diff --git a/htdocs/langs/en_US/admin.lang b/htdocs/langs/en_US/admin.lang
index 7cd29345e98948135abb0051e6565178ad1cb657..d305eb5e540eaf1639b448344e11b9403cd57a94 100644
--- a/htdocs/langs/en_US/admin.lang
+++ b/htdocs/langs/en_US/admin.lang
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ MainDbPasswordFileConfEncrypted=Database password encrypted in conf.php (Activat
 InstrucToEncodePass=To have password encoded into the <b>conf.php</b> file, replace the line <br><b>$dolibarr_main_db_pass="...";</b><br>by<br><b>$dolibarr_main_db_pass="crypted:%s";</b>
 InstrucToClearPass=To have password decoded (clear) into the <b>conf.php</b> file, replace the line <br><b>$dolibarr_main_db_pass="crypted:...";</b><br>by<br><b>$dolibarr_main_db_pass="%s";</b>
 ProtectAndEncryptPdfFiles=Protection of generated pdf files (Activated NOT recommended, breaks mass pdf generation)
-ProtectAndEncryptPdfFilesDesc=Protection of a PDF document keeps it available to read and print with any PDF browser. However, editing and copying is not possible anymore. Note that using this feature make building of a global cumulated pdf not working (like unpaid invoices).
+ProtectAndEncryptPdfFilesDesc=Protection of a PDF document keeps it available to read and print with any PDF browser. However, editing and copying is not possible anymore. Note that using this feature makes building of a global merged PDFs not working.