fk_actioninteger,-- type of action (optional link with llx_c_actioncomm or null)
codevarchar(32)NULL,-- code of action for automatic action
labelvarchar(128)NOTNULL,-- label/title of event
fk_actioninteger,-- type of action (optional link with id in llx_c_actioncomm or null)
codevarchar(32)NULL,-- code of action for automatic action ('AC_OTH_AUTO' for automatic actions, 'AC_EMAILIN_AUTO' for email input, 'AC_xxx' for manual action...)
datecdatetime,-- date creation
tmstimestamp,-- date modification
@@ -44,7 +41,7 @@ create table llx_actioncomm
fk_user_actioninteger,-- user id of owner of action (currently also user id of actor that must do action. In future, actors assigned to action will be an array into table llx_actioncomm_resources)
fk_user_actioninteger,-- user id of owner of action (note that assigned users to event are store into another table)
transparencyinteger,-- transparency (ical standard). used to say if user assigned to event are busy or not by event (in future version, this field is deprecated and will be stored into table llx_actioncomm_resources)
fk_user_doneinteger,-- user id of user that has made action (deprecated)
@@ -55,8 +52,15 @@ create table llx_actioncomm
durationpreal,-- planed duration
durationareal,-- deprecated
labelvarchar(256)NOTNULL,-- label/title of event or topic of email
notetext,-- note of event or content of email
email_msgidvarchar(256),-- when event was an email, we store here the msgid
email_fromvarchar(256),-- when event was an email, we store here the from
email_sendervarchar(256),-- when event was an email, we store here the sender
email_tovarchar(256),-- when event was an email, we store here the email_to
errors_tovarchar(256),-- when event was an email, we store here the erros_to