| CentOS 6.9 | `centos` | `ssh -l centos@<ip address>` | **HCC Standard OS**. The CentOS Linux distribution is a stable, predictable, manageable and reproducible platform derived from the sources of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).|
| Fedora 28 Cloud | `fedora` | `ssh -l fedora <ipaddress>` | Fedora is a Linux distribution developed by the community-supported Fedora Project and sponsored by the Red Hat company.|
| Fedora 29 Cloud | `fedora` | `ssh -l fedora <ipaddress>` | Fedora is a Linux distribution developed by the community-supported Fedora Project and sponsored by the Red Hat company.|
| Fedora 26 RStudio (Xfce) | `fedora` |[X2Go instructions]({{<relref"connecting_to_linux_instances_using_x2go">}}) | Fedora 26 with the Xfce Desktop Environment pre-installed.|
| Fedora 28 RStudio (Xfce) | `fedora` |[X2Go instructions]({{<relref"connecting_to_linux_instances_using_x2go">}}) | Fedora 28 with the Xfce Desktop Environment pre-installed.|
| Fedora 28 RStudio (Xfce) | `fedora` |[X2Go instructions]({{<relref"connecting_to_linux_instances_using_x2go">}}) | Fedora 28 with Rstudio and Xfce pre-installed.|
| Fedora 31 RStudio (Xfce) | `fedora` |[X2Go instructions]({{<relref"connecting_to_linux_instances_using_x2go">}}) | Fedora 31 with Rstudio and Xfce pre-installed.|
| Fedora 28 Xfce | `fedora` |[X2Go instructions]({{<relref"connecting_to_linux_instances_using_x2go">}}) | Fedora 28 with the Xfce Desktop Environment pre-installed.|
| Fedora 31 Xfce | `fedora` |[X2Go instructions]({{<relref"connecting_to_linux_instances_using_x2go">}}) | Fedora 31 with the Xfce Desktop Environment pre-installed.|
| CentOS 7.4 Xfce | `centos` |[X2Go instructions]({{<relref"connecting_to_linux_instances_using_x2go">}}) | CentOS 7.4 with the Xfce Desktop Environment pre-installed.|
| CentOS 6.9 Xfce | `centos` |[X2Go instructions]({{<relref"connecting_to_linux_instances_using_x2go">}}) | CentOS 6.9 with the Xfce Desktop Environment pre-installed.|
| Ubuntu 14.04 Xfce | `ubuntu` |[X2Go instructions]({{<relref"connecting_to_linux_instances_using_x2go">}}) | Ubuntu 14.04 with the Xfce Desktop Environment pre-installed.|