Laurent Destailleur authoredLaurent Destailleur authored
projects.lang 5.90 KiB
# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - projects
RefProject=Ref. project
ProjectId=Project Id
PrivateProject=Contacts of project
MyProjectsDesc=This view is limited to projects you are a contact for (whatever is the type).
ProjectsPublicDesc=This view presents all projects you are allowed to read.
ProjectsDesc=This view presents all projects (your user permissions grant you permission to view everything).
MyTasksDesc=This view is limited to projects or tasks you are a contact for (whatever is the type).
TasksPublicDesc=This view presents all projects and tasks you are allowed to read.
TasksDesc=This view presents all projects and tasks (your user permissions grant you permission to view everything).
Myprojects=My projects
ProjectsArea=Projects area
NewProject=New project
AddProject=Add project
DeleteAProject=Delete a project
DeleteATask=Delete a task
ConfirmDeleteAProject=Are you sure you want to delete this project ?
ConfirmDeleteATask=Are you sure you want to delete this task ?
OfficerProject=Officer project
LastProjects=Last %s projects
AllProjects=All projects
ProjectsList=List of projects
ShowProject=Show project
SetProject=Set project
NoProject=No project defined or owned
NbOpenTasks=Nb of opened tasks
NbOfProjects=Nb of projects
TimeSpent=Time spent
TimesSpent=Time spent
RefTask=Ref. task
LabelTask=Label task
TaskTimeSpent=Time spent on tasks
NewTimeSpent=New time spent
MyTimeSpent=My time spent
MyTasks=My tasks
TaskDateStart=Task start date
TaskDateEnd=Task end date
TaskDescription=Task description
NewTask=New task
AddTask=Add task
AddDuration=Add duration
MyActivity=My activity
MyActivities=My tasks/activities
MyProjects=My projects
DurationEffective=Effective duration
ProgressDeclared=Declared progress
ProgressCalculated=Calculated progress
ListProposalsAssociatedProject=List of the commercial proposals associated with the project
ListOrdersAssociatedProject=List of customer's orders associated with the project
ListInvoicesAssociatedProject=List of customer's invoices associated with the project
ListPredefinedInvoicesAssociatedProject=List of customer's predefined invoices associated with project
ListSupplierOrdersAssociatedProject=List of supplier's orders associated with the project
ListSupplierInvoicesAssociatedProject=List of supplier's invoices associated with the project
ListContractAssociatedProject=List of contracts associated with the project
ListFichinterAssociatedProject=List of interventions associated with the project
ListTripAssociatedProject=List of trips and expenses associated with the project
ListActionsAssociatedProject=List of events associated with the project
ActivityOnProjectThisWeek=Activity on project this week
ActivityOnProjectThisMonth=Activity on project this month
ActivityOnProjectThisYear=Activity on project this year
ChildOfTask=Child of project/task
NotOwnerOfProject=Not owner of this private project
AffectedTo=Allocated to
CantRemoveProject=This project can't be removed as it is referenced by some other objects (invoice, orders or other). See referers tab.
ValidateProject=Validate projet
ConfirmValidateProject=Are you sure you want to validate this project ?
CloseAProject=Close project
ConfirmCloseAProject=Are you sure you want to close this project ?
ReOpenAProject=Open project
ConfirmReOpenAProject=Are you sure you want to re-open this project ?
ProjectContact=Project contacts
ActionsOnProject=Events on project
YouAreNotContactOfProject=You are not a contact of this private project
DeleteATimeSpent=Delete time spent
ConfirmDeleteATimeSpent=Are you sure you want to delete this time spent ?
DoNotShowMyTasksOnly=See also tasks not allocated to me
ShowMyTasksOnly=View only tasks allocated to me
ProjectsDedicatedToThisThirdParty=Projects dedicated to this third party
NoTasks=No tasks for this project
LinkedToAnotherCompany=Linked to other third party
TaskIsNotAffectedToYou=Task not allocated to you
ErrorTimeSpentIsEmpty=Time spent is empty
ThisWillAlsoRemoveTasks=This action will also delete all tasks of project (<b>%s</b> tasks at the moment) and all inputs of time spent.
IfNeedToUseOhterObjectKeepEmpty=If some objects (invoice, order, ...), belonging to another third party, must be linked to the project to create, keep this empty to have the project being multi third parties.
CloneProject=Clone project
CloneTasks=Clone tasks
CloneContacts=Clone contacts
CloneNotes=Clone notes
CloneProjectFiles=Clone project joined files
CloneTaskFiles=Clone task(s) joined files (if task(s) cloned)
ConfirmCloneProject=Are you sure to clone this project ?
ProjectReportDate=Change task date according project start date
ErrorShiftTaskDate=Impossible to shift task date according to new project start date
ProjectsAndTasksLines=Projects and tasks
ProjectCreatedInDolibarr=Project %s created
TaskCreatedInDolibarr=Task %s created
TaskModifiedInDolibarr=Task %s modified
TaskDeletedInDolibarr=Task %s deleted
##### Types de contacts #####
TypeContact_project_internal_PROJECTLEADER=Project leader
TypeContact_project_external_PROJECTLEADER=Project leader
TypeContact_project_task_internal_TASKEXECUTIVE=Task executive
TypeContact_project_task_external_TASKEXECUTIVE=Task executive
SelectElement=Select element
AddElement=Link to element
# Documents models
DocumentModelBaleine=A complete project's report model (logo...)
PlannedWorkload = Planned workload
WorkloadOccupation= Workload affectation
ProjectReferers=Refering objects
SearchAProject=Search a project
ProjectMustBeValidatedFirst=Project must be validated first
ProjectDraft=Daft projets