@@ -49,9 +49,11 @@ ErrorReservedTypeSystemSystemAuto=Value 'system' and 'systemauto' for type is re
ErrorCodeCantContainZero=Code can't contain value 0
DisableJavascript=Disable JavaScript and Ajax functions
ConfirmAjax=Use Ajax confirmation popups
UseSearchToSelectCompany=Use autocompletion fields to choose third parties (instead of using a list box).<br><br>Also if you have a large number of third parties (> 100 000), you can increase speed by setting constant COMPANY_DONOTSEARCH_ANYWHERE to 1 in Setup->Other. Search will then be limited to start of string.
UseSearchToSelectCompanyTooltip=Also if you have a large number of third parties (> 100 000), you can increase speed by setting constant COMPANY_DONOTSEARCH_ANYWHERE to 1 in Setup->Other. Search will then be limited to start of string.
UseSearchToSelectCompany=Use autocompletion fields to choose third parties instead of using a list box.
ActivityStateToSelectCompany= Add a filter option to show/hide thirdparties which are currently in activity or has ceased it
UseSearchToSelectContact=Use autocompletion fields to choose contact (instead of using a list box).<br><br>Also if you have a large number of third parties (> 100 000), you can increase speed by setting constant CONTACT_DONOTSEARCH_ANYWHERE to 1 in Setup->Other. Search will then be limited to start of string.
UseSearchToSelectContactTooltip=Also if you have a large number of third parties (> 100 000), you can increase speed by setting constant CONTACT_DONOTSEARCH_ANYWHERE to 1 in Setup->Other. Search will then be limited to start of string.
UseSearchToSelectContact=Use autocompletion fields to choose contact (instead of using a list box).
SearchFilter=Search filters options
NumberOfKeyToSearch=Nbr of characters to trigger search: %s
ViewFullDateActions=Show full dates events in the third sheet
@@ -1307,7 +1309,8 @@ ConfirmDeleteProductLineAbility=Confirmation when removing product lines in form
ModifyProductDescAbility=Personalization of product descriptions in forms
ViewProductDescInFormAbility=Visualization of product descriptions in the forms (otherwise as popup tooltip)
ViewProductDescInThirdpartyLanguageAbility=Visualization of products descriptions in the thirdparty language
UseSearchToSelectProduct=Use a search form to choose a product (rather than a drop-down list).<br>Also if you have a large number of product (> 100 000), you can increase speed by setting constant PRODUCT_DONOTSEARCH_ANYWHERE to 1 in Setup->Other. Search will then be limited to start of string.
UseSearchToSelectProductTooltip=Also if you have a large number of product (> 100 000), you can increase speed by setting constant PRODUCT_DONOTSEARCH_ANYWHERE to 1 in Setup->Other. Search will then be limited to start of string.
UseSearchToSelectProduct=Use a search form to choose a product (rather than a drop-down list).
UseEcoTaxeAbility=Support Eco-Taxe (WEEE)
SetDefaultBarcodeTypeProducts=Default barcode type to use for products
SetDefaultBarcodeTypeThirdParties=Default barcode type to use for third parties