@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ $tabsql[3] = "SELECT r.rowid as rowid, code_region as code, nom as libelle, r.fk
$tabsql[4]="SELECT rowid as rowid, code, libelle, active FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."c_pays";
$tabsql[5]="SELECT c.rowid as rowid, c.code as code, c.civilite AS libelle, c.active FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."c_civilite AS c";
$tabsql[6]="SELECT a.id as rowid, a.code as code, a.libelle AS libelle, a.type, a.active, a.module, a.position FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."c_actioncomm AS a";
$tabsql[7]="SELECT a.id as rowid, a.code as code, a.libelle AS libelle, a.deductible, p.code as pays_code, p.libelle as pays, a.fk_pays as pays_id, a.active FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."c_chargesociales AS a, ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."c_pays as p WHERE a.fk_pays=p.rowid and p.active=1";
$tabsql[7]="SELECT a.id as rowid, a.code as code, a.libelle AS libelle, a.accountancy_code as accountancy_code, a.deductible, p.code as pays_code, p.libelle as pays, a.fk_pays as pays_id, a.active FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."c_chargesociales AS a, ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."c_pays as p WHERE a.fk_pays=p.rowid and p.active=1";
$tabsql[8]="SELECT id as rowid, code, libelle, active FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."c_typent";
$tabsql[9]="SELECT code_iso as code, label as libelle, unicode, active FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."c_currencies";
$tabsql[10]="SELECT t.rowid, t.taux, t.localtax1_type, t.localtax1, t.localtax2_type, t.localtax2, p.libelle as pays, p.code as pays_code, t.fk_pays as pays_id, t.recuperableonly, t.note, t.active, t.accountancy_code_sell, t.accountancy_code_buy FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."c_tva as t, llx_c_pays as p WHERE t.fk_pays=p.rowid";
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ $tabsql[19]= "SELECT id as rowid, code, libelle, active FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREF
$tabsql[20]="SELECT rowid as rowid, code, libelle, active FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."c_input_method";
$tabsql[21]="SELECT c.rowid as rowid, code, label, active FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."c_availability AS c";
$tabsql[22]="SELECT rowid as rowid, code, label, active FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."c_input_reason";
$tabsql[23]="SELECT rowid as rowid, fk_pcg_version, pcg_type, pcg_subtype, account_number, account_parent, label, active FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."accountingaccount";
$tabsql[23]="SELECT rowid as rowid, fk_pcg_version, pcg_type, pcg_subtype, account_number as accountancy_code, account_parent, label, active FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."accountingaccount";
// && (! in_array($listfield[$f], array('decalage','module','accountancy_code','localtax1','localtax2'))) // Fields that are not mandatory
&&(!in_array($listfield[$f],array('decalage','module','accountancy_code_sell','accountancy_code_buy')))// Fields that are not mandatory
&&(!in_array($listfield[$f],array('decalage','module','accountancy_code','accountancy_code_sell','accountancy_code_buy')))// Fields that are not mandatory