
   $sql .= " WHERE rowid = ".$prev_id;
   if (!$db->query($sql))