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Commit a97d0941 authored by Laurent Destailleur's avatar Laurent Destailleur
Browse files

Added US states

parent 9847d57e
No related branches found
No related tags found
No related merge requests found
/* Copyright (C) 2004 Rodolphe Quiedeville <>
* Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Laurent Destailleur <>
* Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Laurent Destailleur <>
* Copyright (C) 2004 Benoit Mortier <>
* Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Regis Houssin <>
......@@ -92,8 +92,8 @@ $tablib[18]= $langs->trans("DictionnarySendingMethods");
// Requete pour extraction des donnees des dictionnaires
$tabsql[1] = "SELECT f.rowid as rowid, f.code, f.libelle, p.libelle as pays, FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."c_forme_juridique as f, ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."c_pays as p WHERE f.fk_pays=p.rowid";
$tabsql[2] = "SELECT d.rowid as rowid, d.code_departement as code , d.nom as libelle, d.fk_region as region_id, r.nom as region, p.libelle as pays, FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."c_departements as d, ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."c_regions as r, ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."c_pays as p WHERE d.fk_region=r.code_region and r.fk_pays=p.rowid and and";
$tabsql[3] = "SELECT r.rowid as rowid, code_region as code , nom as libelle, r.fk_pays as pays_id, p.libelle as pays, FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."c_regions as r, ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."c_pays as p WHERE r.fk_pays=p.rowid and";
$tabsql[2] = "SELECT d.rowid as rowid, d.code_departement as code, d.nom as libelle, d.fk_region as region_id, r.nom as region, p.code as pays_code, p.libelle as pays, FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."c_departements as d, ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."c_regions as r, ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."c_pays as p WHERE d.fk_region=r.code_region and r.fk_pays=p.rowid and and";
$tabsql[3] = "SELECT r.rowid as rowid, code_region as code, nom as libelle, r.fk_pays as pays_id, p.code as pays_code, p.libelle as pays, FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."c_regions as r, ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."c_pays as p WHERE r.fk_pays=p.rowid and";
$tabsql[4] = "SELECT rowid as rowid, code, libelle, active FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."c_pays";
$tabsql[5] = "SELECT c.rowid as rowid, c.code as code, c.civilite AS libelle, FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."c_civilite AS c";
$tabsql[6] = "SELECT as rowid, a.code as code, a.libelle AS libelle, a.type, FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."c_actioncomm AS a";
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ $tabsql[18]= "SELECT rowid as rowid, code, libelle, active FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREF
$tabsqlsort[1] ="pays, code ASC";
$tabsqlsort[2] ="pays, code ASC";
$tabsqlsort[3] ="pays, code ASC";
$tabsqlsort[4] ="libelle ASC";
$tabsqlsort[4] ="code ASC";
$tabsqlsort[5] ="libelle ASC";
$tabsqlsort[6] ="a.type ASC, a.code ASC";
$tabsqlsort[7] ="a.libelle ASC";
......@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ $tabsqlsort[18]="code ASC, libelle ASC";
// Nom des champs en resultat de select pour affichage du dictionnaire
$tabfield[1] = "code,libelle,pays";
$tabfield[2] = "code,libelle,region_id,region"; // "code,libelle,region"
$tabfield[2] = "code,libelle,region_id,region,pays"; // "code,libelle,region,pays_code-pays"
$tabfield[3] = "code,libelle,pays_id,pays";
$tabfield[4] = "code,libelle";
$tabfield[5] = "code,libelle";
......@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ $tabfield[16]= "code,libelle";
$tabfield[17]= "code,libelle";
$tabfield[18]= "code,libelle";
// Nom des champs d'edition pour modification du dictionnaire
// Nom des champs d'edition pour modification d'un enregistrement
$tabfieldvalue[1] = "code,libelle,pays";
$tabfieldvalue[2] = "code,libelle,region"; // "code,libelle,region"
$tabfieldvalue[3] = "code,libelle,pays";
......@@ -246,10 +246,16 @@ if ($_POST["actionadd"] || $_POST["actionmodify"])
// Verifie que tous les champs sont renseign�s
// Check that all fields are filled
foreach ($listfield as $f => $value) {
if (! isset($_POST[$value]) || $_POST[$value]=='') {
foreach ($listfield as $f => $value)
if ($value == 'pays')
if (in_array('region_id',$listfield)) { continue; } // For region page, we do not require the country input
if (! isset($_POST[$value]) || $_POST[$value]=='')
......@@ -257,7 +263,7 @@ if ($_POST["actionadd"] || $_POST["actionmodify"])
// Autres verif
if (isset($_POST["code"]) && $_POST["code"]=='0') {
$msg.="Le Code ne peut avoir la valeur 0<br>";
$msg.="Code can't contains value 0<br>";
if (isset($_POST["pays"]) && $_POST["pays"]=='0') {
......@@ -265,8 +271,10 @@ if ($_POST["actionadd"] || $_POST["actionmodify"])
// Si verif ok et action add, on ajoute la ligne
if ($ok && $_POST["actionadd"]) {
if ($tabrowid[$_POST["id"]]) {
if ($ok && $_POST["actionadd"])
if ($tabrowid[$_POST["id"]])
// Recupere id libre pour insertion
$sql = "SELECT max(".$tabrowid[$_POST["id"]].") newid from ".$tabname[$_POST["id"]];
......@@ -316,7 +324,8 @@ if ($_POST["actionadd"] || $_POST["actionmodify"])
// Si verif ok et action modify, on modifie la ligne
if ($ok && $_POST["actionmodify"]) {
if ($ok && $_POST["actionmodify"])
if ($tabrowid[$_POST["id"]]) { $rowidcol=$tabrowid[$_POST["id"]]; }
else { $rowidcol="rowid"; }
......@@ -466,6 +475,8 @@ if ($_GET["id"])
if ($_GET["sortfield"])
// If sort order is "pays", we use pays_code instead
if ($_GET["sortfield"] == 'pays') $_GET["sortfield"]='pays_code';
$sql.= " ORDER BY ".$_GET["sortfield"];
if ($_GET["sortorder"])
......@@ -488,7 +499,7 @@ if ($_GET["id"])
print '<input type="hidden" name="token" value="'.$_SESSION['newtoken'].'">';
print '<table class="noborder" width="100%">';
// Ligne d'ajout
// Form to add a new line
if ($tabname[$_GET["id"]])
......@@ -497,7 +508,7 @@ if ($_GET["id"])
// print '<table class="noborder" width="100%">';
// Ligne de titre d'ajout
// Line for title
print '<tr class="liste_titre">';
foreach ($fieldlist as $field => $value)
......@@ -512,7 +523,9 @@ if ($_GET["id"])
if ($fieldlist[$field]=='code') { $valuetoshow=$langs->trans("Code"); }
if ($fieldlist[$field]=='libelle' || $fieldlist[$field]=='label') { $valuetoshow=$langs->trans("Label")."*"; }
if ($fieldlist[$field]=='libelle_facture') { $valuetoshow=$langs->trans("LabelOnDocuments")."*"; }
if ($fieldlist[$field]=='pays') { $valuetoshow=$langs->trans("Country"); }
if ($fieldlist[$field]=='pays') {
if (in_array('region_id',$fieldlist)) { print '<td>&nbsp;</td>'; continue; } // For region page, we do not show the country input
$valuetoshow=$langs->trans("Country"); }
if ($fieldlist[$field]=='recuperableonly') { $valuetoshow=MAIN_LABEL_MENTION_NPR; }
if ($fieldlist[$field]=='nbjour') { $valuetoshow=$langs->trans("NbOfDays"); }
if ($fieldlist[$field]=='fdm') { $valuetoshow=$langs->trans("AtEndOfMonth"); }
......@@ -536,12 +549,12 @@ if ($_GET["id"])
print '&nbsp;</td>';
print '</tr>';
// Ligne d'ajout
// Line to type new values
print "<tr ".$bc[$var].">";
print '<td colspan="3"><input type="submit" class="button" name="actionadd" value="'.$langs->trans("Add").'"></td>';
print '<td colspan="3" align="right"><input type="submit" class="button" name="actionadd" value="'.$langs->trans("Add").'"></td>';
print "</tr>";
if ($alabelisused) // Si un des champs est un libelle
......@@ -551,7 +564,8 @@ if ($_GET["id"])
print '<tr><td colspan="'.(count($fieldlist)+2).'">&nbsp;</td></tr>';
// Affiche table des valeurs
// List of available values in database
dol_syslog("htdocs/admin/dict sql=".$sql, LOG_DEBUG);
if ($resql)
......@@ -625,7 +639,7 @@ if ($_GET["id"])
else if ($fieldlist[$field]=='pays') {
$valuetoshow=($key != "Country".strtoupper($obj->pays_code))?$key:$obj->pays;
$valuetoshow=($key != "Country".strtoupper($obj->pays_code))?$obj->pays_code." - ".$key:$obj->pays;
else if ($fieldlist[$field]=='recuperableonly' || $fieldlist[$field]=='fdm') {
......@@ -728,8 +742,11 @@ $db->close();
llxFooter('$Date$ - $Revision$');
\brief Affiche les champs
* \brief Show field
* \param fieldlist Array of fields
* \param obj If we show a particular record, obj is filled with record fields
function fieldList($fieldlist,$obj='')
......@@ -742,8 +759,9 @@ function fieldList($fieldlist,$obj='')
foreach ($fieldlist as $field => $value)
if ($fieldlist[$field] == 'pays') {
if (in_array('region_id',$fieldlist)) { print '<td>&nbsp;</td>'; continue; } // For region page, we do not show the country input
print '<td>';
print '</td>';
......@@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ Permission2515=Setup documents directories
DictionnaryCompanyType=Company types
DictionnaryCompanyJuridicalType=Juridical kinds of company
DictionnaryProspectLevel=Prospect potential level
......@@ -860,26 +860,29 @@ insert into llx_c_regions (rowid,fk_pays,code_region,cheflieu,tncc,nom) values (
insert into llx_c_regions (rowid,fk_pays,code_region,cheflieu,tncc,nom) values (2801,28,2801, '',0,'Australia');
-- Regions spain (id pays=4)
INSERT INTO llx_c_regions (code_region, fk_pays, cheflieu, tncc, nom, active) VALUES (401, 4, '', 1, 'Andalucia', 1);
INSERT INTO llx_c_regions (code_region, fk_pays, cheflieu, tncc, nom, active) VALUES (402, 4, '', 2, 'Aragón', 1);
INSERT INTO llx_c_regions (code_region, fk_pays, cheflieu, tncc, nom, active) VALUES (403, 4, '', 3, 'Castilla y León', 1);
INSERT INTO llx_c_regions (code_region, fk_pays, cheflieu, tncc, nom, active) VALUES (404, 4, '', 4, 'Castilla la Mancha', 1);
INSERT INTO llx_c_regions (code_region, fk_pays, cheflieu, tncc, nom, active) VALUES (405, 4, '', 5, 'Canarias', 1);
INSERT INTO llx_c_regions (code_region, fk_pays, cheflieu, tncc, nom, active) VALUES (406, 4, '', 6, 'Cataluña', 1);
INSERT INTO llx_c_regions (code_region, fk_pays, cheflieu, tncc, nom, active) VALUES (407, 4, '', 7, 'Comunidad de Ceuta', 1);
INSERT INTO llx_c_regions (code_region, fk_pays, cheflieu, tncc, nom, active) VALUES (408, 4, '', 8, 'Comunidad Foral de Navarra', 1);
INSERT INTO llx_c_regions (code_region, fk_pays, cheflieu, tncc, nom, active) VALUES (409, 4, '', 9, 'Comunidad de Melilla', 1);
INSERT INTO llx_c_regions (code_region, fk_pays, cheflieu, tncc, nom, active) VALUES (410, 4, '', 10, 'Cantabria', 1);
INSERT INTO llx_c_regions (code_region, fk_pays, cheflieu, tncc, nom, active) VALUES (411, 4, '', 11, 'Comunidad Valenciana', 1);
INSERT INTO llx_c_regions (code_region, fk_pays, cheflieu, tncc, nom, active) VALUES (412, 4, '', 12, 'Extemadura', 1);
INSERT INTO llx_c_regions (code_region, fk_pays, cheflieu, tncc, nom, active) VALUES (413, 4, '', 13, 'Galicia', 1);
INSERT INTO llx_c_regions (code_region, fk_pays, cheflieu, tncc, nom, active) VALUES (414, 4, '', 14, 'Islas Baleares', 1);
INSERT INTO llx_c_regions (code_region, fk_pays, cheflieu, tncc, nom, active) VALUES (415, 4, '', 15, 'La Rioja', 1);
INSERT INTO llx_c_regions (code_region, fk_pays, cheflieu, tncc, nom, active) VALUES (416, 4, '', 16, 'Comunidad de Madrid', 1);
INSERT INTO llx_c_regions (code_region, fk_pays, cheflieu, tncc, nom, active) VALUES (417, 4, '', 17, 'Región de Murcia', 1);
INSERT INTO llx_c_regions (code_region, fk_pays, cheflieu, tncc, nom, active) VALUES (418, 4, '', 18, 'Principado de Asturias', 1);
INSERT INTO llx_c_regions (code_region, fk_pays, cheflieu, tncc, nom, active) VALUES (419, 4, '', 19, 'Pais Vasco', 1);
INSERT INTO llx_c_regions (code_region, fk_pays, cheflieu, tncc, nom, active) VALUES (420, 4, '', 20, 'Otros', 1);
INSERT INTO llx_c_regions (code_region, fk_pays, cheflieu, tncc, nom, active) VALUES (401, 4, '', 0, 'Andalucia', 1);
INSERT INTO llx_c_regions (code_region, fk_pays, cheflieu, tncc, nom, active) VALUES (402, 4, '', 0, 'Aragón', 1);
INSERT INTO llx_c_regions (code_region, fk_pays, cheflieu, tncc, nom, active) VALUES (403, 4, '', 0, 'Castilla y León', 1);
INSERT INTO llx_c_regions (code_region, fk_pays, cheflieu, tncc, nom, active) VALUES (404, 4, '', 0, 'Castilla la Mancha', 1);
INSERT INTO llx_c_regions (code_region, fk_pays, cheflieu, tncc, nom, active) VALUES (405, 4, '', 0, 'Canarias', 1);
INSERT INTO llx_c_regions (code_region, fk_pays, cheflieu, tncc, nom, active) VALUES (406, 4, '', 0, 'Cataluña', 1);
INSERT INTO llx_c_regions (code_region, fk_pays, cheflieu, tncc, nom, active) VALUES (407, 4, '', 0, 'Comunidad de Ceuta', 1);
INSERT INTO llx_c_regions (code_region, fk_pays, cheflieu, tncc, nom, active) VALUES (408, 4, '', 0, 'Comunidad Foral de Navarra', 1);
INSERT INTO llx_c_regions (code_region, fk_pays, cheflieu, tncc, nom, active) VALUES (409, 4, '', 0, 'Comunidad de Melilla', 1);
INSERT INTO llx_c_regions (code_region, fk_pays, cheflieu, tncc, nom, active) VALUES (410, 4, '', 0, 'Cantabria', 1);
INSERT INTO llx_c_regions (code_region, fk_pays, cheflieu, tncc, nom, active) VALUES (411, 4, '', 0, 'Comunidad Valenciana', 1);
INSERT INTO llx_c_regions (code_region, fk_pays, cheflieu, tncc, nom, active) VALUES (412, 4, '', 0, 'Extemadura', 1);
INSERT INTO llx_c_regions (code_region, fk_pays, cheflieu, tncc, nom, active) VALUES (413, 4, '', 0, 'Galicia', 1);
INSERT INTO llx_c_regions (code_region, fk_pays, cheflieu, tncc, nom, active) VALUES (414, 4, '', 0, 'Islas Baleares', 1);
INSERT INTO llx_c_regions (code_region, fk_pays, cheflieu, tncc, nom, active) VALUES (415, 4, '', 0, 'La Rioja', 1);
INSERT INTO llx_c_regions (code_region, fk_pays, cheflieu, tncc, nom, active) VALUES (416, 4, '', 0, 'Comunidad de Madrid', 1);
INSERT INTO llx_c_regions (code_region, fk_pays, cheflieu, tncc, nom, active) VALUES (417, 4, '', 0, 'Región de Murcia', 1);
INSERT INTO llx_c_regions (code_region, fk_pays, cheflieu, tncc, nom, active) VALUES (418, 4, '', 0, 'Principado de Asturias', 1);
INSERT INTO llx_c_regions (code_region, fk_pays, cheflieu, tncc, nom, active) VALUES (419, 4, '', 0, 'Pais Vasco', 1);
INSERT INTO llx_c_regions (code_region, fk_pays, cheflieu, tncc, nom, active) VALUES (420, 4, '', 0, 'Otros', 1);
-- Region US (id pays=11)
INSERT INTO llx_c_regions (code_region, fk_pays, cheflieu, tncc, nom, active) VALUES (110, 11, '', 0, 'United-States', 1);
......@@ -1068,6 +1071,57 @@ INSERT INTO llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, nc
INSERT INTO llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) VALUES ('52', 409, '', 9, 'MELILLA', 'Melilla', 1);
INSERT INTO llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) VALUES ('53', 420, '', 20, 'OTROS', 'Otros', 1);
-- Provinces US
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('AL', 110, '', 0, 'ALABAMA', 'Alabama', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('AK', 110, '', 0, 'ALASKA', 'Alaska', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('AZ', 110, '', 0, 'ARIZONA', 'Arizona', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('AR', 110, '', 0, 'ARKANSAS', 'Arkansas', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('CA', 110, '', 0, 'CALIFORNIA', 'California', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('CO', 110, '', 0, 'COLORADO', 'Colorado', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('CT', 110, '', 0, 'CONNECTICUT', 'Connecticut', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('DE', 110, '', 0, 'DELAWARE', 'Delaware', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('FL', 110, '', 0, 'FLORIDA', 'Florida', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('GA', 110, '', 0, 'GEORGIA', 'Georgia', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('HI', 110, '', 0, 'HAWAI', 'Hawaii', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('ID', 110, '', 0, 'IDAHO', 'Idaho', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('IL', 110, '', 0, 'ILLINOIS','Illinois', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('IN', 110, '', 0, 'INDIANA', 'Indiana', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('IA', 110, '', 0, 'IOWA', 'Iowa', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('KS', 110, '', 0, 'KANSAS', 'Kansas', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('KY', 110, '', 0, 'KENTUCKY', 'Kentucky', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('LA', 110, '', 0, 'LOUISIANA', 'Louisiana', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('ME', 110, '', 0, 'MAINE', 'Maine', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('MD', 110, '', 0, 'MARYLAND', 'Maryland', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('MA', 110, '', 0, 'MASSACHUSSETTS', 'Massachusetts', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('MI', 110, '', 0, 'MICHIGAN', 'Michigan', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('MN', 110, '', 0, 'MINNESOTA', 'Minnesota', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('MS', 110, '', 0, 'MISSISSIPI', 'Mississippi', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('MO', 110, '', 0, 'MISSOURI', 'Missouri', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('MT', 110, '', 0, 'MONTANA', 'Montana', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('NE', 110, '', 0, 'NEBRASKA', 'Nebraska', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('NV', 110, '', 0, 'NEVADA', 'Nevada', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('NH', 110, '', 0, 'NEW HAMPSHIRE', 'New Hampshire', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('NJ', 110, '', 0, 'NEW JERSEY', 'New Jersey', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('NM', 110, '', 0, 'NEW MEXICO', 'New Mexico', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('NY', 110, '', 0, 'NEW YORK', 'New York', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('NC', 110, '', 0, 'NORTH CAROLIAN', 'North Carolina', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('ND', 110, '', 0, 'NORTH DAKOTA', 'North Dakota', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('OH', 110, '', 0, 'OHIO', 'Ohio', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('OK', 110, '', 0, 'OKLAHOMA', 'Oklahoma', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('OR', 110, '', 0, 'OREGON', 'Oregon', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('PA', 110, '', 0, 'PENNSYLVANIA', 'Pennsylvania', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('RI', 110, '', 0, 'RHODE ISLAND', 'Rhode Island', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('SC', 110, '', 0, 'SOUTH CAROLINA', 'South Carolina', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('SD', 110, '', 0, 'SOUTH DAKOTA', 'South Dakota', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('TN', 110, '', 0, 'TENNESSEE', 'Tennessee', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('TX', 110, '', 0, 'TEXAS', 'Texas', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('UT', 110, '', 0, 'UTAH', 'Utah', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('VT', 110, '', 0, 'VERMONT', 'Vermont', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('VA', 110, '', 0, 'VIRGINIA', 'Virginia', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('WA', 110, '', 0, 'WASHINGTON', 'Washington', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('WV', 110, '', 0, 'WEST VIRGINIA', 'West Virginia', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('WI', 110, '', 0, 'WISCONSIN', 'Wisconsin', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('WY', 110, '', 0, 'WYOMONG', 'Wyoming', 1);
......@@ -174,3 +174,58 @@ alter table llx_commande_fournisseur add column ref_supplier varchar(30
alter table llx_mailing add column bgcolor varchar(8) after body;
alter table llx_mailing add column bgimage varchar(255) after bgcolor;
-- Added US states
INSERT INTO llx_c_regions (code_region, fk_pays, cheflieu, tncc, nom, active) VALUES (110, 11, '', 0, 'United-States', 1);
-- Provinces US
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('AL', 110, '', 0, 'ALABAMA', 'Alabama', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('AK', 110, '', 0, 'ALASKA', 'Alaska', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('AZ', 110, '', 0, 'ARIZONA', 'Arizona', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('AR', 110, '', 0, 'ARKANSAS', 'Arkansas', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('CA', 110, '', 0, 'CALIFORNIA', 'California', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('CO', 110, '', 0, 'COLORADO', 'Colorado', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('CT', 110, '', 0, 'CONNECTICUT', 'Connecticut', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('DE', 110, '', 0, 'DELAWARE', 'Delaware', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('FL', 110, '', 0, 'FLORIDA', 'Florida', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('GA', 110, '', 0, 'GEORGIA', 'Georgia', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('HI', 110, '', 0, 'HAWAI', 'Hawaii', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('ID', 110, '', 0, 'IDAHO', 'Idaho', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('IL', 110, '', 0, 'ILLINOIS','Illinois', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('IN', 110, '', 0, 'INDIANA', 'Indiana', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('IA', 110, '', 0, 'IOWA', 'Iowa', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('KS', 110, '', 0, 'KANSAS', 'Kansas', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('KY', 110, '', 0, 'KENTUCKY', 'Kentucky', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('LA', 110, '', 0, 'LOUISIANA', 'Louisiana', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('ME', 110, '', 0, 'MAINE', 'Maine', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('MD', 110, '', 0, 'MARYLAND', 'Maryland', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('MA', 110, '', 0, 'MASSACHUSSETTS', 'Massachusetts', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('MI', 110, '', 0, 'MICHIGAN', 'Michigan', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('MN', 110, '', 0, 'MINNESOTA', 'Minnesota', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('MS', 110, '', 0, 'MISSISSIPI', 'Mississippi', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('MO', 110, '', 0, 'MISSOURI', 'Missouri', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('MT', 110, '', 0, 'MONTANA', 'Montana', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('NE', 110, '', 0, 'NEBRASKA', 'Nebraska', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('NV', 110, '', 0, 'NEVADA', 'Nevada', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('NH', 110, '', 0, 'NEW HAMPSHIRE', 'New Hampshire', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('NJ', 110, '', 0, 'NEW JERSEY', 'New Jersey', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('NM', 110, '', 0, 'NEW MEXICO', 'New Mexico', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('NY', 110, '', 0, 'NEW YORK', 'New York', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('NC', 110, '', 0, 'NORTH CAROLIAN', 'North Carolina', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('ND', 110, '', 0, 'NORTH DAKOTA', 'North Dakota', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('OH', 110, '', 0, 'OHIO', 'Ohio', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('OK', 110, '', 0, 'OKLAHOMA', 'Oklahoma', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('OR', 110, '', 0, 'OREGON', 'Oregon', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('PA', 110, '', 0, 'PENNSYLVANIA', 'Pennsylvania', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('RI', 110, '', 0, 'RHODE ISLAND', 'Rhode Island', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('SC', 110, '', 0, 'SOUTH CAROLINA', 'South Carolina', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('SD', 110, '', 0, 'SOUTH DAKOTA', 'South Dakota', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('TN', 110, '', 0, 'TENNESSEE', 'Tennessee', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('TX', 110, '', 0, 'TEXAS', 'Texas', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('UT', 110, '', 0, 'UTAH', 'Utah', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('VT', 110, '', 0, 'VERMONT', 'Vermont', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('VA', 110, '', 0, 'VIRGINIA', 'Virginia', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('WA', 110, '', 0, 'WASHINGTON', 'Washington', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('WV', 110, '', 0, 'WEST VIRGINIA', 'West Virginia', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('WI', 110, '', 0, 'WISCONSIN', 'Wisconsin', 1);
insert into llx_c_departements ( code_departement, fk_region, cheflieu, tncc, ncc, nom, active) values ('WY', 110, '', 0, 'WYOMONG', 'Wyoming', 1);
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