ErrorDureeCP=Your request for holidays does not contain working day.
TitleValidCP=Approve the request holidays
ErrorDureeCP=Your leave request does not contain working day.
TitleValidCP=Approve the leave request
ConfirmValidCP=Are you sure you want to approve the leave request?
DateValidCP=Date approved
TitleToValidCP=Send leave request
ConfirmToValidCP=Are you sure you want to send the leave request?
TitleRefuseCP=Refuse the request holidays
TitleRefuseCP=Refuse the leave request
ConfirmRefuseCP=Are you sure you want to refuse the leave request?
NoMotifRefuseCP=You must choose a reason for refusing the request.
TitleCancelCP=Cancel the request holidays
TitleCancelCP=Cancel the leave request
ConfirmCancelCP=Are you sure you want to cancel the leave request?
DetailRefusCP=Reason for refusal
DateRefusCP=Date of refusal
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ ActionByCP=Performed by
UserUpdateCP=For the user
PrevSoldeCP=Previous Balance
NewSoldeCP=New Balance
alreadyCPexist=A request for holidays has already been done on this period.
alreadyCPexist=A leave request has already been done on this period.
FirstDayOfHoliday=First day of vacation
@@ -88,25 +88,25 @@ ManualUpdate=Manual update
HolidaysCancelation=Leave request cancelation
## Configuration du Module ##
ConfCP=Configuration of holidays module
ConfCP=Configuration of leave request module
DescOptionCP=Description of the option
GroupToValidateCP=Group with the ability to approve vacation
GroupToValidateCP=Group with the ability to approve leave requests
ConfirmConfigCP=Validate the configuration
LastUpdateCP=Last automatic update of vacation
LastUpdateCP=Last automatic update of leaves allocation
UpdateConfCPOK=Updated successfully.
ErrorUpdateConfCP=An error occurred during the update, please try again.
AddCPforUsers=Please add the balance of holidays of users by <a href="../define_holiday.php" style="font-weight: normal; color: red; text-decoration: underline;">clicking here</a>.
DelayForSubmitCP=Deadline to apply for holidays
AlertapprobatortorDelayCP=Prevent the approbator if the holiday request does not match the deadline
AddCPforUsers=Please add the balance of leaves allocation of users by <a href="../define_holiday.php" style="font-weight: normal; color: red; text-decoration: underline;">clicking here</a>.
DelayForSubmitCP=Deadline to make a leave requests
AlertapprobatortorDelayCP=Prevent the approbator if the leave request does not match the deadline
AlertValidatorDelayCP=Préevent the approbator if the leave request exceed delay
AlertValidorSoldeCP=Prevent the approbator if the leave request exceed the balance
nbUserCP=Number of users supported in the module Leaves
nbHolidayDeductedCP=Number of holidays to be deducted per day of vacation taken
nbHolidayEveryMonthCP=Number of vacation days added every month
nbHolidayDeductedCP=Number of leave days to be deducted per day of vacation taken
nbHolidayEveryMonthCP=Number of leave days added every month
Module27130Name= Management of leave requests
Module27130Desc= Management of leave requests
TitleOptionMainCP=Main settings of Leave request
TitleOptionMainCP=Main settings of leave request
TitleOptionEventCP=Settings of leave requets for events