... | ... | @@ -65,3 +65,16 @@ End Goals: |
* Organize files by organism -> cell_type -> tf/hm -> (biorep1, biorep2, idr)
* Modify ExpressOrtho perl script to confirm to perl style standards.
* Fetch bams or fastqs.
* Specify file accession for control and experiment instead of experiment accession.
* Add IDR for 2 replicates. Wait on response to figure out. (IDR / FDR?)
* MongoDB read only database to clone. MongoDB helper scripts to update database. Need to create own db instance for saving results.
* Don't need to save output files back to the database.
* Generate report log at the end.
* Remove Duplicates yes / no & duplicates.
* Pooled & Pseudo replicates - pooled concatenate, pseudo shuffled (bam -> sam for plaintext). Configurable option.
* Sphinx documentation at the same time. |