Forked from
Digital Experience Group / UNL Resource Scheduler
64 commits behind the upstream repository.
Jeff Sturek authoredJeff Sturek authored
agenda.erb 3.73 KiB
<form style="float: right; width: 320px;">
<div class="offset-field-group">
<label for="date">Go to another date:</label>
<div class="date-time-select">
<span class="wdn-icon-calendar"></span>
<input style="width: 90%;" id="date" name="date" title="Reservation Date" type="text" class="datepicker" value="<%= date.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') %>" />
<div id="pagetitle">
<h3>Today's Agenda<span class="dcf-subhead"><%= date.strftime('%B %d, %Y') %></h3>
Today's Hours
<% unless space_hour.nil? %>
<%= do |record|
start_time = date + record[:start].minutes
end_time = date + record[:end].minutes
"#{record[:status].capitalize_all}: #{start_time.in_time_zone.strftime('%l:%M %P')} - #{end_time.in_time_zone.strftime('%l:%M %P')}"
end.join(', ') %>
<% else %>
The space is open all day.
<% end %>
Today's Reservations
<% if reservations.empty? %>
No reservations today. Hopefully someone will still come in to use the space!<br>
<% else %>
<% reservations.each do |reservation| %>
<% if reservation.user %>
<%= reservation.user.full_name %>
<% elsif !reservation.event.nil? %>
<strong>Event:</strong> <%= reservation.event.title %>
<% end %>
<% unless reservation.title.nil? || reservation.title.empty? %>
<br><small><%= reservation.title %></small>
<% end %>
<%= %>
<%= reservation.start_time.in_time_zone.strftime('%l:%M %P') %><br>
<%= reservation.length %> minutes
<form class="delete-form" method="POST" action="/<%= @space.url_name %>/admin/agenda/reservations/<%= %>/remove/">
<button class="dcf-btn dcf-btn-primary" type="submit">Remove</button>
<% end %>