/* Copyright (C) 2015   Jean-François Ferry     <jfefe@aternatik.fr>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

use Luracast\Restler\Restler;
use Luracast\Restler\RestException;
use Luracast\Restler\Defaults;

require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/user/class/user.class.php';

 * Class for API
class DolibarrApi

     * @var DoliDb        $db Database object
    static protected $db;

     * @var Restler     $r	Restler object
    var $r;

     * Constructor
     * @param	DoliDb	$db		      Database handler
     * @param   string  $cachedir     Cache dir
    function __construct($db, $cachedir='')
        global $conf;
        if (empty($cachedir)) $cachedir = $conf->api->dir_temp;
        Defaults::$cacheDirectory = $cachedir;
        $this->db = $db;
        $production_mode = ( empty($conf->global->API_PRODUCTION_MODE) ? false : true );
        $this->r = new Restler($production_mode);

     * Executed method when API is called without parameter
     * Display a short message an return a http code 200
     * @return array
    function index()
        return array(
            'success' => array(
                'code' => 200,
                'message' => __class__.' is up and running!'

     * Clean sensible object datas
     * @param   object  $object	Object to clean
     * @return	array	Array of cleaned object properties
     * @todo use an array for properties to clean
    function _cleanObjectDatas($object) {

        // Remove $db object property for object

        // If object has lines, remove $db property
        if(isset($object->lines) && count($object->lines) > 0)  {
            $nboflines = count($object->lines);
        	for ($i=0; $i < $nboflines; $i++)

        // If object has linked objects, remove $db property
        if(isset($object->linkedObjects) && count($object->linkedObjects) > 0)  {
            foreach($object->linkedObjects as $type_object => $linked_object) {
                foreach($linked_object as $object2clean) {
		return $object;

	 * Check user access to a resource
	 * Check access by user to a given resource
	 * @param string	$resource		element to check
	 * @param int		$resource_id	Object ID if we want to check a particular record (optional) is linked to a owned thirdparty (optional).
	 * @param type		$dbtablename	'TableName&SharedElement' with Tablename is table where object is stored. SharedElement is an optional key to define where to check entity. Not used if objectid is null (optional)
	 * @param string	$feature2		Feature to check, second level of permission (optional). Can be or check with 'level1|level2'.
	 * @param string	$dbt_keyfield   Field name for socid foreign key if not fk_soc. Not used if objectid is null (optional)
	 * @param string	$dbt_select     Field name for select if not rowid. Not used if objectid is null (optional)
	 * @throws RestException
	static function _checkAccessToResource($resource, $resource_id=0, $dbtablename='', $feature2='', $dbt_keyfield='fk_soc', $dbt_select='rowid') {

		// Features/modules to check
		$featuresarray = array($resource);
		if (preg_match('/&/', $resource)) {
			$featuresarray = explode("&", $resource);
		else if (preg_match('/\|/', $resource)) {
			$featuresarray = explode("|", $resource);

		// More subfeatures to check
		if (! empty($feature2)) {
			$feature2 = explode("|", $feature2);

		return checkUserAccessToObject(DolibarrApiAccess::$user, $featuresarray,$resource_id,$dbtablename,$feature2,$dbt_keyfield,$dbt_select);