README (english) -------------------------------- Starter documentation -------------------------------- 1) Install Dolibarr 2) Upgrade Dolibarr from an older version 3) What's new in this version 4) What Dolibarr can do 5) What Dolibarr can't do yet, todo list I - DOLIBARR INSTALL -------------------- To install Dolibarr: - Copy directory 'dolibarr' and all its files inside your web server root, or set up your web server to use dolibarr/htdocs as root for a new web server virtual host (second choice need to be web server administrator). - Create an empty mysql database (postgresql support is experimental). - Set write permissions on directory 'dolibarr/htdocs/conf' for your web server user (write permissions will be removed once install is finished). - From your browser, call the dolibarr install page. Url depends on choice made on first step: http://localhost/dolibarr/htdocs/install/index.php or http://yourdolibarrhost/install/index.php - Follow instructions provided by installer... II - DOLIBARR UPGRADE --------------------- To upgrade Dolibarr from an old version to this one: - Overwrite all old files inside old 'dolibarr' directory by files provided into new version package. - From your browser, call the dolibarr install page: http://localhost/dolibarr/htdocs/install/index.php or http://yourdolibarrhost/install/index.php and choose the "migrate" option. Note: Migrate process can ben runned safely several times. III - WHAT'S NEW ---------------- - Added an installer. - Support user and groups permissions. - Translation in english and support for several languages. - Experimental support for Postgresql. - New enhanced look and several new themes. - Small search boxes for each Dolibarr elements (invoices, contracts, orders, proposals...) - Can attach documents on actions - Enhanced use of modules and their parameters: * Module companies: Added more properties supported on companies (parent company, rib, discounts, company type, capital, vat intra ...). * Module bank: Support cash accounts * Module LDAP: Can disable contact syncronizing * Module products: Support attachments of pictures, add prices and logs * Module external_rss: Support https links * Module webcalendar: Better integration with webcalendar - Added new modules: * Module syslog: To add Dolibarr logs inside a file or syslog * Module emailing: To send emailings * Module members: To manage members of a fundation * Module suppliers: Provide orders to suppliers * Module contracts: Manage contracts and their contacts * Module stock: To manage warehouses and stocks * Module standing orders: To manage french standing orders * Module bookmark: To manage your own bookmarks and add them on man page * Module syslog: To add debug informations in syslog or log files - Dolibarr triggers allow to add personalized PHP code inside workflow, with no risk to break Dolibarr. - Bug fixes and a lot of duplicate code removed. - A lot of other changes to enhance interface. - Support for PHP5 IV - WHAT DOLIBARR CAN DO ------------------------- Main modules: - Products and services catalog - Stock management - Bank accounts management - Customers, Suppliers or Prospects directory - Contacts directory - Commercial actions management - Orders management - Commercial proposals management with PDF export - Contracts management - Invoices management with PDF export - Payments management - Standing orders management - Shipping management Other modules: - Management for fundation members - Bookmarks management - EMailing - Can reports Dolibarr events inside Webcalendar - Reporting - Data export tools - LDAP connectivity - Donations management Miscellanous: - Mutli-user, with several permissions levels for each feature. - Serveral menu managers (can be used by internal users, as a back-office, with a particular menu, or by external users, as a front-office, with another menu and permissions). - Very user friendly and easy to use. - Several skins. - Code is highly customizable (a lot of use of modules). - Works with Mysql 3.1 or higher, experimental support for PostgreSql. - Works with PHP 4.1 or higher. V - WHAT DOLIBARR CAN'T DO YET (TODO LIST) ------------------------------------------ This is feature Dolibarr does not support completely yet: - "NPR VAT Rate" (French particularity for managing VAT in DOM-TOM called "Non Perue Rcuprable"). - Accountancy. - Dolibarr can manage only one currency.