Result := MsgBox('You will install or upgrade DoliWamp (Apache+Mysql+PHP+Dolibarr) on your computer.' #13#13 'This setup install or upgrade Dolibarr ERP-CRM and required third party softwares (Apache, Mysql and PHP) configured for a Dolibarr usage.' #13#13 'If you have technical knowledge and plan to share your Apache, Mysql and PHP with other projects than Dolibarr, you should not use this assistant and make a manual installation of Dolibarr on an existing Apache, Mysql and PHP installation. If you don''t need a sophisticated manual setup, you''re on the good way...' #13#13 'Do you want to start installation/upgrade process ?', mbConfirmation, MB_YESNO) = IDYES;
Result := MsgBox('You will install or upgrade DoliWamp (Apache+Mysql+PHP+Dolibarr) on your computer.' #13#13 'This assistant installs or upgrades Dolibarr ERP-CRM and required third party softwares (Apache, Mysql and PHP) configured for a Dolibarr usage.' #13#13 'If you have technical knowledge and plan to share your Apache, Mysql and PHP with other projects than Dolibarr, you should not use this assistant and make a manual installation of Dolibarr on an existing Apache, Mysql and PHP installation. If you don''t need a sophisticated manual setup, you''re on the good way...' #13#13 'Do you want to start installation/upgrade process ?', mbConfirmation, MB_YESNO) = IDYES;