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add modified flexprofile plugin...needs to be copied to your mod folder

parent d95f631a
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* Use form module to manage profile questions through the web
* @package flexprofile
* @license GNU Public License version 2
* @author Kevin Jardine <>
* @copyright Radagast Solutions 2008
* @link
The Elgg 1.x flexprofile plugin requires the form plugin.
Do not activate the flexprofile plugin without creating a profile form first -
if you do, your profiles will be blank and there will be nothing to edit
as no profile questions will be defined.
You can use the "Add form" link on the Manage forms page provided by
the form module to manage your profile questions through the web. Specify a
"user profile" form when creating your form.
Field type restrictions
Currently the invitation box field type does not work for
profile forms.
It is also not possible to make profile fields required.
Some of these restrictions may be removed eventually.
For profile forms, there are a few extra profile field definition options.
You can specify whether the profile field should be displayed in the profile
summary area on the left, right or bottom area of the profile (or not at all).
By default they are displayed on the right. Even if the field cannot be viewed
in the profile summary area, it can still be viewed in the extended profile
if the user has the correct permissions and you have activated the extended
profile option (see below).
You can also specify whether a profile field is invisible. This is a value that
can be edited by the user but is never displayed.
You can specify the profile format. Currently there are three formats. The
default format is similar to the standard Elgg 1.1 summary profile with the
addition of an extended profile (accessed by a link) that shows all the visible
fields (separated by tabs if more than one tab was specified). The default
format (no extended profile) does not include the link to the extended profile.
The tabbed format shows just the tabbed extended profile and no summary
You can also specify different user profiles for different user categories.
There is currently no way to set user categories, however, so this feature
is for future use.
Activating the flexprofile plugin
Create a profile form as described above. More documentation on creating forms
is contained in the form plugin README.txt.
Then extract the flexprofile plugin into the mod directory and activate it as
usual using the Elgg 1.x tool administration.
Once activated, the edit details link should show the fields that you have
defined for your profile form.
You can have multiple profile forms defined, but the flexprofile plugin will
always use the one most recently created.
* Elgg flex profile edit action
* Allows user to edit profile
* @package Elgg
* @subpackage Form
* @license GNU Public License version 2
* @author Kevin Jardine <>
* @copyright Radagast Solutions 2008
* @link
// Load flexprofile model
require_once(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/models/model.php");
if ($user = page_owner()) {
$user = page_owner_entity();
} else {
$user = $_SESSION['user'];
if ($user && $user->canEdit()) {
$data = form_get_profile_data_from_form_post();
// Notify of profile update
//add to river
// Forward to the user's profile
} else {
// If we can't, display an error
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* Elgg flexprofile extended profile
* @package FlexProfile
* @license GNU Public License version 2
* @author Kevin Jardine <>
* @copyright Radagast Solutions 2008
* @link
// Load Elgg engine
require_once(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . "/engine/start.php");
global $CONFIG;
// Define context
$user = page_owner_entity();
$body = elgg_view('flexprofile/extended',array('entity'=>$user));
$title = sprintf(elgg_echo('form:extended_profile_title'),$user->name);
page_draw($title,elgg_view_layout("two_column_left_sidebar", '', elgg_view_title($title) . $body));
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<field key="author" value="Kevin Jardine &lt;;" />
<field key="version" value="0.8" />
<field key="description" value="Elgg flexible user profile plugin." />
<field key="website" value="" />
<field key="copyright" value="(C) Radagast Solutions 2009" />
<field key="licence" value="GNU Public License version 2" />
<field key="elgg_version" value="2009030101" />
* Elgg flex profile model
* Functions to save and display profile data
* @package Elgg
* @subpackage Form
* @license GNU Public License version 2
* @author Kevin Jardine <>
* @copyright Radagast Solutions 2008
* @link
// Load form model
require_once(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . "/form/models/model.php");
// Load form profile model
require_once(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . "/form/models/profile.php");
// Eventually this will be very flexible and return different forms for
// different entities.
// Right now it just returns the first public profile form available.
function flexprofile_get_profile_form($user=null) {
return form_get_latest_public_profile_form(1);
// use the specified profile form to return the data (indexed by summary area) from the specified user
function flexprofile_get_data_for_summary_display($form, $user) {
$form_id = $form->getGUID();
$data = form_get_data_from_profile($form_id,$user);
$area_data = array();
$maps = form_get_maps($form_id);
if ($maps) {
foreach($maps as $map) {
$field = get_entity($map->field_id);
//print($field->internal_name.','.$field->field_type.','.$field->choice_type.','.$field->default_value.'<br />');
$internalname = $field->internal_name;
if (isset($data[$internalname]) && $data[$internalname]->value) {
$area = $field->area;
if ($area) {
if (!isset($area_data[$area])) {
$area_data[$area] = array();
$item = new StdClass();
$item->internalname = $internalname;
$item->title = form_field_t($form,$field,'title');
$item->description = form_field_t($form,$field,'description');
if ($field->field_type == 'choices') {
$item->fieldtype = $field->choice_type;
$choices = form_get_field_choices($field->getGUID());
$this_choice = '';
foreach($choices as $choice) {
if ($choice->value == $data[$internalname]->value) {
$this_choice = $choice;
$item->value = form_choice_t($form,$field,$this_choice);
} else {
$item->fieldtype = $field->field_type;
$item->value = $data[$internalname]->value;
$area_data[$area][] = $item;
return $area_data;
// Return the form fields (indexed by tab), optionally prepopulated with data from the specified user.
function flexprofile_get_data_for_edit_form($form, $user=null) {
if ($user) {
$data = form_get_data_from_profile($form->getGUID(),$user);
} else {
$data = array();
$tab_data = array();
$tabs = form_display_by_tab($form,$data);
// add access control pulldowns
if ($tabs) {
foreach ($tabs as $tab => $tab_items) {
$tab_data[$tab] = '';
foreach ($tab_items as $item) {
$internalname = $item->internalname;
$access_id = $item->default_access;
$access_bit = '<p class="form-field-access">';
$access_bit .= elgg_view('input/access', array('internalname' => 'flexprofile_access['.$internalname.']','value'=>$access_id));
$access_bit .= '</p>';
$tab_data[$tab] .= $item->html.$access_bit;
return $tab_data;
function flexprofile_set_data($entity,$data) {
global $CONFIG;
$entity_guid = $entity->getGUID();
foreach($data as $name => $item) {
remove_metadata($entity_guid, $name);
$value = $item->value;
if (is_array($value)) {
// currently tags are the only field_type returning multiple values
$i = 0;
foreach($value as $interval) {
if ($i == 1) { $multiple = false; } else { $multiple = true; }
create_metadata($entity_guid, $name, $interval, 'text', $entity_guid, $item->access_id, $multiple);
} else {
create_metadata($entity_guid, $name, $value, '', $entity_guid, $item->access_id);
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* Elgg flexprofile plugin
* @package FlexProfile
* @license GNU Public License version 2
* @author Kevin Jardine <>
* @copyright Radagast Solutions 2008
* @link
// Load flexprofile model
* Profile init function; sets up the profile functions
function flexprofile_init() {
// override profile views
set_view_location("profile/userdetails", dirname(__FILE__).'/views/');
set_view_location("profile/edit", dirname(__FILE__).'/views/');
// Register a page handler, so we can have nice URLs
function flexprofile_pagesetup() {
global $CONFIG;
if (get_context() == 'profile') {
$form = flexprofile_get_profile_form();
if (!$form->profile_format || ($form->profile_format == 'default')) {
/* Flexprofile page handler; allows the use of fancy URLs
* @param array $page From the page_handler function
* @return true|false Depending on success
function flexprofile_page_handler($page) {
// The first component of a flexprofile URL is the username
if (isset($page[0])) {
@include(dirname(__FILE__) . "/extended.php");
return true;
// Make sure the profile initialisation function is called on initialisation
// Register actions
global $CONFIG;
register_action("flexprofile/edit",false,$CONFIG->pluginspath . "flexprofile/actions/edit.php");
\ No newline at end of file
* Extended profile view
* @package Flexprofile
* @license GNU Public License version 2
* @author Kevin Jardine <>
* @copyright Radagast Solutions 2008
* @link
// Load flexprofile model
require_once(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))) . "/models/model.php");
$user = $vars['entity'];
$form = flexprofile_get_profile_form($user);
if (!$vars['embedded']) {
echo '<div class="contentWrapper">';
if ($form) {
$tab_data = form_get_data_for_profile_tabbed_display($form, $user);
echo elgg_view('form/forms/display_form_content',array('tab_data'=>$tab_data,'description'=>'','preview'=>0,'form'=>$form,'form_data_id'=>0,'embedded'=>$vars['embedded']));
} else {
echo elgg_echo('form:error_no_profile_form');
if (!$vars['embedded']) {
echo '</div>';
echo "<p><a href=\"{$vars['url']}pg/flexprofile/{$vars['entity']->username}\">" . elgg_echo("form:extended_profile_link_text") . "</a></p>";
\ No newline at end of file
* Elgg flex profile edit form
* Allows user to edit profile
* @package Elgg
* @subpackage Form
* @license GNU Public License version 2
* @author Kevin Jardine <>
* @copyright Radagast Solutions 2008
* @link
// Load flexprofile model
require_once(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))) . "/models/model.php");
$user = $vars['entity'];
$form = flexprofile_get_profile_form($user);
if ($form) {
$tab_data = flexprofile_get_data_for_edit_form($form, $user);
/* mjuhl: begin modification for UNL */
// nope, remove this:
//echo '<div class="contentWrapper">';
/* import forms css */
echo '<style type="text/css">@IMPORT url("/wdn/templates_3.0/css/content/forms.css");</style>';
/* add 'cool' class to form */
echo '<form action="'.$vars['url'].'action/flexprofile/edit" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" class="cool">';
/* add fieldset and legend */
echo '<fieldset><legend>Edit Profile</legend>';
/* mjuhl: remove dynamic form by commenting out the following line: */
echo '<!--------start copying here------------>';
echo elgg_view('form/forms/display_form_content',array('tab_data'=>$tab_data,'description'=>'','preview'=>0,'form'=>$form,'form_data_id'=>0));
echo '<!--------stop copying here------------>';
<input type="hidden" name="form_id" value="104" /> <input type="hidden" name="preview" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="form_data_id" value="0" />
<input type="hidden" name="username" value="<?php echo page_owner_entity()->username; ?>" />
<p class="submit">
<input type="submit" value="<?php echo elgg_echo("save"); ?>" />
} else {
echo elgg_echo('form:error_no_profile_form');
// once again, nope:
//echo '</div>';
/* mjuhl: end modification */
\ No newline at end of file
* Elgg user display (details)
* @package ElggProfile
* @license GNU Public License version 2
* @author Curverider Ltd <>
* @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008
* @link
* @uses $vars['entity'] The user entity
// Load flexprofile model
require_once(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))) . "/models/model.php");
// Load form profile model
require_once(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))))) . "/form/models/profile.php");
if ($vars['full'] == true) {
$iconsize = "large";
} else {
$iconsize = "medium";
// wrap all profile info
echo "<div id=\"profile_info\">";
<table cellspacing="0">
// wrap the icon and links in a div
echo "<div id=\"profile_info_column_left\">";
echo "<div id=\"profile_icon_wrapper\">";
// get the user's main profile picture
echo elgg_view(
"profile/icon", array(
'entity' => $vars['entity'],
//'align' => "left",
'size' => $iconsize,
'override' => true,
echo "</div>";
echo "<div class=\"clearfloat\"></div>";
// display relevant links
echo elgg_view("profile/profilelinks", array("entity" => $vars['entity']));
// close profile_info_column_left
if ($vars['full'] == true) {
$form = flexprofile_get_profile_form($vars['entity']);
if ($form) {
if ($form->profile_format !== 'tabbed') {
$body = '';
$data = form_get_data_for_profile_summary_display($form, $vars['entity']);
// do left column
if ($data['left']) {
foreach($data['left'] as $item) {
$value = $item->value;
if (!empty($value)) {
//This function controls the alternating class
$even_odd = ( 'odd' != $even_odd ) ? 'odd' : 'even';
$body .= "<p class=\"{$even_odd}\"><b>";
$body .= $item->title.':</b> ';
$body .= $item->value;
print $body;
echo "</div>";
<div id="profile_info_column_middle" >
$editdetails = elgg_echo("profile:edit");
$body = '';
if ($vars['entity']->canEdit()) {
$body .= <<<END
<p class="profile_info_edit_buttons">
<a href="{$vars['url']}mod/profile/edit.php?username={$vars['entity']->username}">
// Simple XFN
$rel = "";
if (page_owner() == $vars['entity']->guid)
$rel = 'me';
else if (check_entity_relationship(page_owner(), 'friend', $vars['entity']->guid))
$rel = 'friend';
// display the users name
$body .= "<h2><a href=\"" . $vars['entity']->getUrl() . "\" rel=\"$rel\">" . $vars['entity']->name . "</a></h2>";
//insert a view that can be extended
$body .= elgg_view("profile/status", array("entity" => $vars['entity']));
// display the users name
//$body .= "<h2><a href=\"" . $vars['entity']->getUrl() . "\">" . $vars['entity']->name . "</a></h2>";
if ($vars['full'] == true) {
if ($form) {
if ($form->profile_format != 'tabbed') {
// do right column
if ($data['right']) {
foreach($data['right'] as $item) {
$value = $item->value;
if (!empty($value)) {
//This function controls the alternating class
$even_odd = ( 'odd' != $even_odd ) ? 'odd' : 'even';
$body .= "<p class=\"{$even_odd}\"><b>";
$body .= $item->title.':</b> ';
$body .= $item->value;
} else {
$body .= elgg_view('flexprofile/extended',array('entity'=>$vars['entity'],'embedded'=>true));
} else {
$body .= elgg_echo('form:error_no_profile_form');
echo $body;
</div><!-- /#profile_info_column_middle -->
<td colspan="2">
if ($form) {
if ($form->profile_format != 'tabbed') {
if ($data['bottom']) {
echo '<div id="profile_info_column_right">';
foreach($data['bottom'] as $item) {
echo '<b>'.$item->title.'</b>';
echo '<br /><br />';
echo $item->value;
echo '<br />';
echo '</div><!-- /#profile_info_column_right -->';
</div><!-- /#profile_info -->
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