diff --git a/content/handling_data/data_transfer/globus_connect/globus_command_line_interface.md b/content/handling_data/data_transfer/globus_connect/globus_command_line_interface.md
index 5586d889fb63349c9c0f9789652a274f6f5d8223..c64a62712340fbcdd02939a682264421bfd76900 100644
--- a/content/handling_data/data_transfer/globus_connect/globus_command_line_interface.md
+++ b/content/handling_data/data_transfer/globus_connect/globus_command_line_interface.md
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ to their Globus account. To do so, follow these steps:
 2.  Load the Globus CLI module:
 {{< highlight bash >}}module load globus-cli {{< /highlight >}}
-3.  Use the command \`globus login\` to start the authorization
+3.  Use the command `globus login` to start the authorization
     procedure. A web address will be displayed on screen. Copy and paste
     this URL into your browser.  
 {{< figure src="/images/21071052.png" >}}      
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ to their Globus account. To do so, follow these steps:
 {{< highlight bash >}}globus whoami{{< /highlight >}}
     If you have logged in, you will see your email address displayed. If
-    not, the message "No login information available." will be
+    not, the message _No login information available_ will be
 8.  To terminate your Globus connection:
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ activate an endpoint, use the command `globus endpoint activate --web`:
 Copy the given URL and paste it into the address bar of your web
 browser. If you are not already logged into the Globus website, you will
 be prompted to do so. Once you are logged in, you need to click the
-\`Activate Now\` button to activate the endpoint.
+`Activate Now` button to activate the endpoint.
 {{< figure src="/images/21073503.png" >}}
 Once an endpoint is activated, it will remain activate for 7 days. You
@@ -76,32 +76,32 @@ can now transfer and manipulate files on the remote endpoint.
 To make it easier to use, we recommend saving the UUID number as a bash
 variable to make the commands easier to use. For example, we will
 continue to use the above endpoint (Crane) by assigning its UUID code
-to the variable \`crane\` as follows:
+to the variable `crane` as follows:
 {{< figure src="/images/21073499.png" >}}
 This command must be repeated upon each new login or terminal session
 unless you save these in your environmental variables. If you do not
 wish to do this step, you can proceed by placing the correct UUID in
-place of whenever you see \`$crane\`.
+place of whenever you see `$crane`.
 {{% /notice %}}
 ### Endpoint Manipulation
-Globus CLI supports the commands \`mkdir\`, \`rename\`, and \`ls\`. All
-globus commands follow the format \`globus &lt;command&gt;
-&lt;endpoint&gt;:&lt;file\_path&gt;\`. We can list the files on the
-remote endpoint with the command \`globus ls\`. To list the files in the
+Globus CLI supports the commands `mkdir`, `rename`, and `ls`. All
+globus commands follow the format `globus <command>
+<endpoint>:<file_path>`. We can list the files on the
+remote endpoint with the command `globus ls`. To list the files in the
 home directory on the remote endpoint, we would use the following
 {{< figure src="/images/21073500.png" >}}
-To make a directory on the remote endpoint, we would use the \`globus
-mkdir\` command. For example, to make a folder in the users work
+To make a directory on the remote endpoint, we would use the `globus
+mkdir` command. For example, to make a folder in the users work
 directory on Crane, we would use the following command:
 {{< figure src="/images/21073501.png" >}}
-To rename files on the remote endpoint, we can use the \`globus rename\`
+To rename files on the remote endpoint, we can use the `globus rename`
 command. To rename the test file we just created above, we would use the
 {{< figure src="/images/21073502.png" >}}
@@ -113,12 +113,12 @@ All transfers must take place between Globus endpoints. Even if you are
 transferring from an endpoint that you are already connected to, that
 endpoint must be activated in Globus. Here, we are transferring between
 Crane and Rhino. We have activated the Crane endpoint and saved its
-UUID to the variable $crane as we did for $crane above.
+UUID to the variable `$tusker` as we did for `$crane` above.
-To transfer files, we use the command \`globus transfer\`. The format of
-this command is \`globus transfer &lt;endpoint1&gt;:&lt;file\_path&gt;
-&lt;endpoint2&gt;:&lt;file\_path&gt;\`. For example, here we are
-transferring the file \`testfile.txt\` from the home directory on Crane
+To transfer files, we use the command `globus transfer`. The format of
+this command is `globus transfer <endpoint1>:<file_path>
+<endpoint2>:<file_path>`. For example, here we are
+transferring the file `testfile.txt` from the home directory on Crane
 to the home directory on Crane:
 {{< figure src="/images/21073505.png" >}}
@@ -128,12 +128,21 @@ using the given Task ID:
 To transfer entire directories, simply specify a directory in the file
 path as opposed to an individual file. Below, we are transferring the
-\`output\` directory from the home directory on Crane to the home
+`output` directory from the home directory on Crane to the home
 directory on Crane:
 {{< figure src="/images/21073507.png" >}}
 For additional details and information on other features of the Globus
 CLI, visit [Command Line Interface (CLI) Examples](https://docs.globus.org/cli/examples/) in the Globus documentation.
+### Disabling email notifications
+By default, Globus will send an email notification for every successful transfer.
+For large numbers of transfers, this may become overwhelming.  Use the CLI, these
+notifications can be disabled entirely, or only sent for specific conditions (i.e. failed
+transfers only). To disable all notifications, run
+{{< highlight bash >}}globus transfer --notify off{{< /highlight >}}
+For details on additional notify options, see the [transfer command documentation](https://docs.globus.org/cli/reference/transfer/#options).