@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ Module30Desc=Invoice and credit note management for customers. Invoice managemen
Module40Desc=Supplier management and buying (orders and invoices)
Module42Desc=Logging facilities (file, syslog, ...). Such logs are for technical/debug purposes. For legal purpose, see instead module 'Non Reversible Logs'.
Module42Desc=Logging facilities (file, syslog, ...). Such logs are for technical/debug purposes.
Module3100Desc=Add a Skype button into users / third parties / contacts / members cards
Module3200Name=Non Reversible Logs
Module3200Desc=Activate log of some business events into a non reversible log. Events are archived in real-time. The log is a table that can be then exported. This module may be mandatory for some countries.
Module3200Desc=Activate log of some business events into a non reversible log. Events are archived in real-time. The log is a table of chained event that can be then read and exported. This module may be mandatory for some countries.
Module4000Desc=Human resources management (mangement of department, employee contracts and feelings)