HCC supports [NRDStor]({{<relref"../data_storage/nrdstor/">}}), a large storage device that can be mounted on your personel computer as well as mounted on the clusters. Transferring data to NRDStor from your personal machine is as easy as mounting NRDStor and dragging files into your NRDStor directory. Directions on how to mount NRDStor are available on the [NRDStor Docs]({{<relref"../data_storage/nrdstor/">}}) page.
HCC supports [NRDStor]({{<relref"../data_storage/NRDSTOR/">}}), a large storage device that can be mounted on your personel computer as well as mounted on the clusters. Transferring data to NRDStor from your personal machine is as easy as mounting NRDStor and dragging files into your NRDStor directory. Directions on how to mount NRDStor are available on the [NRDStor Docs]({{<relref"../data_storage/NRDSTOR/">}}) page.