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Commit 658f90c7 authored by Rodolphe Quiedeville's avatar Rodolphe Quiedeville
Browse files

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parent e534efd3
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......@@ -21,33 +21,16 @@
* $Id$
* $Source$
* Lots of code inspired from Dan Potter's CMailFile class
/* notes from Dan Potter:
Sure. I changed a few other things in here too though. One is that I let
you specify what the destination filename is (i.e., what is shows up as in
the attachment). This is useful since in a web submission you often can't
tell what the filename was supposed to be from the submission itself. I
also added my own version of chunk_split because our production version of
PHP doesn't have it. You can change that back or whatever though =).
Finally, I added an extra "\n" before the message text gets added into the
MIME output because otherwise the message text wasn't showing up.
note: someone mentioned a command-line utility called 'mutt' that
can mail attachments.
If chunk_split works on your system, change the call to my_chunk_split
to chunk_split
/* Note: if you don't have base64_encode on your sytem it will not work */
/*! \file htdocs/lib/CMailFile.class.php
\brief Classe permettant d'envoyer des mail avec attachements, recriture de CMailFile
\author Dan Potter.
\author Eric Seigne
\author Rodolphe Quiedeville
\author Laurent Destailleur.
\author Eric Seigne
\author Rodolphe Quiedeville
\author Laurent Destailleur.
\version $Revision$
......@@ -71,7 +54,7 @@ class DolibarrMail
var $text_body;
var $text_encoded;
var $mime_headers;
var $mime_boundary = "--==================_846811060==_";
var $boundary;
var $smtp_headers;
......@@ -87,19 +70,26 @@ class DolibarrMail
\param addr_bcc
// CMail("sujet","email_to","email_from","email_msg",tableau du path de fichiers,tableau de type mime,tableau de noms fichiers,"chaine cc")
function DolibarrMail($subject, $to, $from, $msg)
$this->from = $from;
$this->message = wordwrap($msg, 78);
$this->boundary= md5( uniqid("dolibarr") );
$this->subject = $subject;
$this->addr_to = $to;
$this->errors_to = $from;
$this->addr_bcc = "";
$this->addr_cc = "";
$this->reply_to = "";
$this->filename_list = array();
dolibarr_syslog("DolibarrMail::DolibarrMail to : ".$this->addr_to);
dolibarr_syslog("DolibarrMail::DolibarrMail from : ".$this->from);
......@@ -114,12 +104,12 @@ class DolibarrMail
function PrepareFile($filename_list, $mimetype_list, $mimefilename_list)
$this->filename_list = $filename_list;
$this->smtp_headers = $this->write_smtpheaders();
if (count($filename_list))
$this->mime_headers = $this->write_mimeheaders($filename_list, $mimefilename_list);
......@@ -128,7 +118,6 @@ class DolibarrMail
$this->text_body = $this->write_body($this->message, $filename_list);
......@@ -149,19 +138,20 @@ class DolibarrMail
$filename_list[$i] = $mimefilename_list[$i];
$out = $out . "--" . $this->mime_boundary . "\n";
$out = $out . "--".$this->boundary . "\n";
if (! $mimetype_list[$i])
$mimetype_list[$i] = "application/octet-stream";
$out = $out . "Content-type: " . $mimetype_list[$i] . "; name=\"".$filename_list[$i]."\";\n";
//$out = $out . "Content-type: " . $mimetype_list[$i] . "; name=\"".$filename_list[$i]."\";\n";
$out = $out . "Content-type: " . $mimetype_list[$i]."\n";// . "; name=\"".$filename_list[$i]."\";\n";
$out = $out . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n";
$out = $out . "Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"".$filename_list[$i]."\"\n\n";
$out = $out . "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"".$filename_list[$i]."\"\n\n";
$out = $out . $encoded . "\n";
$out = $out . "--" . $this->mime_boundary . "--" . "\n";
$out = $out . "--".$this->boundary . "\n";
return $out;
// added -- to notify email client attachment is done
......@@ -174,12 +164,11 @@ class DolibarrMail
function encode_file($sourcefile)
// print "<pre>on encode $sourcefile </pre>\n";
if (is_readable($sourcefile))
$fd = fopen($sourcefile, "r");
$contents = fread($fd, filesize($sourcefile));
$encoded = $this->my_chunk_split(base64_encode($contents));
$encoded = chunk_split(base64_encode($contents));
......@@ -197,30 +186,62 @@ class DolibarrMail
$headers .= $this->smtp_headers . $this->mime_headers;
$message = $this->text_body . $this->text_encoded;
$this->smtp_headers = $this->write_smtpheaders();
$this->text_body = $this->write_body();
return mail($this->addr_to,$this->subject,stripslashes($message),$headers);
print nl2br($this->smtp_headers);
print nl2br($this->mime_headers);
print nl2br($this->text_body);
$headers = $this->smtp_headers . $this->mime_headers;
$message_comp = $this->text_body . $this->text_encoded;
$res = mail($this->addr_to,$this->subject,stripslashes($message_comp),$headers);
return $res;
function write_to_file()
$this->smtp_headers = $this->write_smtpheaders();
$this->text_body = $this->write_body();
$headers = $this->smtp_headers . $this->mime_headers;
$message_comp = $this->text_body . $this->text_encoded;
$fp = fopen("/tmp/mail","w");
fputs($fp, $headers);
fputs($fp, $message_comp);
\brief permet d'ecrire le body d'un message
\brief permet d'ecrire le corps du message
\param msgtext
\param filename_list
function write_body($msgtext, $filename_list)
function write_body()
if (count($filename_list))
$out = "\n";
if (count($this->filename_list))
$out = "--" . $this->mime_boundary . "\n";
$out = $out . "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"iso-8859-15\"\n\n";
$out = $out . "--".$this->boundary . "\n";
$out = $out . "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"iso-8859-15\"\n";
$out = $out . "Content-Disposition: inline\n\n";
$out = $out . $this->message . "\n";
$out = $out . $this->message . "\n\n";
return $out;
......@@ -232,10 +253,9 @@ class DolibarrMail
function write_mimeheaders($filename_list, $mimefilename_list)
$out = "MIME-version: 1.0\n";
$out = $out . "Content-type: multipart/mixed; ";
$out = $out . "boundary=\"$this->mime_boundary\"\n";
$out = $out . "Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT\n";
$out = "Mime-version: 1.0\n";
$out = $out . "Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"$this->boundary\"\n";
$out = $out . "Content-transfer-encoding: 8BIT\n";
for($i = 0; $i < count($filename_list); $i++)
......@@ -244,7 +264,7 @@ class DolibarrMail
$filename_list[$i] = $mimefilename_list[$i];
$out = $out . "X-attachments: $filename_list[$i];\n\n";
//$out = $out . "X-attachments: $filename_list[$i];\n\n";
return $out;
......@@ -269,49 +289,16 @@ class DolibarrMail
if($this->reply_to != "")
$out = $out . "Reply-To: ".$this->reply_to."\n";
if($this->errors_to != "")
$out = $out . "Errors-to: ".$this->errors_to."\n";
$out = $out . "X-Mailer: Dolibarr version " . DOL_VERSION ."\n";
$out = $out . "X-Sender: $this->from\n";
$out = $out . "Errors-to: $this->from\n";
return $out;
\brief permet de diviser une chaine (RFC2045)
\param str
\remarks function chunk_split qui remplace celle de php si ncssaire
\remarks 76 caractres par ligne, termin par "\r\n"
// usage - mimetype example "image/gif"
// $mailfile = new CMailFile($subject,$sendto,$replyto,$message,$filename,$mimetype);
// $mailfile->sendfile();
// Splits a string by RFC2045 semantics (76 chars per line, end with \r\n).
// This is not in all PHP versions so I define one here manuall.
function my_chunk_split($str)
$stmp = $str;
$len = strlen($stmp);
$out = "";
while ($len > 0)
if ($len >= 76)
$out = $out . substr($stmp, 0, 76) . "\r\n";
$stmp = substr($stmp, 76);
$len = $len - 76;
$out = $out . $stmp . "\r\n";
$stmp = ""; $len = 0;
return $out;
// end script
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