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Commit f817b562 authored by Laurent Destailleur's avatar Laurent Destailleur
Browse files

Clean language files

parent 94b7e176
No related branches found
No related tags found
No related merge requests found
......@@ -255,57 +255,65 @@ if ((! empty($_REQUEST['unused']) && $_REQUEST['unused'] == 'true') || (isset($a
foreach ($langstrings_dist AS $value => $line)
//$search = '\'trans("'.$value.'")\'';
// Check if we must keep this key to be into file for removal
if (preg_match('/^Module\d+/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^Permission\d+/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^PermissionAdvanced\d+/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^ProfId\d+/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^Delays_/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^BarcodeDesc/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^Extrafield/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^LocalTax/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^Country/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^Civility/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^Currency/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^DemandReasonTypeSRC/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^PaperFormat/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^Duration/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^AmountLT/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^TotalLT/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^Month/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^MonthShort/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^Day\d/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^Short/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^ExportDataset_/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^ImportDataset_/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^ActionAC_/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^TypeLocaltax/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^StatusProspect/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^PL_/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^TE_/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^JuridicalStatus/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^CalcMode/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^newLT/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^LT\d/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^TypeContact_contrat_/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^ErrorPriceExpression/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^Language_/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^DescADHERENT_/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^Duration/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^FormatDate/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^DateFormat/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^.b$/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^.*Bytes$/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^By/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^(DoTest|Under|Limits|Cards|CurrentValue|DateLimit|DateAndHour|NbOfLines|NbOfObjects|NbOfReferes|TotalTTCShort|VATs)/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (! $qualifiedforclean)
//$search = '\'trans("'.$value.'")\'';
$search = '-e "\''.$value.'\'" -e \'"'.$value.'"\'';
$string = 'grep -R -m 1 -F --exclude=includes/* --include=*.php '.$search.' '.$htdocs.'* '.$scripts.'*';
//print $string."<br>\n";
if (empty($output)) {
// Check if we must keep this key to be into file for removal
if (preg_match('/^Module\d+/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^Permission\d+/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^PermissionAdvanced\d+/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^ProfId\d+/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^Delays_/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^BarcodeDesc/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^Extrafield/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^LocalTax/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^Country/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^Civility/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^Currency/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^DemandReasonTypeSRC/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^PaperFormat/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^Duration/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^AmountLT/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^TotalLT/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^Month/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^MonthShort/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^Day\d/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^ExportDataset_/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^ImportDataset_/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^ActionAC_/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^TypeLocaltax/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^StatusProspect/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^PL_/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^TE_/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^JuridicalStatus/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^CalcMode/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^newLT/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^LT\dSummary/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^LT\dPaid/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^LT\dPayment/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^LT\dCustomer/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^LT\dSupplier/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^LT\dReport/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^TypeContact_contrat_/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if (preg_match('/^ErrorPriceExpression/', $value)) $qualifiedforclean=0;
if ($qualifiedforclean)
$unused[$value] = $line;
echo $line; // $trad contains the \n
$unused[$value] = $line;
echo $line; // $trad contains the \n
......@@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ CPTitreMenu=Leaves
MenuReportMonth=Monthly statement
MenuAddCP=New leave request
NotActiveModCP=You must enable the module Leaves to view this page.
NotConfigModCP=You must configure the module Leaves to view this page. To do this, <a href="./admin/holiday.php?leftmenu=setup&mainmenu=home" style="font-weight: normal; color: red; text-decoration: underline;"> click here </ a>.
NoCPforUser=You don't have any available day.
AddCP=Make a leave request
DateDebCP=Start date
DateFinCP=End date
......@@ -23,31 +21,26 @@ DescCP=Description
SendRequestCP=Create leave request
DelayToRequestCP=Leave requests must be made at least <b>%s day(s)</b> before them.
MenuConfCP=Balance of leaves
UpdateAllCP=Update the leaves
SoldeCPUser=Leaves balance is <b>%s</b> days.
ErrorEndDateCP=You must select an end date greater than the start date.
ErrorSQLCreateCP=An SQL error occurred during the creation:
ErrorIDFicheCP=An error has occurred, the leave request does not exist.
ReturnCP=Return to previous page
ErrorUserViewCP=You are not authorized to read this leave request.
InfosCP=Information of the leave request
InfosWorkflowCP=Information Workflow
RequestByCP=Requested by
TitreRequestCP=Leave request
NbUseDaysCP=Number of days of vacation consumed
SendToValidationCP=Send to validation
TitleDeleteCP=Delete the leave request
ConfirmDeleteCP=Confirm the deletion of this leave request?
ErrorCantDeleteCP=Error you don't have the right to delete this leave request.
CantCreateCP=You don't have the right to make leave requests.
InvalidValidatorCP=You must choose an approbator to your leave request.
CantUpdate=You cannot update this leave request.
NoDateDebut=You must select a start date.
NoDateFin=You must select an end date.
ErrorDureeCP=Your leave request does not contain working day.
......@@ -77,7 +70,6 @@ UserUpdateCP=For the user
PrevSoldeCP=Previous Balance
NewSoldeCP=New Balance
alreadyCPexist=A leave request has already been done on this period.
FirstDayOfHoliday=First day of vacation
LastDayOfHoliday=Last day of vacation
BoxTitleLastLeaveRequests=Latest %s modified leave requests
......@@ -86,47 +78,12 @@ ManualUpdate=Manual update
HolidaysCancelation=Leave request cancelation
## Configuration du Module ##
ConfCP=Configuration of leave request module
DescOptionCP=Description of the option
GroupToValidateCP=Group with the ability to approve leave requests
ConfirmConfigCP=Validate the configuration
LastUpdateCP=Latest automatic update of leaves allocation
MonthOfLastMonthlyUpdate=Month of latest automatic update of leaves allocation
UpdateConfCPOK=Updated successfully.
ErrorUpdateConfCP=An error occurred during the update, please try again.
AddCPforUsers=Please add the balance of leaves allocation of users by <a href="../define_holiday.php" style="font-weight: normal; color: red; text-decoration: underline;">clicking here</a>.
DelayForSubmitCP=Deadline to make a leave requests
AlertapprobatortorDelayCP=Prevent the approbator if the leave request does not match the deadline
AlertValidatorDelayCP=Préevent the approbator if the leave request exceed delay
AlertValidorSoldeCP=Prevent the approbator if the leave request exceed the balance
nbUserCP=Number of users supported in the module Leaves
nbHolidayDeductedCP=Number of leave days to be deducted per day of vacation taken
nbHolidayEveryMonthCP=Number of leave days added every month
Module27130Name= Management of leave requests
Module27130Desc= Management of leave requests
TitleOptionMainCP=Main settings of leave request
TitleOptionEventCP=Settings of leave requets for events
UpdateEventCP=Update events
NameEventCP=Event name
OkCreateEventCP=The addition of the event went well.
ErrorCreateEventCP=Error creating the event.
UpdateEventOkCP=The update of the event went well.
ErrorUpdateEventCP=Error while updating the event.
DeleteEventCP=Delete Event
DeleteEventOkCP=The event has been deleted.
ErrorDeleteEventCP=Error while deleting the event.
TitleDeleteEventCP=Delete a exceptional leave
TitleCreateEventCP=Create a exceptional leave
TitleUpdateEventCP=Edit or delete a exceptional leave
ErrorMailNotSend=An error occurred while sending email:
NoCPforMonth=No leave this month.
nbJours=Number days
TitleAdminCP=Configuration of Leaves
NoticePeriod=Notice period
HolidaysToValidate=Validate leave requests
......@@ -139,8 +96,6 @@ HolidaysRefused=Request denied
HolidaysRefusedBody=Your leave request for %s to %s has been denied for the following reason :
HolidaysCanceled=Canceled leaved request
HolidaysCanceledBody=Your leave request for %s to %s has been canceled.
NewByMonth=Added per month
Affect=Followed by a counter
FollowedByACounter=1: This type of leave need to be followed by a counter. Counter is incremented manually or automatically and when a leave request is validated, counter is decremented.<br>0: Not followed by a counter.
NoLeaveWithCounterDefined=There is no leave types defined that need to be followed by a counter
GoIntoDictionaryHolidayTypes=Go into <strong>Home - Setup - Dictionaries - Type of leaves</strong> to setup the different types of leaves.
......@@ -12,9 +12,6 @@ CloseEtablishment=Close establishment
DictionaryDepartment=HRM - Department list
DictionaryFunction=HRM - Function list
# Module
ListOfEmployees=List of employees
NewEmployee=New employee
EmployeeCard=Employee card
Module62000Desc=Add features to manage Incoterm
IncotermSetup=Setup of module Incoterm
IncotermFunctionDesc=Activate Incoterm feature (Thirdparty, Proposal, Customer Order, Customer Invoice, Shipment, Supplier order)
\ No newline at end of file
# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - install
InstallEasy=Just follow the instructions step by step.
MiscellaneousChecks=Prerequisites check
DolibarrWelcome=Welcome to Dolibarr
ConfFileExists=Configuration file <b>%s</b> exists.
ConfFileDoesNotExists=Configuration file <b>%s</b> does not exist !
ConfFileDoesNotExistsAndCouldNotBeCreated=Configuration file <b>%s</b> does not exist and could not be created !
ConfFileCouldBeCreated=Configuration file <b>%s</b> could be created.
ConfFileIsNotWritable=Configuration file <b>%s</b> is not writable. Check permissions. For first install, your web server must be granted to be able to write into this file during configuration process ("chmod 666" for example on a Unix like OS).
......@@ -27,14 +25,12 @@ ErrorFailedToCreateDatabase=Failed to create database '%s'.
ErrorFailedToConnectToDatabase=Failed to connect to database '%s'.
ErrorDatabaseVersionTooLow=Database version (%s) too old. Version %s or higher is required.
ErrorPHPVersionTooLow=PHP version too old. Version %s is required.
WarningPHPVersionTooLow=PHP version too old. Version %s or more is expected. This version should allow install but is not supported.
ErrorConnectedButDatabaseNotFound=Connection to server successfull but database '%s' not found.
ErrorDatabaseAlreadyExists=Database '%s' already exists.
IfDatabaseNotExistsGoBackAndUncheckCreate=If database does not exists, go back and check option "Create database".
IfDatabaseExistsGoBackAndCheckCreate=If database already exists, go back and uncheck "Create database" option.
WarningBrowserTooOld=Too old version of browser. Upgrading your browser to a recent version of Firefox, Chrome or Opera is highly recommanded.
PHPVersion=PHP Version
YouCanContinue=You can continue...
License=Using license
ConfigurationFile=Configuration file
WebPagesDirectory=Directory where web pages are stored
......@@ -43,7 +39,6 @@ URLRoot=URL Root
ForceHttps=Force secure connections (https)
CheckToForceHttps=Check this option to force secure connections (https).<br>This requires that the web server is configured with an SSL certificate.
DolibarrDatabase=Dolibarr Database
DatabaseChoice=Database choice
DatabaseType=Database type
DriverType=Driver type
......@@ -63,7 +58,6 @@ CheckToCreateUser=Check box if database owner does not exist and must be created
DatabaseRootLoginDescription=Login of the user allowed to create new databases or new users, mandatory if your database or its owner does not already exists.
KeepEmptyIfNoPassword=Leave empty if user has no password (avoid this)
SaveConfigurationFile=Save values
ConfigurationSaving=Saving configuration file
ServerConnection=Server connection
DatabaseCreation=Database creation
UserCreation=User creation
......@@ -93,9 +87,7 @@ LoginAlreadyExists=Already exists
DolibarrAdminLogin=Dolibarr admin login
AdminLoginAlreadyExists=Dolibarr administrator account '<b>%s</b>' already exists. Go back, if you want to create another one.
WarningRemoveInstallDir=Warning, for security reasons, once the install or upgrade is complete, to avoid using install tools again, you should add a file called <b>install.lock</b> into Dolibarr document directory, in order to avoid malicious use of it.
ThisPHPDoesNotSupportTypeBase=This PHP system does not support any interface to access database type %s
FunctionNotAvailableInThisPHP=Not available on this PHP
MigrateScript=Migration script
ChoosedMigrateScript=Choose migration script
DataMigration=Data migration
DatabaseMigration=Structure database migration
......@@ -113,22 +105,12 @@ AlreadyDone=Already migrated
DatabaseVersion=Database version
ServerVersion=Database server version
YouMustCreateItAndAllowServerToWrite=You must create this directory and allow for the web server to write into it.
CharsetChoice=Character set choice
CharacterSetClient=Character set used for generated HTML web pages
CharacterSetClientComment=Choose character set for web display.<br/> Default proposed character set is the one of your database.
DBSortingCollation=Character sorting order
DBSortingCollationComment=Choose page code that defines character's sorting order used by database. This parameter is also called 'collation' by some databases.<br/>This parameter can't be defined if database already exists.
CharacterSetDatabase=Character set for database
CharacterSetDatabaseComment=Choose character set wanted for database creation.<br/>This parameter can't be defined if database already exists.
YouAskDatabaseCreationSoDolibarrNeedToConnect=You ask to create database <b>%s</b>, but for this, Dolibarr need to connect to server <b>%s</b> with super user <b>%s</b> permissions.
YouAskLoginCreationSoDolibarrNeedToConnect=You ask to create database login <b>%s</b>, but for this, Dolibarr need to connect to server <b>%s</b> with super user <b>%s</b> permissions.
BecauseConnectionFailedParametersMayBeWrong=As connection failed, host or super user parameters must be wrong.
OrphelinsPaymentsDetectedByMethod=Orphans payment detected by method %s
RemoveItManuallyAndPressF5ToContinue=Remove it manually and press F5 to continue.
KeepDefaultValuesWamp=You use the Dolibarr setup wizard from DoliWamp, so values proposed here are already optimized. Change them only if you know what you do.
KeepDefaultValuesDeb=You use the Dolibarr setup wizard from a Linux package (Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora...), so values proposed here are already optimized. Only the password of the database owner to create must be completed. Change other parameters only if you know what you do.
KeepDefaultValuesMamp=You use the Dolibarr setup wizard from DoliMamp, so values proposed here are already optimized. Change them only if you know what you do.
KeepDefaultValuesProxmox=You use the Dolibarr setup wizard from a Proxmox virtual appliance, so values proposed here are already optimized. Change them only if you know what you do.
FieldRenamed=Field renamed
IfLoginDoesNotExistsCheckCreateUser=If login does not exists yet, you must check option "Create user"
ErrorConnection=Server "<b>%s</b>", database name "<b>%s</b>", login "<b>%s</b>", or database password may be wrong or PHP client version may be too old compared to database version.
......@@ -5,12 +5,10 @@ InterventionCard=Intervention card
NewIntervention=New intervention
AddIntervention=Create intervention
ListOfInterventions=List of interventions
EditIntervention=Edit intervention
ActionsOnFicheInter=Actions on intervention
LastInterventions=Latest %s interventions
AllInterventions=All interventions
CreateDraftIntervention=Create draft
CustomerDoesNotHavePrefix=Customer does not have a prefix
InterventionContact=Intervention contact
DeleteIntervention=Delete intervention
ValidateIntervention=Validate intervention
......@@ -27,7 +25,6 @@ InterventionCardsAndInterventionLines=Interventions and lines of interventions
InterventionClassifyBilled=Classify "Billed"
InterventionClassifyUnBilled=Classify "Unbilled"
RelatedInterventions=Related interventions
ShowIntervention=Show intervention
SendInterventionRef=Submission of intervention %s
SendInterventionByMail=Send intervention by Email
......@@ -38,20 +35,12 @@ InterventionClassifiedBilledInDolibarr=Intervention %s set as billed
InterventionClassifiedUnbilledInDolibarr=Intervention %s set as unbilled
InterventionSentByEMail=Intervention %s sent by EMail
InterventionDeletedInDolibarr=Intervention %s deleted
SearchAnIntervention=Search an intervention
InterventionsArea=Interventions area
DraftFichinter=Draft interventions
LastModifiedInterventions=Latest %s modified interventions
##### Types de contacts #####
TypeContact_fichinter_internal_INTERREPFOLL=Representative following-up intervention
TypeContact_fichinter_external_BILLING=Billing customer contact
TypeContact_fichinter_external_CUSTOMER=Following-up customer contact
# Modele numérotation
ArcticNumRefModelDesc1=Generic number model
ArcticNumRefModelError=Failed to activate
PacificNumRefModelDesc1=Return numero with format %syymm-nnnn where yy is year, mm is month and nnnn is a sequence with no break and no return to 0
PacificNumRefModelError=An intervention card starting with $syymm already exists and is not compatible with this model of sequence. Remove it or rename it to activate this module.
PrintProductsOnFichinter=Print also lines of type "product" (not only services) on intervention card
PrintProductsOnFichinterDetails=interventions generated from orders
InterventionStatistics=Statistics of interventions
......@@ -2,25 +2,19 @@
DomainPassword=Password for domain
YouMustChangePassNextLogon=Password for user <b>%s</b> on the domain <b>%s</b> must be changed.
UserMustChangePassNextLogon=User must change password on the domain %s
LdapUacf_NORMAL_ACCOUNT=User account
LdapUacf_DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWORD=Password never expires
LdapUacf_ACCOUNTDISABLE=Account is disabled in the domain %s
LDAPInformationsForThisContact=Information in LDAP database for this contact
LDAPInformationsForThisUser=Information in LDAP database for this user
LDAPInformationsForThisGroup=Information in LDAP database for this group
LDAPInformationsForThisMember=Information in LDAP database for this member
LDAPAttribute=LDAP attribute
LDAPAttributes=LDAP attributes
LDAPCard=LDAP card
LDAPRecordNotFound=Record not found in LDAP database
LDAPUsers=Users in LDAP database
LDAPGroups=Groups in LDAP database
LDAPFieldFirstSubscriptionDate=First subscription date
LDAPFieldFirstSubscriptionAmount=First subscription amount
LDAPFieldLastSubscriptionDate=Last subscription date
LDAPFieldLastSubscriptionAmount=Last subscription amount
SynchronizeDolibarr2Ldap=Synchronize user (Dolibarr -> LDAP)
UserSynchronized=User synchronized
GroupSynchronized=Group synchronized
MemberSynchronized=Member synchronized
......@@ -12,14 +12,10 @@ Nbterms=Number of terms
LoanAccountancyCapitalCode=Accountancy code capital
LoanAccountancyInsuranceCode=Accountancy code insurance
LoanAccountancyInterestCode=Accountancy code interest
LoanPayment=Loan payment
ConfirmDeleteLoan=Confirm deleting this loan
LoanDeleted=Loan Deleted Successfully
ConfirmPayLoan=Confirm classify paid this loan
LoanPaid=Loan Paid
ErrorLoanCapital=Loan amount has to be numeric and greater than zero.
ErrorLoanLength=Loan length has to be numeric and greater than zero.
ErrorLoanInterest=Annual interest has to be numeric and greater than zero.
# Calc
LoanCalc=Bank Loans Calculator
PurchaseFinanceInfo=Purchase & Financing Information
......@@ -50,4 +46,4 @@ YouWillSpend=You will spend %s in year %s
ConfigLoan=Configuration of the module loan
LOAN_ACCOUNTING_ACCOUNT_CAPITAL=Accountancy code capital by default
LOAN_ACCOUNTING_ACCOUNT_INTEREST=Accountancy code interest by default
LOAN_ACCOUNTING_ACCOUNT_INSURANCE=Accountancy code insurance by default
\ No newline at end of file
LOAN_ACCOUNTING_ACCOUNT_INSURANCE=Accountancy code insurance by default
# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - mails
AllEMailings=All eMailings
MailCard=EMailing card
......@@ -27,16 +25,11 @@ ResetMailing=Resend emailing
DeleteMailing=Delete emailing
DeleteAMailing=Delete an emailing
PreviewMailing=Preview emailing
PrepareMailing=Prepare emailing
CreateMailing=Create emailing
MailingDesc=This page allows you to send emailings to a group of people.
MailingResult=Sending emails result
TestMailing=Test email
ValidMailing=Valid emailing
ApproveMailing=Approve emailing
MailingStatusSentPartialy=Sent partialy
MailingStatusSentCompletely=Sent completely
......@@ -45,7 +38,6 @@ MailingStatusNotSent=Not sent
MailSuccessfulySent=Email successfully sent (from %s to %s)
MailingSuccessfullyValidated=EMailing successfully validated
MailingStatusNotContact=Don't contact anymore
MailingStatusReadAndUnsubscribe=Read and unsubscribe
ErrorMailRecipientIsEmpty=Email recipient is empty
......@@ -53,12 +45,10 @@ WarningNoEMailsAdded=No new Email to add to recipient's list.
ConfirmValidMailing=Are you sure you want to validate this emailing ?
ConfirmResetMailing=Warning, by reinitializing emailing <b>%s</b>, you allow to make a mass sending of this email another time. Are you sure you this is what you want to do ?
ConfirmDeleteMailing=Are you sure you want to delete this emailling ?
NbOfRecipients=Number of recipients
NbOfUniqueEMails=Nb of unique emails
NbOfEMails=Nb of EMails
TotalNbOfDistinctRecipients=Number of distinct recipients
NoTargetYet=No recipients defined yet (Go on tab 'Recipients')
AddRecipients=Add recipients
RemoveRecipient=Remove recipient
CommonSubstitutions=Common substitutions
YouCanAddYourOwnPredefindedListHere=To create your email selector module, see htdocs/core/modules/mailings/README.
......@@ -74,37 +64,18 @@ DateLastSend=Date of latest sending
DateSending=Date sending
SentTo=Sent to <b>%s</b>
CheckRead=Read Receipt
YourMailUnsubcribeOK=The email <b>%s</b> is correctly unsubcribe from mailing list
MailtoEMail=Hyper link to email
ActivateCheckRead=Allow to use the "Unsubcribe" link
ActivateCheckReadKey=Key used to encrypt URL used for "Read Receipt" and "Unsubcribe" feature
EMailSentToNRecipients=EMail sent to %s recipients.
XTargetsAdded=<b>%s</b> recipients added into target list
EachInvoiceWillBeAttachedToEmail=A document using default invoice document template will be created and attached to each email.
OnlyPDFattachmentSupported=If the PDF document was already generated for the invoice, it will be attached to email. If not, no email will be sent (also, note that only pdf invoice are supported as attachment in mass sending in this version).
MailTopicSendRemindUnpaidInvoices=Reminder of invoice %s (%s)
SendRemind=Send reminder by EMails
RemindSent=%s reminder(s) sent
AllRecipientSelected=All thirdparties selected and if an email is set.
NoRemindSent=No EMail reminder sent
ResultOfMailSending=Result of mass EMail sending
NbSelected=Nb selected
NbIgnored=Nb ignored
NbSent=Nb sent
# Libelle des modules de liste de destinataires mailing
MailingModuleDescContactCompanies=Contacts/addresses of all third parties (customer, prospect, supplier, ...)
MailingModuleDescDolibarrUsers=Dolibarr users
MailingModuleDescFundationMembers=Foundation members with emails
MailingModuleDescEmailsFromFile=EMails from a text file (email;lastname;firstname;other)
MailingModuleDescEmailsFromUser=EMails from user input (email;lastname;firstname;other)
MailingModuleDescContactsCategories=Third parties (by category)
MailingModuleDescDolibarrContractsLinesExpired=Third parties with expired contract's lines
MailingModuleDescContactsByCompanyCategory=Contacts/addresses of third parties (by third parties category)
MailingModuleDescContactsByCategory=Contacts/addresses of third parties (by category)
MailingModuleDescMembersCategories=Foundation members (by categories)
MailingModuleDescContactsByFunction=Contacts/addresses of third parties (by position/function)
LineInFile=Line %s in file
RecipientSelectionModules=Defined requests for recipient's selection
MailSelectedRecipients=Selected recipients
......@@ -116,7 +87,6 @@ MailNoChangePossible=Recipients for validated emailing can't be changed
SearchAMailing=Search mailing
SendMailing=Send emailing
SendMail=Send email
SentBy=Sent by
MailingNeedCommand=For security reason, sending an emailing is better when performed from command line. If you have one, ask your server administrator to launch the following command to send the emailing to all recipients:
MailingNeedCommand2=You can however send them online by adding parameter MAILING_LIMIT_SENDBYWEB with value of max number of emails you want to send by session. For this, go on Home - Setup - Other.
ConfirmSendingEmailing=If you can't or prefer sending them with your www browser, please confirm you are sure you want to send emailing now from your browser ?
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