@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ IndependantSubProductStock=Product stock and subproduct stock are independant
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ IndependantSubProductStock=Product stock and subproduct stock are independant
QtyDispatched=Quantity dispatched
QtyDispatched=Quantity dispatched
QtyDispatchedShort=Qty dispatched
QtyDispatchedShort=Qty dispatched
QtyToDispatchShort=Qty to dispatch
QtyToDispatchShort=Qty to dispatch
OrderDispatch=Goods Receptions
OrderDispatch=Item receipts
RuleForStockManagementDecrease=Rule for automatic stock management decrease (manual decrease is always possible, even if an automatic decrease rule is activated)
RuleForStockManagementDecrease=Rule for automatic stock management decrease (manual decrease is always possible, even if an automatic decrease rule is activated)
RuleForStockManagementIncrease=Rule for automatic stock management increase (manual increase is always possible, even if an automatic increase rule is activated)
RuleForStockManagementIncrease=Rule for automatic stock management increase (manual increase is always possible, even if an automatic increase rule is activated)
DeStockOnBill=Decrease real stocks on customers invoices/credit notes validation
DeStockOnBill=Decrease real stocks on customers invoices/credit notes validation