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Commit 6ab9ba32 authored by Laurent Destailleur's avatar Laurent Destailleur
Browse files

Fix management of alternative language for Greek (el_CY)

parent 31480a90
No related branches found
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No related merge requests found
with 12 additions and 763 deletions
......@@ -42,11 +42,15 @@ then
if [ $aaupper = "EL" ]
bblower=`echo $dirshort | nawk -F"_" '{ print tolower($2) }'`
if [ "$aa" != "$bblower" -a "$dirshort" != "en_US" ]
if [ -d $reflang ]
if [ -d $reflang -a $aa"_"$bb != $aa"_"$aaupper ]
echo "***** Process language "$aa"_"$bb" - Search original into "$reflang
echo $dirshort is an alternative language of $reflang
......@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ class Translate
// Redefine alt
if ($alt < 1 && isset($langarray[1]) && strtolower($langarray[0]) == strtolower($langarray[1])) $alt=1;
if ($alt < 1 && isset($langarray[1]) && (strtolower($langarray[0]) == strtolower($langarray[1]) || in_array(strtolower($langofdir), array('el_gr')))) $alt=1;
if ($alt < 2 && strtolower($langofdir) == 'en_us') $alt=2;
if (empty($langofdir)) // This may occurs when load is called without setting the language and without providing a value for forcelangdir
......@@ -307,31 +307,31 @@ class Translate
// Now we complete with next file
// Now we complete with next file (fr_CA->fr_FR, es_MX->ex_ES, ...)
if ($alt == 0)
// This function MUST NOT contains call to syslog
//dol_syslog("Translate::Load loading alternate translation file (to complete ".$this->defaultlang."/".$newdomain.".lang file)", LOG_DEBUG);
if ($langofdir == 'el_EL') $langofdir = 'el_GR'; // main parent for el_CY is not el_EL but el_GR
// Now we complete with reference en_US/fr_FR/es_ES file
// Now we complete with reference file (en_US)
if ($alt == 1)
// This function MUST NOT contains call to syslog
//dol_syslog("Translate::Load loading alternate translation file (to complete ".$this->defaultlang."/".$newdomain.".lang file)", LOG_DEBUG);
//if (preg_match('/^fr/i',$langarray[0])) $langofdir='fr_FR';
//if (preg_match('/^es/i',$langarray[0])) $langofdir='es_ES';
// We already are the reference file. No more files to scan to complete.
if ($alt == 2)
if ($fileread) $this->_tab_loaded[$newdomain]=1; // Set domain file as loaded
if (empty($this->_tab_loaded[$newdomain])) $this->_tab_loaded[$newdomain]=2; // Marque ce fichier comme non trouve
if (empty($this->_tab_loaded[$newdomain])) $this->_tab_loaded[$newdomain]=2; // Set this file as found
// This part is deprecated and replaced with table llx_overwrite_trans
# Dolibarr language file - en_US - Accounting Expert
ACCOUNTING_EXPORT_SEPARATORCSV=Column separator for export file
ACCOUNTING_EXPORT_DATE=Date format for export file
ACCOUNTING_EXPORT_PIECE=Export the number of piece
Selectformat=Select the format for the file
ACCOUNTING_EXPORT_PREFIX_SPEC=Specify the prefix for the file name
ThisService=This service
ThisProduct=This product
DefaultForService=Default for service
DefaultForProduct=Default for product
CantSuggest=Can't suggest
AccountancySetupDoneFromAccountancyMenu=Most setup of the accountancy is done from the menu %s
ConfigAccountingExpert=Configuration of the module accounting expert
JournalFinancial=Financial journals
BackToChartofaccounts=Return chart of accounts
Chartofaccounts=Chart of accounts
CurrentDedicatedAccountingAccount=Current dedicated account
AssignDedicatedAccountingAccount=New account to assign
InvoiceLabel=Invoice label
OverviewOfAmountOfLinesNotBound=Overview of amount of lines not bound to accounting account
OverviewOfAmountOfLinesBound=Overview of amount of lines already bound to accounting account
OtherInfo=Other information
AccountancyArea=Accountancy area
AccountancyAreaDescIntro=Usage of the accountancy module is done in several step:
AccountancyAreaDescActionOnce=The following actions are usually executed one time only, or once per year...
AccountancyAreaDescActionOnceBis=Next steps should be done to save you time in future by suggesting you the correct default accounting account when making thee journalization (writing record in Journals and General ledger)
AccountancyAreaDescActionFreq=The following actions are usually executed every month, week or day for very large companies...
AccountancyAreaDescChartModel=STEP %s: Create a model of chart of account from menu %s
AccountancyAreaDescChart=STEP %s: Create or check content of your chart of account from menu %s
AccountancyAreaDescBank=STEP %s: Check the binding between bank accounts and accounting account is done. Complete missing bindings. For this, go on the card of each financial account. You can start from page %s.
AccountancyAreaDescVat=STEP %s: Check the binding between vat rates and accounting account is done. Complete missing bindings. You can set accounting accounts to use for each VAT from page %s.
AccountancyAreaDescExpenseReport=STEP %s: Check the binding between type of expense report and accounting account is done. Complete missing bindings. You can set accounting accounts to use for each VAT from page %s.
AccountancyAreaDescSal=STEP %s: Check the binding between salaries payment and accounting account is done. Complete missing bindings. For this you can use the menu entry %s.
AccountancyAreaDescContrib=STEP %s: Check the binding between special expences (miscellaneous taxes) and accounting account is done. Complete missing bindings. For this you can use the menu entry %s.
AccountancyAreaDescDonation=STEP %s: Check the binding between donation and accounting account is done. Complete missing bindings. You can set the account dedicated for that from the menu entry %s.
AccountancyAreaDescMisc=STEP %s: Check the default binding between miscellaneous transaction lines and accounting account is done. Complete missing bindings. For this you can use the menu entry %s.
AccountancyAreaDescProd=STEP %s: Check the binding between products/services and accounting account is done. Complete missing bindings. For this you can use the menu entry %s.
AccountancyAreaDescLoan=STEP %s: Check the binding between loans payment and accounting account is done. Complete missing bindings. For this you can use the menu entry %s.
AccountancyAreaDescCustomer=STEP %s: Check the binding between existing customer invoice lines and accounting account is done, so application will be able to journalize transactions in General Ledger in one click. Complete missing bindings. For this you can use the menu entry %s.
AccountancyAreaDescSupplier=STEP %s: Check the binding between existing supplier invoice lines and accounting account is done, so application will be able to journalize transactions in General Ledger in one click. Complete missing bindings. For this you can use the menu entry %s.
AccountancyAreaDescWriteRecords=STEP %s: Write transactions into the General Ledger. For this, go into each Journal, and click into button "Journalize transactions in General Ledger".
AccountancyAreaDescAnalyze=STEP %s: Add or edit existing transactions and generate reports and exports.
AccountancyAreaDescClosePeriod=STEP %s: Close period so we can't make modification in a future.
Selectchartofaccounts=Select active chart of accounts
ChangeAndLoad=Change and load
Addanaccount=Add an accounting account
AccountAccounting=Accounting account
AccountAccountingSuggest=Accounting account suggested
MenuDefaultAccounts=Default accounts
MenuVatAccounts=Vat accounts
MenuTaxAccounts=Tax accounts
MenuExpenseReportAccounts=Expense report accounts
MenuLoanAccounts=Loan accounts
MenuProductsAccounts=Product accounts
ProductsBinding=Products accounts
Ventilation=Binding to accounts
CustomersVentilation=Customer invoice binding
SuppliersVentilation=Supplier invoice binding
ExpenseReportsVentilation=Expense report binding
CreateMvts=Create new transaction
UpdateMvts=Modification of a transaction
WriteBookKeeping=Journalize transactions in General Ledger
Bookkeeping=General ledger
AccountBalance=Account balance
CAHTF=Total purchase supplier before tax
TotalExpenseReport=Total expense report
InvoiceLines=Lines of invoices to bind
InvoiceLinesDone=Bound lines of invoices
ExpenseReportLines=Lines of expense reports to bind
ExpenseReportLinesDone=Bound lines of expense reports
IntoAccount=Bind line with the accounting account
LineId=Id line
EndProcessing=Process terminated.
SelectedLines=Selected lines
Lineofinvoice=Line of invoice
LineOfExpenseReport=Line of expense report
NoAccountSelected=No accounting account selected
VentilatedinAccount=Binded successfully to the accounting account
NotVentilatedinAccount=Not bound to the accounting account
XLineSuccessfullyBinded=%s products/services successfuly bound to an accounting account
XLineFailedToBeBinded=%s products/services were not bound to any accounting account
ACCOUNTING_LIMIT_LIST_VENTILATION=Number of elements to bind shown by page (maximum recommended : 50)
ACCOUNTING_LIST_SORT_VENTILATION_TODO=Begin the sorting of the page "Binding to do" by the most recent elements
ACCOUNTING_LIST_SORT_VENTILATION_DONE=Begin the sorting of the page "Binding done" by the most recent elements
ACCOUNTING_LENGTH_DESCRIPTION=Truncate product & services description in listings after x chars (Best = 50)
ACCOUNTING_LENGTH_DESCRIPTION_ACCOUNT=Truncate product & services account description form in listings after x chars (Best = 50)
ACCOUNTING_LENGTH_GACCOUNT=Length of the general accounting accounts
ACCOUNTING_LENGTH_AACCOUNT=Length of the third party accounting accounts
ACCOUNTING_MANAGE_ZERO=Manage the zero at the end of an accounting account. Needed by some countries. Disabled by default. If set to on, you must also set the 2 following parameters (or it is ignored)
BANK_DISABLE_DIRECT_INPUT=Disable direct recording of transaction in bank account
ACCOUNTING_ACCOUNT_TRANSFER_CASH=Accounting account of transfer
ACCOUNTING_ACCOUNT_SUSPENSE=Accounting account of wait
DONATION_ACCOUNTINGACCOUNT=Accounting account to register donations
ACCOUNTING_PRODUCT_BUY_ACCOUNT=Accounting account by default for bought products (used if not defined in the product sheet)
ACCOUNTING_PRODUCT_SOLD_ACCOUNT=Accounting account by default for the sold products (used if not defined in the product sheet)
ACCOUNTING_SERVICE_BUY_ACCOUNT=Accounting account by default for the bought services (used if not defined in the service sheet)
ACCOUNTING_SERVICE_SOLD_ACCOUNT=Accounting account by default for the sold services (used if not defined in the service sheet)
Doctype=Type of document
Labelcompte=Label account
NumPiece=Piece number
TransactionNumShort=Num. transaction
AccountingCategory=Accounting category
GroupByAccountAccounting=Group by accounting account
NotMatch=Not Set
DeleteMvt=Delete general ledger lines
DelYear=Year to delete
DelJournal=Journal to delete
ConfirmDeleteMvt=This will delete all lines of the general ledger for year and/or from a specific journal. At least one criteria is required.
ConfirmDeleteMvtPartial=This will delete the selected line(s) of the general ledger
DelBookKeeping=Delete record of the general ledger
FinanceJournal=Finance journal
ExpenseReportsJournal=Expense reports journal
DescFinanceJournal=Finance journal including all the types of payments by bank account
DescJournalOnlyBindedVisible=This is a view of record that are bound to products/services accountancy account and can be recorded into the General Ledger.
VATAccountNotDefined=Account for VAT not defined
ThirdpartyAccountNotDefined=Account for third party not defined
ProductAccountNotDefined=Account for product not defined
FeeAccountNotDefined=Account for fee not defined
BankAccountNotDefined=Account for bank not defined
CustomerInvoicePayment=Payment of invoice customer
ThirdPartyAccount=Thirdparty account
NewAccountingMvt=New transaction
NumMvts=Numero of transaction
ListeMvts=List of movements
ErrorDebitCredit=Debit and Credit cannot have a value at the same time
ReportThirdParty=List third party account
DescThirdPartyReport=Consult here the list of the third party customers and suppliers and their accounting accounts
ListAccounts=List of the accounting accounts
Pcgtype=Class of account
Pcgsubtype=Under class of account
TotalVente=Total turnover before tax
TotalMarge=Total sales margin
DescVentilCustomer=Consult here the list of customer invoice lines bound (or not) to a product accounting account
DescVentilMore=In most cases, if you use predefined products or services and you set the account number on the product/service card, the application will be able to make all the binding between your invoice lines and the accounting account of your chart of accounts, just in one click with the button <strong>"%s"</strong>. If account was not set on product/service cards or if you still has some lines not bound to any account, you will have to make a manual binding from the menu "<strong>%s</strong>".
DescVentilDoneCustomer=Consult here the list of the lines of invoices customers and their product accounting account
DescVentilTodoCustomer=Bind invoice lines not already bound with a product accounting account
ChangeAccount=Change the product/service accounting account for selected lines with the following accounting account:
DescVentilSupplier=Consult here the list of supplier invoice lines bound or not yet bound to a product accounting account
DescVentilDoneSupplier=Consult here the list of the lines of invoices supplier and their accounting account
DescVentilTodoExpenseReport=Bind expense report lines not already bound with a fee accounting account
DescVentilExpenseReport=Consult here the list of expense report lines bound (or not) to a fee accounting account
DescVentilExpenseReportMore=If you setup accounting account on type of expense report lines, the application will be able to make all the binding between your expense report lines and the accounting account of your chart of accounts, just in one click with the button <strong>"%s"</strong>. If account was not set on fees dictionary or if you still has some lines not bound to any account, you will have to make a manual binding from the menu "<strong>%s</strong>".
DescVentilDoneExpenseReport=Consult here the list of the lines of expenses reports and their fees accounting account
ValidateHistory=Bind Automatically
AutomaticBindingDone=Automatic binding done
ErrorAccountancyCodeIsAlreadyUse=Error, you cannot delete this accounting account because it is used
MvtNotCorrectlyBalanced=Mouvement not correctly balanced. Credit = %s. Debit = %s
FicheVentilation=Binding card
GeneralLedgerIsWritten=Transactions are written in the general ledger
GeneralLedgerSomeRecordWasNotRecorded=Some of the transactions could not be recorded.
NoNewRecordSaved=No new record saved
ListOfProductsWithoutAccountingAccount=List of products not bound to any accounting account
ChangeBinding=Change the binding
## Admin
ApplyMassCategories=Apply mass categories
## Export
Modelcsv=Model of export
OptionsDeactivatedForThisExportModel=For this export model, options are deactivated
Selectmodelcsv=Select a model of export
Modelcsv_normal=Classic export
Modelcsv_CEGID=Export towards CEGID Expert Comptabilité
Modelcsv_COALA=Export towards Sage Coala
Modelcsv_bob50=Export towards Sage BOB 50
Modelcsv_ciel=Export towards Sage Ciel Compta or Compta Evolution
Modelcsv_quadratus=Export towards Quadratus QuadraCompta
Modelcsv_ebp=Export towards EBP
Modelcsv_cogilog=Export towards Cogilog
## Tools - Init accounting account on product / service
InitAccountancy=Init accountancy
InitAccountancyDesc=This page can be used to initialize an accounting account on products and services that does not have accountancy account defined for sales and purchases.
DefaultBindingDesc=This page can be used to set a default account to use to link transactions record about payment salaries, donation, taxes and vat when no specific accounting account were already set.
OptionModeProductSell=Mode sales
OptionModeProductBuy=Mode purchases
OptionModeProductSellDesc=Show all products with accounting account for sales.
OptionModeProductBuyDesc=Show all products with accounting account for purchases.
CleanFixHistory=Remove accountancy code from lines that not exists into charts of account
CleanHistory=Reset all bindings for selected year
WithoutValidAccount=Without valid dedicated account
WithValidAccount=With valid dedicated account
ValueNotIntoChartOfAccount=This value of accounting account does not exist into chart of account
## Dictionary
Range=Range of accounting account
## Error
ErrorNoAccountingCategoryForThisCountry=No accounting category available for country %s (See Home - Setup - Dictionaries)
ExportNotSupported=The export format setuped is not supported into this page
BookeppingLineAlreayExists=Lines already existing into bookeeping
Binded=Lines bound
ToBind=Lines to bind
WarningReportNotReliable=Warning, this report is not based on the General Ledger, so is not reliable yet. It will be replaced by a correct report in a next version.
# Language file - Source file is en_US - cashdesk
CashDeskMenu=Point of sale
CashDesk=Point of sale
CashDeskBankCash=Bank account (cash)
CashDeskBankCB=Bank account (card)
CashDeskBankCheque=Bank account (cheque)
CashdeskShowServices=Selling services
# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - cashdesk
CashDeskProducts=Produkte und Services
CashDeskThirdParty=Third party
ShoppingCart=Shopping cart
NewSell=New sell
AddThisArticle=Add this article
RestartSelling=Go back on sell
SellFinished=Sale complete
PrintTicket=Print ticket
NoProductFound=No article found
ProductFound=product found
NoArticle=No article
TotalTicket=Total ticket
NoVAT=No VAT for this sale
Change=Excess received
BankToPay=Charge Account
ShowCompany=Show company
ShowStock=Show warehouse
DeleteArticle=Click to remove this article
FilterRefOrLabelOrBC=Search (Ref/Label)
UserNeedPermissionToEditStockToUsePos=You ask to decrease stock on invoice creation, so user that use POS need to have permission to edit stock.
DolibarrReceiptPrinter=Dolibarr Receipt Printer
# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - cron
# About page
# Right
Permission23101 = Read Scheduled job
Permission23102 = Create/update Scheduled job
Permission23103 = Delete Scheduled job
Permission23104 = Execute Scheduled job
# Admin
CronSetup= Scheduled job management setup
URLToLaunchCronJobs=URL to check and launch qualified cron jobs
OrToLaunchASpecificJob=Or to check and launch a specific job
KeyForCronAccess=Security key for URL to launch cron jobs
FileToLaunchCronJobs=Command line to launch cron jobs
CronExplainHowToRunUnix=On Unix environment you should use the following crontab entry to run the command line each 5 minutes
CronExplainHowToRunWin=On Microsoft(tm) Windows environement you can use Scheduled task tools to run the command line each 5 minutes
CronMethodDoesNotExists=Class %s does not contains any method %s
# Menu
EnabledAndDisabled=Enabled and disabled
# Page list
CronLastOutput=Last run output
CronLastResult=Last result code
CronList=Scheduled jobs
CronDelete=Delete scheduled jobs
CronConfirmDelete=Are you sure you want to delete these scheduled jobs?
CronExecute=Launch scheduled job
CronConfirmExecute=Are you sure you want to execute these scheduled jobs now?
CronInfo=Scheduled job module allow to execute job that have been planned
CronDtStart=Not before
CronDtEnd=Not after
CronDtNextLaunch=Next execution
CronDtLastLaunch=Start date of latest execution
CronDtLastResult=End date of latest execution
CronNoJobs=No jobs registered
CronNbRun=Nb. launch
CronMaxRun=Max nb. launch
JobFinished=Job launched and finished
#Page card
CronAdd= Add jobs
CronEvery=Execute job each
CronObject=Instance/Object to create
CronSaveSucess=Save successfully
CronFieldMandatory=Fields %s is mandatory
CronErrEndDateStartDt=End date cannot be before start date
CronTaskInactive=This job is disabled
CronClassFile=Classes (filename.class.php)
CronModuleHelp=Name of Dolibarr module directory (also work with external Dolibarr module). <BR> For exemple to fetch method of Dolibarr Product object /htdocs/<u>product</u>/class/product.class.php, the value of module is <i>product</i>
CronClassFileHelp=The file name to load. <BR> For exemple to fetch method of Dolibarr Product object /htdocs/product/class/<u>product.class.php</u>, the value of class file name is <i>product.class.php</i>
CronObjectHelp=The object name to load. <BR> For exemple to fetch method of Dolibarr Product object /htdocs/product/class/product.class.php, the value of class file name is <i>Product</i>
CronMethodHelp=The object method to launch. <BR> For exemple to fetch method of Dolibarr Product object /htdocs/product/class/product.class.php, the value of method is is <i>fecth</i>
CronArgsHelp=The method arguments. <BR> For exemple to fetch method of Dolibarr Product object /htdocs/product/class/product.class.php, the value of paramters can be <i>0, ProductRef</i>
CronCommandHelp=The system command line to execute.
CronCreateJob=Create new Scheduled Job
# Info
# Common
CronType=Job type
CronType_method=Call method of a Dolibarr Class
CronType_command=Shell command
CronCannotLoadClass=Cannot load class %s or object %s
UseMenuModuleToolsToAddCronJobs=Go into menu "Home - Admin tools - Scheduled jobs" to see and edit scheduled jobs.
JobDisabled=Job disabled
MakeLocalDatabaseDumpShort=Local database backup
MakeLocalDatabaseDump=Create a local database dump
WarningCronDelayed=Attention, for performance purpose, whatever is next date of execution of active jobs, your jobs may be delayed to a maximum of %s hours before being run.
# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - donations
DonationRef=Donation ref.
AddDonation=Create a donation
NewDonation=New donation
DeleteADonation=Delete a donation
ConfirmDeleteADonation=Are you sure you want to delete this donation?
ShowDonation=Show donation
PublicDonation=Public donation
DonationsArea=Donations area
DonationStatusPromiseNotValidated=Draft promise
DonationStatusPromiseValidated=Validated promise
DonationStatusPaid=Donation received
DonationTitle=Donation receipt
DonationDatePayment=Payment date
ValidPromess=Validate promise
DonationReceipt=Donation receipt
DonationsModels=Documents models for donation receipts
LastModifiedDonations=Latest %s modified donations
DonationRecipient=Donation recipient
IConfirmDonationReception=The recipient declare reception, as a donation, of the following amount
MinimumAmount=Minimum amount is %s
FreeTextOnDonations=Free text to show in footer
FrenchOptions=Options for France
DONATION_ART200=Show article 200 from CGI if you are concerned
DONATION_ART238=Show article 238 from CGI if you are concerned
DONATION_ART885=Show article 885 from CGI if you are concerned
DonationPayment=Donation payment
# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - externalsite
ExternalSiteSetup=Setup link to external website
ExternalSiteURL=External Site URL
ExternalSiteModuleNotComplete=Module ExternalSite was not configured properly.
ExampleMyMenuEntry=My menu entry
# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - ftp
FTPClientSetup=FTP Client module setup
NewFTPClient=New FTP connection setup
FTPArea=FTP Area
FTPAreaDesc=This screen show you content of a FTP server view
SetupOfFTPClientModuleNotComplete=Setup of FTP client module seems to be not complete
FTPFeatureNotSupportedByYourPHP=Your PHP does not support FTP functions
FailedToConnectToFTPServer=Failed to connect to FTP server (server %s, port %s)
FailedToConnectToFTPServerWithCredentials=Failed to login to FTP server with defined login/password
FTPFailedToRemoveFile=Failed to remove file <b>%s</b>.
FTPFailedToRemoveDir=Failed to remove directory <b>%s</b> (Check permissions and that directory is empty).
FTPPassiveMode=Passive mode
ChooseAFTPEntryIntoMenu=Choose a FTP entry into menu...
FailedToGetFile=Failed to get files %s
# Dolibarr language file - en_US - hrm
# Admin
HRM_EMAIL_EXTERNAL_SERVICE=Email to prevent HRM external service
NewEstablishment=New establishment
DeleteEstablishment=Delete establishment
ConfirmDeleteEstablishment=Are-you sure to delete this establishment?
OpenEtablishment=Open establishment
CloseEtablishment=Close establishment
# Dictionary
DictionaryDepartment=HRM - Department list
DictionaryFunction=HRM - Function list
# Module
NewEmployee=New employee
Module62000Desc=Add features to manage Incoterm
# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - languages
LinkANewFile=Link a new file/document
LinkedFiles=Linked files and documents
NoLinkFound=No registered links
LinkComplete=The file has been linked successfully
ErrorFileNotLinked=The file could not be linked
LinkRemoved=The link %s has been removed
ErrorFailedToDeleteLink= Failed to remove link '<b>%s</b>'
ErrorFailedToUpdateLink= Failed to update link '<b>%s</b>'
URLToLink=URL to link
# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - loan
NewLoan=New Loan
ShowLoan=Show Loan
PaymentLoan=Loan payment
LoanPayment=Loan payment
ShowLoanPayment=Show Loan Payment
Nbterms=Number of terms
LoanAccountancyCapitalCode=Accounting account capital
LoanAccountancyInsuranceCode=Accounting account insurance
LoanAccountancyInterestCode=Accounting account interest
ConfirmDeleteLoan=Confirm deleting this loan
LoanDeleted=Loan Deleted Successfully
ConfirmPayLoan=Confirm classify paid this loan
LoanPaid=Loan Paid
# Calc
LoanCalc=Bank Loans Calculator
PurchaseFinanceInfo=Purchase & Financing Information
SalePriceOfAsset=Sale Price of Asset
PercentageDown=Percentage Down
LengthOfMortgage=Duration of loan
AnnualInterestRate=Annual Interest Rate
ExplainCalculations=Explain Calculations
ShowMeCalculationsAndAmortization=Show me the calculations and amortization
MortgagePaymentInformation=Mortgage Payment Information
DownPayment=Down Payment
DownPaymentDesc=The <b>down payment</b> = The price of the home multiplied by the percentage down divided by 100 (for 5% down becomes 5/100 or 0.05)
InterestRateDesc=The <b>interest rate</b> = The annual interest percentage divided by 100
MonthlyFactorDesc=The <b>monthly factor</b> = The result of the following formula
MonthlyInterestRateDesc=The <b>monthly interest rate</b> = The annual interest rate divided by 12 (for the 12 months in a year)
MonthTermDesc=The <b>month term</b> of the loan in months = The number of years you've taken the loan out for times 12
MonthlyPaymentDesc=The montly payment is figured out using the following formula
AmortizationPaymentDesc=The <a href="#amortization">amortization</a> breaks down how much of your monthly payment goes towards the bank's interest, and how much goes into paying off the principal of your loan.
AmountFinanced=Amount Financed
AmortizationMonthlyPaymentOverYears=Amortization For Monthly Payment: <b>%s</b> over %s years
Totalsforyear=Totals for year
MonthlyPayment=Monthly Payment
LoanCalcDesc=This <b>mortgage calculator</b> can be used to figure out monthly payments of a loaning, based on the amount borrowed, the term of the loan desired and the interest rate.<br> This calculator includes also PMI (Private Mortgage Insurance) for loans where less than 20%% is put as a down payment. Also taken into consideration are the town property taxes, and their effect on the total monthly mortgage payment.<br>
GoToInterest=%s will go towards INTEREST
GoToPrincipal=%s will go towards PRINCIPAL
YouWillSpend=You will spend %s in year %s
# Admin
ConfigLoan=Configuration of the module loan
LOAN_ACCOUNTING_ACCOUNT_CAPITAL=Accounting account capital by default
LOAN_ACCOUNTING_ACCOUNT_INTEREST=Accounting account interest by default
LOAN_ACCOUNTING_ACCOUNT_INSURANCE=Accounting account insurance by default
# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - mailmanspip
MailmanSpipSetup=Mailman and SPIP module Setup
MailmanTitle=Mailman mailing list system
TestSubscribe=To test subscription to Mailman lists
TestUnSubscribe=To test unsubscribe from Mailman lists
MailmanCreationSuccess=Subscription test was executed successfully
MailmanDeletionSuccess=Unsubscription test was executed successfully
SynchroMailManEnabled=A Mailman update will be performed
SynchroSpipEnabled=A Spip update will be performed
DescADHERENT_MAILMAN_ADMINPW=Mailman administrator password
DescADHERENT_MAILMAN_URL=URL for Mailman subscriptions
DescADHERENT_MAILMAN_UNSUB_URL=URL for Mailman unsubscriptions
DescADHERENT_MAILMAN_LISTS=List(s) for automatic inscription of new members (separated by a comma)
SPIPTitle=SPIP Content Management System
DescADHERENT_SPIP_DB=SPIP database name
DescADHERENT_SPIP_USER=SPIP database login
DescADHERENT_SPIP_PASS=SPIP database password
AddIntoSpip=Add into SPIP
AddIntoSpipConfirmation=Are you sure you want to add this member into SPIP?
AddIntoSpipError=Failed to add the user in SPIP
DeleteIntoSpip=Remove from SPIP
DeleteIntoSpipConfirmation=Are you sure you want to remove this member from SPIP?
DeleteIntoSpipError=Failed to suppress the user from SPIP
SPIPConnectionFailed=Failed to connect to SPIP
SuccessToAddToMailmanList=%s successfully added to mailman list %s or SPIP database
SuccessToRemoveToMailmanList=%s successfully removed from mailman list %s or SPIP database
# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - marges
TotalMargin=Total Margin
MarginOnProducts=Margin / Products
MarginOnServices=Margin / Services
MarginRate=Margin rate
MarkRate=Mark rate
DisplayMarginRates=Display margin rates
DisplayMarkRates=Display mark rates
InputPrice=Input price
margin=Profit margins management
margesSetup=Profit margins management setup
MarginDetails=Margin details
ProductMargins=Product margins
CustomerMargins=Customer margins
SalesRepresentativeMargins=Sales representative margins
UserMargins=User margins
ProductService=Product or Service
AllProducts=All products and services
ChooseProduct/Service=Choose product or service
ForceBuyingPriceIfNull=Force buying/cost price to selling price if not defined
ForceBuyingPriceIfNullDetails=If buying/cost price not defined, and this option "ON", margin will be zero on line (buying/cost price = selling price), otherwise ("OFF"), marge will be equal to suggested default.
MARGIN_METHODE_FOR_DISCOUNT=Margin method for global discounts
UseDiscountAsProduct=As a product
UseDiscountAsService=As a service
UseDiscountOnTotal=On subtotal
MARGIN_METHODE_FOR_DISCOUNT_DETAILS=Defines if a global discount is treated as a product, a service, or only on subtotal for margin calculation.
MARGIN_TYPE=Buying/Cost price suggested by default for margin calculation
MargeType1=Margin on Best supplier price
MargeType2=Margin on Weighted Average Price (WAP)
MargeType3=Margin on Cost Price
MarginTypeDesc=* Margin on best buying price = Selling price - Best supplier price defined on product card<br>* Margin on Weighted Average Price (WAP) = Selling price - Product Weighted Average Price (WAP) or best supplier price if WAP not yet defined<br>* Margin on Cost price = Selling price - Cost price defined on product card or WAP if cost price not defined, or best supplier price if WAP not yet defined
CostPrice=Cost price
UnitCharges=Unit charges
AgentContactType=Commercial agent contact type
AgentContactTypeDetails=Define what contact type (linked on invoices) will be used for margin report per sale representative
rateMustBeNumeric=Rate must be a numeric value
markRateShouldBeLesserThan100=Mark rate should be lower than 100
ShowMarginInfos=Show margin infos
CheckMargins=Margins detail
MarginPerSaleRepresentativeWarning=The report of margin per user use the link between thirdparties and sale representatives to calculate the margin of each user. Because some thirdparties may not be linked to any sale representative and some thirdparties may be linked to several users, some margins may not appears in these report or may appears in several different lines.
# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - oauth
ConfigOAuth=Oauth Configuration
OAuthServices=OAuth services
ManualTokenGeneration=Manual token generation
NoAccessToken=No access token saved into local database
HasAccessToken=A token was generated and saved into local database
NewTokenStored=Token received ans saved
ToCheckDeleteTokenOnProvider=To check/delete authorization saved by %s OAuth provider
TokenDeleted=Token deleted
RequestAccess=Click here to request/renew access and receive a new token to save
DeleteAccess=Click here to delete token
UseTheFollowingUrlAsRedirectURI=Use the following URL as the Redirect URI when creating your credential on your OAuth provider:
ListOfSupportedOauthProviders=Enter here credential provided by your OAuth2 provider. Only supported OAuth2 providers are visible here. This setup may be used by other modules that need OAuth2 authentication.
TOKEN_REFRESH=Token Refresh Present
TOKEN_EXPIRED=Token expired
TOKEN_EXPIRE_AT=Token expire at
TOKEN_DELETE=Delete saved token
OAUTH_GOOGLE_NAME=Oauth Google service
OAUTH_GOOGLE_DESC=Go on <a class="notasortlink" href="" target="_blank">this page</a> then "Credentials" to create Oauth credentials
OAUTH_GITHUB_NAME=Oauth GitHub service
OAUTH_GITHUB_DESC=Go on <a class="notasortlink" href="" target="_blank">this page</a> then "Register a new application" to create Oauth credentials
# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - opensurvey
OrganizeYourMeetingEasily=Organize your meetings and polls easily. First select type of poll...
NewSurvey=New poll
OpenSurveyArea=Polls area
AddACommentForPoll=You can add a comment into poll...
AddComment=Add comment
CreatePoll=Create poll
PollTitle=Poll title
ToReceiveEMailForEachVote=Receive an email for each vote
TypeDate=Type date
TypeClassic=Type standard
OpenSurveyStep2=Select your dates amoung the free days (grey). The selected days are green. You can unselect a day previously selected by clicking again on it
RemoveAllDays=Remove all days
CopyHoursOfFirstDay=Copy hours of first day
RemoveAllHours=Remove all hours
SelectedDays=Selected days
TheBestChoice=The best choice currently is
TheBestChoices=The best choices currently are
OpenSurveyHowTo=If you agree to vote in this poll, you have to give your name, choose the values that fit best for you and validate with the plus button at the end of the line.
CommentsOfVoters=Comments of voters
ConfirmRemovalOfPoll=Are you sure you want to remove this poll (and all votes)
RemovePoll=Remove poll
UrlForSurvey=URL to communicate to get a direct access to poll
PollOnChoice=You are creating a poll to make a multi-choice for a poll. First enter all possible choices for your poll:
CreateSurveyDate=Create a date poll
CreateSurveyStandard=Create a standard poll
CheckBox=Simple checkbox
YesNoList=List (empty/yes/no)
PourContreList=List (empty/for/against)
AddNewColumn=Add new column
TitleChoice=Choice label
ExportSpreadsheet=Export result spreadsheet
ExpireDate=Limit date
NbOfSurveys=Number of polls
NbOfVoters=Nb of voters
PollAdminDesc=You are allowed to change all vote lines of this poll with button "Edit". You can, as well, remove a column or a line with %s. You can also add a new column with %s.
5MoreChoices=5 more choices
YouAreInivitedToVote=You are invited to vote for this poll
VoteNameAlreadyExists=This name was already used for this poll
AddADate=Add a date
AddStartHour=Add start hour
AddEndHour=Add end hour
NoCommentYet=No comments have been posted for this poll yet
CanComment=Voters can comment in the poll
CanSeeOthersVote=Voters can see other people's vote
SelectDayDesc=For each selected day, you can choose, or not, meeting hours in the following format :<br>- empty,<br>- "8h", "8H" or "8:00" to give a meeting's start hour,<br>- "8-11", "8h-11h", "8H-11H" or "8:00-11:00" to give a meeting's start and end hour,<br>- "8h15-11h15", "8H15-11H15" or "8:15-11:15" for the same thing but with minutes.
BackToCurrentMonth=Back to current month
ErrorOpenSurveyFillFirstSection=You haven't filled the first section of the poll creation
ErrorOpenSurveyOneChoice=Enter at least one choice
ErrorInsertingComment=There was an error while inserting your comment
MoreChoices=Enter more choices for the voters
SurveyExpiredInfo=The poll has been closed or voting delay has expired.
EmailSomeoneVoted=%s has filled a line.\nYou can find your poll at the link: \n%s
......@@ -42,4 +42,3 @@ EMailTextOrderRefused=Bestellung %s abgelehnt
EMailTextOrderRefusedBy=Bestellung %s von %s abgelehnt
ThisIsListOfModules=Dies ist eine Liste der Module, die von dieser Demo-Profil (nur gängigsten Module sind in dieser Demo) vorgewählt. Bearbeiten, um eine personalisierte Demo haben und klicken Sie auf &quot;Start&quot;.
SelectAColor=Wählen Sie eine Farbe
ShipmentValidatedInDolibarr=Sendung %s validiert
# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - printing
Module64000Name=Direct Printing
Module64000Desc=Enable Direct Printing System
PrintingSetup=Setup of Direct Printing System
PrintingDesc=This module adds a Print button to send documents directly to a printer (without opening document into an application) with various module.
MenuDirectPrinting=Direct Printing jobs
DirectPrint=Direct print
PrintingDriverDesc=Configuration variables for printing driver.
ListDrivers=List of drivers
PrintTestDesc=List of Printers.
FileWasSentToPrinter=File %s was sent to printer
NoActivePrintingModuleFound=No active module to print document
PleaseSelectaDriverfromList=Please select a driver from list.
PleaseConfigureDriverfromList=Please configure the selected driver from list.
SetupDriver=Driver setup
TargetedPrinter=Targeted printer
UserConf=Setup per user
PRINTGCP_INFO=Google OAuth API setup
PRINTGCP_TOKEN_ACCESS=Google Cloud Print OAuth Token
PrintGCPDesc=This driver allow to send documents directly to a printer with Google Cloud Print.
GCP_displayName=Display Name
GCP_Id=Printer Id
GCP_OwnerName=Owner Name
GCP_State=Printer State
GCP_connectionStatus=Online State
GCP_Type=Printer Type
PrintIPPDesc=This driver allow to send documents directly to a printer. It requires a Linux system with CUPS installed.
PRINTIPP_HOST=Print server
NoDefaultPrinterDefined=No default printer defined
DefaultPrinter=Default printer
IPP_Uri=Printer Uri
IPP_Name=Printer Name
IPP_State=Printer State
IPP_State_reason=State reason
IPP_State_reason1=State reason1
IPP_Media=Printer media
IPP_Supported=Type of media
DirectPrintingJobsDesc=This page lists printing jobs found for available printers.
GoogleAuthNotConfigured=Google OAuth setup not done. Enable module OAuth and set a Google ID/Secret.
GoogleAuthConfigured=Google OAuth credentials found into setup of module OAuth.
PrintingDriverDescprintgcp=Configuration variables for printing driver Google Cloud Print.
PrintTestDescprintgcp=List of Printers for Google Cloud Print.
# ProductBATCH language file - en_US - ProductBATCH
ManageLotSerial=Use lot/serial number
ProductStatusOnBatch=Yes (lot/serial required)
ProductStatusNotOnBatch=No (lot/serial not used)
atleast1batchfield=Eat-by date or Sell-by date or Lot/Serial number
batch_number=Lot/Serial number
EatByDate=Eat-by date
SellByDate=Sell-by date
DetailBatchNumber=Lot/Serial details
DetailBatchFormat=Lot/Serial: %s - Eat by: %s - Sell by: %s (Qty : %d)
printBatch=Lot/Serial: %s
printEatby=Eat-by: %s
printSellby=Sell-by: %s
printQty=Qty: %d
AddDispatchBatchLine=Add a line for Shelf Life dispatching
WhenProductBatchModuleOnOptionAreForced=When module Lot/Serial is on, automatic increase/decrease stock mode is forced to shipping validate and manual dispatching for reception and can't be edited. Other options can be defined as you want.
ProductDoesNotUseBatchSerial=This product does not use lot/serial number
ProductLotSetup=Setup of module lot/serial
ShowCurrentStockOfLot=Show current stock for couple product/lot
ShowLogOfMovementIfLot=Show log of movements for couple product/lot
# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - receiptprinter
ReceiptPrinterSetup=Setup of module ReceiptPrinter
PrinterAdded=Printer %s added
PrinterUpdated=Printer %s updated
PrinterDeleted=Printer %s deleted
TestSentToPrinter=Test Sent To Printer %s
ReceiptPrinter=Receipt printers
ReceiptPrinterDesc=Setup of receipt printers
ReceiptPrinterTemplateDesc=Setup of Templates
ReceiptPrinterTypeDesc=Description of Receipt Printer's type
ReceiptPrinterProfileDesc=Description of Receipt Printer's Profile
ListPrinters=List of Printers
SetupReceiptTemplate=Template Setup
CONNECTOR_DUMMY_HELP=Fake Printer for test, does nothing
CONNECTOR_FILE_PRINT_HELP=/dev/usb/lp0, /dev/usb/lp1
CONNECTOR_WINDOWS_PRINT_HELP=LPT1, COM1, smb://FooUser:secret@computername/workgroup/Receipt Printer
PROFILE_P822D=P822D Profile
PROFILE_DEFAULT_HELP=Default Profile suitable for Epson printers
PROFILE_SIMPLE_HELP=Simple Profile No Graphics
PROFILE_P822D_HELP=P822D Profile No Graphics
DOL_ALIGN_LEFT=Left align text
DOL_ALIGN_RIGHT=Right align text
DOL_USE_FONT_A=Use font A of printer
DOL_USE_FONT_B=Use font B of printer
DOL_USE_FONT_C=Use font C of printer
DOL_PRINT_BARCODE_CUSTOMER_ID=Print barcode customer id
DOL_CUT_PAPER_FULL=Cut ticket completely
DOL_CUT_PAPER_PARTIAL=Cut ticket partially
DOL_OPEN_DRAWER=Open cash drawer
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