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  • 4.1
  • embed-5.0
  • iframe-message
  • master default protected
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.017Jan1615219Dec1831Aug21161513913Feb20Oct174Apr31Mar27Jan15Dec2Jun1Feb28Jan13121117Dec162Sep10Aug15Apr29Jul21153Jun230May291330Apr2924232221177Sep27Mar268Nov28Sep1330Aug1918161215Jul20Apr6410Mar14Jan30Nov1829Sep1615AprSend messages to the parent window when things happeniframe-messageiframe-messageMerge branch 'master' into 'master'Fix Chrome iOS embed iframe issuemastermasterMerge branch '5.0' into 'master'Update styles for 5.0Merge branch 'implement-5.0' into 'master'Implement 5.0Merge branch '5.0' into 'master'Update 5.0 links to framework CSSUpdate 5.0 links to Cloud.typography fonts.cssRemove border from Google results tablessearch.css is needed not just on full page, but in the 4.1 embed tooNeed to re-add the less task in Gruntfile for the 4.1 css to get madeMerge branch '5.0' into 'master'Add 5.0-specific stylesheets in PHP filesUpdate 4.1- and 5.0-specific tasks in GruntfileRestore Less files for 4.1Reinstall Less node modules for 4.1Update search results markupAdd Sass (.scss) filesRemove Less filesUpdate search template filesUpdate Grunt tasks (Less → Sass)Install,uninstall, update node modulesUpdate UNL Directory URL to httpsInstall composer, npm and GruntSplit end-scripts.tpl.php into 4.1/5.0 versions because it contains CSSembed-5.0embed-5.0Add the option to switch to 5.0 theme for the embed versionupdate iim attributionMerge branch 'webaudit-fixes' into 'master'Fix incorrect icon-font useageFix broken linksCache bust this too?Cache Bust JS alsoCache bust CSS and fix auto-switchingUpdated Google Search API to version 2Fix the local-footer.tpl.phpManually hide given name for specific user in search resultsManually hide given name for specific user in search resultsUpdate directory styles to match display and bump cache bust