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Commit 95f2cae8 authored by Laurent Destailleur's avatar Laurent Destailleur
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Start to work on sepa mandate generation

parent c4626b08
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......@@ -1259,8 +1259,6 @@ class Account extends CommonObject
// For backward compatibility, we try to guess country from other information
if (! empty($this->iban))
if ($mysoc->country_code === 'IN') return $mysoc->country_code; // Test to know if we can trust IBAN
// If IBAN defined, we can know country of account from it
if (preg_match("/^([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z])/i",$this->iban,$reg)) return $reg[1];
/* Copyright (C) 2016 Laurent Destailleur <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* or see
* \file htdocs/core/modules/bank/doc/pdf_sepamandate.modules.php
* \ingroup project
* \brief File of class to generate document with template sepamandate
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/modules/project/modules_project.php';
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/projet/class/project.class.php';
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/projet/class/task.class.php';
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/company.lib.php';
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/pdf.lib.php';
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/date.lib.php';
* Classe permettant de generer les projets au modele Baleine
class pdf_sepamandate extends ModeleBankAccountDoc
var $emetteur; // Objet societe qui emet
* Constructor
* @param DoliDB $db Database handler
function __construct($db)
global $conf,$langs,$mysoc;
$this->db = $db;
$this->name = "baleine";
$this->description = $langs->trans("DocumentModelSepaMandate");
// Dimension page pour format A4
$this->type = 'pdf';
$this->page_largeur = $formatarray['width'];
$this->page_hauteur = $formatarray['height'];
$this->format = array($this->page_largeur,$this->page_hauteur);
$this->marge_haute =isset($conf->global->MAIN_PDF_MARGIN_TOP)?$conf->global->MAIN_PDF_MARGIN_TOP:10;
$this->marge_basse =isset($conf->global->MAIN_PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM)?$conf->global->MAIN_PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM:10;
$this->option_logo = 1; // Affiche logo FAC_PDF_LOGO
$this->option_tva = 1; // Gere option tva FACTURE_TVAOPTION
$this->option_codeproduitservice = 1; // Affiche code produit-service
// Recupere emmetteur
if (! $this->emetteur->country_code) $this->emetteur->country_code=substr($langs->defaultlang,-2); // By default if not defined
// Defini position des colonnes
* Fonction generant le projet sur le disque
* @param Project $object Object project a generer
* @param Translate $outputlangs Lang output object
* @return int 1 if OK, <=0 if KO
function write_file($object,$outputlangs)
global $conf, $hookmanager, $langs, $user;
if (! is_object($outputlangs)) $outputlangs=$langs;
// For backward compatibility with FPDF, force output charset to ISO, because FPDF expect text to be encoded in ISO
if (! empty($conf->global->MAIN_USE_FPDF)) $outputlangs->charset_output='ISO-8859-1';
if ($conf->projet->dir_output)
//$nblignes = count($object->lines); // This is set later with array of tasks
$objectref = dol_sanitizeFileName($object->ref);
$dir = $conf->projet->dir_output;
if (! preg_match('/specimen/i',$objectref)) $dir.= "/" . $objectref;
$file = $dir . "/" . $objectref . ".pdf";
if (! file_exists($dir))
if (dol_mkdir($dir) < 0)
return 0;
if (file_exists($dir))
// Add pdfgeneration hook
if (! is_object($hookmanager))
include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/hookmanager.class.php';
$hookmanager=new HookManager($this->db);
global $action;
$reshook=$hookmanager->executeHooks('beforePDFCreation',$parameters,$object,$action); // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by some hooks
$default_font_size = pdf_getPDFFontSize($outputlangs); // Must be after pdf_getInstance
$heightforinfotot = 50; // Height reserved to output the info and total part
$heightforfreetext= (isset($conf->global->MAIN_PDF_FREETEXT_HEIGHT)?$conf->global->MAIN_PDF_FREETEXT_HEIGHT:5); // Height reserved to output the free text on last page
$heightforfooter = $this->marge_basse + 8; // Height reserved to output the footer (value include bottom margin)
if (class_exists('TCPDF'))
// Complete object by loading several other informations
$task = new Task($this->db);
$tasksarray = $task->getTasksArray(0,0,$object->id);
if (! $object->id > 0) // Special case when used with object = specimen, we may return all lines
$tasksarray=array_slice($tasksarray, 0, min(5, count($tasksarray)));
$pdf->SetCreator("Dolibarr ".DOL_VERSION);
$pdf->SetKeyWords($outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($object->ref)." ".$outputlangs->transnoentities("Project"));
if (! empty($conf->global->MAIN_DISABLE_PDF_COMPRESSION)) $pdf->SetCompression(false);
$pdf->SetMargins($this->marge_gauche, $this->marge_haute, $this->marge_droite); // Left, Top, Right
// New page
$this->_pagehead($pdf, $object, 1, $outputlangs);
$pdf->SetFont('','', $default_font_size - 1);
$pdf->MultiCell(0, 3, ''); // Set interline to 3
$tab_top = 50;
$tab_height = 200;
$tab_top_newpage = 40;
$tab_height_newpage = 210;
// Affiche notes
if (! empty($object->note_public))
$pdf->SetFont('','', $default_font_size - 1);
$pdf->writeHTMLCell(190, 3, $this->posxref-1, $tab_top-2, dol_htmlentitiesbr($object->note_public), 0, 1);
$nexY = $pdf->GetY();
// Rect prend une longueur en 3eme param
$pdf->Rect($this->marge_gauche, $tab_top-3, $this->page_largeur-$this->marge_gauche-$this->marge_droite, $height_note+1);
$tab_height = $tab_height - $height_note;
$tab_top = $nexY+6;
$iniY = $tab_top + 7;
$curY = $tab_top + 7;
$nexY = $tab_top + 7;
// Boucle sur les lignes
for ($i = 0 ; $i < $nblignes ; $i++)
$curY = $nexY;
// Description of ligne
$pdf->SetFont('','', $default_font_size - 1); // Dans boucle pour gerer multi-page
$pdf->SetXY($this->posxref, $curY);
$pdf->MultiCell($this->posxlabel-$this->posxref, 3, $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($ref), 0, 'L');
$pdf->SetXY($this->posxlabel, $curY);
$pdf->MultiCell($this->posxworkload-$this->posxlabel, 3, $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($libelleline), 0, 'L');
$pdf->SetXY($this->posxworkload, $curY);
$pdf->MultiCell($this->posxprogress-$this->posxworkload, 3, $planned_workload, 0, 'R');
$pdf->SetXY($this->posxprogress, $curY);
$pdf->MultiCell($this->posxdatestart-$this->posxprogress, 3, $progress, 0, 'R');
$pdf->SetXY($this->posxdatestart, $curY);
$pdf->MultiCell($this->posxdateend-$this->posxdatestart, 3, $datestart, 0, 'C');
$pdf->SetXY($this->posxdateend, $curY);
$pdf->MultiCell($this->page_largeur-$this->marge_droite-$this->posxdateend, 3, $dateend, 0, 'C');
$pdf->SetFont('','', $default_font_size - 1); // On repositionne la police par defaut
$nexY = $pdf->GetY();
// Add line
if (! empty($conf->global->MAIN_PDF_DASH_BETWEEN_LINES) && $i < ($nblignes - 1))
$pdf->line($this->marge_gauche, $nexY+1, $this->page_largeur - $this->marge_droite, $nexY+1);
$nexY+=2; // Passe espace entre les lignes
// Detect if some page were added automatically and output _tableau for past pages
while ($pagenb < $pageposafter)
if ($pagenb == 1)
$this->_tableau($pdf, $tab_top, $this->page_hauteur - $tab_top - $heightforfooter, 0, $outputlangs, 0, 1);
$this->_tableau($pdf, $tab_top_newpage, $this->page_hauteur - $tab_top_newpage - $heightforfooter, 0, $outputlangs, 1, 1);
$pdf->setPageOrientation('', 1, 0); // The only function to edit the bottom margin of current page to set it.
if (isset($object->lines[$i+1]->pagebreak) && $object->lines[$i+1]->pagebreak)
if ($pagenb == 1)
$this->_tableau($pdf, $tab_top, $this->page_hauteur - $tab_top - $heightforfooter, 0, $outputlangs, 0, 1);
$this->_tableau($pdf, $tab_top_newpage, $this->page_hauteur - $tab_top_newpage - $heightforfooter, 0, $outputlangs, 1, 1);
// New page
if (! empty($tplidx)) $pdf->useTemplate($tplidx);
// Show square
if ($pagenb == 1)
$this->_tableau($pdf, $tab_top, $this->page_hauteur - $tab_top - $heightforinfotot - $heightforfreetext - $heightforfooter, 0, $outputlangs, 0, 0);
$bottomlasttab=$this->page_hauteur - $heightforinfotot - $heightforfreetext - $heightforfooter + 1;
$this->_tableau($pdf, $tab_top_newpage, $this->page_hauteur - $tab_top_newpage - $heightforinfotot - $heightforfreetext - $heightforfooter, 0, $outputlangs, 1, 0);
$bottomlasttab=$this->page_hauteur - $heightforinfotot - $heightforfreetext - $heightforfooter + 1;
* Pied de page
if (method_exists($pdf,'AliasNbPages')) $pdf->AliasNbPages();
// Add pdfgeneration hook
if (! is_object($hookmanager))
include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/hookmanager.class.php';
$hookmanager=new HookManager($this->db);
global $action;
$reshook=$hookmanager->executeHooks('afterPDFCreation',$parameters,$this,$action); // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by some hooks
if (! empty($conf->global->MAIN_UMASK))
@chmod($file, octdec($conf->global->MAIN_UMASK));
return 1; // Pas d'erreur
return 0;
return 0;
* Show table for lines
* @param PDF $pdf Object PDF
* @param string $tab_top Top position of table
* @param string $tab_height Height of table (rectangle)
* @param int $nexY Y
* @param Translate $outputlangs Langs object
* @param int $hidetop Hide top bar of array
* @param int $hidebottom Hide bottom bar of array
* @return void
function _tableau(&$pdf, $tab_top, $tab_height, $nexY, $outputlangs, $hidetop=0, $hidebottom=0)
global $conf,$mysoc;
$default_font_size = pdf_getPDFFontSize($outputlangs);
// Rect prend une longueur en 3eme param
$pdf->Rect($this->marge_gauche, $tab_top, $this->page_largeur-$this->marge_gauche-$this->marge_droite, $tab_height);
// line prend une position y en 3eme param
$pdf->line($this->marge_gauche, $tab_top+6, $this->page_largeur-$this->marge_droite, $tab_top+6);
$pdf->SetFont('','', $default_font_size);
$pdf->SetXY($this->posxref, $tab_top+1);
$pdf->MultiCell($this->posxlabel-$this->posxref,3, $outputlangs->transnoentities("Tasks"),'','L');
$pdf->SetXY($this->posxlabel, $tab_top+1);
$pdf->MultiCell($this->posxworkload-$this->posxlabel, 3, $outputlangs->transnoentities("Description"), 0, 'L');
$pdf->SetXY($this->posxworkload, $tab_top+1);
$pdf->MultiCell($this->posxprogress-$this->posxworkload, 3, $outputlangs->transnoentities("PlannedWorkloadShort"), 0, 'R');
$pdf->SetXY($this->posxprogress, $tab_top+1);
$pdf->MultiCell($this->posxdatestart-$this->posxprogress, 3, '%', 0, 'R');
$pdf->SetXY($this->posxdatestart, $tab_top+1);
$pdf->MultiCell($this->posxdateend-$this->posxdatestart, 3, '', 0, 'C');
$pdf->SetXY($this->posxdateend, $tab_top+1);
$pdf->MultiCell($this->page_largeur - $this->marge_droite - $this->posxdatestart, 3, '', 0, 'C');
* Show top header of page.
* @param PDF $pdf Object PDF
* @param Project $object Object to show
* @param int $showaddress 0=no, 1=yes
* @param Translate $outputlangs Object lang for output
* @return void
function _pagehead(&$pdf, $object, $showaddress, $outputlangs)
global $langs,$conf,$mysoc;
$default_font_size = pdf_getPDFFontSize($outputlangs);
$pdf->SetFont('','B', $default_font_size + 3);
// Logo
if ($mysoc->logo)
if (is_readable($logo))
$pdf->Image($logo, $this->marge_gauche, $posy, 0, $height); // width=0 (auto)
$pdf->SetFont('','B', $default_font_size - 2);
$pdf->MultiCell(100, 3, $langs->transnoentities("ErrorLogoFileNotFound",$logo), 0, 'L');
$pdf->MultiCell(100, 3, $langs->transnoentities("ErrorGoToModuleSetup"), 0, 'L');
else $pdf->MultiCell(100, 4, $outputlangs->transnoentities($this->emetteur->name), 0, 'L');
$pdf->SetFont('','B', $default_font_size + 3);
$pdf->MultiCell(100, 4, $outputlangs->transnoentities("Project")." ".$outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($object->ref), '', 'R');
$pdf->SetFont('','', $default_font_size + 2);
$pdf->MultiCell(100, 4, $outputlangs->transnoentities("DateStart")." : " . dol_print_date($object->date_start,'day',false,$outputlangs,true), '', 'R');
$pdf->MultiCell(100, 4, $outputlangs->transnoentities("DateEnd")." : " . dol_print_date($object->date_end,'day',false,$outputlangs,true), '', 'R');
// Add list of linked objects
/* Removed: A project can have more than thousands linked objects (orders, invoices, proposals, etc....
foreach($object->linkedObjects as $objecttype => $objects)
if ($objecttype == 'commande')
for ($i=0;$i<$num;$i++)
$pdf->SetFont('','', $default_font_size - 1);
if ($objects[$i]->ref_client) $text.=' ('.$objects[$i]->ref_client.')';
$pdf->MultiCell(100, 4, $outputlangs->transnoentities("RefOrder")." : ".$outputlangs->transnoentities($text), '', 'R');
* Show footer of page. Need this->emetteur object
* @param PDF $pdf PDF
* @param Project $object Object to show
* @param Translate $outputlangs Object lang for output
* @param int $hidefreetext 1=Hide free text
* @return integer
function _pagefoot(&$pdf,$object,$outputlangs,$hidefreetext=0)
global $conf;
return pdf_pagefoot($pdf,$outputlangs,'BANK_FREE_TEXT',$this->emetteur,$this->marge_basse,$this->marge_gauche,$this->page_hauteur,$object,$showdetails,$hidefreetext);
/* Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Regis Houssin <>
* Copyright (C) 2014 Marcos García <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* or see
* \file htdocs/core/modules/bank/modules_bank.php
* \ingroup project
* \brief File that contain parent class for bank models
* and parent class for bank numbering models
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/commondocgenerator.class.php';
* Parent class for bank account models
abstract class ModeleBankAccountDoc extends CommonDocGenerator
var $error='';
* Return list of active generation modules
* @param DoliDB $db Database handler
* @param integer $maxfilenamelength Max length of value to show
* @return array List of templates
static function liste_modeles($db,$maxfilenamelength=0)
global $conf;
include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/functions2.lib.php';
return $liste;
......@@ -73,7 +73,16 @@ class modPrelevement extends DolibarrModules
// Constants
$this->const = array();
$this->const[$r][0] = "BANK_ADDON_PDF";
$this->const[$r][1] = "chaine";
$this->const[$r][2] = "sepamandate";
$this->const[$r][3] = 'Name of manager to generate SEPA mandate';
$this->const[$r][4] = 0;
// Boxes
$this->boxes = array();
......@@ -138,7 +147,10 @@ class modPrelevement extends DolibarrModules
// Permissions
$sql = array();
$sql = array(
"DELETE FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."document_model WHERE nom = '".$this->const[0][2]."' AND entity = ".$conf->entity,
"INSERT INTO ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."document_model (nom, type, entity) VALUES('".$this->const[0][2]."','bankaccount',".$conf->entity.")",
return $this->_init($sql,$options);
......@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ $id=GETPOST("id","int");
$account = new CompanyBankAccount($db);
* Actions
......@@ -57,9 +59,6 @@ $action=GETPOST("action");
if ($action == 'update' && ! $_POST["cancel"])
// Modification
$account = new CompanyBankAccount($db);
if (! GETPOST('label'))
setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorFieldRequired", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("Label")), null, 'errors');
......@@ -144,21 +143,6 @@ if ($action == 'add' && ! $_POST["cancel"])
if ($account->needIBAN() == 1)
if (! GETPOST('iban'))
setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorFieldRequired", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("IBAN")), null, 'errors');
if (! GETPOST('bic'))
setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorFieldRequired", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("BIC")), null, 'errors');
if (! $error)
......@@ -182,18 +166,38 @@ if ($action == 'add' && ! $_POST["cancel"])
$account->owner_address = GETPOST('owner_address','alpha');
$account->frstrecur = GETPOST('frstrecur');
$result = $account->update($user); // TODO Use create and include update into create method
if (! $result)
setEventMessages($account->error, $account->errors, 'errors');
$_GET["action"]='create'; // Force chargement page création
header('Location: '.$url);
// This test can be done only once properties were set
if ($account->needIBAN() == 1)
if (! GETPOST('iban'))
setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorFieldRequired", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("IBAN")), null, 'errors');
if (! GETPOST('bic'))
setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorFieldRequired", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("BIC")), null, 'errors');
if (! $error)
$result = $account->update($user); // TODO Use create and include update into create method
if (! $result)
setEventMessages($account->error, $account->errors, 'errors');
$_GET["action"]='create'; // Force chargement page création
header('Location: '.$url);
......@@ -248,8 +252,6 @@ llxHeader();
$account = new CompanyBankAccount($db);
if (! $id)
......@@ -382,6 +384,7 @@ if ($socid && $action != 'edit' && $action != "create")
print '<td>RUM</td>';
print '<td>'.$langs->trans("WithdrawMode").'</td>';
print '<td></td>';
print_liste_field_titre($langs->trans("DefaultRIB"), '', '', '', '', 'align="center"');
print_liste_field_titre('',$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"],"",'','','',$sortfield,$sortorder,'maxwidthsearch ');
......@@ -408,6 +411,12 @@ if ($socid && $action != 'edit' && $action != "create")
print '<td>'.$rib->frstrecur.'</td>';
include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/modules/bank/modules_bank.php';
print '<td>';
print '</td>'; // TODO Add link to generate doc
// Default
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