<pstyle="margin: 0.5em 0pt -1.4em;">This site produced and maintained by <ahref="http://ucomm.unl.edu/iim.shtml"title="go to the University Communications Internet and Interactive media website">University Communications Internet and Interactive Media</a><br/>
Planet Red was built using the <ahref="http://elgg.org">Open Souce Elgg Platform</a>, utilizing web services provided by <ahref="http://developer.yahoo.com/">Yahoo!</a> and <ahref="http://globe.poly9.com/">Poly9 Group, Inc</a>.</p>
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Planet Red was built using the <ahref="http://elgg.org">Open Souce Elgg Platform</a><?php//, utilizing web services provided by <a href="http://developer.yahoo.com/">Yahoo!</a> and <a href="http://globe.poly9.com/">Poly9 Group, Inc</a>.?></p>