@@ -392,17 +392,17 @@ NoActiveBankAccountDefined=No active bank account defined
OwnerOfBankAccount=Owner of bank account %s
BankModuleNotActive=Bank accounts module not enabled
ShowBugTrackLink=Show link "Report a bug"
ShowWorkBoard=Show "work board" on homepage
ShowWorkBoard=Show "work board" on homepage
DelayBeforeWarning=Delay before warning
DelaysBeforeWarning=Delays before warning
DelaysOfToleranceBeforeWarning=Tolerance delays before warning
DelaysOfToleranceDesc=This screen allows you to define all tolerated delay before an alert will be reported on screen with picto %s, on each element on late.
DelaysOfToleranceActionsToDo=Tolrance de retard avant alerte (en jours) sur actions planifies non ralises
DelaysOfToleranceOrdersToProcess=Tolrance de retard avant alerte (en jours) sur commandes non traites
DelaysOfTolerancePropalsToClose=Tolrance de retard avant alerte (en jours) sur propales cloturer
DelaysOfTolerancePropalsToBill=Tolrance de retard avant alerte (en jours) sur propales non factures
DelaysOfToleranceDesc=This screen allows you to define all tolerated delays before an alert will be reported on screen with picto %s, on each element when late.
DelaysOfToleranceActionsToDo=Delay tolerance (in days) before alert on planned actions not yet realised
DelaysOfToleranceOrdersToProcess=Delay tolerance (in days) before alert on orders not yet done
DelaysOfTolerancePropalsToClose=Delay tolerance (in days) before alert on propals to close
DelaysOfTolerancePropalsToBill=Delay tolerance (in days) before alert on propals not billed
DelaysOfToleranceNotActivatedServices=Tolrance de retard avant alerte (en jours) sur services activer
DelaysOfToleranceRunningServices=Tolrance de retard avant alerte (en jours) sur services expirs
DelaysOfToleranceSupplierBillsToPay=Tolrance de retard avant alerte (en jours) sur factures fournisseur impayes
DelaysOfToleranceMembers=Tolrance de retard avant alerte (en jours) sur cotisations adhrents en retard
SetupDescription1=All the parameters available in the setup area allow you to setup Dolibarr before starting using it.
SetupDescription2=The 2 most important setup steps are the 2 first ones in the left setup menu, this means Company/fundation setup page and Modules setup page:
SetupDescription3=<b>Company/fundation</b> setup is required because input information are used on dolibarr displays and to modify dolibarr behaviour (for example for features according to your country).
SetupDescription3=<b>Company/fundation</b> setup is required because input information is used on Dolibarr displays and to modify Dolibarr behaviour (for example for features related to your country).
SetupDescription4=<b>Modules</b> setup is required because Dolibarr is not a simple ERP/CRM but a sum of several modules, all more or less independant. It's only after activating modules you're interesting in that you will see features appeared in Dolibarr menu.
AreaForAdminOnly=Those features can be used by <b>administrator users</b> only. Administrator features and help are identified in Dolibarr by the following picto:
SystemInfoDesc=System information is miscellanous technical information you get in read only mode and visible for administrators only.
SystemAreaForAdminOnly=This area is available for administrator users only. None of the Dolibarr permissions can reduce this limit.
CompanyFundationDesc=Edit on this page all known information of the company or fundation you need to manage
DisplayDesc=You can choose here all parameters related to dolibarr look and feel
DisplayDesc=You can choose here all parameters related to the Dolibarr look and feel
TriggersAvailable=Triggers available
TriggersDesc=Triggers are components that modify, once activated, the behaviour of Dolibarr workflow. They add new actions, activated on Dolibarr events (new company creation, invoice validation, ...).
GeneratedPasswordDesc=Define here which rule you want to use to generate new password if you ask to have auto generated password