if(!empty($createbills_onebythird)&&!empty($TFactThird[$cmd->socid]))$object=$TFactThird[$cmd->socid];// To use only one bill for a third
if(!empty($createbills_onebythird)&&!empty($TFactThird[$cmd->socid]))$object=$TFactThird[$cmd->socid];// If option "one bill per third" is set, we use already created order.
ToCreateARecurringInvoiceGeneAuto=If you need to have such invoices generated automatically, ask you administrator to enable and setup module <strong>%s</strong>. Note that both method (manual and automatic) can be used together with no risk of duplication.
DeleteRepeatableInvoice=Delete template invoice
ConfirmDeleteRepeatableInvoice=Are your sure you want to delete the template invoice?
CreateOneBillByThird=Create one bill by third
CreateOneBillByThird=Create one invoice per third (otherwise, one invoice per order)