//fwrite($handle,"/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;\n\n");
// Dumping the data (locking the table and disabling the keys check while doing the process)
fwrite($handle,"\n--\n-- Dumping data for table `".$table."`\n--\n");
if(!GETPOST("nobin_nolocks"))fwrite($handle,"LOCK TABLES `".$table."` WRITE;\n");// Lock the table before inserting data (when the data will be imported back)
// Processing each columns of the row to ensure that we correctly save the value (eg: add quotes for string - in fact we add quotes for everything, it's easier)
// IMPORTANT: if the field is NULL we set it NULL
// if it's an empty string, we set it as an empty string
}elseif(is_numeric($row[$j])and!strcmp($row[$j],$row[$j]+0)){// test if it's a numeric type and the numeric version ($nb+0) == string version (eg: if we have 01, it's probably not a number but rather a string, else it would not have any leading 0)
// if it's a number, we return it as-is
}else{// else for all other cases we escape the value and put quotes around
fwrite($handle,"\n-- WARNING: Show create table ".$table." return empy string when it should not.\n");
if(GETPOST("nobin_disable_fk"))fwrite($handle,"ALTER TABLE `".$table."` ENABLE KEYS;\n");// Enabling back the keys/index checking
if(!GETPOST("nobin_nolocks"))fwrite($handle,"UNLOCK TABLES;\n");// Unlocking the table
//fwrite($handle,"/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;\n\n");
// Dumping the data (locking the table and disabling the keys check while doing the process)
fwrite($handle,"\n--\n-- Dumping data for table `".$table."`\n--\n");
if(!GETPOST("nobin_nolocks"))fwrite($handle,"LOCK TABLES `".$table."` WRITE;\n");// Lock the table before inserting data (when the data will be imported back)
// Processing each columns of the row to ensure that we correctly save the value (eg: add quotes for string - in fact we add quotes for everything, it's easier)
// IMPORTANT: if the field is NULL we set it NULL
// if it's an empty string, we set it as an empty string
}elseif(is_numeric($row[$j])and!strcmp($row[$j],$row[$j]+0)){// test if it's a numeric type and the numeric version ($nb+0) == string version (eg: if we have 01, it's probably not a number but rather a string, else it would not have any leading 0)
// if it's a number, we return it as-is
}else{// else for all other cases we escape the value and put quotes around
if(GETPOST("nobin_disable_fk"))fwrite($handle,"ALTER TABLE `".$table."` ENABLE KEYS;\n");// Enabling back the keys/index checking
if(!GETPOST("nobin_nolocks"))fwrite($handle,"UNLOCK TABLES;\n");// Unlocking the table