@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ ExtrafieldParamHelpradio=Parameters list have to be like key,value<br><br> for e
ExtrafieldParamHelpsellist=Parameters list comes from a table<br>Syntax : table_name:label_field:id_field::filter<br>Example : c_typent:libelle:id::filter<br><br>filter can be a simple test (eg active=1) to display only active value <br> if you want to filter on extrafields use syntaxt extra.fieldcode=... (where field code is the code of extrafield)<br><br>In order to have the list depending on another :<br>c_typent:libelle:id:parent_list_code|parent_column:filter
LibraryToBuildPDF=Library used to build PDF
WarningUsingFPDF=Warning: Your <b>conf.php</b> contains directive <b>dolibarr_pdf_force_fpdf=1</b>. This means you use the FPDF library to generate PDF files. This library is old and does not support a lot of features (Unicode, image transparency, cyrillic, arab and asiatic languages, ...), so you may experience errors during PDF generation.<br>To solve this and have a full support of PDF generation, please download <a href="http://www.tcpdf.org/" target="_blank">TCPDF library</a>, then comment or remove the line <b>$dolibarr_pdf_force_fpdf=1</b>, and add instead <b>$dolibarr_lib_TCPDF_PATH='path_to_TCPDF_dir'</b>
LocalTaxDesc=Some countries apply 2 or 3 taxes on each invoice line. If this is the case, choose type for second and third tax and its rate. Possible type are:<br>1 : local tax apply on products and services without vat (localtax is calculated on amount without tax)<br>2 : local tax apply on products and services including vat (localtax is calculated on amount + main tax)<br>3 : local tax apply on products without vat (localtax is calculated on amount without tax)<br>4 : local tax apply on products including vat (vat is calculated on amount + main vat)<br>5 : local tax apply on services without vat (localtax is calculated on amount without tax)<br>6 : local tax apply on services including vat (localtax is calculated on amount + tax)
LocalTaxDesc=Some countries apply 2 or 3 taxes on each invoice line. If this is the case, choose type for second and third tax and its rate. Possible type are:<br>1 : local tax apply on products and services without vat (localtax is calculated on amount without tax)<br>2 : local tax apply on products and services including vat (localtax is calculated on amount + main tax)<br>3 : local tax apply on products without vat (localtax is calculated on amount without tax)<br>4 : local tax apply on products including vat (localtax is calculated on amount + main vat)<br>5 : local tax apply on services without vat (localtax is calculated on amount without tax)<br>6 : local tax apply on services including vat (localtax is calculated on amount + tax)
LinkToTestClickToDial=Enter a phone number to call to show a link to test the ClickToDial url for user <strong>%s</strong>