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Commit 1ba5afbc authored by Laurent Destailleur's avatar Laurent Destailleur
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Update doc. Prepare 3.8

parent fd3d43da
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......@@ -11,31 +11,197 @@ make a Dolibarr upgrade.
***** ChangeLog for 3.8 compared to 3.7.* *****
For users:
- New: Add Option to not change date on cloning project
- New: Add check list from table for extrafield type
- New: Use new combobox.
- New: Add hidden option MAXTABS_IN_CARD.
- New: A default label is suggested for stock correction and transfer instead of empty string.
- Fix / Improve : [ bug #1747 ] Remove creation of batch 'Undefined'
- Add Weighted average price as default price for buying price for margin calculation. Add option
MARGIN_PMP_AS_DEFAULT_BUY_PRICE to replace with first supplier price.
- Introduce option MAIN_HTML_TITLE to start to control format of html title content.
- Add extrafields on bank account cards.
- Added delay between mails in Newsletter module.
- [ task #1793 ] Create new permission to restrict commercial agent margin to logged user.
- Add experimental module ask supplier price to request supplier quotation.
- Add experimental module batch management.
- Fix: Corrected user timezone detection
FIX: #2519
FIX: #2758 Product::update sets product note to "null" when $prod->note is null
FIX: #2832: Fixed a problem with special characters in expense report PDF model
FIX: #2856 : Wrong table design
FIX: #2901
FIX: #2957 : missing $langs object for trigger
FIX: #2983 Load gravatar avatar images securely over HTTPS
FIX: #2987: removed dead function moneyMeter()
FIX: #3009: Better filtering to prevent SQL injection
FIX: #3091 TotalHT amount in supplier order is bold unlike the rest of Dolibarr
FIX: #3138 - Too much visible thing when access is denied on public pages
FIX: #3173 Overlapping of shipment ref
FIX: Adding 5 more choice link into survey module was not working with chrome
FIX: bad calculation for stock value
FIX: Bad link to login page into email for password renewal.
FIX: Bad logo for status "Do not contact" of thirdparty.
FIX: Bad variable usage
FIX: Better management error into the color conversion functions
FIX: [bug #1883] missing field in SQL installation
FIX: Bug on order and supplier invoice numeration mask when use supplier code
FIX: button create payment hide if tax amount is less than 1
FIX: can receive new batch product on supplier order
FIX: can show print page after product save
FIX: Close #2835 Customer prices of a product shows incorrect history order
FIX: Close #2837 Product list table column header does not match column body
FIX: Close bug #2855 Wrong translation key in localtax report page
FIX: Close bug #2861 Undefined variable $res when migrating from 3.6.2 to 3.7.0
FIX: Close bug #2891 Category hooks do not work
FIX: Close bug #2900 Courtesy title is not stored in create thirdparty form
FIX: Close bug #2976: "Report" tab is the current tab but it is not marked as selected by the UI
FIX: Correct migration script
FIX: create contact with extrafiel is null when it is require
FIX: Description of contract line was not visible.
FIX: Correct path of loan class
FIX: Correct problem field with note - Add note_private & use wysiwyg editor
FIX: Edit in place of "Outstanding Limit"
FIX: Module Expense Report - Correct init
FIX: Update licence to GPLv3
FIX: End log must use same level then start log.
FIX: event for restricted user was restricted if company null
FIX: event not linked to contact on creation
FIX: Export of tags for contact and member
FIX: extrafields required on thirdparty
FIX: Function expects an int, not a boolean
FIX: Function was expecting a boolean not a string
FIX: hide category if it's not enable
FIX: If supplier invoice block linked element is display after other block total HT amount is not reset to 0 and sum other block (like customer orders values)
FIX: jdate returning -62169955200 on x64 machine
FIX: Let ability to use IDPROF verifications even if new entry is "private"
FIX: migration error
FIX: moved built-in bug report system to GitHub Issues
FIX: Moved code to where the variable is defined
FIX: No check warehouse is provided if module stock is not enabled.
FIX: Payed invoices are showed as canceled FIX: Bad date filter on customer order
FIX: Ref/label of product on contract line was not visible, nor into page, nor into PDF.
FIX: Removed concatenation on undeclared variable
FIX: remove deprecated property 'libelle' on product object
FIX: Save of filters into export profiles failed.
FIX: "script" balise with wrong syntax
FIX: send mail, copy sendto don't read the list of contact
FIX: top links menu have target attribute with wrong value
FIX: total amount in tpl linked object are not reset
FIX; Unknown field 'sc.fk_soc' in field list
FIX: update usergroup name
FIX: We did a test on a permission to export contract when permission did not exists.
FIX: when mailing is deleted, the targets list was kept in database
FIX: when multicompany was enabled, this function didn't check just on the good entity (problem when both company use same mask)
FIX: When we automatically creta an order from a proposal with workflow module, if some extrafields of propal don't exist in order object, insertExtraFields() function tries to insert extrafields in unexistant column of commande_extrafields table.
FIX: When we clone a propal, if it has a project which is not assigned to a third, it was not on new propal because fk_project was always set to empty string if new propal is for another third.
FIX: when we create an agenda event with "Not applicable" status, it is automatically saved with "To do" status
FIX: width multiselect
FIX: Wrong type hinting
FIX: XSS security using the onerror and missing escapement on type of member page.
FIX: Missing visibility of static property
NEW: Add a button to purge criteria in user list
NEW: add all assigned users and all extrafields data in new event when we createFromClone
NEW: Add a new component to select categories/tags from the main edit page of product. The dedicated tab is also removed.
NEW: add an explorer for REST API consultation & documentation
NEW: Add a search field and report on hrm area
NEW: Add a tab document in donation card
NEW: Add bank account owner in invoice/proposal/orders footer
NEW: Add button to purge search criteria into list
NEW: Add close date and user for projects.
NEW: Add company information into category contact export
NEW: Add current salary on list of payment
NEW: add date value filter on account records list
NEW: Add exemple of setup for multitail to render dolibarr log files
NEW: Add filter on status on invoice list
NEW: Add filter on task ref and task label into list of tasks
NEW: Add filter on user contact or user task into task list
NEW: Add function dolCopyDir to copy directory with recursive content.
NEW: Add gender property managed on user card FIX: Better error messages when uploading photo of user when permission to write are not granted
NEW: Add help tooltips on fields of dictionary edit pages. Fix: visible list of tasks are for opened project only.
NEW: Add hidden option MAIN_MAILFORM_DISABLE_ENTERKEY to disable the key enter into the form to send email.
NEW: add hook in send mail
NEW: Add hooks on list of members to allow an external module to add more fields into list view.
NEW: Add hooks to allow an external module to complete list of events into calendar views.
NEW: Add opportunity amount on project card.
NEW: Add option THEME_ELDY_DISABLE_IMAGE to disable images into menu eldy.
NEW: add PDF icon on linked element into project
NEW: add "productpricecard" hook and uniformize code
NEW: Add ref and label of project into export
NEW: add restler framework First step to build REST API into Dolibarr
NEW: Add search box for supplier order search.
NEW: Add status into filters of graph
NEW: Add tab document on salaries payment
NEW: A link to the bugtracker can be enabled in the GUI
NEW: A module can add its entries into cron module.
NEW: autofocus on product selection dropdown list or search field
NEW: Backup and restore tool is easier to use
NEW: Can add all user of a project as user of a task, in one step.
NEW: Can add project search on left menu search area
NEW: Can assign a task to yourself to have it appear on timesheet
NEW: Can close a project that has draft status with no need to switch it to validate status before.
NEW: Can edit Background color for Top menu and Background color for table title line (works only with theme menu eldy).
NEW: Can edit email template using WYSIWYG editor
NEW: Can edit internal label of invoice even when closed (this is a private information)
NEW: Can edit list of prospect status for customers/prospects. Add a new entry into dictionary table to manage list fo status. Removed deprecated files.
NEW: Can filter on contact status in prospect list. Removed deprecated menu entry.
NEW: Can filter proposal on a tag of a product Enhance also the prototype test_arrays to include select form before table.
NEW: Can filter proposal, orders or invoices with criteria "contain at least one product with following tag"
NEW: Can install an external module from admin pages, if web server has permission for and if setup is ok for.
NEW: Can search on customer order amount into customer order list.
NEW: Can upload files on leave requests. Use more standard permissions.
NEW: Can use a "|" to make a OR search on several different criterias into text filters of tables.
NEW: Clean code into salary module, debug and add indexes NEW: Can filter on user list and salary payments on user with naural search.
NEW: clone action on agenda events
NEW: dev feature : replace conf filename with "conf" parameter on url by GET
NEW: display linked object in edit mode when we create an event from an order, propal...
NEW: Enhancement of module 'Notification by Email'. Show nb of notifications set. Can set several emails. Can set a threshold on amount for notifications. Add notification on supplier order validation.
NEW: Enhance prototype, project list and proposal list with new hook to have an external module able to add more fields.
NEW: Enhance the natural_search function so we can use it to search numeric fields with criteria with operator <>= inside (< 100, >= 1000)
NEW: Enter amount for withdraws requests
NEW: Feature request: A page to merge two thirdparties into one #2613
NEW: Feature to build a merged pdf with all unpaid invoice can work for paid invoices.
NEW: Filter "active" by default on user list. Fix label of permission of project module
NEW: For a contract line, price is no more mandatory.
NEW: Forms are using the tab look, even in creation mode.
NEW: Hidden option THEME_ELDY_USE_HOVER is stable enough to become officialy visible into setup.
NEW: If module salaries is on, you can set a hourly value for tome consumed by users. Each time a user enter its time consumed on a project, a calculation is done to provide the cost for human services. This value appears into the "Transversal view" of project.
NEW: Implement option SUPPLIER_ORDER_USE_DISPATCH_STATUS to add a status into each dispathing line of supplier order to "verify" a reception is ok. Status of order can be set to "total/done" only if line is verified.
NEW: Into the overview of projects, the name of thirdparty appears into combo lists of elements to link to project.
NEW: Introduce function dolGetFirstLineOfText
NEW: Introduce option SUPPLIER_ORDER_DOUBLE_APPROVAL to allow 2 approvals to make a supplier order approved. Activating this option introduce a new permission to the second level approval.
NEW: Introduce TCPDI as replacement of FPDI.
NEW: List of recent modified supplier product prices in Supplier card
NEW: Module notification should details of emails into confirm box, not only number.
NEW: On page to see/edit contact of an ojbect, the status of contact is visible (for both external and internal users).
NEW: Product stock and subproduct stock are independant
NEW: Propal merge product card PDF into azur
NEW: Rename install etape to step
NEW: Replace category edition page on members with new select2 component.
NEW: script to build API class from existing class
NEW: Show difference between timespent by everybody and time spent by user making timesheet into timesheet pages. NEW: Can enter start hours of task when creating timesheet
NEW: Show last official stable version into system - update page.
NEW: Show photo of logged user into login top right block. NEW: If no photo is available for user, we show a generic photo depending on gender
NEW: [T1758] Merge bank card & account card
NEW: [ task 1191 ] AJAX selector for projects
NEW: [ task #851 ] Add a new field: Commercial name
NEW: [ task #977 ] New option to manage product unit Migrated code from GPCSolutions/dolibarr:3.2-units branch and adapted for 3.8 with some improvements
NEW: The line where mouse is over can be highlight with option THEME_ELDY_USE_HOVER (on by default)
NEW: The notification module accept keyword __SUPERVISOR__ to send notification to supervisor of user.
NEW: Thumbs for statistics on main page are fully clicable (not only link inside the thumb)
NEW: Title of page project contains project ref and label
NEW: update skeleton and class builder
NEW: Use new select2 component for juridical status, country and state selection.
NEW: Web service to create or update product can correct stock during creation/update.
NEW: When creating order, proposal or invoice from thirdparty card, the project is asked during creation. A link to create project if it does not exists is also available. NEW: Uniformize form creation of proposal to add public and private notes during creation like done for order and invoice.
NEW: When using transfer or correct stock from warehouse, after recording we go back to the warehouse page.
NEW: Add Option to not change date on cloning project
NEW: Add check list from table for extrafield type
NEW: Use new combobox.
NEW: Add hidden option MAXTABS_IN_CARD.
NEW: A default label is suggested for stock correction and transfer instead of empty string.
NEW: Add Weighted average price as default price for buying price for margin calculation. Add option MARGIN_PMP_AS_DEFAULT_BUY_PRICE to replace with first supplier price.
NEW: Introduce option MAIN_HTML_TITLE to start to control format of html title content.
NEW: Add extrafields on bank account cards.
NEW: Added delay between mails in Newsletter module.
NEW: [ task #1793 ] Create new permission to restrict commercial agent margin to logged user.
NEW: Add experimental module ask supplier price to request supplier quotation.
NEW: Add module batch management.
For translators:
- Update language files.
- New: When a translation is not available we always jump to en_US and only en_US.
NEW: Update language files.
NEW: When a translation is not available we always jump to en_US and only en_US.
For developers:
- New: Function yn can show a visual checkbox.
- New: Introduced select2 jquery plugin.
- New: Possibility to add javascript in main login page with "getLoginPageOptions" hook
- New: possibility to defined a tab for all entities in module descriptor
NEW: Function yn can show a visual checkbox.
NEW: Introduced select2 jquery plugin.
NEW: Possibility to add javascript in main login page with "getLoginPageOptions" hook
NEW: possibility to defined a tab for all entities in module descriptor
WARNING: Following changes may create regression for some external modules, but was necessary to make
Dolibarr better:
......@@ -48,6 +214,8 @@ Dolibarr better:
- The trigger USER_LOGIN* are deprecated. They are still working but you should prefer use the
hook afterLogin or afterLoginFailed instead.
***** ChangeLog for 3.7.2 compared to 3.7.1 *****
FIX [ bug #2855 ] Wrong translation key in localtax report page
FIX [ bug #1852 ] JS error when editing a customer order line
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ This files describe steps made by Dolibarr packaging team to make a
beta version of Dolibarr, step by step.
- Check all files are commited.
- Update version/info in ChangeLog. To generate a changelog, you can do "git log `git merge-base (x.y)-1 origin/develop`..x.y(.z) --no-merges --pretty=short --oneline | sed -e "s/^[0-9a-z]* //" | grep -i -e '^FIX\|NEW'"
- Update version/info in ChangeLog. To generate a changelog, you can do "git log `git merge-base 3.7.0 origin/develop`.. --no-merges --pretty=short --oneline | sed -e "s/^[0-9a-z]* //" | grep -e '^FIX\|NEW' | sort -u | sed 's/FIXED:/FIX:/g' | sed 's/FIXED :/FIX:/g' | sed 's/FIX :/FIX:/g' | sed 's/FIX /FIX: /g' | sed 's/NEW :/NEW:/g' | sed 's/NEW /NEW: /g' > /tmp/aaa"
- Update version number with x.y.z-w in htdocs/
- Update version number with x.y.z-w in build/debian/changelog
- Commit all changes.
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ This files describe steps made by Dolibarr packaging team to make a
complete release of Dolibarr, step by step.
- Check all files are commited.
- Update version/info in ChangeLog. To generate a changelog, you can do "git log `git merge-base (x.y)-1 origin/develop`..x.y(.z) --no-merges --pretty=short --oneline | sed -e "s/^[0-9a-z]* //" | grep -i -e '^FIX\|NEW'"
- Update version/info in ChangeLog. To generate a changelog, you can do "git log `git merge-base 3.7.0 origin/develop`.. --no-merges --pretty=short --oneline | sed -e "s/^[0-9a-z]* //" | grep -e '^FIX\|NEW' | sort -u | sed 's/FIXED:/FIX:/g' | sed 's/FIXED :/FIX:/g' | sed 's/FIX :/FIX:/g' | sed 's/FIX /FIX: /g' | sed 's/NEW :/NEW:/g' | sed 's/NEW /NEW: /g' > /tmp/aaa"
- Update version number with x.y.z in htdocs/
- Update version number with x.y.z in build/debian/changelog
- Commit all changes.
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