@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ DeStockOnShipment=Decrease real stocks on shipping validation
DeStockOnShipmentOnClosing=Decrease real stocks on shipping classification closed
ReStockOnBill=Increase real stocks on suppliers invoices/credit notes validation
ReStockOnValidateOrder=Increase real stocks on suppliers orders approbation
ReStockOnDispatchOrder=Increase real stocks on manual dispatching into warehouses, after supplier order receiving
ReStockOnDispatchOrder=Increase real stocks on manual dispatching into warehouses, after supplier order receipt of goods
OrderStatusNotReadyToDispatch=Order has not yet or no more a status that allows dispatching of products in stock warehouses.
StockDiffPhysicTeoric=Explanation for difference between physical and virtual stock
NoPredefinedProductToDispatch=No predefined products for this object. So no dispatching in stock is required.
@@ -69,7 +69,10 @@ StockLimitShort=Limit for alert
StockLimit=Stock limit for alert
PhysicalStock=Physical stock
RealStock=Real Stock
RealStockDesc=Physical or real stock is the stock you currently have into your internal warehouses/emplacements.
RealStockWillAutomaticallyWhen=The real stock will automatically change according to this rules (see stock module setup to change this):
VirtualStock=Virtual stock
VirtualStockDesc=Virtual stock is the stock you will get once all opened pending actions that affect stocks will be closed (supplier order received, customer order shipped, ...)