Hacks of Core: includes/bootstrap.inc function drupal_settings_initialize() * UNL change: include a "global" settings file that applies to all sites. function conf_path() * UNL change: Add $default_domains array support for sites.php to list which domains are ok to use with 'unl.edu.*' site_dirs. If no $default_domains array is defined in sites.php, this code will do nothing. ------------------------------------ sites/all/modules/drush/commands/core/drupal/site_install_7.inc function drush_core_site_install_version() * UNL change! Setting this to FALSE because we don't want them and they're hard coded. ------------------------------------ rewrite.php used to allow public files to be accessed without the sites/<site_dir>/files prefix ------------------------------------ modules/image/image.field.inc * theme_image_formatter ignores attributes so classes can't be added to an image in a theme (needed for photo frame) * http://drupal.org/node/1025796#comment-4298698 * http://drupal.org/files/issues/1025796.patch ------------------------------------ sites/sites.php * Added support for $default_domains array. See includes/bootstrap.inc conf_path(). ------------------------------------ sites/example.sites.php * Added an example of the $default_domains array.