@@ -284,8 +284,9 @@ ThisIsAlternativeProcessToFollow=This is an alternative setup to process:
StepNb=Step %s
FindPackageFromWebSite=Find a package that provides feature you want (for example on official web site %s).
DownloadPackageFromWebSite=Download package (for example from official web site %s).
UnpackPackageInDolibarrRoot=Unpack package file into Dolibarr server directory dedicated to external modules: <b>%s</b>
SetupIsReadyForUse=Install is finished and Dolibarr is ready to use with this new component.
UnpackPackageInDolibarrRoot=Unpack package files into Dolibarr server directory dedicated to Dolibarr: <b>%s</b>
UnpackPackageInModulesRoot=Unpack package files into Dolibarr server directory dedicated to modules: <b>%s</b>
SetupIsReadyForUse=Module deployement is finished. You must however enable and setup the module in your application by going on the page to setup modules: <a href="%s">%s</a>.
NotExistsDirect=The alternative root directory is not defined.<br>
InfDirAlt=Since version 3 it is possible to define an alternative root directory.This allows you to store, same place, plug-ins and custom templates.<br>Just create a directory at the root of Dolibarr (eg: custom).<br>
InfDirExample=<br>Then declare it in the file conf.php<br> $dolibarr_main_url_root_alt='http://myserver/custom'<br>$dolibarr_main_document_root_alt='/path/of/dolibarr/htdocs/custom'<br>*These lines are commented with "#", to uncomment only remove the character.