XChart is a light weight Java library for plotting data.
XChart is a light-weight and convenient library for plotting data designed to go from data to chart in the least amount of time possible and to take the guess-work out of customizing the chart style.
Simplest Example
Create a XYChart
instance via QuickChart
, add a series of data to it, and either display it or save it as a bitmap.
double[] xData = new double[] { 0.0, 1.0, 2.0 };
double[] yData = new double[] { 2.0, 1.0, 0.0 };
// Create Chart
XYChart chart = QuickChart.getChart("Sample Chart", "X", "Y", "y(x)", xData, yData);
// Show it
new SwingWrapper(chart).displayChart();
// Save it
BitmapEncoder.saveBitmap(chart, "./Sample_Chart", BitmapFormat.PNG);
// or save it in high-res
BitmapEncoder.saveBitmapWithDPI(chart, "./Sample_Chart_300_DPI", BitmapFormat.PNG, 300);
Intermediate Example
Create a XYChart
via a XYChartBuilder
, style chart, add a series to it, style series, and display chart.
// Create Chart
XYChart chart = new XYChartBuilder().width(600).height(500).title("Gaussian Blobs").xAxisTitle("X").yAxisTitle("Y").build();
// Customize Chart
// Series
chart.addSeries("Gaussian Blob 1", getGaussian(1000, 1, 10), getGaussian(1000, 1, 10));
XYSeries series = chart.addSeries("Gaussian Blob 2", getGaussian(1000, 1, 10), getGaussian(1000, 0, 5));
new SwingWrapper(chart).displayChart();
Advanced Example
Create a XYChart
via a XYChartBuilder
, style chart, add a series to it, add chart to XChartPanel
, embed in Java Swing App, and display GUI.
// Create Chart
final XYChart chart = new XYChartBuilder().width(600).height(400).title("Area Chart").xAxisTitle("X").yAxisTitle("Y").build();
// Customize Chart
// Series
chart.addSeries("a", new double[] { 0, 3, 5, 7, 9 }, new double[] { -3, 5, 9, 6, 5 });
chart.addSeries("b", new double[] { 0, 2, 4, 6, 9 }, new double[] { -1, 6, 4, 0, 4 });
chart.addSeries("c", new double[] { 0, 1, 3, 8, 9 }, new double[] { -2, -1, 1, 0, 1 });
// Schedule a job for the event-dispatching thread:
// creating and showing this application's GUI.
javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// Create and set up the window.
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Advanced Example");
frame.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
// chart
JPanel chartPanel = new XChartPanel<XYChart>(chart);
frame.add(chartPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
// label
JLabel label = new JLabel("Blah blah blah.", SwingConstants.CENTER);
frame.add(label, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
// Display the window.
To make it real-time, simply call updateXYSeries
on the XYChart
instance to update the series data, followed by revalidate()
and repaint()
on the XChartPanel
instance to repaint.
- No required additional dependencies
- ~179KB Jar
- Line charts
- Scatter charts
- Area charts
- Bar charts
- Histogram charts
- Pie charts
- Donut charts
- Bubble charts
- Stick charts
- Error bars
- Logarithmic axes
- Number, Date, Bubble and Category X-Axis
- Multiple series
- Extensive customization
- Themes - XChart, GGPlot2, Matlab
- Right-click, Save-As...
- User-defined axes range
- Custom legend placement
- CSV import and export
- High resolution chart export
- Export as PNG, JPG, BMP, GIF with custom DPI setting
Export SVG, EPS and PDF using optional
library - Real-time charts
- Java 6 and up
Chart Types
Currently, there are three major chart types: XYChart
, CategoryChart
and PieChart
. Each type has its corresponding ChartBuilder
, Styler
and Series
Chart Type | Builder | Styler | Series | Allowed X-Axis Data Types | Default Series Render Style |
XYChart | XYChartBuilder | XYStyler | XYSeries | Number, Date | Line |
CategoryChart | CategoryChartBuilder | CategoryStyler | CategorySeries | Number, Date, String | Bar |
PieChart | PieChartBuilder | PieStyler | PieSeries | String | Pie |
BubbleChart | BubbleChartBuilder | BubbleStyler | BubbleSeries | Number, Date | Round |
The different Stylers contain chart styling methods specific to the corresponding chart type as well as common styling methods common across all chart types.
charts take Date or Number data types for the X-Axis and Number data types for the Y-Axis. For both axes, the tick marks are auto generated to span the range and domain of the data in evenly-spaced intervals.
Series render styles include: Line
, Scatter
and Area
charts take Date, Number or String data types for the X-Axis and Number data types for the Y-Axis. For the X-Axis, each category is given its own tick mark.
Series render styles include: Bar
, Line
, Scatter
, Area
and Stick
charts take String data types for the pie slice name and Number data types for the pie slice value.
Series render styles include: Pie
and Donut
charts take Date or Number data types for the X-Axis and Number data types for the Y-Axis and bubble sizes.
Series render styles include: Round
and in the near future Square
Real-time Java Charts using XChart
Creating real-time charts is as simple as calling updateXYSeries
for one or more series objects through the XYChart
instance and triggering a redraw of the JPanel
containing the chart. This works for all chart types including XYChart
, CategoryChart
, BubbleChart
and PieChart
, for which example source code can be found here: https://github.com/timmolter/XChart/tree/develop/xchart-demo/src/main/java/org/knowm/xchart/demo/charts/realtime. Examples demonstrate using the SwingWrapper
with repaintChart()
method as well as XChartPanel
with revalidate()
and repaint()
The following sample code used to generate the above real-time chart can be found here.
public class SimpleRealTime {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
double phase = 0;
double[][] initdata = getSineData(phase);
// Create Chart
final XYChart chart = QuickChart.getChart("Simple XChart Real-time Demo", "Radians", "Sine", "sine", initdata[0], initdata[1]);
// Show it
final SwingWrapper<XYChart> sw = new SwingWrapper<XYChart>(chart);
while (true) {
phase += 2 * Math.PI * 2 / 20.0;
final double[][] data = getSineData(phase);
javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
chart.updateXYSeries("sine", data[0], data[1], null);
private static double[][] getSineData(double phase) {
double[] xData = new double[100];
double[] yData = new double[100];
for (int i = 0; i < xData.length; i++) {
double radians = phase + (2 * Math.PI / xData.length * i);
xData[i] = radians;
yData[i] = Math.sin(radians);
return new double[][] { xData, yData };
Chart Customization
All the styling options can be found in one of two possible places: 1) the Chart's Styler
or 2) the series' set
methods. With this chart customization design, all customization options can be quickly "discovered" using an IDE's built in "Content Assist". With centralized styling like this, there is no need to hunt around the entire charting API to find that one customization you're looking for - it's all right in one spot!
Chart Themes
XChart ships with three different themes: Default XChart
, GGPlot2
and Matlab
. Using a different theme is as simple as setting the Chart's theme with the theme
method of the ChartBuilder
XYChart chart = new XYChartBuilder().width(800).height(600).theme(ChartTheme.Matlab).build();
What's Next?
Now go ahead and study some more examples, download the thing and provide feedback.
Getting Started
Download Jar: http://knowm.org/open-source/xchart/xchart-change-log
The XChart release artifacts are hosted on Maven Central.
Add the XChart library as a dependency to your pom.xml file:
For snapshots, add the following to your pom.xml file:
Snapshots can be manually downloaded from Sonatyope: https://oss.sonatype.org/content/groups/public/org/knowm/xchart/xchart/
To use XChart with the Scala Build Tool (SBT) add the following to your build.sbt
libraryDependencies += "org.knowm.xchart" % "xchart" % "3.2.0" exclude("de.erichseifert.vectorgraphics2d", "VectorGraphics2D") withSources()
mvn clean package
mvn javadoc:aggregate
mvn license:check
mvn license:format
mvn license:remove
Running Demo
cd /path/to/xchart-demo/jar/
java -cp xchart-demo-3.2.0.jar:xchart-3.2.0.jar org.knowm.xchart.demo.XChartDemo
Please report any bugs or submit feature requests to XChart's Github issue tracker.
Continuous Integration
Donate with Bitcoin: 1JVyTP9v9z54dALuhDTZDQfS6FUjcKjPgZ
All donations will be used to pay bounties for new features, refactoring, etc. Please consider donating or even posting your own bounties on our Issues Page. Open bounties and bounties paid thus far can be found on Knowm's bounties page.
Release Information
We will announce new releases on our Twitter page.