# Dolibarr language file - en_US - withdrawals
StandingOrdersArea=Standing orders area
CustomersStandingOrdersArea=Customers standing orders area
StandingOrders=Standing orders
StandingOrder=Standing orders
NewStandingOrder=New standing order
WithdrawalsReceipts=Withdrawal receipts
WithdrawalReceipt=Withdrawal receipt
LastWithdrawalReceipts=Last %s withdrawal receipts
WithdrawedBills=Withdrawn invoices
WithdrawalsLines=Withdrawal lines
RequestStandingOrderToTreat=Request for standing orders to treat
RequestStandingOrderTreated=Request for standing orders treated
CustomersStandingOrders=Customer standing orders
CustomerStandingOrder=Customer standing order
NbOfInvoiceToWithdraw=Nb of invoice with withdraw request
InvoiceWaitingWithdraw=Invoice waiting for withdraw
AmountToWithdraw=Amount to withdraw
WithdrawsRefused=Withdraws refused
NoInvoiceToWithdraw=No customer invoice in payment mode "withdraw" is waiting. Go on 'Withdraw' tab on invoice card to make a request.
ResponsibleUser=Responsible user
WithdrawalsSetup=Withdrawal setup
WithdrawStatistics=Withdraw's statistics
WithdrawRejectStatistics=Withdraw reject's statistics
LastWithdrawalReceipt=Last %s withdrawing receipts
MakeWithdrawRequest=Make a withdraw request
ThirdPartyBankCode=Third party bank code
ThirdPartyDeskCode=Third party desk code
NoInvoiceCouldBeWithdrawed=No invoice withdrawed with success. Check that invoice are on companies with a valid BAN.
ClassCredited=Classify credited
ClassCreditedConfirm=Are you sure you want to classify this withdrawal receipt as credited on your bank account ?