Prototype Public Transit Simulator
In the prototype's current state, the map, number of passengers, initial simulation speed, etc., are all hard-coded, and passengers choose destinations at random. Routes are required to be either simple or two-vertex cycles. No statistics are collected yet.
The simulation is also very processor-intensive. It's a good idea to pause it or even close it when you are not using it so that it's not taking up all of your CPU.
Looking Around
- Left-click and drag to move the map.
- Scroll to zoom in or out.
Changing the Simulation Speed
- Click the turtle icon one or more times to slow the simulation down.
- Click the rabbit icon one or more times to speed the simulation up.
- Click the pause icon to pause or unpause the simulation.
Selecting Objects
- Click on a passenger to select them (note that passengers are only shown when they are traveling).
- Click on a bus to select it.
- Click on a route to select it. If the route overlaps another route, you might have to click several times to select the right route.
- Click on the grass to select nothing.
Adding Routes
- Select nothing and then click "Add Route" to add a route:
- Start the route by clicking a vertex.
- Click another, unhighlighted vertex to extend the route (if possible). (This part of the code is a little buggy and sometimes extends the route in strange, roundabout ways.)
- Click a highlighted vertex to retract the route.
- Click the original vertex to complete the route (if possible) and then automatically select the completed route.
Changing Routes
- Select a route and then click "Change Route" to change it:
- Start the new portion of the route by clicking a vertex on the route.
- Click another, unhighlighted vertex to extend the new portion (if possible). (This part of the code is a little buggy and sometimes extends the new portion in strange, roundabout ways.)
- Click a highlighted vertex to retract the new portion.
- Click elsewhere on the route to complete the change (if possible).
Retiring Routes
- Select a route and then click "Retire Route" to retire it.
Adding Buses
- Select a route and then click "Add Buses" to add buses:
- Click on the route to make a new bus appear.
- Click "Done" to stop adding buses.
Stopping Buses
- Select a bus and click "Stop Bus" to stop it.