# Contributing
At HCC, we welcome contributions of all kinds:
suggested changes,
fixes to existing material,
and bug reports are all welcome.
## Contributor Agreement
By contributing,
you agree that we may redistribute your work under [our license](
## How to Contribute a Fix or Suggested Change
The easiest way to get started is to file an issue
to tell us about a spelling mistake,
some awkward wording,
or a factual error.
1. If you do not have access to [UNL's GitLab instance][],
you can [send us comments by email][contact].
we will be able to respond more quickly if you use one of the other methods described below.
2. If you have access to [UNL's GitLab instance][],
but do not know how to use Git,
you can report problems or suggest improvements by [creating an issue][issues].
This allows us to assign the item to someone
and to respond to it in a threaded discussion.
3. If you are comfortable with Git,
and would like to add or change material,
you can submit a pull request (PR).
Instructions for doing this are [included below](#using-gitlab).
1. If you wish to change the template used for workshop websites,
please work in <>.
The home page of that repository explains how to set up workshop websites,
while the extra pages in <>
provide more background on our design choices.
2. If you wish to change CSS style files, tools,
or HTML boilerplate for lessons or workshops stored in `_includes` or `_layouts`,
please work in <>.
## What to Contribute
There are many ways to contribute,
from writing new exercises and improving existing ones
to updating or filling in the documentation
and and submitting [bug reports][issues]
about things that don't work, aren't clear, or are missing.
If you are looking for ideas,
please see [the list of issues for this repository][issues],
or the issues for [Data Carpentry][dc-issues]
and [Software Carpentry][swc-issues] projects.
Comments on issues and reviews of pull requests are just as welcome:
we are smarter together than we are on our own.
Reviews from novices and newcomers are particularly valuable:
it's easy for people who have been using these lessons for a while
to forget how impenetrable some of this material can be,
so fresh eyes are always welcome.
Include instructions on forking and submitting a PR
If you have any questions or feedback, please contact us at