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Commit 3717a016 authored by Laurent Destailleur's avatar Laurent Destailleur
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parent 8dffc38c
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......@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ SeparatorDecimal=,
# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - loan
ModuleBuilderDesc=This tools give you utilites to build or edit your own module.
EnterNameOfModuleDesc=Enter name of the module to create with no spaces. Use uppercase to separate words (For example: MyModule, EcommerceForShop, SyncWithMySystem...)
ModuleBuilderDesc2=Path were modules are generated/edited (first alternative directory defined into %s): <strong>%s</strong>
ModuleBuilderDesc3=Generated/editable modules found: <strong>%s</strong> (they are detected as editable when the file <strong>%s</strong> exists in root of module directory).
NewModule=New module
ModuleKey=Key for new module
ModuleInitialized=Module initialized
ModuleBuilderDescdescription=Enter here all general information that describe your module
ModuleBuilderDescobjects=Define here the new objects you want to manage with your module. A page to list them and a page to create/edit/view a card will be generated.
ModuleBuilderDescmenus=This tab is dedicated to define menu entries provided by your module.
ModuleBuilderDescpermissions=This tab is dedicated to define the new permissions you want to provide with your module.
ModuleBuilderDesctriggers=This is the view of triggers provided by your module. To include code executed when a triggered business event is launched, just edit this file with your IDE.
ModuleBuilderDeschooks=This tab is dedicated to hooks.
ModuleBuilderDescwidgets=This tab is dedicated to manage/build widgets.
ModuleBuilderDescbuildpackage=You can generate here a "ready to distribute" package file (a normalized .zip file) of your module. Just click on button to get your module package file.
ModuleBuilderDescdangerzone=You can delete your module. WARNING: All files of module will be definetly lost !
DangerZone=Danger zone
BuildPackage=Build package
ModuleIsNotActive=This module was not activated yet (go into Home-Setup-Module to make it live)
ModuleIsLive=This module has been activated. Any change on it may break a current active feature.
DescriptionLong=Long description
EditorName=Name of editor
EditorUrl=URL of editor
# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - multicurrency
MultiCurrency=Multi currency
ErrorAddRateFail=Error in added rate
ErrorAddCurrencyFail=Error in added currency
ErrorDeleteCurrencyFail=Error delete fail
multicurrency_syncronize_error=Synchronisation error: %s
multicurrency_useOriginTx=When an object is created from another, keep the original rate of source object (otherwise use the new known rate)
CurrencyLayerAccount=CurrencyLayer API
CurrencyLayerAccount_help_to_synchronize=You sould create an account on their website to use this functionnality<br />Get your <b>API key</b><br />If you use a free account you can't change the <b>currency source</b> (USD by default)<br />But if your main currency isn't USD you can use the <b>alternate currency source</b> to force you main currency<br /><br />You are limited at 1000 synchronizations per month
multicurrency_appId=API key
multicurrency_appCurrencySource=Currency source
multicurrency_alternateCurrencySource= Alternate currency souce
CurrenciesUsed=Currencies used
CurrenciesUsed_help_to_add=Add the differents currencies and rates you need to use on you <b>proposals</b>, <b>orders</b>, etc.
MulticurrencyReceived=Received, original currency
MulticurrencyRemainderToTake=Remaining amout, original currency
MulticurrencyPaymentAmount=Сумма платежа, в оригинальной валюте
# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - stripe
StripeSetup=Stripe module setup
StripeDesc=This module offer pages to allow payment on <a href="" target="_blank">Stripe</a> by customers. This can be used for a free payment or for a payment on a particular Dolibarr object (invoice, order, ...)
StripeOrCBDoPayment=Pay with credit card or Stripe
FollowingUrlAreAvailableToMakePayments=После URL, можно предложить страницу к клиенту сделать платеж по Dolibarr объектов
PaymentForm=Форма оплаты
WelcomeOnPaymentPage=Добро пожаловать на наш интернет-платежей службы
ThisScreenAllowsYouToPay=На этом экране можно сделать онлайн-платежей для %s.
ThisIsInformationOnPayment=Это данные по оплате делать
ToComplete=Для завершения
YourEMail=Электронная почта для подтверждения оплаты
STRIPE_PAYONLINE_SENDEMAIL=Адрес электронной почты, куда будут высылаться уведомления о платежах (успешных или нет)
PaymentCode=Код платежа
StripeDoPayment=Перейти к оплате
YouWillBeRedirectedOnStripe=You will be redirected on secured Stripe page to input you credit card information
ToOfferALinkForOnlinePayment=URL-адрес для оплаты %s
ToOfferALinkForOnlinePaymentOnOrder=URL предложить %s онлайн платежей пользовательский интерфейс для заказа
ToOfferALinkForOnlinePaymentOnInvoice=URL предложить %s онлайн платежей пользовательский интерфейс для счета
ToOfferALinkForOnlinePaymentOnContractLine=URL предложить% интернет-платежей с интерфейсом пользователя на контракт линия
ToOfferALinkForOnlinePaymentOnFreeAmount=URL предложить% интернет-платежей с пользовательским интерфейсом для свободного сумму
ToOfferALinkForOnlinePaymentOnMemberSubscription=URL предложить оплаты %s онлайн пользовательский интерфейс для членов подписки
YouCanAddTagOnUrl=Вы также можете добавить URL параметр И <b>тег= <i>значение</i></b> для любой из этих URL (требуется только для свободного платежа), чтобы добавить свой комментарий оплаты метки.
SetupStripeToHavePaymentCreatedAutomatically=Setup your Stripe with url <b>%s</b> to have payment created automatically when validated by Stripe.
YourPaymentHasBeenRecorded=Эта страница подтверждает, что ваш платеж был записан. Спасибо.
YourPaymentHasNotBeenRecorded=Вы платеж не был записан и сделка была отменена. Спасибо.
AccountParameter=Счет параметры
UsageParameter=Использование параметров
InformationToFindParameters=Помогите найти %s информацию об учетной записи
STRIPE_CGI_URL_V2=Url of Stripe CGI module for payment
VendorName=Имя поставщика
CSSUrlForPaymentForm=CSS-стилей URL для оплаты форме
MessageOK=Сообщение на странице проверки возвращение оплаты
MessageKO=Сообщение на странице отменен возврат оплаты
NewStripePaymentReceived=New Stripe payment received
NewStripePaymentFailed=New Stripe payment tried but failed
StripeLiveEnabled=Stripe live enabled (otherwise test/sandbox mode)
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