Laurent Destailleur authoredLaurent Destailleur authored
5.0.0-6.0.0.sql 33.23 KiB
-- Be carefull to requests order.
-- This file must be loaded by calling /install/index.php page
-- when current version is 6.0.0 or higher.
-- To rename a table: ALTER TABLE llx_table RENAME TO llx_table_new;
-- To add a column: ALTER TABLE llx_table ADD COLUMN newcol varchar(60) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER existingcol;
-- To rename a column: ALTER TABLE llx_table CHANGE COLUMN oldname newname varchar(60);
-- To drop a column: ALTER TABLE llx_table DROP COLUMN oldname;
-- To change type of field: ALTER TABLE llx_table MODIFY COLUMN name varchar(60);
-- To drop a foreign key: ALTER TABLE llx_table DROP FOREIGN KEY fk_name;
-- To drop an index: -- VMYSQL4.0 DROP INDEX nomindex on llx_table
-- To drop an index: -- VPGSQL8.0 DROP INDEX nomindex
-- To restrict request to Mysql version x.y minimum use -- VMYSQLx.y
-- To restrict request to Pgsql version x.y minimum use -- VPGSQLx.y
-- To make pk to be auto increment (mysql): -- VMYSQL4.3 ALTER TABLE llx_c_shipment_mode CHANGE COLUMN rowid rowid INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT;
-- To make pk to be auto increment (postgres): -- VPGSQL8.2 NOT POSSIBLE. MUST DELETE/CREATE TABLE
-- To set a field as NULL: -- VMYSQL4.3 ALTER TABLE llx_table MODIFY COLUMN name varchar(60) NULL;
-- To set a field as NULL: -- VPGSQL8.2 ALTER TABLE llx_table ALTER COLUMN name DROP NOT NULL;
-- To set a field as NOT NULL: -- VMYSQL4.3 ALTER TABLE llx_table MODIFY COLUMN name varchar(60) NOT NULL;
-- To set a field as NOT NULL: -- VPGSQL8.2 ALTER TABLE llx_table ALTER COLUMN name SET NOT NULL;
-- To set a field as default NULL: -- VPGSQL8.2 ALTER TABLE llx_table ALTER COLUMN name SET DEFAULT NULL;
-- Note: fields with type BLOB/TEXT can't have default value.
-- -- VPGSQL8.2 DELETE FROM llx_usergroup_user WHERE fk_user NOT IN (SELECT rowid from llx_user);
-- -- VMYSQL4.1 DELETE FROM llx_usergroup_user WHERE fk_usergroup NOT IN (SELECT rowid from llx_usergroup);
ALTER TABLE llx_holiday_config MODIFY COLUMN name varchar(128);
ALTER TABLE llx_supplier_proposaldet CHANGE COLUMN fk_askpricesupplier fk_supplier_proposal integer NOT NULL;
-- -- VMYSQL4.1 ALTER TABLE llx_adherent MODIFY COLUMN datefin datetime DEFAULT '2001-01-01 00:00:00';
-- VMYSQL4.1 update llx_adherent set datefin = NULL where DATE(STR_TO_DATE(datefin, '%Y-%m-%d')) IS NULL;
-- VMYSQL4.1 SET sql_mode = 'NO_ZERO_DATE';
-- VMYSQL4.1 update llx_adherent set datefin = NULL where DATE(STR_TO_DATE(datefin, '%Y-%m-%d')) IS NULL;
-- VMYSQL4.1 ALTER TABLE llx_opensurvey_sondage MODIFY COLUMN tms timestamp DEFAULT '2001-01-01 00:00:00';
-- VMYSQL4.1 ALTER TABLE llx_adherent MODIFY COLUMN datefin datetime NULL;
-- To remove a default value for date that is not valid when field is not null
-- VMYSQL4.1 ALTER TABLE llx_chargesociales MODIFY COLUMN date_ech datetime DEFAULT NULL;
-- VMYSQL4.1 ALTER TABLE llx_chargesociales MODIFY COLUMN date_ech datetime NOT NULL;
-- Clean corrupted values for tms
-- VMYSQL4.1 update llx_opensurvey_sondage set tms = date_fin where DATE(STR_TO_DATE(tms, '%Y-%m-%d')) IS NULL;
-- VMYSQL4.1 SET sql_mode = 'NO_ZERO_DATE';
-- VMYSQL4.1 update llx_opensurvey_sondage set tms = date_fin where DATE(STR_TO_DATE(tms, '%Y-%m-%d')) IS NULL;
-- Remove default not null on date_fin
-- VPGSQL8.2 ALTER TABLE llx_opensurvey_sondage ALTER COLUMN date_fin DROP NOT NULL;
-- VMYSQL4.1 ALTER TABLE llx_opensurvey_sondage MODIFY COLUMN tms timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
ALTER TABLE llx_opensurvey_sondage ADD COLUMN fk_user_creat integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
ALTER TABLE llx_opensurvey_sondage ADD COLUMN status integer DEFAULT 1 after date_fin;
ALTER TABLE llx_opensurvey_sondage ADD COLUMN entity integer DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE llx_opensurvey_sondage ADD COLUMN allow_comments tinyint NOT NULL DEFAULT 1;
ALTER TABLE llx_opensurvey_sondage ADD COLUMN allow_spy tinyint NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 AFTER allow_comments;
ALTER TABLE llx_opensurvey_sondage ADD COLUMN sujet TEXT;
ALTER TABLE llx_socpeople MODIFY COLUMN zip varchar(25);
ALTER TABLE llx_extrafields ADD COLUMN fieldcomputed text;
ALTER TABLE llx_extrafields ADD COLUMN fielddefault varchar(255);
ALTER TABLE llx_c_typent MODIFY COLUMN libelle varchar(64);
ALTER TABLE llx_holiday ADD COLUMN ref varchar(30) NULL;
ALTER TABLE llx_holiday ADD COLUMN ref_ext varchar(255);
CREATE TABLE llx_notify_def_object
entity integer DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL, -- multi company id
objet_type varchar(16), -- 'actioncomm'
objet_id integer NOT NULL, -- id of parent key
type_notif varchar(16) DEFAULT 'browser', -- 'browser', 'email', 'sms', 'webservice', ...
date_notif datetime, -- date notification
user_id integer, -- notification is for this user
moreparam varchar(255)
ALTER TABLE llx_facturedet_rec ADD COLUMN vat_src_code varchar(10) DEFAULT '' AFTER tva_tx;
ALTER TABLE llx_extrafields ADD COLUMN langs varchar(24);
ALTER TABLE llx_supplier_proposaldet ADD COLUMN fk_unit integer DEFAULT NULL;
ALTER TABLE llx_ecm_files ADD COLUMN ref varchar(128) AFTER rowid;
ALTER TABLE llx_ecm_files CHANGE COLUMN fullpath filepath varchar(255);
ALTER TABLE llx_ecm_files CHANGE COLUMN filepath filepath varchar(255);
ALTER TABLE llx_ecm_files ADD COLUMN position integer;
ALTER TABLE llx_ecm_files ADD COLUMN keyword varchar(750);
ALTER TABLE llx_ecm_files CHANGE COLUMN keyword keyword varchar(750);
ALTER TABLE llx_ecm_files ADD COLUMN gen_or_uploaded varchar(12);
ALTER TABLE llx_ecm_files DROP INDEX uk_ecm_files;
ALTER TABLE llx_ecm_files ADD UNIQUE INDEX uk_ecm_files (filepath, filename, entity);
ALTER TABLE llx_ecm_files ADD INDEX idx_ecm_files_label (label);
ALTER TABLE llx_expedition ADD COLUMN fk_projet integer DEFAULT NULL after fk_soc;
ALTER TABLE llx_holiday ADD COLUMN import_key varchar(14);
ALTER TABLE llx_holiday ADD COLUMN extraparams varchar(255);
ALTER TABLE llx_expensereport ADD COLUMN import_key varchar(14);
ALTER TABLE llx_expensereport ADD COLUMN extraparams varchar(255);
ALTER TABLE llx_actioncomm ADD COLUMN import_key varchar(14);
ALTER TABLE llx_actioncomm ADD COLUMN extraparams varchar(255);
ALTER TABLE llx_bank_account ADD COLUMN extraparams varchar(255);
ALTER TABLE llx_bank ADD COLUMN numero_compte varchar(32) NULL;
-- VMYSQL4.1 ALTER TABLE llx_bank_account MODIFY COLUMN state_id integer DEFAULT NULL;
-- VPGSQL8.2 ALTER TABLE llx_bank_account MODIFY COLUMN state_id integer USING state_id::integer;
-- VMYSQL4.1 ALTER TABLE llx_adherent MODIFY COLUMN state_id integer DEFAULT NULL;
-- VPGSQL8.2 ALTER TABLE llx_adherent MODIFY COLUMN state_id integer USING state_id::integer;
-- VMYSQL4.1 ALTER TABLE llx_adherent MODIFY COLUMN country integer DEFAULT NULL;
-- VPGSQL8.2 ALTER TABLE llx_adherent MODIFY COLUMN country integer USING country::integer;
INSERT INTO llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) VALUES ('PRODUCT_CREATE','Product or service created','Executed when a product or sevice is created','product',30);
INSERT INTO llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) VALUES ('PRODUCT_MODIFY','Product or service modified','Executed when a product or sevice is modified','product',30);
INSERT INTO llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) VALUES ('PRODUCT_DELETE','Product or service deleted','Executed when a product or sevice is deleted','product',30);
INSERT INTO llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) VALUES ('EXPENSE_REPORT_CREATE','Expense report created','Executed when an expense report is created','expense_report',201);
INSERT INTO llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) VALUES ('EXPENSE_REPORT_CREATE','Expense report created','Executed when an expense report is created','expense_report',201);
INSERT INTO llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) VALUES ('EXPENSE_REPORT_VALIDATE','Expense report validated','Executed when an expense report is validated','expense_report',202);
INSERT INTO llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) VALUES ('EXPENSE_REPORT_APPROVE','Expense report approved','Executed when an expense report is approved','expense_report',203);
INSERT INTO llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) VALUES ('EXPENSE_REPORT_PAYED','Expense report billed','Executed when an expense report is set as billed','expense_report',204);
ALTER TABLE llx_c_email_templates ADD COLUMN content_lines text;
ALTER TABLE llx_loan ADD COLUMN fk_projet integer DEFAULT NULL;
ALTER TABLE llx_holiday ADD COLUMN fk_user_modif integer;
ALTER TABLE llx_projet ADD COLUMN fk_user_modif integer;
ALTER TABLE llx_projet_task_time ADD COLUMN datec date;
ALTER TABLE llx_projet_task_time ADD COLUMN tms timestamp;
ALTER TABLE llx_product_price ADD COLUMN fk_multicurrency integer;
ALTER TABLE llx_product_price ADD COLUMN multicurrency_code varchar(255);
ALTER TABLE llx_product_price ADD COLUMN multicurrency_tx double(24,8) DEFAULT 1;
ALTER TABLE llx_product_price ADD COLUMN multicurrency_price double(24,8) DEFAULT NULL;
ALTER TABLE llx_product_price ADD COLUMN multicurrency_price_ttc double(24,8) DEFAULT NULL;
ALTER TABLE llx_product_price_by_qty ADD COLUMN fk_user_creat integer;
ALTER TABLE llx_product_price_by_qty ADD COLUMN fk_user_modif integer;
ALTER TABLE llx_product_price_by_qty DROP COLUMN date_price;
ALTER TABLE llx_product_price_by_qty ADD COLUMN tms timestamp;
ALTER TABLE llx_product_price_by_qty ADD COLUMN import_key varchar(14);
ALTER TABLE llx_user ADD COLUMN import_key varchar(14);
ALTER TABLE llx_facture_rec ADD COLUMN tms timestamp;
UPDATE llx_facture_rec SET tms = datec where tms < '2000-01-01';
CREATE TABLE llx_product_attribute
label VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
ALTER TABLE llx_product_attribute ADD CONSTRAINT unique_ref UNIQUE (ref);
CREATE TABLE llx_product_attribute_value
fk_product_attribute INT NOT NULL,
ALTER TABLE llx_product_attribute_value ADD CONSTRAINT unique_ref UNIQUE (fk_product_attribute,ref);
CREATE TABLE llx_product_attribute_combination2val
fk_prod_combination INT NOT NULL,
fk_prod_attr INT NOT NULL,
fk_prod_attr_val INT NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE llx_product_attribute_combination
fk_product_parent INT NOT NULL,
fk_product_child INT NOT NULL,
variation_price FLOAT NOT NULL,
variation_price_percentage INT NULL,
variation_weight FLOAT NOT NULL,
ALTER TABLE llx_bank_account DROP FOREIGN KEY bank_fk_accountancy_journal;
-- Fix missing entity column after init demo
ALTER TABLE llx_accounting_journal ADD COLUMN entity integer DEFAULT 1;
-- Add journal entries
INSERT INTO llx_accounting_journal (rowid, code, label, nature, active) VALUES (1,'VT', 'Sale journal', 2, 1);
INSERT INTO llx_accounting_journal (rowid, code, label, nature, active) VALUES (2,'AC', 'Purchase journal', 3, 1);
INSERT INTO llx_accounting_journal (rowid, code, label, nature, active) VALUES (3,'BQ', 'Bank journal', 4, 1);
INSERT INTO llx_accounting_journal (rowid, code, label, nature, active) VALUES (4,'OD', 'Other journal', 1, 1);
INSERT INTO llx_accounting_journal (rowid, code, label, nature, active) VALUES (5,'AN', 'Has new journal', 9, 1);
INSERT INTO llx_accounting_journal (rowid, code, label, nature, active) VALUES (6,'ER', 'Expense report journal', 5, 1);
-- Fix old entries
UPDATE llx_accounting_journal SET nature = 1 WHERE code = 'OD' AND nature = 0;
UPDATE llx_accounting_journal SET nature = 2 WHERE code = 'VT' AND nature = 1;
UPDATE llx_accounting_journal SET nature = 3 WHERE code = 'AC' AND nature = 2;
UPDATE llx_accounting_journal SET nature = 4 WHERE (code = 'BK' OR code = 'BQ') AND nature = 3;
UPDATE llx_bank_account SET accountancy_journal = 'BQ' WHERE accountancy_journal = 'BK';
UPDATE llx_bank_account SET accountancy_journal = 'OD' WHERE accountancy_journal IS NULL;
ALTER TABLE llx_bank_account ADD COLUMN fk_accountancy_journal integer;
ALTER TABLE llx_bank_account ADD INDEX idx_fk_accountancy_journal (fk_accountancy_journal);
UPDATE llx_bank_account AS ba SET fk_accountancy_journal = (SELECT rowid FROM llx_accounting_journal AS aj WHERE ba.accountancy_journal = aj.code) WHERE accountancy_journal NOT IN ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '5', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15');
ALTER TABLE llx_bank_account ADD CONSTRAINT fk_bank_account_accountancy_journal FOREIGN KEY (fk_accountancy_journal) REFERENCES llx_accounting_journal (rowid);
--Update general ledger for FEC format & harmonization
ALTER TABLE llx_accounting_bookkeeping MODIFY COLUMN code_tiers varchar(32);
ALTER TABLE llx_accounting_bookkeeping CHANGE COLUMN code_tiers thirdparty_code varchar(32);
--Subledger account
ALTER TABLE llx_accounting_bookkeeping ADD COLUMN subledger_account varchar(32);
ALTER TABLE llx_accounting_bookkeeping CHANGE COLUMN thirdparty_label subledger_label varchar(255); -- If field was already created, rename it
ALTER TABLE llx_accounting_bookkeeping ADD COLUMN subledger_label varchar(255) AFTER subledger_account; -- If field dod not exists yet
UPDATE llx_accounting_bookkeeping SET subledger_account = numero_compte WHERE subledger_account IS NULL;
ALTER TABLE llx_accounting_bookkeeping MODIFY COLUMN label_compte varchar(255);
ALTER TABLE llx_accounting_bookkeeping MODIFY COLUMN code_journal varchar(32);
ALTER TABLE llx_accounting_bookkeeping ADD COLUMN label_operation varchar(255) AFTER label_compte;
ALTER TABLE llx_accounting_bookkeeping ADD COLUMN multicurrency_amount double AFTER sens;
ALTER TABLE llx_accounting_bookkeeping ADD COLUMN multicurrency_code varchar(255) AFTER multicurrency_amount;
ALTER TABLE llx_accounting_bookkeeping ADD COLUMN lettering_code varchar(255) AFTER multicurrency_code;
ALTER TABLE llx_accounting_bookkeeping ADD COLUMN date_lettering datetime AFTER lettering_code;
ALTER TABLE llx_accounting_bookkeeping ADD COLUMN journal_label varchar(255) AFTER code_journal;
ALTER TABLE llx_accounting_bookkeeping ADD COLUMN date_validated datetime AFTER validated;
DROP TABLE llx_accounting_bookkeeping_tmp;
CREATE TABLE llx_accounting_bookkeeping_tmp
entity integer DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL, -- | multi company id
doc_date date NOT NULL, -- FEC:PieceDate
doc_type varchar(30) NOT NULL, -- FEC:PieceRef | facture_client/reglement_client/facture_fournisseur/reglement_fournisseur
doc_ref varchar(300) NOT NULL, -- | facture_client/reglement_client/... reference number
fk_doc integer NOT NULL, -- | facture_client/reglement_client/... rowid
fk_docdet integer NOT NULL, -- | facture_client/reglement_client/... line rowid
thirdparty_code varchar(32), -- Third party code (customer or supplier) when record is saved (may help debug)
subledger_account varchar(32), -- FEC:CompAuxNum | account number of subledger account
subledger_label varchar(255), -- FEC:CompAuxLib | label of subledger account
numero_compte varchar(32), -- FEC:CompteNum | account number
label_compte varchar(255) NOT NULL, -- FEC:CompteLib | label of account
label_operation varchar(255), -- FEC:EcritureLib | label of the operation
debit double(24,8) NOT NULL, -- FEC:Debit
credit double(24,8) NOT NULL, -- FEC:Credit
montant double(24,8) NOT NULL, -- FEC:Montant (Not necessary)
sens varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL, -- FEC:Sens (Not necessary)
multicurrency_amount double(24,8), -- FEC:Montantdevise
multicurrency_code varchar(255), -- FEC:Idevise
lettering_code varchar(255), -- FEC:EcritureLet
date_lettering datetime, -- FEC:DateLet
fk_user_author integer NOT NULL, -- | user creating
fk_user_modif integer, -- | user making last change
date_creation datetime, -- FEC:EcritureDate | creation date
tms timestamp, -- | date last modification
import_key varchar(14),
code_journal varchar(32) NOT NULL, -- FEC:JournalCode
journal_label varchar(255), -- FEC:JournalLib
piece_num integer NOT NULL, -- FEC:EcritureNum
validated tinyint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, -- | 0 line not validated / 1 line validated (No deleting / No modification)
date_validated datetime -- FEC:ValidDate
) ENGINE=innodb;
ALTER TABLE llx_accounting_bookkeeping_tmp ADD INDEX idx_accounting_bookkeeping_doc_date (doc_date);
ALTER TABLE llx_accounting_bookkeeping_tmp ADD INDEX idx_accounting_bookkeeping_fk_docdet (fk_docdet);
ALTER TABLE llx_accounting_bookkeeping_tmp ADD INDEX idx_accounting_bookkeeping_numero_compte (numero_compte);
ALTER TABLE llx_accounting_bookkeeping_tmp ADD INDEX idx_accounting_bookkeeping_code_journal (code_journal);
ALTER TABLE llx_accounting_bookkeeping MODIFY COLUMN debit double(24,8);
ALTER TABLE llx_accounting_bookkeeping MODIFY COLUMN credit double(24,8);
ALTER TABLE llx_accounting_bookkeeping MODIFY COLUMN montant double(24,8);
ALTER TABLE llx_accounting_bookkeeping MODIFY COLUMN multicurrency_amount double(24,8);
ALTER TABLE llx_paiementfourn ADD COLUMN model_pdf varchar(255);
insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('EXPENSE_REPORT_CREATE','Expense report created','Executed when an expense report is created','expensereport',201);
insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('EXPENSE_REPORT_VALIDATE','Expense report validated','Executed when an expense report is validated','expensereport',202);
insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('EXPENSE_REPORT_APPROVE','Expense report approved','Executed when an expense report is approved','expensereport',203);
insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('EXPENSE_REPORT_PAYED','Expense report billed','Executed when an expense report is set as billed','expensereport',204);
insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('HOLIDAY_CREATE' ,'Leave request created','Executed when a leave request is created','holiday',221);
insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('HOLIDAY_VALIDATE','Leave request validated','Executed when a leave request is validated','holiday',222);
insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('HOLIDAY_APPROVE' ,'Leave request approved','Executed when a leave request is approved','holiday',223);
ALTER TABLE llx_societe_remise_except ADD COLUMN fk_invoice_supplier_line integer;
ALTER TABLE llx_societe_remise_except ADD COLUMN fk_invoice_supplier integer;
ALTER TABLE llx_societe_remise_except ADD COLUMN fk_invoice_supplier_source integer;
ALTER TABLE llx_societe_remise_except ADD CONSTRAINT fk_soc_remise_fk_invoice_supplier_line FOREIGN KEY (fk_invoice_supplier_line) REFERENCES llx_facture_fourn_det (rowid);
ALTER TABLE llx_societe_remise_except ADD CONSTRAINT fk_societe_remise_fk_invoice_supplier FOREIGN KEY (fk_invoice_supplier) REFERENCES llx_facture_fourn (rowid);
ALTER TABLE llx_societe_remise_except ADD CONSTRAINT fk_societe_remise_fk_invoice_supplier_source FOREIGN KEY (fk_invoice_supplier) REFERENCES llx_facture_fourn (rowid);
ALTER TABLE llx_facture_rec ADD COLUMN vat_src_code varchar(10) DEFAULT '';
ALTER TABLE llx_expensereport_det ADD COLUMN vat_src_code varchar(10) DEFAULT '';
UPDATE llx_const SET value = __ENCRYPT('moono-lisa')__ WHERE value = __ENCRYPT('moono')__ AND name = __ENCRYPT('FCKEDITOR_SKIN')__;
DELETE FROM llx_document_model where nom = 'fsfe.fr.php' and type='donation';
ALTER TABLE llx_product_price ADD COLUMN default_vat_code varchar(10) AFTER tva_tx;
ALTER TABLE llx_product_customer_price ADD COLUMN default_vat_code varchar(10) AFTER tva_tx;
ALTER TABLE llx_product_fournisseur_price ADD COLUMN default_vat_code varchar(10) AFTER tva_tx;
ALTER TABLE llx_user ADD COLUMN model_pdf varchar(255);
ALTER TABLE llx_usergroup ADD COLUMN model_pdf varchar(255);
INSERT INTO llx_const (name, entity, value, type, visible, note) VALUES (__ENCRYPT('PRODUCT_ADDON_PDF_ODT_PATH')__, 1, __ENCRYPT('DOL_DATA_ROOT/doctemplates/products')__, 'chaine', 0, '');
INSERT INTO llx_const (name, entity, value, type, visible, note) VALUES (__ENCRYPT('CONTRACT_ADDON_PDF_ODT_PATH')__, 1, __ENCRYPT('DOL_DATA_ROOT/doctemplates/contracts')__, 'chaine', 0, '');
INSERT INTO llx_const (name, entity, value, type, visible, note) VALUES (__ENCRYPT('USERGROUP_ADDON_PDF_ODT_PATH')__, 1, __ENCRYPT('DOL_DATA_ROOT/doctemplates/usergroups')__, 'chaine', 0, '');
INSERT INTO llx_const (name, entity, value, type, visible, note) VALUES (__ENCRYPT('USER_ADDON_PDF_ODT_PATH')__, 1, __ENCRYPT('DOL_DATA_ROOT/doctemplates/users')__, 'chaine', 0, '');
INSERT INTO llx_const (name, entity, value, type, visible, note) VALUES (__ENCRYPT('MAIN_ENABLE_OVERWRITE_TRANSLATION')__, 1, __ENCRYPT('1')__, 'chaine', 0, 'Enable overwrote of translation');
ALTER TABLE llx_chargesociales ADD COLUMN ref varchar(16);
ALTER TABLE llx_chargesociales ADD COLUMN fk_projet integer DEFAULT NULL;
ALTER TABLE llx_cronjob ADD COLUMN processing integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
ALTER TABLE llx_website ADD COLUMN fk_user_create integer;
ALTER TABLE llx_website ADD COLUMN fk_user_modif integer;
-- Add missing fields making not possible to enter reference price of products into another currency
ALTER TABLE llx_product_fournisseur_price ADD COLUMN multicurrency_tx double(24,8) DEFAULT 1;
ALTER TABLE llx_product_fournisseur_price ADD COLUMN multicurrency_price_ttc double(24,8) DEFAULT NULL;
ALTER TABLE llx_product_fournisseur_price ADD COLUMN fk_multicurrency integer;
ALTER TABLE llx_product_fournisseur_price ADD COLUMN multicurrency_code varchar(255);
ALTER TABLE llx_product_fournisseur_price ADD COLUMN multicurrency_tx double(24,8) DEFAULT 1;
ALTER TABLE llx_product_fournisseur_price ADD COLUMN multicurrency_price double(24,8) DEFAULT NULL;
ALTER TABLE llx_product_fournisseur_price ADD COLUMN multicurrency_price_ttc double(24,8) DEFAULT NULL;
ALTER TABLE llx_product_fournisseur_price_log ADD COLUMN fk_multicurrency integer;
ALTER TABLE llx_product_fournisseur_price_log ADD COLUMN multicurrency_code varchar(255);
ALTER TABLE llx_product_fournisseur_price_log ADD COLUMN multicurrency_tx double(24,8) DEFAULT 1;
ALTER TABLE llx_product_fournisseur_price_log ADD COLUMN multicurrency_price double(24,8) DEFAULT NULL;
ALTER TABLE llx_product_fournisseur_price_log ADD COLUMN multicurrency_price_ttc double(24,8) DEFAULT NULL;
UPDATE llx_contrat SET ref = rowid WHERE ref IS NULL OR ref = '';
CREATE TABLE llx_payment_various
tms timestamp,
datec datetime,
datep date,
datev date,
sens smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
amount double(24,8) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
fk_typepayment integer NOT NULL,
num_payment varchar(50),
label varchar(255),
accountancy_code varchar(32),
entity integer DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL,
note text,
fk_bank integer,
fk_user_author integer,
fk_user_modif integer
CREATE TABLE llx_default_values
entity integer DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL, -- multi company id
type varchar(10), -- 'createform', 'filters', 'sortorder'
user_id integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, -- 0 or user id
page varchar(255), -- relative url of page
param varchar(255), -- parameter
value varchar(128) -- value
ALTER TABLE llx_default_values ADD UNIQUE INDEX uk_default_values(type, entity, user_id, page, param);
ALTER TABLE llx_supplier_proposaldet ADD INDEX idx_supplier_proposaldet_fk_supplier_proposal (fk_supplier_proposal);
ALTER TABLE llx_supplier_proposaldet ADD INDEX idx_supplier_proposaldet_fk_product (fk_product);
UPDATE llx_supplier_proposaldet SET fk_unit = NULL where fk_unit not in (SELECT rowid from llx_c_units);
ALTER TABLE llx_supplier_proposaldet ADD CONSTRAINT fk_supplier_proposaldet_fk_unit FOREIGN KEY (fk_unit) REFERENCES llx_c_units (rowid);
ALTER TABLE llx_supplier_proposaldet ADD CONSTRAINT fk_supplier_proposaldet_fk_supplier_proposal FOREIGN KEY (fk_supplier_proposal) REFERENCES llx_supplier_proposal (rowid);
-- NEW inventory module
CREATE TABLE llx_inventory
entity integer DEFAULT 0,
ref varchar(48),
datec datetime DEFAULT NULL,
tms timestamp,
fk_user_author integer,
fk_user_modif integer,
fk_user_valid integer,
fk_warehouse integer DEFAULT 0,
status integer DEFAULT 0,
title varchar(255) NOT NULL,
date_inventory datetime DEFAULT NULL,
import_key varchar(14)
CREATE TABLE llx_inventorydet
datec datetime DEFAULT NULL,
tms timestamp,
fk_inventory integer DEFAULT 0,
fk_warehouse integer DEFAULT 0,
fk_product integer DEFAULT 0,
batch varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
qty_view double DEFAULT NULL,
qty_stock double DEFAULT NULL,
qty_regulated double DEFAULT NULL,
pmp double DEFAULT 0,
pa double DEFAULT 0,
new_pmp double DEFAULT 0
ALTER TABLE llx_inventory ADD COLUMN datec datetime DEFAULT NULL;
ALTER TABLE llx_inventory ADD INDEX idx_inventory_tms (tms);
ALTER TABLE llx_inventory ADD INDEX idx_inventory_datec (datec);
ALTER TABLE llx_inventorydet ADD INDEX idx_inventorydet_tms (tms);
ALTER TABLE llx_inventorydet ADD INDEX idx_inventorydet_datec (datec);
ALTER TABLE llx_inventorydet ADD INDEX idx_inventorydet_fk_inventory (fk_inventory);
INSERT INTO llx_c_tva(fk_pays,taux,code,recuperableonly,note,active) VALUES (1, '8.5', '85', '0','VAT standard rate (DOM sauf Guyane et Saint-Martin)',0);
INSERT INTO llx_c_tva(fk_pays,taux,code,recuperableonly,note,active) VALUES (1, '8.5', '85NPR', '1','VAT standard rate (DOM sauf Guyane et Saint-Martin), non perçu par le vendeur mais récupérable par acheteur',0);
INSERT INTO llx_c_tva(fk_pays,taux,code,recuperableonly,localtax1,localtax1_type,note,active) VALUES (1, '8.5', '85NPROM', '1', 2, 3, 'VAT standard rate (DOM sauf Guyane et Saint-Martin), NPR, Octroi de Mer',0);
INSERT INTO llx_c_tva(fk_pays,taux,code,recuperableonly,localtax1,localtax1_type,localtax2,localtax2_type,note,active) VALUES (1, '8.5', '85NPROMOMR', '1', 2, 3, 2.5, 3, 'VAT standard rate (DOM sauf Guyane et Saint-Martin), NPR, Octroi de Mer et Octroi de Mer Regional',0);
ALTER TABLE llx_events MODIFY COLUMN ip varchar(250);
ALTER TABLE llx_facture ADD COLUMN fk_fac_rec_source integer;
DELETE FROM llx_c_actioncomm WHERE code IN ('AC_PROP','AC_COM','AC_FAC','AC_SHIP','AC_SUP_ORD','AC_SUP_INV') AND id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT fk_action FROM llx_actioncomm);
-- Fix: delete orphelin category.
DELETE FROM llx_categorie_product WHERE fk_categorie NOT IN (SELECT rowid FROM llx_categorie WHERE type = 0);
DELETE FROM llx_categorie_societe WHERE fk_categorie NOT IN (SELECT rowid FROM llx_categorie WHERE type IN (1, 2));
DELETE FROM llx_categorie_member WHERE fk_categorie NOT IN (SELECT rowid FROM llx_categorie WHERE type = 3);
DELETE FROM llx_categorie_contact WHERE fk_categorie NOT IN (SELECT rowid FROM llx_categorie WHERE type = 4);
DELETE FROM llx_categorie_project WHERE fk_categorie NOT IN (SELECT rowid FROM llx_categorie WHERE type = 5);
ALTER TABLE llx_inventory ADD COLUMN ref varchar(48);
-- VPGSQL8.2 ALTER TABLE llx_projet_task ALTER COLUMN planned_workload DROP NOT NULL;
CREATE TABLE llx_loan_schedule
fk_loan integer,
datec datetime,
tms timestamp,
datep datetime,
amount_capital real DEFAULT 0,
amount_insurance real DEFAULT 0,
amount_interest real DEFAULT 0,
fk_typepayment integer NOT NULL,
num_payment varchar(50),
note_private text,
note_public text,
fk_bank integer NOT NULL,
fk_user_creat integer,
fk_user_modif integer
ALTER TABLE llx_tva ADD COLUMN datec date AFTER tms;
ALTER TABLE llx_user_rights ADD COLUMN entity integer DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL AFTER rowid;
ALTER TABLE llx_user_rights DROP FOREIGN KEY fk_user_rights_fk_user_user;
ALTER TABLE llx_user_rights DROP INDEX uk_user_rights;
ALTER TABLE llx_user_rights DROP INDEX fk_user;
ALTER TABLE llx_user_rights ADD UNIQUE INDEX uk_user_rights (entity, fk_user, fk_id);
DELETE FROM llx_user_rights WHERE fk_user NOT IN (select rowid from llx_user);
ALTER TABLE llx_user_rights ADD CONSTRAINT fk_user_rights_fk_user_user FOREIGN KEY (fk_user) REFERENCES llx_user (rowid);
ALTER TABLE llx_usergroup_rights ADD COLUMN entity integer DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL AFTER rowid;
ALTER TABLE llx_usergroup_rights DROP FOREIGN KEY fk_usergroup_rights_fk_usergroup;
ALTER TABLE llx_usergroup_rights DROP INDEX fk_usergroup;
ALTER TABLE llx_usergroup_rights ADD UNIQUE INDEX uk_usergroup_rights (entity, fk_usergroup, fk_id);
ALTER TABLE llx_usergroup_rights ADD CONSTRAINT fk_usergroup_rights_fk_usergroup FOREIGN KEY (fk_usergroup) REFERENCES llx_usergroup (rowid);
-- For new module website
CREATE TABLE llx_website_page
fk_website integer NOT NULL,
pageurl varchar(16) NOT NULL,
title varchar(255),
description varchar(255),
keywords varchar(255),
content mediumtext, -- text is not enough in size
status integer,
fk_user_create integer,
fk_user_modif integer,
date_creation datetime,
tms timestamp
) ENGINE=innodb;
ALTER TABLE llx_website_page ADD UNIQUE INDEX uk_website_page_url (fk_website,pageurl);
ALTER TABLE llx_website_page ADD CONSTRAINT fk_website_page_website FOREIGN KEY (fk_website) REFERENCES llx_website (rowid);
ALTER TABLE llx_website_page ADD COLUMN fk_user_create integer;
ALTER TABLE llx_website_page ADD COLUMN fk_user_modif integer;
UPDATE llx_extrafields set elementtype='categorie' where elementtype='categories';
-- For new module blockedlog
CREATE TABLE llx_blockedlog
tms timestamp,
action varchar(50),
amounts real NOT NULL,
signature varchar(100) NOT NULL,
signature_line varchar(100) NOT NULL,
element varchar(50),
fk_object integer,
ref_object varchar(100),
date_object datetime,
object_data text,
fk_user integer,
entity integer DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL,
certified integer
) ENGINE=innodb;
ALTER TABLE llx_blockedlog ADD INDEX signature (signature);
ALTER TABLE llx_blockedlog ADD INDEX fk_object_element (fk_object,element);
ALTER TABLE llx_blockedlog ADD INDEX entity (entity);
ALTER TABLE llx_blockedlog ADD INDEX fk_user (fk_user);
ALTER TABLE llx_blockedlog ADD INDEX entity_action (entity,action);
ALTER TABLE llx_blockedlog ADD INDEX entity_action_certified (entity,action,certified);
CREATE TABLE llx_blockedlog_authority
blockchain longtext NOT NULL,
signature varchar(100) NOT NULL,
tms timestamp
) ENGINE=innodb;
ALTER TABLE llx_blockedlog_authority ADD INDEX signature (signature);
-- VMYSQL4.1 INSERT IGNORE INTO llx_product_lot (entity, fk_product, batch, eatby, sellby, datec, fk_user_creat, fk_user_modif) SELECT DISTINCT e.entity, ps.fk_product, pb.batch, pb.eatby, pb.sellby, pb.tms, e.fk_user_author, e.fk_user_author from llx_product_batch as pb, llx_product_stock as ps, llx_entrepot as e WHERE pb.fk_product_stock = ps.rowid AND ps.fk_entrepot = e.rowid;
UPDATE llx_bank SET label= '(SupplierInvoicePayment)' WHERE label= 'Règlement fournisseur';
UPDATE llx_bank SET label= '(CustomerInvoicePayment)' WHERE label= 'Règlement client';
UPDATE llx_bank SET label= '(payment_salary)' WHERE label LIKE 'Règlement salaire';
ALTER TABLE llx_mailing_cibles MODIFY COLUMN source_url varchar(255);
-- VPGSQL8.2 CREATE TRIGGER update_customer_modtime BEFORE UPDATE ON llx_website FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_modified_column_tms();
-- VPGSQL8.2 CREATE TRIGGER update_customer_modtime BEFORE UPDATE ON llx_website_page FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_modified_column_tms();
insert into llx_c_tva(rowid,fk_pays,code,taux,localtax1,localtax1_type,localtax2,localtax2_type,recuperableonly,note,active) values (1176, 117, 'CGST+SGST', 0, 9, '1', 9, '1', 0, 'CGST+SGST - Same state sales', 1);
insert into llx_c_tva(rowid,fk_pays,code,taux,localtax1,localtax1_type,localtax2,localtax2_type,recuperableonly,note,active) values (1177, 117, 'IGST' , 18, 0, '0', 0, '0', 0, 'IGST', 1);