@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ NEW: Add a tab "document" in donation card
NEW: Add cancel button on thirdparty create page
NEW: Add chart of product statistics
NEW: Add color on categories
NEW: Add css class and ids on column of detail lines to allow module to easily manipulate fields.
NEW: Add date value filter on account records list
NEW: Add __PROJECT_NAME__ tag for customer invoice emails
NEW: Add option PDF_ALLOW_HTML_FOR_FREE_TEXT to be able to enter pdf footer text with wysiwyg editor.
@@ -36,99 +35,88 @@ NEW: Add filter on status on shipments
NEW: Add gender property managed on user card FIX: Better error messages when uploading photo of user when permission to write are not granted
NEW: Add help tooltips on fields of dictionary edit pages.
NEW: Add hidden option MAIN_MAILFORM_DISABLE_ENTERKEY to disable the key enter into the form to send email.
NEW: Add hook in send mail
NEW: Add hooks on list of members to allow an external module to add more fields into list view.
NEW: Add hooks to allow an external module to complete list of events into calendar views.
NEW: Add $ID$ into extrafields management to allow use of current object id on filter for select list from table and checkbox list from table
NEW: Add info page on product card
NEW: Add into about page, a sample text to use to promote new version release (visible only if version is last stable)
NEW: Add none/all selection into list of files for FTP browser module
NEW: Add opportunity amount on project card.
NEW: Add parameter to add a link to use "date of invoice" in one click when fille a payment card.
NEW: Add link "date of invoice" to select date of invoice when creating a payment in one click.
NEW: Add planned workload and declared progress on project summary list on project home page (data aggregated from tasks of project)
NEW: Add "productpricecard" hook and uniformize code
NEW: Add ref and label of project into export
NEW: Add status into filters of graph
NEW: Add tab document on salaries payment
NEW: Add thumb of users into thumbs stats on home page
NEW: A link to the bugtracker can be enabled in the GUI
NEW: Add thumb of users into stats box on home page
NEW: A link to the bugtracker report tool can be enabled in the GUI
NEW: Better look for POS. More responsive design.
NEW: Can add project search on left menu search area
NEW: Can assign a task to yourself to have it appear on timesheet
NEW: Can choose fields to show on project list
NEW: Can assign a task to yourself to have it appear on timesheet.
NEW: Can close a project that has draft status with no need to switch it to validate status before.
NEW: Can edit Background color for Top menu and Background color for table title line.
NEW: Can edit email template using WYSIWYG editor
NEW: Can edit list of prospect status for customers/prospects. Add a new entry into dictionary table to manage list fo status. Removed deprecated files.
NEW: Can edit email templates using WYSIWYG editor.
NEW: Can edit list of prospect status for customers/prospects. Add a new entry into dictionary table to manage list fo status.
NEW: Can filter on contact status in prospect list. Removed deprecated menu entry.
NEW: Can filter proposal on a tag of a product Enhance also the prototype test_arrays to include select form before table.
NEW: Can filter proposal on a tag of a product.
NEW: Can filter proposal, orders or invoices with criteria "contain at least one product with following tag"
NEW: Can select fields to show in product list. Extrafields are also supported.
NEW: Can select fields to show into the contact list. Extrafields are also supported.
NEW: Can select which field to show into list of users. Extrafields are also supported.
NEW: Can set default value of event type when creating an event (if type of event option is used).
NEW: Can choose fields to show on project list.
NEW: Can choose fields to show in product list. Extrafields are also supported.
NEW: Can choose fields to show into the contact list. Extrafields are also supported.
NEW: Can choose fields to show into list of users. Extrafields are also supported.
NEW: Can set default value of event type when creating an event (if option "manage type of event" is used).
NEW: Can upload files on leave requests. Use more standard permissions.
NEW: Can use a "|" to make a OR search on several different criterias into text filters of tables.
NEW: Can use the * as a joker characters into search boxes of lists
NEW: Clean code into salary module, debug and add indexes NEW: Can filter on user list and salary payments on user with naural search.
NEW: clone action on agenda events
NEW: Can use a "|" to make a OR search on several different criterias into search text filters of tables.
NEW: Can use the * as a joker characters into search boxes of lists.
NEW: Clean code into salary module, debug and add indexes
NEW: Can filter on user list and salary payments on user with naural search.
NEW: Can clone agenda events.
NEW: Color category is visible onto the thumb of tags on thirdparty, or products cards.
NEW: conf to use next product/service ref when we clone a product/service
NEW: Conf to use next product/service ref when we clone a product/service
NEW: Contract module can be used to follow both sold and bought contracts/recurring subscriptions.
NEW: Enhance prototype, project list and proposal list with new hooks to have an external module able to add more fields.
NEW: Enhance style engine. Add option to set color of links.
NEW: Enter amount for withdraws requests
NEW: Can change amount when creating withdraws requests.
NEW: FEATURE PROPOSAL: on proposal, order or invoice creation from scratch, reload page after customer selection so its informations can be loaded
NEW: Filter "active" by default on user list. Fix label of permission of project module.
NEW: Forms are using the tab look, even in creation mode.
NEW: Forms are using the "tab look", even in creation mode.
NEW: Free text for cheque deposit receipt can be HTML content.
NEW: Hidden option THEME_ELDY_USE_HOVER is stable enough to become officialy visible into setup.
NEW: If module salaries is on, you can set a hourly value for time consumed by users. Each time a user enter its time consumed on a project, a calculation is done to provide the cost for human services. This value appears into the "Transversal view" of project.
NEW: Import Sales representatives of third parties
NEW: If module salaries is on, you can set a hourly value for time consumed by users. When a user enter its time consumed on a project, a calculation is done to provide the cost for human services. This value appears into the "Overview" of project.
NEW: Add import profile to import sales representatives of third parties.
NEW: Increase length of bank code to 128 char #3704
NEW: info function for product card
NEW: Into the overview of projects, the name of thirdparty appears into combo lists of elements to link to project.
NEW: Introduce a "code" into fiels to describe vat. This will allow to suggest different vat lines with same value with ability to differentiate them.
NEW: Introduce cost price on product.
NEW: Introduce a "code" into table of vats to describe VAT. This will allow to suggest different vat lines with same value with ability to differentiate them.
NEW: Introduce cost price on products.
NEW: Introduce hidden option MAIN_LANDING_PAGE to decide the home page visible just after login.
NEW: Introduce hidden option MAIN_REPLACE_TRANS_xx_XX to allow simple replacement of translated string on the fly.
NEW: Introduce hidden option MAIN_REPLACE_TRANS_xx_XX to allow simple replacement of translated string on the fly. Prefer to use next method.
NEW: Introduce table llx_overwrite_trans to be able to overwrite translations by simple database edition.
NEW: Introduce use of cache for thumbs images of users
NEW: Experimental level multiprice generator based on per cent variations over base price
NEW: List of projects of a thirdparty are visible on a project tab
NEW: Introduce use of cache for thumbs images of users to save bandwith.
NEW: Experimental level multiprice generator based on per cent variations over base price.
NEW: List of projects of a thirdparty are visible on a project tab for the thirdparty.
NEW: Merge all left menu search boxes into one.
NEW: Merge all search fields of an area page into one search box
NEW: next ref on clone doesn't need conf, it's used if mask exists
NEW: ODT generators can set meta properties of ODT file
NEW: On list of thirdparties, user can select fields to show. Make phpunit test working again localy. Add missing columns into llx_expedition.
NEW: Only arrow of current sorted field is visible into table views. This save a lot of spaces. You can click on the column title to sort. This make clickable area larger and click to sort is easier.
NEW: Merge all search fields of an area page into one search box.
NEW: Next ref on clone doesn't need conf, it's used if mask exists.
NEW: Only arrow of current sorted field is visible into table views. This save a lot of space. You can click on the column title to sort. This make clickable area larger and click to sort is easier.
NEW: On page to see/edit contact of an ojbect, the status of contact is visible (for both external and internal users).
NEW: Option encrypt password into databae is set to on by default on first install.
NEW: print event type on third party card tab agenda list (only if AGENDA_USE_EVENT_TYPE = 1)
NEW: Option "encrypt password" into database is set to on by default on first install.
NEW: Print event type on third party card tab agenda list (only if AGENDA_USE_EVENT_TYPE = 1)
NEW: Provide an easier way to understand if an order can be shipped.
NEW: Quick searh filter works on invoice, proposal, order, intervention, contract
NEW: Rename install "etape" into english "step"
NEW: Quick search filter works also on invoice, proposal, order, intervention, contract and expense reports.
NEW: Replace category edition page on members with new select2 component.
NEW: Show photo of logged user into login top right block. NEW: If no photo is available for user, we show a generic photo depending on gender
NEW: Show photo of user into user list. A new function getImageFileNameForSize was also introduced to choose image best size according to usage to save bandwith.
NEW: Show which fields are used for search when doing a generic search from the quick search form.
NEW: Show photo of logged user into login top right block.
NEW: If no photo is available for user, we show a generic photo depending on gender.
NEW: Show photo of user into user list.
NEW: Show which fields were used for search when doing a "generic search" from the "quick search" form on left menu.
NEW: Statistic graphs on products offer a filter on product type (product / service or both)
NEW: Support logging to a Sentry server
NEW: Syslog displays configuration errors
NEW: The clicktodial module is now able to provide link "tel:" on phone numbers. So it is also possible to use clicktodial with a client solution like the "xivo" local client.
NEW: The conditional IF into ODT templates works also on not defined var so we can show data only if defined. Close #3819
NEW: The free text in PDF footer can now be a HTML content. So the WYSIWYG editor is on by default to edit it into module setup.
NEW: The quick search box on left menu can also search into expense reports.
NEW: The search box and the bookmarks are now rendered by the menu manager.
NEW: The thirdparties tabs, the contacts tabs and the members tabs are now presented using a new top banner, saving space and using a same way to show address, status and navigation arrows.
NEW: The free text in PDF footers can now be a HTML content. So the WYSIWYG editor is on by default to edit it into module setup.
NEW: The thirdparties tabs, the contacts tabs and the members tabs are now presented using a new "top banner", saving space and using a same way to show address, status and navigation arrows.
NEW: Thumbs for statistics on main page are fully clicable (not only link inside the thumb)
NEW: Translate extrafield's labels
NEW: Uniformize way of working for search filters. One filter per object.
NEW: Used matching icons for Material Design theme
NEW: Translate extrafield's labels.
NEW: Use new select2 component for juridical status, country and state selection.
NEW: When creating order, proposal or invoice from thirdparty card, the project is asked during creation. A link to create project if it does not exists is also available. NEW: Uniformize form creation of proposal to add public and private notes during creation like done for order and invoice.
NEW: When creating order, proposal or invoice from thirdparty card, the project is asked during creation. A link to create project if it does not exists is also available.
NEW: Uniformize form creation of proposal to add public and private notes during creation like for order and invoice.
For developers:
NEW: The search box and the bookmarks are now rendered by the menu manager.
NEW: Add a new widget $form->selectArrayAjax() to use combo list with content coming from an Ajax URL.
NEW: Add doActions hook method call in contract card
NEW: Added doActions hooks to user cards
@@ -144,7 +132,18 @@ NEW: A module can add its entries into cron module.
NEW: Framework feature. To have a page being loaded at same scrollbar level after a click on a href link, just add the class "reposition" on this link.
NEW: Add exemple of setup for multitail to render dolibarr log files
NEW: Add restler framework. First step to build REST API into Dolibarr.
NEW: Add css class and ids on column of detail lines to allow module to easily manipulate fields.
NEW: Add hook in send mail
NEW: Add hooks on list of members to allow an external module to add more fields into list view.
NEW: Add hooks to allow an external module to complete list of events into calendar views.
NEW: Add "productpricecard" hook and uniformize code
NEW: Enhance also the prototype test_arrays to include select form before table.
NEW: Enhance prototype, project list and proposal list with new hooks to have an external module able to add more fields.
NEW: Enhance style engine. Add option to set color of links.
NEW: ODT generators can now also set meta properties of ODT file.
NEW: Add missing columns into llx_expedition to match other tables.
NEW: A new function getImageFileNameForSize was also introduced to choose image best size according to usage to save bandwith.