README (english) -------------------------------- Starter documentation -------------------------------- 1) Install Dolibarr 2) Upgrade Dolibarr from an older version 3) What's new in this version 4) What Dolibarr can do 5) What Dolibarr can't do yet, todo list I - DOLIBARR INSTALL -------------------- If you have no technical knowledge, use Windows and you are looking for an autoinstaller to install Dolibarr ERP/CRM in few clicks, you must download DoliWamp (the all-in-one package of Dolibarr for Windows). You can download it at: If you already have installed a Web server and a Mysql database, you can install this version like this: - Copy directory "dolibarr" and all its files inside your web server root, or copy directory anywhere and set up your web server to use "dolibarr/htdocs" as root for a new web server virtual host (second choice need to be web server administrator). - Create an empty file "htdocs/conf/config.php" and set permissions for your web server user (write permissions will be removed once install is finished). - From your browser, call the dolibarr "install/" page. Url depends on choice made on first step: http://localhost/dolibarr/htdocs/install/ or http://yourdolibarrvirtualhost/install/ - Follow instructions provided by installer... II - DOLIBARR UPGRADE --------------------- To upgrade Dolibarr from an old version to this one: - Overwrite all old files inside old 'dolibarr' directory by files provided into new version package. - If you came from version x.y.z to x.y.w (only third number differ), there is no need to run any migrate process. - If you came from a beta version or from any version x.y.z to any other where x or y number differs, you must call the Dolibarr "install/" page in your browser. Url might be for example: http://localhost/dolibarr/htdocs/install/ or http://yourdolibarrhost/install/index.php To know what is exactly correct URL for "install/" page, take URL you use to go on login page. It it ends with "index.php", remove it. Then add "install/" at the end. For example, if your login page is: http://yourdolibarrhost/something/index.php Then, your "install/" pages will be http://yourdolibarrhost/something/install/ Then choose the "update" option according to your case. Note: Migrate process can be ran safely several times. III - WHAT'S NEW ---------------- See ChangeLog file. IV - WHAT DOLIBARR CAN DO ------------------------- Main modules/features: - Products and services catalog - Customers, Prospects or Suppliers directory - Address book - Stock management - Bank accounts management - Orders management with PDF export - Commercial proposals management with PDF export - Contracts management - Invoices management with PDF export - Payments management - Standing orders management - Shipping management - ECM (Electronic Content Management) - EMailings - Agenda with ical,vcal export for third tools integration - Management of foundation members - Donation management Other modules: - Bookmarks management - Can reports Dolibarr events inside Webcalendar or Phenix - Data export tools - LDAP connectivity - Third parties or products categories - ClickToDial phone numbers - RSS Miscellanous: - Mutli-user, with several permissions levels for each feature. - Serveral menu managers (can be used by internal users, as a back-office, with a particular menu, or by external users, as a front-office, with another menu and permissions). - Very user friendly and easy to use. - Optional WYSIWYG forms, optional Ajax forms. - Several skins. - Code is highly customizable (a lot of use of modules and submodules). - Works with Mysql 3.1 or higher, experimental support for PostgreSql. - Works with PHP 4.3 or higher. - An easy to understand and maintain code (PHP with no heavy frameworks). - A trigger architecture to allow you to make Dolibarr business events run PHP code to update your own information system. - "NPR VAT Rate" (French particularity for managing VAT in DOM-TOM called "Non Perçue Récupérable"). V - WHAT DOLIBARR CAN'T DO YET (TODO LIST) ------------------------------------------ This is features that Dolibarr does not support completely yet: - Accountancy. - Dolibarr can manage only one currency. - Dolibarr does not support the double Canadian Tax. - Dolibarr does not make coffee (not yet). - Stock management with option increase/decrease on invoice works on warehouse number one only (no way to choose warehouse). - Stock management with option increase/decrease on orders works on warehouse number one only (no way to choose warehouse).
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